Saturday, January 05, 2013

Sam Rainsy Will Remain Ineligible for Election

Sam Rainsy faces 12 year in prison on the charges if he returns to Cambodia.

By Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer

PHNOM PENH - Cambodia’s National Election Committee on Friday reaffirmed its position that exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy will not be allowed to register among the candidates for the July elections.

The announcement was a setback to the opposition, which has hoped for a political solution and that Sam Rainsy would be allowed to return to lead a coalition against the ruling party.

NEC Secretary-General Tep Nitha told reporters Friday that the new opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party would be allowed to contest the parliamentary elections, “but not Sam Rainsy.”

“The 2012 voter’s list does not have his name,” Tep Nitha said. “Therefore, he is not eligible to vote or run for election.”

Convicted of serious crimes related to destroying border markers near Vietnam in 2009, Sam Rainsy is ineligible to vote or to run for office, he said.

Sam Rainsy faces 12 year in prison on the charges if he returns to Cambodia. He has said in the past the charges are politically motivated and that a political solution can therefore be brokered. But Prime Minister Hun Sen has said in public speeches that Sam Rainsy’s case in a matter for the courts and that no political solution will come.

Sam Rainsy’s name has been deleted from the national voter registry, and he cannot run for a seat in parliament, Tep Nitha said Friday.

“Political compromise is different from technicality of voter registration because we are under a different law,” he said. “Political compromise is only for political issues.”

Ou Virak, head of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said Friday that there is no indication Sam Rainsy will be allowed to participate in the election. But he compared Sam Rainsy’s dilema to that of world leaders like Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma, who were jailed for their opposition to the ruling status quo in their home countries.

“If the Cambodian government has the will, it can amend the election law to allow convicted persons and allow Sam Rainsy to participate in the election,” he said.

Some 9.6 million voters are registered for the election, which is estimated to cost about $21 million. But critics say that without a legitimate opposition to contest the elections, the international community may not view them as free or fair.


Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy needs to stand aside for a while let select someone that can run,someone that stay in srok Khmer to win Hun shit.After we get control of the govt then we can pardon Sam rainsy and welcome him back home to help with our country.

Khmer rouge

Anonymous said...

New National Rescue Party should go to this July election with or without Sam Rainsy. If we don't go, they can always prove that other small parties have participated in the competition, if we go we can this time at least narrow the the gap between them and us. With more than 40% (my prediction), Hun Sen is going to change his behavior in terms of handling country's business. It would be a big change for our Nation.Perhaps, in this case we can work out for the return of our leader too.
But we can also win and I hope that I am wrong in my prediction. The current CNRP has enough resources in terms of Premiership candidate. Through smart and clever campaign, Khmer voters may change mind in refusing to accept money, sarongs or glutamate packets. In this case, yes our brave Sam Rainsy will return with big honor to Cambodia.
On the ground, we begin already to organize the coming campaign, we are prioritizing outstanding areas: bad governance, corruption, border management, social injustice and flawed judiciary system. As people is more educated now, we are going to tackle the distribution of money , glutamate and sarongs issue.
Militant de base

Anonymous said...

To 6:26 AM,

I think like you too, this time we must unit within all Khmers, without unit all Khmers will be a loser.

Khmer Rouge but now Khmer patriot

Anonymous said...

General election in Cambodia? It's only on papers, forget it. I wouldn't waste my time to go to the pool station. CPP criminals alrady proved to Khmer peoples since 1993 UN sponsor election.

Prove me wrong Re. this crabs. This CPP communist Vietcong puppet will never give-up its power. Even if CNRP win, with very slim chances, this criminal CPP will not give up power just like back in 1993. Unless AH traitor Hun Shit announces to Khmer peoples to respect a new winner.

But I still wish to have Cambodia free of communist Vietcong very soon, otherwise our Khmer peoples need to serious actions against this barbaric Vietcong.

Anonymous said...

We are Vietnamese believe so strongly that if we can own Angkor Watt temples we can own the Khmer Nation. The fact is Vietnamese own Angkor Watt temples right now. All Khmers must kneel before Uncle Ho. If you want to blame, you must blame your leader Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders who are coward, opportunistic and they have fail you.

Now all Cambodians must kneel before Uncle Ho.

Anonymous said...

Actually fugitive has right whatsoever to vote and stand for office. Therefore, fugitive Sam Rainsy's chance to take part in this year general election comes to the end. His political career is over. Stop lie to the public that Sam Rainsy will return to Cambodia soon. Please enjoy life in France after politics :) :)

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM and 8:17 PM:

Your Yuon/Vietnamese leaders and people have always stolen the islands, sea and lands from other nations by killing and becoming so hypocrite and falsely claiming stolen lands, sea and islands that are not yours.

No one will want to be with your shameful and robbery nation, Communist Yuon-Vietcong.

Remember your hypocrite Yuon-Vietcong

1 took advantages of Russia and China to fight against American by cheating and betraying,

2. took advantages of Cambodian King Sihanouk to grand the trails in the promise to give South Cambodia/Khmer Krom (South Vietnam) back to the King until your thief Viet gook nation betrayed the King of Cambodia

3. took advantages of Pol Pot (Khmer Rouges leader) to fight against American in the promise of giving Pol Pot a power to control Cambodia until you betrayed Pol Pot by asking the land and island to be given to Vietnam, a thief nation.

