Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Shift in CNRP's political strategy to win elections

Cambodian National Rescue Party deputy president Kem Sokha addresses supporters at Kampong Popil Poul commune in Prey Veng province’s Pea Reang district in July 2012. Photograph: Heng Chivoan/Phnom Penh Post

Tuesday, 04 December 2012
David Boyle
The Phnom Penh Post
The CNRP is proposing a raft of taxes, including a $70 per hectare tax on economic land concessions expected to generate some $200 million and raising the tax to 50 per cent of net profit on the more than 50 casinos in Cambodia in hope of bringing in about $400 million.
The Cambodian National Rescue Party is making a strategic shift in its bid to win the next election: focusing less on traditional hot-button issues like government corruption and territorial disputes, and instead offering voters a series of concrete new policy initiatives.

The newly formed party plans to target six distinct areas where its lawmakers say CNRP-conducted studies have identified easy, viable improvements: agriculture, healthcare, employment, civil servant salaries, the minimum wage and pensions for the elderly.

One of the party’s key policymakers, current Sam Rainsy Party whip Son Chhay, said yesterday that the opposition had accepted that the electorate had become more focused on practical improvements to their living conditions rather than the grievances of the past.

“We have to become more mature in the way we take the issues to the public. We are transforming from just being the opposition; we are becoming a realistic choice of government,” he said.

This required clear and costed policies, three of which he had personally been tasked with formulating over the past three years, with one of the core targets being improvement to agricultural output and revenue distribution.

There would also be entrenched powers to negotiate, with Chhay identifying the monopoly the Federation of Cambodian Rice Millers holds on purchasing and setting prices for paddy as something that must be broken to drive higher prices for producers.

Pou Puy, president of the Cambodian Rice Millers Association, said he was too busy yesterday to comment.

Chhay’s studies had revealed Cambodia farmers paid two to three times more than neighbouring countries for inputs such as seed and fuel, he said, requiring government subsidies.

At the same time, farmers were paying about 30 per cent interest on loans because they were so small scale, a situation that need to be addressed with legislation that would create collective borrowing groups, legislation Chhay said he had drafted.

In a 2008 paper on the industry’s potential, Cambodia’s largest agricultural development NGO, the Centre d’Etude et de Développement Agricole Cambodgien, argued the Kingdom could become the second- or third-largest exporter of rice in the world if certain reforms were introduced.

There is now very limited capacity in Cambodia for large scale rice milling leading to large amounts in potential value-added revenue from paddy to spill over into neighbouring markets, which in some cases sell the end product back here.

Yields in Cambodia are also particularly low, at an average of somewhere just below or above 3 tonnes per hectare depending on the season.

If these problems and others are not addressed before the ASEAN Economic Community comes into effect in 2015, the country could expect an invasion of foreign investors in its agriculture sector, Chhay added.

This more proactive opposition strategy won support yesterday from figures on both sides of the aisle, though experts pointed out the first counter-attack the government would likely launch would be to ask how the CNRP thinks they will be able to finance their plans.

The CNRP is proposing a raft of taxes, including a $70 per hectare tax on economic land concessions expected to generate some $200 million and raising the tax to 50 per cent of net profit on the more than 50 casinos in Cambodia in hope of bringing in about $400 million.

The ruling Cambodian People’s Party, which in the past has borrowed about half the money required to finance its budgets, in general opposes the introduction of new taxes.

In a response to a written question from Son Chhay, senior CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap, who could not be reached yesterday, did not address his proposed taxes but stated simply that the government had to continue to borrow money for the budget.

Minister of Commerce and Finance Cham Prasidh declined to comment yesterday; but Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said generally the government’s economic policy was aimed at attracting foreign investment.

“We have to give a good atmosphere and environment as well as [have] the laws to attract economic investment,” he said.

But Siphan welcomed the new strategy of the CNRP, affiliate parties of which have often run negative campaigns focused on past injustices and territorial disputes with Vietnam.

“Well, [it’s] very good news, as they have a change of strategy from a rebellious strategy to an opposition strategy in the context of democracy,” he said.

Carlyle Thayer, an emeritus professor of politics at the University of New South Wales and long-time critic of negative opposition campaigns, said the CNRP shift to concrete policies suggested “someone has done some very introspective thinking”.

“It’s a positive step forward; rather than playing the personality game, they need to be providing choices, but it will also take time to sink in and they [the electorate] need to not fear retribution to them or their families [if they vote against the CPP].”

Suggesting a tax on casinos was particularly clever, Thayer said, as they cater largely to rich foreigners and were perceived by most of the population as a domain of the elite.

“How will the CPP react if it [the CNRP] gains traction, that is the really good question,” he said, cautioning that this remains to be seen.


Anonymous said...

Where is the justice for 1997 grenade attack so far Mr Sam Rainsy?

