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Six wooden border marker stakes illegally planted on Khmer farmers' land in Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia - [image reproduced] |
Dear readers,
Thank you for having taken the time to comment on an
article by an unnamed author and for your lively, thought-provoking views and
insights which I feel offer robust and credible rebuttals to most of the main
points raised in that piece. Personally, having responded to the same unnamed critic
once or twice already recently and without having received any satisfactory or
straightforward response from him / her, and judging by the specious tone of
the arguments put forward therein, I sense that it would be childish and
unproductive to engage in further dialogue to this end. In any debate or
discussion conducted in the spirit of truthfulness and mutual respect, as well
as in the tradition of scientific inquiry, all parties to such discourse are
bound by some common rules of engagement, and more importantly share the same
or similar lines of logic.
This is why most distinguished academics and
scholars, scientists in all fields are said to be highly humble souls who abide
by ‘truth’ as and when revealed to them through thorough scientific
investigations or methods, and not ‘truth’ determined by partisan political
correctness, nor the protagonists’ hidden agendas. Where an error in view point
or belief is pointed out, and the correction is provided in a clear, logical
and civil manner, the erring party is expected to gracefully accept his/ her
shortcomings, offer gracious apologies and move on. It is a cliché, but truth
is truth, and all that propaganda and skewed logic can do is to distort its
perception by those who are not sufficiently equipped either intellectually or cognitively
to see through the charade. Thus, among all the disadvantages suffered by
Cambodia in her struggle for freedom and dignity, the most decisive
disadvantage of all has to be the dearth of an educated class to guide and
illuminate her and ensure she is adequately fortified with the right kind of
world view and spirit required to resist and neutralise the cunning and
rapacious designs of her predators.
There are plenty of much smaller states and
principalities around the world that are thriving on much more restricted utilisable
resources and natural abundance than Cambodia is blessed with. And yet their
greatest strength has undoubtedly been the cultivated intelligence and far
sighted forward thinking of their intelligentsia who directly sustain their
vitality, unity and national health in all respects. Whereas a nation is deprived
of this leadership factor, and through it the memory of its [distinguished]
past i.e. its history, that nation can be said to be susceptible to external
foreign influences that as we all know can often be irresistibly pernicious in
character and effect! A person already
addicted to any known vice may be fully conscious of its symptoms and unhealthy
consequences, but removing oneself
out of that state of addiction may prove a real challenge!
Returning to the topic under discussion, I think your [readers’]
comments have already [or should have!] put the points raised by the unnamed author
to bed - or so I hope, but I doubt it somehow! Like bamboo thickets, one can
slash and clear parts of the grove here and there, but just beware the more you
slash and clear the more they regenerate and grow back all over the place! But,
at least we should spare bamboo plants the world over the insult by carefully
separating the plants that nourish humanity and animals [any one for pandas?]
from a species of invaders and rapacious predators that also happen not to
share the importance we attach to good neighbourliness and moral values. Just take
a look at the contradiction in the two quoted passages below – both appear in
the same extract - noting their twisting arrogant undertones. School of Vice
“The truth is Vietnam is not encroaching upon Cambodia, it is not trying to subjugate Cambodia, and it is not plotting to turn Cambodia into Vietnam or Cambodians in [to] Vietnamese.”
“Hun Sen made it clear; he would continue to rule Cambodia into his 90s, after him, members of the CPP will rule Cambodia. Vietnam will make certain that is as true as the rising and setting of the sun.”
“History should be told the way it had happened, not twisted and turned.”
I am not sure if the writer is a Vietnamese or a Khmer
with Vietnamese head (kbal yuon, kluon Khmer), but he got history very wrong.
He said Khmer Rouge attacked Vietnam unprovoked. The fact of the matter was
that Viet soldiers encroached on Khmer border everyday like they are doing now
and the KR soldiers tried to stop them, that's why the Viet launched a full
scale war and invaded Cambodia.
The writer also said that Vietnam's invasion was
"the most profound and true humanitarian act". The writer forgot that
Vietnam was the one who created the KR, helped KR came to power in 1975 and
then aided and abetted the KR in the killing of millions of Khmer life through
Viet tricks. Vietnam did not come to save Khmer life, but invaded to annex more
Khmer lands and kill more Khmer life like the K5 Plan. In fact, there are many
claims and statistics pointing out that many more Khmers died or were killed after
the Viet invasion in 1979.
