Monday, February 04, 2013

Democracy and Economics at Davos

Mr. Sam Rainsy at Davos Economic Forum: "It is not just about economics here. The human dimension is very present. It is about men and women meeting each other. And today, more than yesterday, capitalism and democracy share values: transparency, good governance, the opening. Davos is where CEOs and politicians meet and have the opportunity to address each other."

o O o

“il n’y pas que le business ici. La dimension humaine est très présente. Ce sont des hommes et des femmes qui se rencontrent. Et aujourd’hui plus qu’hier, le capitalisme et la démocratie partagent des valeurs : la transparence, la bonne gouvernance, l’ouverture. Davos est l’endroit où les représentants politiques et les chefs d’entreprise ont l’occasion de se parler.”, Mr. Sam Rainsy au Forum Economique de Davos.


Anonymous said...

Prince Norodom Ranaridth and Mr Sam Rainsy betrayed Ex king Norodom Sihanouk at 1993 after win election.

Norodom Sihanouk supposed to be Prime Minister and lead the Cambodia but Norodom Ranaridth and Sam Rainsy betrayed Norodom Sihanouk from leading the country.

Mr Sam Rainsy must remember what had you done to your country and Norodom Sihanouk at 1993 election?

If Ex king Norodom Sihanouk was a leader after 1993 election, Cambodia will not be suffered as today.

Betrayal of Norodom Sihanouk are "Norodom Ranaridth and Mr Sam Rainsy after 1993 election"
Karma of Mr Sam Rainsy and Norodom Ranariddth, they are both serving their karma.

Anonymous said...

Look at a loser face of fugitive Sam Rainsy :) from now on all he can do is barking out from exile. What a loser!!!