KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
I use to reconize January 7, now I am not. Thanks to Vietnam January 7, but Vietnam has been sent their people to live in Cambodia and to take Cambodia like Champa country. Cambodia will be Vietnam. I see lot of illegal Vietnamese living every where in Cambodia. Sorry Januray 7, you are SUCK! and ruin my country.
It's about time you wake up, Bro! These Vietcongs have fooled our people that they come liberate, but in reality they came in to confiscate our land and our natural resource. I say, we all should wake up. January 7 is the invasion of the Vietcong to our homeland.
This picture here mean a million words, see there are all youn surrounding this traitor. Believe me, one day will be all youn too in srok khmer.
Khmer are not brave enough because of what we have been throughout from the last 35 Years (we can not blame ourselves). We really need thai help, all we lost is the 4km2 surrounding Preh Viha tmple.
In the 1960' American won the battles but lost the war because in the early 1970' Nixon & Kissinger were duped by Vietcong to abandon friends ( Cambodia , South Vietnam & Khmer Krom ) . The communists won INDOCHINA WAR soon after US -Vietcong peace agreement was signed which led to American pull out and Vietcong encroachment without honoring the agreement .Today , INDOCHINA is still controlled by Communist Vietnam eventhough they make friends with Free World . អាមេរិកាំងច្បាំងឈ្នះច្រើនសមរភូមិ តែអាមេរិកាំងបែរជាចាញ់ " សង្គ្រាមឥណ្ឌូចិន " ទៅវិញ ដោយសារតែនិច សុន & គីសឹងហ្គឺ ចាញ់បោកយួនយៀកកុង ហើយបោះបង់ចោលមិត្តរបស់ខ្លួនដែលកំពុងតស៊ូវាយកំចាត់កុម្មុយនីស។ យួន យៀកកុងប្រើល្បិច លាក់ពុត រំលោភលើសន្ធិសញ្ញាសន្តិភាព វាយយកយៀកណាមខាងត្បូង ។ បន្ទាប់ពីអាមេរិកដកថយ កាត់ផ្តាច់ជំនួយ លន់ នល់ ត្រូវរលំ ចលនារំដោះខ្មែរក្រោមត្រូវរប៉ាត់រប៉ាយ យួនសេរីក៏ត្រូវខ្ចប់ ឥណ្ឌូចិនក្លាយជាតំបន់កុម្មុយនីសទាល់សព្វថ្ងៃ ។
The South and the khmer Republic were so fucking corrupted to the bones .America can't afford to help these fucking countries anymore unless they help themselves first.The American taxes payers will not waste their dollars unnecessary.They were sick and tires of it .So,taste the bittersweet of the communist your assholes.
7 january 1979 is the day yuons invaded cambodia to swallow cambodia by by bringing its youns people to come and live illegally in cambodiawith intentions to colonize cambodia and steal all khmer naturall resources,khmer lands and control khmer leaders. Today the reality about the 7 january 1979 is showing up the true face of the monster yuon,the murder of khmer nation.
WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE? You sound so DUMB - fucking communist Vietcong barbarian when it comes to histories!
If American tax dollars supported Khmer Republic for, why Khmer owed American $450 millions up to now, and they're asking Cambodian govt to pay for it? Now you tell me is it free money DUMB-ASS?
So stop all your bullshits if you don't know shit, fucking communist Vietcong barbarian. You're nothing but a loose crocodile waiting to strike. A fucking opportunistic just like Hyenas.
Without Khmers, you fucking communist Vietcong barbarian is a bunch of loosers since the 1600s.
1:41 pm. Go and screw your mother you motherfucker. Unless ,you help yourself first,we the taxes payers will not pay or keep your miserable bunches a live .Now ,pay all of your debt .
I use to reconize January 7, now I am not. Thanks to Vietnam January 7, but Vietnam has been sent their people to live in Cambodia and to take Cambodia like Champa country. Cambodia will be Vietnam. I see lot of illegal Vietnamese living every where in Cambodia. Sorry Januray 7, you are SUCK! and ruin my country.
forme KR soldier
It's about time you wake up, Bro! These Vietcongs have fooled our people that they come liberate, but in reality they came in to confiscate our land and our natural resource. I say, we all should wake up. January 7 is the invasion of the Vietcong to our homeland.
This picture here mean a million words, see there are
all youn surrounding this traitor. Believe me, one day
will be all youn too in srok khmer.
Khmer are not brave enough because of what we have
been throughout from the last 35 Years (we can not
blame ourselves). We really need thai help, all we lost
is the 4km2 surrounding Preh Viha tmple.