The writer also accused overseas Khmers for inventing
the story of Viet encroachments. No one will believe this claim because people
can see with their own eyes that Vietnam are encroaching Khmer territory
everyday and that Khmer farmers living along the border are crying everyday
because Vietnamese soldiers had encroached on their lands. Does this writer
think that these poor and unarmed Khmer farmers are the invaders of Vietnamese
Regarding Champa and Kampuchea Krom, well, it is
history but don't claim that they were Viet territory and the Chams and the
Khmer Krom were invaders, right?
I believe that Cambodia and Vietnam should be friends,
but do you think that friends won't invade or encroach on each other's land,
right? I believe that we Khmers can't take back Kampuchea Krom, but we must
never allow Vietnam to continue to encroach or chip away our territory on a
daily basis. If you think that I have made up the story of Viet encroachments,
then you just ask the farmers living along the border and they can tell you
that they lost their land every day.
History should be told the way it had happened, not
twisted and turned.
8:40 AM
“If Vietnam is not encroaching upon Cambodian territory, why is it necessary for Vietnam to conclude new treaties with their puppet regime in Phnom Penh, the treaties King Father Norodom Sihanouk refused to sign?”
The arguments presented by the unknown author in the
form of a response to Khmerization is that, if I understand it correctly, a
stronger nation takes all it wants from a weaker nation and can do whatever it
wants to its neighbours even in our present civilized time where territorial
disputes between countries are supposed to be bound by international laws.
Well then, if we are to follow this line of arguments,
we can say that the issue of all the islands claimed by China in the South
China Sea belong to China, period. For that reason when China decides to take
the islands militarily, I hope Vietnam will not cry foul and try to get the US
and other countries involved in the dispute.
Why would the concept of going to the ICJ work only
when Vietnam is facing off with China and not when Cambodia is facing off with
If Vietnam is not encroaching upon Cambodian
territory, why is it necessary for Vietnam to conclude new treaties with their
puppet regime in Phnom Penh, the treaties King Father Norodom Sihanouk refused
to sign?
The same author wrote and I quote, "It is the
most profound and true humanitarian act that the people of one country could do
for the people of another. From that historical context, it is not hard to
understand why the CPP is the current ruling government of Cambodia."
Did the CPP not lose the UN-sponsored election and
made its way back into power by a threat and the use of military forces?
Weren’t the subsequent elections won through unfair means if we use the
international standards to measure their outcomes?
Last, will the author be true to himself and believe
that if the CPP loses this coming election, it will give up power and Vietnam
will not interfere in Cambodian politics, as it usually does, to put Hun Sen
back in power so the puppet can continue to serve the master?
I don't think the author is naive enough not to see
that the old way of subjugating a nation will not work in our modern world, and
that the current Vietnamese strategy is nothing but a new way of controlling
Cambodia as a subservient state.
Just look at the demarcation of the
Vietnamese-Cambodian border and one can see clearly the servant-master
relationship in full action! There is no way such a perfect harmony on border
demarcation can exist between two sovereign states considering the historical
problems of frontiers that Vietnam and Cambodia have had since the departure of
the French.
As I have always said Vietnam was simply lucky that
due to the stupidity of the Khmer Rouge she could conceal very well her
invasion to subjugate Cambodia as the invasion to save her. If the true
intention were simply for humanitarian purpose, Vietnam would have asked for
all the help from the international community right after her victory and
allowed Cambodia to be administered by the UN rather than continuing to stay
for so many more years. The fact that
Vietnam whose military power had been much superior to that of the Khmer Rouge
allowed the Khmer Rouge to go as deep as they did in the Vietnamese territory
with simple weapons such as AK 47 and B40 to slaughter their citizens showed
the cunningness and the prepared strategy of the Vietnamese to gain international
support when they retaliated.
Anonymous said...
