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Neay Krem (L) is a CPP colonel |
January 18, 2013
International Herald Tribune (Paris, France)
But a friend recently explained to me an important distinction. Of Sihanouk’s songs, he said, “they are very beautiful and meaningful.” But “listening to Hun Sen’s songs is like eating bad food.”
Phnom Penh — Karaoke is big in Cambodia. Very big. Office workers sing and dance the night away while sipping iced beer in windowless, bunker-like karaoke parlors known as “KTV”s. Younger viewers download the videos directly onto their computers and sing at home.
Flip to any of the country’s nine major television channels — all owned by government officials or business people with close ties to the governing Cambodia People’s Party and it won’t take long before a karaoke video singing the praises of Prime Minister Hun Sen or his wife, Bun Rany, comes on the air.
The programming is part of a quiet but long-running propaganda campaign that takes full advantage of Cambodians’ passion for sing-along.
Hun Sen, a canny former Khmer Rouge guerrilla fighter who later rebelled against the regime, has held power for the past 27 years. Western countries criticize his government’s record on human rights: Protesters and activists have been shot, and high-profile opposition figures are routinely prosecuted on trumped-up charges. But the steps that he is taking to remake Cambodian culture in his own image are perhaps an even more insidious form of control.
Hun Sen has already commissioned dozens of the country’s top comedians as military officers in his personal bodyguard unit, ensuring that their jokes toe the party line. Nearly every new school, bridge or road that has been constructed or renovated in the past decade is named after Hun Sen or Bun Rany.
Hun Sen and his relatives have been given lavish, nonsensical royal titles with Sanskrit roots. Hun Sen now goes by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo, something like Illustrious Prince, Great Supreme Protector and Famed Warrior. Or Techo, for short.
And then there is Hun Sen karaoke, the hundreds of songs by Hun Heng, the prime minister’s personal songwriter. (The two men are not related.) In the 1990s, Hun Heng’s job was to compose pastoral love ballads that were then recorded and sold as Hun Sen’s own work. Any pretense that Hun Sen writes his own material has since been dropped, and Hun Heng is a fairly well-known figure in his own right.
I asked Hun Heng if he would meet me to talk about his compositions, but he refused. “It’s very hard to explain,” he said over the phone last month. “I can’t explain this whole thing with just a few words.”
But the songs speak for themselves. Videos celebrating two of Hun Sen’s recent major policy decisions have been in heavy rotation on multiple television stations recently.
One of them praises a measure to end a system of privately owned fishing lots and open up more space for subsistence fishing. “This sub-decree of 7 March 2012 has truly sprung from the intellectual and thoughtful mind of someone who is trying to conserve endangered fishing resources,” sing a man and a woman in harmony, over image after image of flopping fish.
The lyrics to “Techo Hun Sen on Fishing Lots” begin, “All people really appreciate Samdech Techo Hun Sen, who, on February 28, has broadcast in every direction, making all people very happy about Samdech’s cleverness to declare that…” Then, in Hun Sen’s voice the song continues, “To everyone in the whole Tonle Sap basin, there will be no more fishing lots.”
“Heart of the Volunteer Teenager” lauds a program that dispatches students to survey disputed land in the countryside. In the video, old women flash toothless grins as they hold up their land documents while a singer croons: “Mother Bun Rany gives us opportunity and destiny, and Father Techo is highly superior and elicits our great gratitude.”
Dozens of karaoke panegyrics to Bun Rany, a former nurse with a formidably bleached and powdered face, enumerate her good qualities. She is “a Cambodian women’s hero.” She has a “great, famous history.” She is a “great model person.” She is “an actual mother of charity.” She has “actually changed people’s ways of thinking — oh!” She is “actually made of diamonds and gold.”
One video presents a blow-by-blow of the day in 2011 when the first lady was given not one but two titles by the Royal Academy of Cambodia, the nation’s highest academic body: Most Outstanding Lady of Cambodian Society and Kittiprittbandit — roughly, Glorious and Upright Person of Genius.
The lyrics begin: “The Peace Palace [Hun Sen's office building in Phnom Penh] is full of scented flowers on July 28, 2011. It’s the highest supreme honor for the First Lady of Cambodia — tremendously excited. It’s a lucky time, 9:00 a.m., to receive a Kittiprittbandit title from the Royal Academy, presided over by an actual doctor of philosophy, Hun Sen, her beloved husband.” The song continues, “Excellency Bun Rany has built foundational achievements. She is a Cambodian women’s hero who is talented in heart, breath and charity.”
