Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Khmer Refugees Owe You a Big One, Father Venet!

Khmer Refugees Owe You a Big One, Father Venet!

With the permission of KI-Media, and on the behalf of those Khmers refugees and on my own behalf, we are most awfully grateful to you for what you have done for those refugees. May you rest in peace, father Venet!  On vous adore pour toujours!!!


Anonymous said...

May you rest in peace, Father Venet!

Thank you for your kind heart and for your wonderful humanitarian works that had touched the lives of so many Khmers and Khmer refugees.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

In the camps all Khmer refugees loved him to death. He spoke fluent Khmer and loved to call Khmer women nasy words in a loving, teasing way. He never failed to hand out money to those he teased with harsh words. The man had NIL enemy.

May he resin peace.

Anonymous said...

Pere Venet has an awesome reputation among khmer refugees all over the world. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Pere Venet ស្លាប់មែនឬ?​ពួកខ្ញុំតាំងពិធ្វើមាតុភូមិនិវត្តមក។​យើងមិនដែលបានជួបគាត់ឬខើញគាត់ទេ។​សូមឱ្យ​ព្រលឹងគាត់ជួបតែសុគតិភព។

Anonymous said...

A dignified man, my hero, who worked tirelessly to help all people in time of distress.
May your soul rest in peace.
Chanda C

Anonymous said...

If any Cambodian leader's characters could have matched or slightly less than the holy father Venet, Cambodia and her people would be far much better living standard than in the past as well as today.

Proud was born as Khmer this life and eager to be recarnated next life in any better place in the world other than Cambodia

Anonymous said...

Me and family were refugees at Khao I Dang but I was very young and never heard of this angel among. May he rest in peace and be up there by God side and look after Cambodia. Thank you and your family for all your unselfish sacrifices to help us Khmers.