សំដីជនពាលធ្លាប់ធ្វើកញ្ជះគេ វានៅតែមាយាទថោកទាប និយាយចេញមកមិនដឹងអ្វីជាត្រូវ អ្វីជាខុសឡើយ មិនស្គាល់ប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្លួនឯងផង ថាអ្នកណាជាសត្រូវ អ្នកណាជាមិត្ត
ព្រោះវាជាបណ្ឌិតពាលទាំងពួជ វាធ្លាប់តែប្រឹងប្រែងរកស៊ីចិញ្ចឹមជីវិត មិនស្គាល់អ្វីពីសង្គមរស់នៅ មិនស្គាល់ពីប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត។ តើអាយួនវាមានផែនការយកទឹកដីខ្មែរពីពេលណា វាបានសាកល្បងឈ្លានពានខ្មែរប៉ុន្មានដងហើយ វាបានបញ្ជុកបនស៊ីអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរគ្រប់កាលះទេសះ
គ្រប់បែបយ៉ាង អុសទាញស្តេច មន្ត្រី អ្នករដ្ឋការ អោយលុះខ្លួនយកឧត្តមគតិទៅបំរើមនោគមវា
វាឈ្លានពានខ្មែរបានហើយដោយខ្លាចពិភពលោក វាយកពពួកអាឆ្កែចចកទាំងបីមកបំពាក់បំប៉នអំណាចអោយដើម្បីផលប្រយោជន៏យួន ហតុអ្វីបានជាពពួកអាឆ្កែចចកទាំងអស់នេះទាំងកូនទាំងចៅស្រែថាគ្មានយួនឈ្លានពានកម្ពុជា បែរជាថាយួនចូលមកជួយខ្មែរទៅវិញ ។
អាយួនស្រកីដូងវាធ្លាប់ជួយពពួកអាខ្មែរក្រហម ក្នុងពពួកអាខ្មែរក្រហម វាមានអាបីនាក់នៅ
ក្នុងហ្នឹងដែរ ដូច្នេះរឿងដដែល ដដែលគ្រាន់តែកំចាត់ដេញអាណាដែលមិនស្តាប់ចៅហ្វាយនាយតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។
8:04 AM
Anonymous said...
“It is the nature of the Vietshit to repeat the same old lies again and again until some fools fall for them! I do have enough of these Vietshit dog eaters!”
[Well said, Sir! - despite your grammar...]
Here are the facts!
=Long before the Khmer Rouge came to power! The
Vietcong and the South Vietshit pro-American army used Cambodia as their
playground to do their killing and not only that the Vietcong used Cambodia as
their military bases to trick and shift the American bombing campaign on
Vietnam to Cambodia! As result "American military dropped 475,515 tons of
ordnance on Cambodia.
The total collapse of Cambodian economy and the
killing and the starvation of Cambodian people are inevitable! Cambodia became
a wasteland falling into black hole! So what is Pol Pot is to do ?
=The UN officially came into existence on October 24,
1945 after ratification of the Charter. Cambodia lost Khmer Kampuchea Krom on
June 4th 1949! If the Vietshit can go annex Khmer land like this and why the
world need United Nations for? Even after 1979 during the Vietshit invasion of
Cambodia and the Khmer lost more land and sea to the Vietshit through illegal
border treaties!
=The Vietshit never save anybody beside themselves!
The Vietshit came to take advantage of Cambodian killing field and they
installed the same fucken Khmer Rouge leaders who killed Cambodian people in
the million such as AH HUN SEN who is used to be Pol Pot lieutenant and a
former Khmer Rouge leader in eastern zone until he defected to Vietcong side
before the down fall of the Pol Pot!
=”The oppositions and overseas Cambodians harbored
hostile and malicious intentions towards Vietnam, and given the chance, they
will commit acts of violence against innocent Vietnamese and their own
countrymen they deemed working with Vietnam.”
Well…Well…Well…The Vietshit never mention about the
oppression of 10 million Khmer Krom people under their feet! The Vietshit used
the Khmer Krom as a trophy in their victory over Khmer! Now you know why some
Khmer people including me do not hold positive view or perception of these
Vietshit people? What is so wrong in my brain and so blind in my eyes not to
see the positive done by the Vietshits toward the Khmer people in general! The
action of the Vietshit leaders and their people in general say it all toward us
Khmers throughout the centuries and the 21th century! Nothing positive comes
out between Cambodian and the Vietshit relationship and only master and slave
relationship! The Vietshit can expect more conflict in the future if they want
to dictate all terms for Khmer people to follow! As long as the Khmer people
continue to resist the Vietshit domination they will always have a country to
call home!