Sophal Ear, a Cambodian-American academic who closely follows the political situation here, told me that “the constant playback is like any propaganda.” And while most people don’t run out to buy up the DVDs, “it eventually seeps into the consciousness.”
Sophal Ear also pointed out that Hun Sen’s vast musical output is a throwback to the days of the charismatic late King Norodom Sihanouk, who was a prolific songwriter, singer, filmmaker, jazz saxophonist and painter.
But a friend recently explained to me an important distinction. Of Sihanouk’s songs, he said, “they are very beautiful and meaningful.” But “listening to Hun Sen’s songs is like eating bad food.”
As it happens, this friend had been struggling to find a primary school for his six-year-old son that isn’t named after Hun Sen. “There are only a few in the entire city,” he explained. The boy finally ended up at Hun Neang Elementary School. It is named after Hun Sen’s elderly father, who was recently given his very own title: Tycoon of Great Honesty and Charity.
Julia Wallace is managing editor of The Cambodia Daily.
គ្មានកេរ្តិ៍ខ្មាស់ និងកោតតែទៅច្រៀងរួច។
What a pathetic!!
These are stupid videos. You should be in shame, Ah fucking dog!
This's a idiotic & absurd system to create himself to be God's King. Suche system maybe was used the west coountries about 300 years ago. These songs are ridiculous, even Samdech Ta Sihanouk, never used.
They are just a songs for kids in prehistory only.
Respect must be earned and not given!
AH HUN SEN respects only himself and he has more respect for Cambodian enemies than Cambodian people! To sing and to praise oneself on TV without given a second thought about Cambodian people who want respect too and to kick them off their land and to invite the enemies to take advantage of Cambodian people is just plain wrong! At the end AH HUN SEN has no meaning in the eye of Cambodian people because they will never give him the respect that he deserves!
Hun Sen is nothing but a dictator and a traitor !!!
Cpp bunary is yuon through wife ly duck Tho the wolf wearing sheep cloth.Fuck this propagebadas of hanoi.
កាលជំនាន់សម្តេចសីហនុប្រមុខរដ្ធ អ្វីៗក៏សីហនុ។ សម្តេចសីហនុជាបីតាអ្វីៗទាំងអស់
មានបីតាសិក្សាជាតិ បីតាកីឡាជាតិ បិតាអ្វីៗទៀត
ជាច្រើន លើកលែងតែកាស៊ីណូជាតិនឹងពេស្យា
ជាតិតែប៉ុននោះ។ ជំនាន់សាធារណរដ្ធខ្មែរ អ្វីៗបាន
ប្រែព្រួល ក្រុងព្រះសីហនុបានវិលត្រឡប់ទៅជា
ក្រុងកំពង់សោមដូចដើម។ល។ នឹង។ល។ សម័យ
តេជោអ្វីៗក៏ ហ៊ុន សែន អ្វីៗក៏ប៊ុន រ៉ានីដែរ។ ស្រុក
ខ្មែរគឺហ៊ុន សែន។
ខ្មោចលោក ឡេ នីន នឹងលោក ស្តា លីន បានត្រូវ
រពបូជា។ ពលរដ្ធសូវៀតឈរបន្តកន្ទុយរាប់គីឡូ
ម៉ែត្រដើមបីបានទៅសំរក់ទឹកភ្នែក គោរពសព«វិរ
បុរស»ទាំងពីរ។ មិនបានប៉ុន្មានឆ្មាំផង សព«វិរបុ
នៅទីអនាមិក។ តើគួរជឿបានឬទេថាខ្មោច ហូ ជី
មិញមិនមានវាសនាដូច ឡេ នីន នឹង ស្តា លីននៃ
សហភាពសូវៀត?។ តើលាក ហ៊ុន សែន ឬលោក
ស្រី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី ហ៊ុន សែន មានវាសនាយ៉ាងណាដែរ
ក្រោយពេលស្លាប់ ឬថាក្រោយពេលដែលគេស
ម្លាប់ចោលទៅនោះ???។ គួរពិចារណាបន្តិចផង
ស៊ី អេងគ្រុយ
Let's Mr Sam Rainsy sell out Cambodia to be rich like Hun Sen too.
It is not fair!
Let's Mr Sam Rainsy sell out Cambodia to be rich like Hun Sen too.
