Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Golden Memories . . . celebrating Khmer New Year

A classical dancer conveys history, beauty, grace, gentility and sophistication of her ancestral culture and heritage -- School of Vice

The playgrounds of Wat Phnom had been the most central, favoured location for residents of Phnom Penh during the Khmer New Year celebration in the pre-war era. In addition to traditional games and ritual religious observances at the Wat perched at the top of the Hill festival goers would gather here to enjoy pop concerts graced by nationally renowned singers as well as numerous other entertainment shows and games of chance. Since most Phnom Penh residents today had migrated from the provinces within the last thirty years to fill up the vacuum left by the capital's pre-war inhabitants, the trend in recent years has been for people to leave Phnom Penh and head to their native villages for this important annual event in the Khmer calendar. Many overseas Cambodians with vivid and fond memories of Wat Phnom - like most former inhabitants of Phnom Penh who had survived the Pol Pot regime - who return to this spot on their visit or just happen to pass by it will have been haunted by the place's melancholy air which the cruel and tragic vicissitudes it had endured in recent decades has rendered, and the testimony in memories it still holds to happier, more joyful times spent with loved ones and close companions--School of Vice

One of the blessings of the Khmer culture is its simple but wholesome culinary offerings which are thoroughly shaped in taste, texture and aroma by the richness and natural abandon of the tropical climate and conditions. And as if to add to their mystique and popularity, these sticky rice cakes are said to have been invented by the Buddha Himself! So now you know... -- School of Vice

Bos Choung - Sinn Sisamouth & Ros Sereysothea

Ongkun Keuy Bey [The Kneecap Game!]

[Described by some as a means for engaging in 'soft flirtations' the games taking place during the Khmer New Year are probably an unmissable opportunity for the youths to put aside day to day restrictive cultural constraints and inhibitions in favour of a little sought-after romance; the chance to showcase one's favourite wardrobe contents; to turn on your charm on everyone and no one in particular, and yes, to see and be seen . . . that is, after all, the endgame of the exercise? Now, you are thinking: what does School of Vice know about such things??! Ah, the lasting scars on the kneecaps say it all... ]

Happy [early] Khmer New Year!! -- School of Vice

Chan Samai & Mith Vanna

Ek Siday

Path Sotheary & Neay Honda

Jun Jeat Khmer


Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

It shouldn't have been any long lasting scars at all had you picked the winning team like that of KI-Media [and "Pissed Off" should be included also of course], Mr. School of Vice. But then again, it's a small price to pay while flirting in this kind of Kneecap game...and admiringly, you are still humble enough to admit and write about it!

Thank you for the golden memories for the new year and I wish you the best, as always. I am now off to play a different game, a game that hits the hairs off the balls to break a sweat... It's quite nice at this neck of the wood! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kalonh Chuck,

Certainly and without a slightest amount of doubt, I concur with you that having the golden opportunity to flirt with the beautiful girls during the kneecap game is certainly worth having some scars on the patella even though the scars can be long lasting as seen on the patellas of Mr. School of Vice.

Bos Chhoung and the song by Mr. Sin Sisamouth and Miss Ros Serey Sothear took me back to the golden old days when I danced my life away during the Khmer New Year devouring the tasty Khmer banana-sticky rice cake (Nom Ang Som) during the intermission.

Truthfully the good old days are missed so badly!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Happy New Year to Mr. School of Vice, Mr. Heng Soy, Socheata, the rest of the KI Team, our Khmer brother and sister readers of this site and the families!

May the New Year bring all of you and your loved ones happiness, good health and prosperity!

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...


wattanak said...

Mr School-of-Vice, my recommendation is for you to always, always roll up your trousers, because as they say, "chicks dig scars".

Happy New Year to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Chicks digs scars? Now, that's a good one. Happy new year!

Anonymous said...

The dancing girl looks like Laura Mam.

Anonymous said...

The photo of Wat Phnom is not of pre-war era.
As I remember it correctly, we did not have camera for colored photos in Cambodia yet, except for the motion pictures.

School of Vice said...

Dear reader @12:21 AM

It is not my implication or suggestion that the photo was taken in the pre-war era or after, but merely to associate the location with what had taken place before and after the war.

However, that said, black and white images can be 'retouched' or coloured with the help of existing technology, I believe?


Anonymous said...

When I was a teenager in the 1980s, I happened to visit my brother who lived in Prek Sbov, K. Thom during the Khmer New Year. With the local youths, I joined in a kneecap game one evening and inadvertently grapped a girl's leg by the knee to bend it a bit so that I could see where the kneecap is to "juos" because her long skirt covered it. She startled and pinched me for my transgression. What an innocent entanglement!!

Anonymous said...

Why does Sam Rainsy (convicted criminal) appeals to foreign countries not to send electoral observers to observe the upcoming election while the opposition party will surely participate in the election? because he is very afraid that those foreign observers will see the fact and speak the truth about the outcome of the election like they did in previous elections. Indeed, if there is no foreign observers, it will be easy for him to lies that the election is fraudulent and illegitimate election or whatever he likes to say.

This fugitive's appealing proves that Sam Rainsy has no hope to return to Cambodia and will not win the election either. His political career is dead. Longlive Sam Rainsy and please enjoy life after politics in exile .

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is convicted criminal?
Are you kidding me, what should your boss Ah Kwang be?
I hope you are smart enough not to use the current Cambodian justice system as a standard.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck does it have anything to do with "Golden Memories...celebrating Khmer new year" huh you jackass @9:46PM?

Anonymous said...

sam Rainsy did not have blood in his hands like a hun shit and so, who is the convicted criminal here. Under the kangaroo court, the international community don't even recognise it as a legitamite court, how can he be convicted etc. on contrary, Hun shit is facing an illegal operation called 'tea money' from Aust bhp and also other illegal related charges e.g selling drugs, killing activists, who kill chea vichea,chut vuthy, etc. so, who is a convicted criminal here, crazy vc and cpp bloodsucker!

TJ Magsakay said...

My Great Grandfather's food