10:11 AM
“The nature of the Viets is simple: that is they never change their thievish behavior no matter what. They never take responsibility for their own depraved actions.”
It is only natural for a Viet land-grabbing thief
author to divert the attention from the real topic of the day. No matter how
big the heap of his retarded opinions is, it is still irrelevant to the topic
at hand. This is simply a recurring inherent thievish behavior of any Viet.
When the naked truth about their actions is exposed they start to provide
irrelevant information that has nothing to do with the topic. The nature of the
Viets is simple. That is they never change their thievish behavior no matter
what. They never take the responsibility of their own depraved actions. The
world labelled the Vietnamese army as the invaders of Cambodia, but the
Vietnamese said they came to liberate the Cambodians instead. The world even
showed their militaristic policy by quoting the late Nguyen Co Thach's words that the Vietnamese army's main goal was
never to intervene in the human rights issues in Cambodia.
Yet, the Vietnamese
kept saying that they came to liberate. The world said that if it was so then
turn Cambodia over to the United Nations just as the Allied Forces did with
Germany. The Vietnamese said NO because they came, they saw, and they took over
like that. Once in Cambodia, they created the new genocide called the
Vietnamese K5 plan. They even tried to steal the Thai territory as well. China
had to warn the Vietnamese of the "2nd Lesson". Vietnamese created
Pol Pot and helped Pol Pot took over Cambodia. Everything is well documented.
The source of evil started with the Vietnamese. Pol Pot killed the Cambodians,
and the Vietnamese also killed the Cambodians. We must take the Vietnamese to
the World Court to reclaim our ancestral islands back. Khmer Krom people must
continue to fight for their freedom from the Vietnamese devils.
11:16 AM
“Vietnamese are devils and they must wear that label as long as every Khmer heart still beats.”
Do not ever let the Vietnamese devils distract any of
you Cambodians from the real truth. The Vietnamese occupied Cambodia for over
10 long years. So that was never liberation. According to various Times'
articles regarding Cambodia during the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia, the
Vietnamese created mass starvation throughout the country and as a result more
and more Cambodians were dying. The Vietnamese also did not let the United
Nations deliver foods to the Cambodians at the time. The Vietnamese plundered
Cambodia's natural resources such as timbers and fish, and load up all the
Cambodian valuables and properties in army trucks and hauled them all back to
their territory. They also created a man-made water way or canal inside
Cambodia to create a new border between Vietnam and Cambodia.
They also forced
Hun Sen to cede Koh Tral Island to their rule. Vietnamese are born devils. They
tried to fool the world that only Pol Pot killed the Cambodians, but it was the
Vietnamese who killed a great number of Cambodians as well. Remember that Pol
Pot's forces could have never taken over Lon Nol's forces that easily, but the
Vietnamese helped Pol Pot's troops win the victory easily. The shameless
Vietnamese devils must own up to their immoral actions against the good people
of Cambodia. Remember also that it was the Vietnamese who invaded Cambodia as
soon as France granted Cambodia's independence. No matter where they are from,
both the North and the South Vietnamese all had bloods on their hands from
killing the innocent Cambodians. Remember the Phume Chantrea [Chantrea Village]
Incident where the South Vietnamese soldiers drove their tanks over innocent
Khmer villagers both young and old. Vietnamese are devils and they must wear
that label as long as every Khmer heart still beats.
12:08 PM
“As a helper or savior you and me are not supposed to take anything from the victims.”
Anonymous said...
It is easy to understand between the savior and the
I can clearly declare that Vietnam DID NOT come to
save Cambodians.
I used to help and save someone who was in trouble and
As a helper or savior you and me are not suppose to
take anything from the victims.
I saw lots of Vietnamese trucks coming into Phnom Penh
collected everything from the storehouses loading into those trucks covering them
properly and drove off to Vietnam days and nights.
What do you think of that?
I think it was an act of stealing and robbing.
Vietnam is still carrying on this act of stealing,
robbing, exploiting and even killing Cambodian people.
Plus looking into history, Vietnam is definitely NOT a
savior at all.
So please stop cheating and invading Cambodia.