15 years already and you are still using that as your passport for negotiate with Hun Sen privately.

Anonymous said...

កុំបន្តល្បែងបោះឆ្នោតបង្រ្គប់កិច្ច ដដែលៗ
ជាមួយយួនហាណូយ តទៅទៀត ហើយខ្មែរត្រូវនាំគ្នា...


ពីបទឧក្រិដ្ឋដែលក្នុងរយះពេល យួនកាន់កាប់
ប្រទេសខ្មែរ (១៩៧៩-២០១២)នេះវា

Anonymous said...

do whatever but do not fight among opposition. Kem Sokha is right
talk face to face among us and find commond ground. also face to face with the adversary. what ever work better.

Anonymous said...

The question is whether Hun Sen let the opposition party win the election. In Cambodia Khmer leaders range from Sihanouk, Lon Nol, Hun Sen who hold on to power devised plan to cheat to win the election. Opposition party is just tool used by whoever in power to show that Cambodia is democratic country with multi-parties system. My guess is whoever is in favor by Vietnamese will win the election.

Anonymous said...

Immigration is ought to be on the agenda too. No country in the world open their borders to anyone coming to their countries the way we see in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

ah dog youn thug khieu kalach and ah dog Youn thug phay si phan are sucking ah kwAk dog youn thug mother's pussy .

Anonymous said...

That is a creative initiative that would help the CNRP to get support from the people and vote for it.

But the main problem still resides totally on fraudulent election.
For instance, now, with this new ideas, people really want to vote for the CNRP, but they cannot find their name at the voting boot. So, the outcome will be the same – the Vietnam’s puppet will win again.

It is imperative that the CNRP deploys simultaneously this new ideas along with its unwavering request for help from the powerful countries to force this bastard government of Hun Sen to accept unconditionally the NEC’s overhaul.

Furthermore, some people have suggested that the CNRP does not need Sam Rainsy’s presence at the election.

Here are the problems:
- By condoning Sam Rainsy’s absence implies that the CNRP allows a traitor to cede Cambodia’s land to Vietnam because the accusation on Sam Rainsy was stemming from the removal of the encroached border posts.

- The people will lack his enthusiastic presence, which result in less vote for the CNRP. Everything is counted, it will give you an extra edge.

- The CNRP must stop allowing the puppet government – through its master Vietnam’s imposition – to use the same strategy of dividing and conquer: keep Sam Rainsy from uniting with his team

- The cause dictates the effect. For example, by agreeing to Sam Rainsy’s absence, the CNRP has already gotten a lost cause. A lost cause produces a lost result.

- The CNRP must find ways to implement the right ideas in order to succeed. Look at Vietnam and its puppet’s actions. Even when they lost the election in 1993, they FOUND WAYS to stay in power, and their actions were illegal too while the actions that the CNRP currently seeking are right and legal such as the NEC’s reform and Sam Rainsy’s exoneration from the false accusation.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

6:25 PM

Asshole Pi Anh,

Stop distracting Khmer people by keep bringing up on something that is almost irrelevant to the present situation in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The tax proposing is too low for land concession. $300-500$/yr/hectare would be the right figure.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy should stay on the side line for awhile because he can't enter Cambodia if he wins,anyway,let khem sokha takes over because khem sokha is in Cambodia and he might have a chance to win or perhaps let Mr Son chhay to run for pm as well.Please do whatever it takes to win the country from the pigs=Cpp Hun thug sen.Go without Sam Rainsy for now....Vote for democrat in Cambodia for 2013 folks.Cpp destroyed Cambodia for too long,you vote for Cpp you vote to support Yuon to steal your children's future...

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

People speak of winning the election by the opposition party like Cambodia, under Hun Sen, is the democratic country, played by the rules of law with fair election. In reality, today's Cambodia is run by the mafia type leader or dictatorship type style. As long as the NEC (National Election Committee) is on Hun Sen side the chance of winning the majority of seats in the National Assembly is zero to none. Assuming that the election is conducted fairly and up to western standard that result in the opposition party win the majority of seats in the Assembly, Hun Sen will just declared and void the election result or he can just make the coup on pretext that without him there will be civil war. What can we do? He has the army, police, and mass of important people on his side which range from commune chiefs all the way to ministries level. Hun Sen cannot afford to lose Premiership and his cronies will not let that happen too as doing would make Hun Sen's dynasty and his cronies collapse and will have no place to hide as he has to face justice for crime committed. As such, Hun Sen will never give up power easily. When that time comes he will crush whoever opposed him at all cost to survive. I don't see any change in Khmer leadership in the near future. If somehow, for unknown reasons, Hun Sen will be gone from polical life, the Vietnamese will just install another Khmer with Vietnamese mind to be Khmer leader again to serve vietnamese interest. As for those who call for Lotus revolution, please bear in mind that Vietnamese will not let that happen. As of now we don't know how many Viets army hiding among Vietnamese civilian ready to defend at all costs their interest. When their interests are threaten they will act. Remember that Khmer mentality are weak and not as strong as Israel or Palestinians who are ready to die to defend their cause.