It is not fair! It is not fair!
Mr Sam Rainsy must has the same opportunity to sell out Cambodia to be rich like Hun Sen too!
6:02 AM
It is also not fair if Lotus Revolution leaders don't have opportunity to sell out Cambodia to be rich like Hun Sen too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here comes the Ape man named Hun Xen.
These CPP crooks pocketed billions, and they gives back pennies and locks you up, and even kills you!
6:02 AM
STUPID is stupid talks !!!
My address in Cambodia:
* And my school : Hun Sen college
And I drive Hun Sen Toyota.
Hey,Hun sh!t keep your words clean up Tunle Sap kick all yuon floated houses back to Hanoi save your fish for your people to eat.No more fishing lots for anybody that including your thugs clans and Hanoi clans! Put yuons out of the Water in Tunle Sap for good.
Dr Lao Mong Hay sells out Cambodia to be rich!
Norodom Ranaridth sells out Cambodia to be rich!
Nhek Bun Chhay sells out Cambodia to be rich!
Mr Sam Rainsy sells out Cambodia to be rich!
Lotus Revolution leaders sell out Cambodia to be rich!
Everybody sell out Cambodia to be rich!
10:04 AM
Keep selling out Cambodia to be rich until no more Cambodia.
Hun Sen is a Modern God King in Cambodia. He has the power to move mountains or change the sky. He can approve who can be live or who can be die and no one dare to questions his decision.
That is Hun Sen the Cambodia modern god king.
blind leading the blind!
No Hanoi leads the blind and the dumb to the GRAVE in order to steal more land for is people-90 millions plus soul landless thatwise yieknamization/indochina
federation is a must to get land.The blind lead the dumb for Hanoi ambitions to steal more land.
10:04 am
NOT everybody sells out Cambodia !!!
11:34 AM
So far in khmer history every dicks are the same shit, sell out Cambodia to be rich.
a chkout mi chkout na compose thses two stupid songs and stole someone music to sing!!! no ashame at all!!! it's is hard to compare that some people call her Mi ka chrouk Vs Kitipret bandit and Akwak Vs kiti bandit preminister.
WRONG! Hun Sen is the only idiot to sell out the country. Selling isnt enough when demanded by the Youn that he also gave away our Khmer land in the 2012 Land treaty, and other land treaties from the 1980s.
Our biggest lost in the land treaty was the lost of our khmer island Koh Tral, and also the lost of our Khmer soul build by our Khmer King. Angkor Wat now owned by the Youn Tycoon along with the millions of Youn living in Hun Sen's land.
The Vietcong government actively bankrolls Vietcong strollers on the internet to spread opinion in favor of the Vietcong government and their slaves. The Vietcong strollers like to use the word "opportunity" in their writing as if others will do the same if they have the opportunity!
As most Cambodian people knew already after more than 30 years of AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave rule and Cambodia rank last in Southeast Asia! Cambodia borrowed in the hundreds of millions and owed in the billions of dollars and yet Cambodia remain dirt poor!
The Vietcong strollers always accuse Sam Rainsy the opposition party as the opportunist and want to be rich and will sell out Cambodia the same as AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave! Well...It is the AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave who is rich and it is AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave who sell out Cambodia and it is AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government who has the opportunity to use the wealth of a nation to make Cambodian people have a decent living and to use the rule of law to protect Cambodian people! But so far AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave has squandered a golden opportunity to do the right thing for Cambodian people and he just a dick a grave for himself!
Keep on showing your ignorance !!!
1:47 PM
Ah Prince Norodom Ranaridth said the same things as you saying now but he is now a Vietcoge dog along with other.
Every dicks are the same shit when they are in power.
To 3:18PM
You got it all wrong! Ah Prince Norodom Ranaridth was overthrown from power and AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave killed most of his army general and force the prince to face lengthy prison term or exile and the end Ah Prince Norodom Ranaridth gave in because he has no other choices and the whole see AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave better than the Khmer Rouge!(AH HUN SEN is former Khmer Rouge)
As for Sam Rainsy AH HUN SEN try to assassinate him with grenades and ever since he never give in or give up to AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave!
"Every dick is the same shit when they are in power."
=The only dick that I see is AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave and who else that you said?