1:43 PM
“Don't be fooled into believing that Hanoi only wants Cambodia and Laos to be its friendly neighbors as Canada and Mexico are to the US.”
Anonymous said...
We respect the opinion of this writer. He probably is
the academic student of Political Science Major. Whatever, be aware that
Cambodia is a unique situation, we should not compare to other nations or the
rule of game in international relation. Don't be fooled into believing that
Hanoi only wants Cambodia and Laos to be its friendly neighbors as Canada and
Mexico to the US. Vietnam invaded Cambodia and installed the puppet regime to
serve its interest. When Hanoi withdrew its troop, it left thousands of its
secret agents to operate in Cambodia until today. To reinforce its conquest,
Vietnam has kept sending its million of illegal immigrants to settle in
Cambodia. And one Vietnamese mean one vote count for the CPP. in addition,
Hanoi controls Khmer through economic concessions such as 99 years land lease
deals, free economic zone of so called Triangle Development Zone of the three
countries, and a number of business deals through Sokemec of Sok Kong who run
and owns Angkor Wat and Bokor Resort which is the place of Khmer soul. By the
end of this century, Vietnamese will outnumber to Khmer people like Kampuchea
Krom, and all Vietnamese businesses will deeply root in Cambodia. Anything else
we can say?
This is the end of Khmer Nation. If Hanoi just wants Khmer to be
its friendly neighbor, we so welcomed it because we are weaker and smaller,
there is no reason that Hanoi fear us. But based on history and the current
situation in our country, there is no way to justify that Vietnam just wants us
to be its friendly neighbor but to swallow and take over our motherland.
9:24 PM
Hitler wanted to rule the world, he is dead and gone.
Emperior Japan wanted to rules the world and wanted to even betrayed it allie Germany.
Now, no one like hitler, or Japan.
The same will goes for the vietcong. The tides never lasts for the crooked and currupted.
At the 90s, Cambodia will be Vietnam.
I agree with 6:55AM and wish to thank School of vice for his/her wisdom and knowledge to peacefully moderate the discussion on this sensitive subject. I also agree with School of vice on the conclusion of the debate. It's a freedom of speech and to present individual viewpoints, how ever the anonymous writer seems to only serve personal agenda/views but not the Khmer and Cambodia's interest as a whole.
I refrain from responding to the anonymous writer who doesn't have enough responsibility to not even provide at least a pen's name.
Like the CPP and its cronies, they can do what they could to reap their maximum benefit to serve their greed and blind ambition, betray their nation and abuse their own people; but the actions would not necessary support by others who oppose to the treason acts.
One day, we will soon see how this will end as everything is impermanent.
Yeay Tep
Then Srok Youn will be colonized by the second Khmer Empire again. What goes round will come around.
Chheam Khmer
7 Makara was a bad day for our motherland, Cambodia. Under the pretext of liberating Cambodia, Vietnam invaded and occupied a big portion of Cambodian land in the eastern border of Cambodia and about 30,000 square kilometers of Cambodian maritime territories including our biggest island Kah tral.
We, Khmer nationalists, should support our patriotic leaders, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to win the national election first and then use all legal means such as International court of Justice at the Hague and the United Nations based on Cambodia Map deposited at the UN in 1963.
Sam Rainsy is the best Kaun Khmer patriot who dares to declare that Vietnam is the new colonialist that annexed most of Cambodian territory. That is why he is the only Khmer that Vietnam is afraid of. Vietnam try by all mean to eliminate him from Cambodia by using its puppet government and kangaroo court in Cambodia to deny Sam Rainsy in entering Cambodia.
This is the 21st century; Vietnam can not colonize Cambodia as the last century. The 1991 Paris Peace Agreement signed by 19 signatory countries including Cambodia and Vietnam will protect Cambodia against Vietnam's occupation.
No matter how sneaky Vietnam is, it will not be able to hide its bad intention any more. The world knows that Vietnam is not a honest nation. Vietnam is a thief who never respects its promise.
During Vietnam American war, King Sihanouk of Cambodia helped Vietnam by offering a sentinel or a hiding place near the border of Cambodia and Vietnam to protect Vietnamese and Vietcong from US bombing. In return Vietnam repays the debt by taking a big chunk of Cambodian territory including Kah Tral.