Anonymous said...

The same as Ki media as evidences and experiences KI media like the comments who talk bad thing about Hun Sen and Norodom Sihanouk and other but it is ver censor if anyone comments about Sam Rainsy party or try to improve Sam Rainsy party such as 1997 grenade attack justice, Ki media keep delete like Hun Sen media the block Ki media.

To us as members of Sam Rainsy party can see clearly that Ki media = Hun Sen media censorship,

the life of sam rainsy supporters are just creat passport for sam rainsy keep negotiate with Hun Sen for his opportunuties, no real justice after 15 years of serving sam rainsy party and the victims died for bullshit because of sam rainsy don't want to find real justice for them at America and international courts.

No justice! they use our death as their passport for negotiate with Hun Sen after 15 years. That is Sam Rainsy policies, no justice for his supporters but he try negotiate with Hun Sen all the times for his opportunities.

If we ask about justice for his supporters they accused us as youn dog. Cambodian people must think twice before you follow the same foot step as us.

Anonymous said...

Fake or not fake where are the justice for Sam Rainsy supporters that died serving Sam Rainsy party?

Where are the justice at America and international courts? Or Sam Rainsy is using our death members as passport to negotiate with Hun Sen for the past 15 years.

Cambodian people are questions Mr Sam Rainsy Where are the justice for your supporters at America and international courts? Is it hard for you to sue Hun Sen at America and international courts publicly and transparancy? Or are you still keep using our death members as your negotiate with Hun Sen if Hun Sen block you you cream that you will sue Hun Sen but if Hun Sen gives green light you will stop sue Hun Sen for the past 15 years????

It is sad for our death members that support you Mr Sam Rainsy!

The voice of the death members of Sam Rainsy party,

Anonymous said...

Hey Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese dog eater @6:06 AM called Pi Anh, why are you posting the comment like this below:

"Fake or not fake where are the justice for Sam Rainsy supporters that died serving Sam Rainsy party?

Where are the justice at America and international courts? Or Sam Rainsy is using our death members as passport to negotiate with Hun Sen for the past 15 years.

Cambodian people are questions Mr Sam Rainsy Where are the justice for your supporters at America and international courts? Is it hard for you to sue Hun Sen at America and international courts publicly and transparancy? Or are you still keep using our death members as your negotiate with Hun Sen if Hun Sen block you you cream that you will sue Hun Sen but if Hun Sen gives green light you will stop sue Hun Sen for the past 15 years????

It is sad for our death members that support you Mr Sam Rainsy!

The voice of the death members of Sam Rainsy party,"

When will Pi Anh stop rubbing the Vietnamese dog eater's virgina while watching the Vietnamese dog eating masters' short penis???

Anonymous said...

5:06 AM and 6:06 AM,

Good luck! Ki-Media will delete your troublesome comments because you, a Vietnamese gook, has gone beyond crazy and worried about losing your Vietnamese puppet Hun Sen. Hun Sen will no longer be your leader in Cambodia and you and your Vietnamese gooks (illegal Vietnamese migrants) will go home in Hanoi. Stop dreaming about Cambodia because Cambodia is only one last land after losing so much land to your Vietnamese thieves.

You will cry like pigs when Hun Sen will not longer a leader of Cambodia in 2013.

Hun Sen will be happy to be protected by the U.S. if he wants to prove the good record of Human Rights.

How about that, Vietnamese gook?

Anonymous said...

"Where are the justice at America and international courts? Or Sam Rainsy is using our death members as passport to negotiate with Hun Sen for the past 15 years..."

6:42 AM,

Well, so far did he got any agreement like you think, and if you think S. Rainsy is working for Hun Sen, why he almost got himself kill?
So what's in your mind right now? If you got too many concern you should go to CNRP party and talk to them, I'm very sure that they will listen to you unlike CPP shithead.

Re. negotiations, do you want war or peace? It's not that simple to remove CPP and it's hardcore supporters, othewise we wouldn't have a dictators for 30yrs. Are we clear now?

Anonymous said...

@ 6:06 AM, not 6:42 AM.

Anonymous said...

6:06 AM

Ah Pi Anh,

You keep mentioning these shits to distract the people or discredit Sam Rainsy of his bravery against the expansionist Vietnam.

You know that time is on your evil nation Vietnam side. If Khmer people fail to dislodge this puppet government of Hun Sen for a few more years, the colonization on Cambodia by Vietnam will be fully set.

Your job is to make Khmers fighting on the wrong subject, then you will be automatically win.