Monday, January 28, 2013

Thai, French, Lao and Vietnamese leaders to attend Cambodian royal cremation

A Cambodian woman looks at a portrait of former King Norodom Sihanouk during a ceremony to pray for him, in Phnom Penh on Saturday.Cambodia has scheduled the cremation ceremony for him on February 4./epa

January 28, 2013
Rasmei Kampuchea Daily/Asia News Network

The prime ministers of France, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam will attend next week's royal cremation in Cambodia along with senior political, royal and military figures from across the region, Cambodia's Foreign Ministry said.

Norodom Sihanouk, the former King of Cambodia, died in October last year in Beijing at the age of 89.

The ministry said King Norodom Sihamoni and Queen Mother Monineath would receive in separate audiences French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, Japan's Prince Akishino and Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Consultative Conference.

At the same time, Prime Minister Hun Sen will meet separately with the French, Japanese and Chinese dignitaries as well as Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. Hun Sen will also meet Philippine Vice President Jejomar Binay.

Foreign Minister Hor Namhong will meanwhile meet with Brunei Development Minister Suyoi Osman, Singapore Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Indonesian Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Djoko Suyanto.

The foreign minister will also meet South Korean Presidential Chief of Staff Ha KumLoul and Australian LieutenantGeneral John Sanderson, the military commander of the UNTAC forces in Cambodia 20 years ago.

The ministry said Myanmar Senior Minister Tin Naing Thein would also attend the cremation, which is scheduled to take place on Monday next week, three days after the royal funeral procession this Friday.


Anonymous said...

Those who join Sihanouk funeral, are supporting the cold and hot blood killer. This man killed his own people. He was a flip flop and hypocrite king.

Anonymous said...

Ah stupid xihanook should be burned with car tires like pol pot.