If Vietnam wants to be a good neighbor of Cambodia, it should have let United Nations take over Cambodia after removing Pol Pot from power in Phnom-Penh.
Vietnam should never have occupied Cambodia for 10 years from 1979 to 1989 and sent 6 millions of Vietnamese illegal immigrants to exploit the natural resource of Cambodia and annexed a few thousand squares kilometers of lands and 30,000. square kilometers of maritime territories including our big island Kah Tral.
Vietnam is an international thief and knows how to hide its bad intentions in front of international communities. It is an untrustworthy nation full of malevolence.
From Gia Long, Ming Mang to Ho Chi Minh and Dung, they all had designs to swallow Cambodia and Laos. Ask any decent educated Viets, even though they deny it, but deep down they know it is the harbored truth.
Their soutward movement(Namtien) is a constant in Viet history - alive and well. The Viet border posts are not defined by any legal border treaties, ageements or international conventions, but by the presence of their people and bamboos on a particular piece of land they currently occupy.
Ming Mang even dreamed of sending en masse the viet people to populate Cambodia, and bred their kids the Khmer way in order for them to grow up there and to naturally take over Cambodia administratively and politically in the long term.
The Tai principalties located in ancient Chinese empire were absorbed into the Viet control due also to pussy factor( beauty viet princesses were offered to Tai kings), and the same pussy factor was used successsfully on the Cham and Khmer rulers.
The Americans went to war just to find themselves surrounded by viet young pussies. They didn't go to fight but to f..k.
Is it any strange to read this week that a commanding Filipino officer based on their legitimate island of Pugad was offered a viet whore (spy) ?
The viet strategy to take Cambodia now has been made subtle and easier by their installed minion, Hun Sen.
Don't forget the words of one of our heros, Sok Chhong, at the 1954 Geneva, who lamented:
" What the viet couldn't get by military means, now they can get by legal means..", when he referred to the loss of Kampuchea Krom stamped by the French parliament, with the accomplice of lazy, power- hungry Khmer rulers.
Have anything changed since ? Only for the worse.
The Khmer masses need to wake up, educate themsleves and reclaim Cambodia back before it is too late.
Ah chhkae yuon kantob, kom mok prus dak khnong KI teat, ah chaor plon dey khmer, samlab khmer tam royeak ah hun sen.
I readly like your article it views is facts base and the arguement is balanced and well analysed, so that i say thank you for your time.
It is the cause why Hun Sen is not a coward to ben over to Vietnam for 30 plus years. Because without Vietnam's interventions and interference in controlling Cambodia he will not have a place in Cambodia today or tomorrow period and neither would CPP (also known as the Communist People Party)will exist...
The "who's who" here on KI-Media somehow makes me a bit apprehensive as to what and when to say and sometimes to not say anything at all. Hopefully it will not get worse as time goes by and as things evolve...
At this point however, I am inclined to side with Yeay Tep almost wholeheartedly for what She has commented @7:44 AM there. And please forgive me if you turned out to be something else differently.
What strikes me the most is that last twisting arrogant undertones (as School of Vice has nicely put it) on the part of that individual - "Vietnam will make certain that is as true as the rising and setting of the sun.”
To that end, I just want to say simply that, as Khmer, I will be certain to not die in vain...
Over a glass of "Mumm" Chapagne on my BD, have a good life!
គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរ ក្លែងក្លាយ-ប្រជាភិថុត!
គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះថ្ងៃ ៧ មករា!
គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ យួនយៀកកុង !
គណបក្សរងគ្រោះទឹក-ដីជាតិខ្មែរ !
គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះអំណាចអា(CPP)ហ៊ុន សែន!
6:55 AM
Don't compare these little barbarian Viets with the father of the barbarians like Hitler. The world will not be easy to becoming a ONE World Government (NWO). Because of the second powerful barbarians Russian and Chinese are day and night trying to destroy all possible peace and harmony from others.
These little barbarian Viets are parasites and knew how to survive in others' blood and shit. Not even that these little barbarian Viets have planted so many unintelligent barbarians who are best in killing lives such as barbarian Hun Sen and his dumb little army in a little monster kingdom (Kampuchea).
These barbarian Viets, and barbarian N. Korea were planted by barbarian Russia and China.