4. took advantages of Hun Sen until your Vietgook nation leaders in Hanoi sent the illegal Vietnamese migrants to live on Cambodian water and land and destroying Cambodia's natural resources,

5 beyond and way beyond...

So, look at yourself, Vietnamese gooks and leaders, what a shame and disgusted....

Just let you know that Russia and China will bang your Vietnamese thieves of thief nation any time if you, your Hanoi leaders and people dare.

If the U.S. Officials know more and more about your evil Vietnamese nation, then the U.S. Officials and government will not tolerate the hypocrite behaviors and responsibilities to cheat and take advantages of Americans to fight against China. You, your Vietnamese thieves/leaders and people have very evil mindsets and numbskulls, not knowing how to act responsible to misleading other nations and manipulating other nations to hate and fight others until you, your Vietnamese thieves/leaders and people take for grants.

This can be serious that Vietnamese thieves, evil leaders in Hanoi, folks and you are getting worse and worse and the world will not accept your Vietnamese hypocrite and manipulated behaviors. Many people around the world are aware of you and your evil Vietnamese thieves in Hanoi and folks, that pretending to be other nationalities. For examples, you and your evil Vietnamese secret agents playing to be Khmer/Cambodian people to show the world Khmer/Cambodians killed Khmer/Cambodians, but evil Vietnamese killed Cambodians people in Cambodian/Khmer land or Cambodian property.

There are many Americans, Europeans or foreigners who are clueless about your Vietnamese/Yuon bad and evil minds. Yes, your Hanoi leaders/thieves and people are playing to be very nice and gentle people. Just take a look at the mirror and think how shameful and evil the Vietnamese people and leaders in Hanoi are.

Just think about, Vietnamese gooks

Anonymous said...

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Friday that the U.S. was disappointed by the announcement from Cambodia’s election committee that Rainsy has been removed from the official voter list because of criminal convictions that carry 12 years in prison. The U.S. says Cambodia’s decision to bar exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy from July elections calls into question the vote’s legitimacy.

Whether or not Sam Rainsy is in Cambodia, There are millions of Sam Rainsy voters in Cambodia who have been victims of oppression and land grabbing. Although we will not be able to use force against the puppet government installed by Vietnam, we will go to vote in mass to remove Hun Sen et al from Power. We would support our patriotic leaders, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to win the national election first and then use all legal means such as International court of Justice at the Hague and the United Nations based on Cambodia Map deposited at the UN in 1963.

Sam Rainsy is the best Kaun Khmer patriot who dares to declare that Vietnam is the new colonialist that annexed most of Cambodian territory. That is why he is the only Khmer that Vietnam is afraid of. Vietnam try by all mean to eliminate him from Cambodia by using its puppet government and kangaroo court in Cambodia to deny Sam Rainsy in entering Cambodia. This is the 21st century; Vietnam can not colonize Cambodia as the last century. The 1991 Paris Peace Agreement signed by 19 signatory countries including Cambodia and Vietnam will protect Cambodia against Vietnam's occupation. No matter how sneaky Vietnam is, it will not be able to hide its bad intention any more. The world knows that Vietnam is not a honest nation. Vietnam is a thief who never respects its promise. During Vietnam American war, King Sihanouk of Cambodia helped Vietnam by offering a sentinel or a hiding place near the border of Cambodia and Vietnam to protect Vietnamese and Vietcong from US bombing. In return Vietnam repays the debt by taking a big chunk of Cambodian territory including Kah Tral. Only China knows how to deal with Vietnam, because they used to control Vietnam for thousand years. Forget about South China Sea, Vietnam will never be able to get rid of China, even though it try to induce USA to fight with China. Now the USA learned a lot of lesson from Vietnam’s sneakiness and will not let Vietnam to take advantage of it any more. We, Khmer nationalists will kick illegal Vietnamese immigrant out no matter how long it will take. Cambodia is our sacred land; we have inalienable right to retake our homeland from its occupation and control.

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM and 8:17 PM:
Sooner or later all Vietnamese will kneel before Chairman Mao.

China know that Vietnam only listen to the language of force as FABLE DE LA FONTAINE stated that La raison du plus fort est la meilleurs.

Accordingly China occupied Paracel Island(new name : San Sha City) by force and defeated Vietnamese naval on January 19, 1974.

As new colonialist in Indochina, why don't you try to retake it from China? You are so coward and dare only invade innocent Cambodia and took a big Chung of its territory including Kah Tral.

We, Khmer patriots will support our nationalist leaders, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to win the national election first and then use all legal means such as International court of Justice at the Hague and the United Nations based on Cambodia Map deposited at the UN in 1963.

Anonymous said...

We, Khmer patriots will support our nationalist leaders, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to win the national election first;

and then use all legal means such as the 1991 Paris Peace agreements signed by 19 signatory countries including Vietnam and Cambodia to rescind all unequal treaties between Cambodia and Vietnam from 1979 through 2005; and

finally we will use the International court of Justice at the Hague and the United Nations based on Cambodia Map deposited at the UN in 1963 to reclaim our lost territory including Kah Tral.