Friday, January 11, 2013

Top Number 1 - លេខ ១ គ្មាន ២


Anonymous said...

មី ង្វៀង ទីទើនេះភ្នែកតូច មាត់ធំ សាច់
ប្រឡោះភ្លៅក៏ធំដែរមើលទៅ ?

Anonymous said...

Fatty! Fatty! Fatty! killed to many people and God is still not punish her yet. Why Jesus? Why do the bad things are happen to only good people, Jesus?

Can KI media, Christinity explain logicly? People start to lose fath in Jesus since reality is not as the bible said.

Anonymous said...

ចុយយក្ស! យួនមែនតើ!

Anonymous said...

To 7:38PM
Jesus could not even help himself.
He was paraded on the streets and
killed ( crucified ).
Bible was later written by men who thought what Jesus had thought.

Anonymous said...


(Two palm hands-full)

Anonymous said...

75% of Khmer being is now swallowed by Viet control but why many Khmer still support Viet bitch like this one.

Anonymous said...

She is drunk! She needs eyes surgery because she can't open her eyes her eyes look like closed whatta ching!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's Maybelline...

Anonymous said...

..Your Answer..

..Men are not to judge, but repent..

"There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

>>I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

>>I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:1-5

If we all deserve what we got coming from God, none of us wouldn't be alive today.

God desires that all men would repent and be saved from his wrath which is to come.

The delaying of his wrath means more time for repentant not a sign of God slacking in his Word. He is longsuffering, not short fuse like most of us are.

Anonymous said...

10:17 PM, how would you explain things like the recent shooting of small school children in Connecticut and the killing fields during the Khmer Rouge? Was it a wrath not delayed?

I hope that God sent his son to die for our sins so that our souls will be ready and pure once our physical form is extinguished. And for our buddhist fellows, I hope the perception of karma and reincarnation is not entirely correct, because that would create an endless cycles of sufferings.

Anonymous said...

សដូចខ្មោចឆៅ មែនតើ!

Anonymous said...

Thanks,the beautiful lovely Theary Seng for your bible input!


Anonymous said...

Things happen for a reason,the reason is;Men heart are so darkening lack of compassion,possesses by demon name lucifer fallen angel rebeled against god,made men did the unthinkable act against innocent victims,that has nothing to do with God.

Anonymous said...

This lady is top killer!

Anonymous said...

Agree with the evil acts of the gunmen and the Khmer Rouge, but can you elaborate on the deaths of these innocent children and adults?

Also, what do you equate with "God's wrath?"

Anonymous said...

ចិន-យួន និយាយខ្មែរមិនច្បាស់ថា:

-អាមីកាហ៊ាង ស៊ីអាចម៍ណាស់!........
ពិតជា ស៊ីអាចម៍មែង !!



Anonymous said...

Botox addiction made her face soooo awful her eyes closed needs more cocaine Sam Heng?

Anonymous said...

ឱ!ពុធទ្ធោជ្រូកនៅមើលឃើញគ្រាប់ភ្នែក ចុះមីមួយនេះភ្នែកអីក៏លឹបជាងជ្រូកទៅទៀតន៎!

Anonymous said...

Your Answer: 10:49 PM & 12:11 AM

The Wrath Of God

1)"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the Wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36

What this verse is saying is, if you reject Jesus as the Son of God you have no hope of the after life event from this earthly realm. Man cannot be saved through other beliefs but what God say is the ONLY way to be saved from his wrath to come.

2)God will put an END to all the injustice that is in the world today. God is angry at the wicked every day. Past, present and future. Once the CUP of his wrath is full, he will pour it out upon the world as in form of Judgments as lay out in the book of Revelation. It's going to be in a grand scale that there is no doubt that the world will not able to hide from.

Let say the world population is at 7 billion today, at the END of this Tribulation (Judgments) there will only be a billion left. This is just an estimation of survivors who will enter Peaceable Kingdom of God. This is the Grand Scale of God's Wrath, not the Khmer Rouge and School Massacers events.


Concerning School Massacer

We live in Satan's kingdom. Satan is a murderer. If you study the assailant background you would know who is behind the killing.

The Bible was removed from Schools in the 60's. Anotherwords, God was kicked out from public schools by anti-God people and replaced by devil worship activities. When people demount God, Satan moves in for the kill. Biblical Christianity is not tolerable anymore in America. America is being desanitize of its moral value.

Hope this helps. I try it keep it short as possible. I love the truth of God's Word.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there is more of a chance of Bunny Ranny being converted if the Gospel of the Good News is shared with her then would the self-righteous Buddhists?

Anonymous said...

Dear Posters,

How in the hell, oops I meant "
heck ", you diverted politics to religions about this Yuon face ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Christ so hated the world he lets the Roman crucified him with the thieves because he didn't wants to see or fight injustice!....Thank you Ms Teary Seng for trying,please help convert Hun sen and all Hun's clans to be Christianity so they will give up killing innocent Khmers people or give up robbing people at gunpoint,please breach your bible to yuon Hanoi too they were too savagery against Khmers race.

* For God so loves the world he gave his begotten son so your soul might be saved/not perish*

Ho chi fuc

Anonymous said...

Is she constipation or what? Look like she on cocaine or high.....can't open her eyes!

Anonymous said...

if cambodia was freed from the vietcong.

Cambodia wouldn't have miss piggy as the first bitchy-piggy looking like that!

Anonymous said...

What's her title again?

Jom Teav Kdet Thom?

some thing like that in Khmer!

Sorry Kheam don't speak good Khmer!

Kone Kat Chen

Anonymous said...

At least she looks better than your dumb fuck parents and your stupid asses wives. All your wife look like my shit.

Anonymous said...

Because this the face of evil.

Anonymous said...

ញញឹមស្រស់ខ្ជឹប ត្របកភ្នែកលឹប ខ្ជឹបលេបដីខ្មែរ ។

Anonymous said...

Piggy mama!..Oiy! Oiy! Bunrany Oiy!...First lady piggy of Nambodia soooo ugly among the pigs in Hanoi...


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of jealousy fuckers, she looks better than all your wife and daughters. Remember she own all your shit brain and your land.

Anonymous said...