Too many evil things created by humans. Because of humans' very LOW spiritual energy, that is why humans resort to violence and destruction.
Only one that humans can free themselves is to becoming spiritual, mentally and intellectually strong. Humans should be able to communicate with others not only with this same dimensional but with all different dimensional in the universe through the mind or through a telepathic communication. The key to all life and the universe lies in the harmonic interaction of light or electromagnetic waveform.
Humans acquire spiritual advancement, they should become gentle and peace-loving people and have the ability to love and cherish all creatures surrounding them, or this earth will be doomed.
How to liberate Cambodia from the evil nation Vietnam?
We all have known that Vietnam wanted to swallow Cambodia a long time ago, but we have never drawn a solid plan to counter Vietnam’s ambition.
After its full invasion on Cambodia in 1979, Vietnam has controlled almost all areas in Cambodia, including the Khmer soul Angkor Wat.
Recently, the CNRP has requested the puppet government to overhaul the NEC, but its request has been blatantly denied by the government, and the outcome of this 2013 election will be the same – the puppet party will win again.
Even though we know that the result will be the same, we should participate in the election because the international community will not put enough pressure on the puppet government to cancel the election. Whatever number of the MPs we get, we fight from there along with the idea of mounting the mass demonstration to reclaim Angkor Wat back.
We have denounced the unfair election – by walking peacefully - to the world in the past, but we did not receive favorable response from them. So, if we make any peaceful demonstration to deplore the fraudulent election after this July 2013 election, we will surely not get much support from Khmer people and the international community.
To produce a different output, we must insert a different input.
Khmer people have agreed that Angkor Wat represents Khmer soul, and Hun Sen has allowed a Vietnamese, Sok Kong, to control it. This traitorous act committed by Hun Sen is far beyond belief, but Khmer people has never attempted to make Hun Sen pay the price for his crime.
Our ultimate goal is to liberate Cambodia from Vietnam. Where is the foundation or a universal motive – support by Khmer people and the international community - for that liberation?
I have thought for a long time about finding the proper and right way to fight this puppet Hun Sen’s government, which has been smoothly facilitated the Vietnamization on Cambodia. And claiming Angkor Wat has emerged as the best choice for Khmer people to fight Hun Sen.
For instance, first, we demand Hun Sen to repeal any agreements between him and Sok Kong about Angkor. If Hun Sen refuses, then we start gathering people to condemn Hun Sen for putting Angkor under a Vietnamese’s control. To succeed, we must persevere, not behaving like a hay fire, which burn uncontrollably and then dissolve to ashes.
I firmly believe even the CPP’s members will secretly or openly support our righteous cause to bring back Angkor for Khmer people as well.
Once, we get Angkor back, the spirit of nationalism amongst Khmer people will be risen very high. Then the emancipation to free Cambodia from this evil Vietnam will go to other sensitive areas…..STEP BY STEP.
Given Khmer people and the world the right cause to support our strife to save Cambodia is the key to accomplish our ultimate goal of gaining independence back from Vietnam, and reclaiming Angkor Wat is the most suitable element for our cause.
Do the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramid, the Taj Mahal control by the foreigners? If not, then we are right about claiming Angkor.
Our conviction about claiming Angkor must be unwavering.
Bun Thoeun
Pol pot 1.0 = fucKING chin Sihanouk
Pol Pot 2.0 = HunShit Vietcong CPP
The Cause of the Khmer Hatred of the Vietnamese
Part 1
In 1811, the Vietnamese entered Cambodia with a large army and turned it into a protectorate with the governor of Saigon, Le Van Duyet, as its viceroy. The Vietnamese preferred to maintain indirect rule and give the Cambodian court some autonomy, claiming that “the purpose of the institution of the protectorate is to strengthen the preservation [of Cambodia]”. However, twice a month, the Khmer King Chan and his entourage had to put on Vietnamese court costumes, visit a Vietnamese temple and bow before a tablet bearing the Gia-long emperor’s name.
Then from 1817 to 1820, the Vietnamese begain to mistreat the Cambodians recruited to excavate the Vinh Te Canal. This led to the first anti-Vietnamese rebellion in 1820, led by a monk.