ពួកអាបីសាចពូជថោកទាប ពូជខ្ញុំកញ្ជះគេ ពូជបាតផ្សារ ពូជចោរហារយ នឹង អសមត្ត
ភាពទាំងអស់ហ្នឹង វាមិនមែនមិនយល់ មិន
ដឹងថា ថ្ងៃ៧មករា ជាថ្ងៃយួនឈ្លានពានប្លន់
យកទឹកដីខ្មែរយើងេទ ។
ម្យ៉ាងទៀត ពួកវាក៍មិនមែនមិនដឹងថា ពួកអាចោរ
យួនរហាមនោះ ជាសត្រូវប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តរបស់ខ្មែរ
យើងទេ ។ ពួកវាក៍មិនមែនមិនដឹងថា ធម្មតា
បើវាជាខ្មាំង ជាសត្រូវខ្មែរទៅហើយ ធ្វើម្ត៉េចនិង
មានចិត្តល្អ សប្បុរសធម៌ មកជួយសង្រ្គាះសត្រូវវា
ដោយស្មោះនោះ ?។
ប៉ុន្តែ ដោយសារពួកវាជាពូជថោកទាបដូចបានរ៉ាយ
រ៉ាប់ពីខាងលើ ពួកវាគ្មានសមត្តភាពធ្វើអ្វី ក្រៅពី
ធ្វើចោរ ចូលដៃជាមួយចោរ ក្បត់ជាតិ លក់ជាតិ ធ្វើខ្ញុំកញ្ជះគេ ដើម្បីប្តូរយកអំណាច បុណ្យស័ក
នឹង លាភសការៈផា្ទល់ខ្លួននោះ ។
ដូច្នេះ ពួកវាត្រូវតែនិយាយតាមបញ្ជាររបស់ចៅ
ហា្វយពួកវាថា ថ្ងៃ៧ មករា ជាថ្ងៃរំដោះខ្មែរអញ្ចឹង ទើបពួកអាបីសាចក្បត់ជាតិ ចោលម្សៀតទាំង
អស់ហ្នឹងអាចរស់នៅតទៅទៀតបាន ។ បើពុំនោះ
ទេ ពួកវានិងត្រកំបុតកទាំងពូជគ្មានសល់ឡើយ ។ុះ
លោកបណ្ឌិត បានពោលថា អាយួនយៀកកុង
ច្បាំងឈ្នះ អាមេរិកាំង ទស្សនៈនេះខុសស្រឡះ
អាមេរិកាំង មិនចាញ់សង្រ្គាមជាមួយអាយួនយៀក
In the 1960' American won the battles but lost the war because in the early 1970'
Nixon & Kissinger were duped by Vietcong to abandon friends ( Cambodia , South
Vietnam & Khmer Krom ) . The communists won INDOCHINA WAR soon after
US -Vietcong peace agreement was signed which led to American pull out and
Vietcong encroachment without honoring the agreement .Today , INDOCHINA is
still controlled by Communist Vietnam eventhough they make friends with Free World .
អាមេរិកាំងច្បាំងឈ្នះច្រើនសមរភូមិ តែអាមេរិកាំងបែរជាចាញ់ " សង្គ្រាមឥណ្ឌូចិន " ទៅវិញ ដោយសារតែនិច សុន & គីសឹងហ្គឺ
ចាញ់បោកយួនយៀកកុង ហើយបោះបង់ចោលមិត្តរបស់ខ្លួនដែលកំពុងតស៊ូវាយកំចាត់កុម្មុយនីស។ យួន យៀកកុងប្រើល្បិច លាក់ពុត
រំលោភលើសន្ធិសញ្ញាសន្តិភាព វាយយកយៀកណាមខាងត្បូង ។ បន្ទាប់ពីអាមេរិកដកថយ កាត់ផ្តាច់ជំនួយ លន់ នល់ ត្រូវរលំ
ចលនារំដោះខ្មែរក្រោមត្រូវរប៉ាត់រប៉ាយ យួនសេរីក៏ត្រូវខ្ចប់ ឥណ្ឌូចិនក្លាយជាតំបន់កុម្មុយនីសទាល់សព្វថ្ងៃ ។
to 3:47 AM,
that is the fact.
The South and the khmer Republic were so fucking corrupted to the bones .America can't afford to help these fucking countries anymore unless they help themselves first.The American taxes payers will not waste their dollars unnecessary.They were sick and tires of it .So,taste the bittersweet of the communist your assholes.
7 january 1979 is the day yuons invaded cambodia to swallow cambodia by by bringing its youns people to come and live illegally in cambodiawith intentions to colonize cambodia and steal all
khmer naturall resources,khmer
lands and control khmer leaders.
Today the reality about the 7 january 1979 is showing up the
true face of the monster yuon,the murder of khmer nation.
You sound so DUMB - fucking communist Vietcong barbarian when it comes to histories!
If American tax dollars supported Khmer Republic for, why Khmer owed American $450 millions up to now, and they're asking Cambodian govt to pay for it? Now you tell me is it free money DUMB-ASS?
So stop all your bullshits if you don't know shit, fucking communist Vietcong barbarian. You're nothing but a loose crocodile waiting to strike. A fucking opportunistic just like Hyenas.
Without Khmers, you fucking communist Vietcong barbarian is a bunch of loosers since the 1600s.
1:41 pm.
Go and screw your mother you motherfucker. Unless ,you help yourself first,we the taxes payers will not pay or keep your miserable bunches a live .Now ,pay all of your debt .
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