អ្នកកំប្លែងកូឡូណែលនោះ ថាស៊ីបាយអាណាបំរើអាណឹង។បើចឹងស៊ីបាយជន
ក្បត់់ជាតិ បំរើជនក្បត់់ជាតិ គឺមានន័យថាចូលរួម
Crooks are cowardice, they are not strongman.
They cheats, lies, steals, and kills!
Stongman with their people and not their neighbor is false definition!
Even Ney Krim gets a colonel grad in military rank? This is ridiculous and they leads them into the world of crazy proud.
Now want the Khmers in USA to invite him again to perform in USA?
What the big deal? These (Hun Sen, Neay Krem....) are just primitive Ape men/women known as today are primitive creatures and are Barbarians.
Barbarians in Cambodia are very hostile creatures, they are not exactly humans. Even if real humans "Western countries, and Japanese etc..)' technology is evolving and is going to reach step 1/2 or 1 in the year 2030 or so, these Ape men/women of Cambodia always remain Barbarians.
These barbarians are just a small population that will be soon wiped out by new invaders.
I have never seen or ever considered Cambodians/Khmers as real humans. They are so dumb and so back ward people. They talk so big, while they are still shelting in civilized nations.
These all the dumb fucks!
Fuck you Hun Sen and your thugs!
គួរឲ្យជិនចុយម្រាយ! មីកាហ៊ាង(មួយកំភ្លៀង)ស្រីយួនយៀកកុងអារាត់អារាយ!
និងអាយួនក្អែកខ្មៅហ៊ុន សែន(តាង៉ែនទាំងពូជ)!
Before Ah Sihanouk fall from power, he sang, he was self proclaimed playboy, he made movie, etc...
If Ah Chkuot Hun Sen did like Sihanouk, that means his "time" is coming to an end soon.
And hell is waiting to take Ah Hun Sen and make his pennis hot everyday....
I considered you're above poster 10:23PM as the low of the low,lower than primitive stag that you and your folks evolve from Ape! Its not unusual to hear or read the uneducated lower than Ape-man post its comment very ridiculous because its has learn from its jungle's school like its master Hun Shit.
Hun Sen and Ah Krem are two peas in the same pod, low level and uneducated persons every time they open their stinky mouth.
Once, Ah Krem almost had his head whack by some one when came to Long Beach.
He (ah Krem) bragged that he's one of government minister.
Some thing is really wrong when you have some one like Ah Krem as a minister in your government.
Baay Kdaing
4:32 PM
Ah Dr Lao Mong Hay is now also youn dog too.
Every dicks are the same greedy shit.
គតិបណ្ឌិតឥតឈប់ឈរ ស្អីក៏គតិបណ្ឌិតដែរ សូម្បីតែអាច់ ។ សម័យស្តេចសីហនុ ក៏មានច្រើនដែរ ប៉ុន្តែសម័យនេះ វាច្រើនហួសហេតុ គុណនឹង៥ដង។ សាលាបថមសិក្សា វិទ្យាល័យពេញម៉ាស្រុកខ្មែរ សុទ្ធតែដាក់ឈ្មោះហ៊ុនសែន តើហ៊ុនសែនមិនស្កប់ចិត្តទេឬ? ដល់ពេលស្លាប់ទៅ ច្បាស់ជាយកឈ្មោះទាំងអស់នោះទៅជាមួយផងហើយ។
to 6:31 AM,
សាលាបថមសិក្សា វិទ្យាល័យពេញម៉ាស្រុកខ្មែរ សុទ្ធតែដាក់ឈ្មោះហ៊ុនសែន => where he get the money from? (From: EU, Japan, USA and other countries).
This is the neo-communist system or real communist. I'm sick to hear like this. Even Momar Gaddafi was not like Ah Sdech Cho Hun too.
Belive me, all his name will be disappear when he die.
He continues to make campaign and indoctinate the Cambodian people to believe he is a GOD like Kim Jong Il of North Korea.
សូម្បី (បង្គន់អាចម៍ ម៉ាស្រុកខ្មែរ )
ក៏សុទ្ធតែដាក់ឈ្មោះអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ដែរ!....
The CPP have alot of doctorate in killing, oppression, cheating, and stealing from khmer for youn-hanoi!
Their doctorate is not for healing, helping, but evil crimes against humanity!
-អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន សមតែជាអាចម៏ !
-អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន សមដូចអាចម៏ !
And what is incredible is that the US has also stooped so low to even deal with these kinds of long-running, ruthless, corrupt despots.
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