In 1832, King Rama III of Siam saw an opportunity to “restore the kingdom of Cambodia and to punish the insolence of Vietnam.” So the Siamese armies entered Cambodia causing the Vietnamese to abandon Phnom Penh.
In 1834, the Vietnamese general Truong Minh Giang led a Vietnamese counter-attack against the Chaophraya Bodin’s forces in Cambodia. This led to the Thai withdrawal from Phnom Penh.
The initial success of the Thai offensive had shown Minh-mang that he could not rely on the Khmer to protect his southern and western borders, and he now ordered Truong Minh Giang to consolidate Vietnamese control.
By 1834, Minh-mang began his policy of Vietnamising Cambodia. So he decided it would be best to send “military convicts and ordinary prisoners [who], if kept in jail, would prove useless. Therefore, it would be better for them to be sent to Cambodia and live among the people there, who would benefit from their teaching” – the same way that the Viets had first come into contact with Chinese culture.
Besides convicts, of course, large numbers of Vietnamese administrators were sent to Cambodia. Minh-mang also converted the traditional Cambodian administrative divisions of sruk into 31 Chinese-style prefectures and districts, each with its own educational officer to teach the population Chinese characters and the Vietnamese language. Vietnamese farmers were also encouraged to move into both new provinces by promises of buffaloes and farm tools.
In Cambodia, the Vietnamese tried to impose new hairstyles and tastes in clothing, a new language, a new philosophy of political administration, and even new modes of agriculture (Vietnamese crops were imported and systematically planted).
Faced with the Vietnamese ‘civilising’ program, many Cambodians were beginning to believe there was much truth to Siam’s oft-stated aim of intervening in their country: to share the benefits of the Thai king’s fund of merit by protecting Cambodian Buddhism from the heretical Vietnamese.
So sporadic anti-Vietnamese uprisings were breaking out every year since 1836, but it was a reform to replace the chaovay sruk with Vietnamese in 1840 that finally led the Cambodian official class (okya) to revolt against the series of Vietnamese actions aimed to extinguish not just the official class, but also kingship and Buddhism in Cambodia. So in September of 1840, a wide-ranging okya-led rebellion broke out, which had been planned since May. A famous comment by one of the rebels expresses succinctly the popular mood: “We are happy killing Vietnamese. We no longer fear them; in all our battles we are mindful of the three jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.”
Continued to Part 2
Continued from Part 1
Minh-mang’s vision of Vietnamising Cambodia failed and he died from an accident at the beginning of 1841. His successor was Thieu-tri who sought a political solution to the situation in Cambodia with the Thais. Chaophraya Bodin led a large Siamese expeditionary force to Cambodia, and this Thai intervention gave new momentum to the Khmer-led rebellion. By late 1841, Truong Minh Giang knew that the political balance in Cambodia had shifted irrevocably. He withdrew to Vietnam, taking the population of Phnom Penh - some 6,000 people – with him, after which he committed suicide by poison for his failure.
However, by 1843, Cambodia was becoming a quagmire for Chaophraya Bodin: short of supplies, he had to abandon Phnom Penh in 1844. So throughout 1845, the Vietnamese tried but failed to dislodge the Thai forces; the two sides opened negotiations for a cease-fire at the end of the year.
In 1847, the Vietnamese withdrew withdrew their forces from Cambodia. In that same year, Thieu-tri died and was succeeded in Hue by the Tu-duc emperor.
There are present-day legacy of the Vietnamisation project: the enmity that it created between Vietnamese and Cambodians has lasted into the Cold War and beyond with sometimes destructive consequences.
Reference: China History Forum
11:44 AM,
What about the French Colony during 1800s or early 18th century. There were French controlling the whole Indochina.
So, Vietnam and Thai had a very hard facing powerful French forces by the time Cambodian people were struggling, maintaining and rebuilding the country.
Correction for 6:39 PM
11:44 AM,
What about the French Colony during 1800s or early 18th century. There were French controlling the whole Indochina.
So, Vietnam and Thai had a very hard time facing with powerful French forces by the time Cambodian people were struggling, maintaining and rebuilding the country.
All of border posts are installed deep inside Khmer territory. Khmer lost so much land to the Vietnamese and they still want more. In fact, they want the whole country, Cambodia. Khmer will lose identity soon. Khmer rights to ownership of the land will soon be relinquished, automatically.
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