Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Prince Thomico on the monarchy and the justice and welfare of Cambodians

If the royal family would not stand up to seek welfare and justice for the people, then we have no need for royalty in the Kingdom of Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Arkun nass Prince Thomico, we needed royal family like him to save cambodian people....Thank you so much may god bless kingdom of cambodia

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is a nation that has a long history of bowing down to Kings while standing before them. I too am Khmer and proud to be Khmer with great civilization and heritage. I have so much respect for Kings and Queens, but if Kings and Queens will no longer representing the rights and liberty of the people then Cambodia surely will seek to become a Republic since Kings and Queens have no care for their own people. Great civilizations came from the leadership of righteousmen, men of just and able men who understand their duties and responsibilities. No one person on planet earth wishes to be oppressed and dictated. Even Kings and Queens have their own mind and brain and likewise, the people also have their own mind and brain. The people are certainly understand what a developed nation means and how to get there, but those who are running Cambodia have always placed themselved before Cambodia. Now is the time for THE PEOPLE TO RISE and DEMAND THAT KINGS AND QUEENS do their parts and MAKE CAMBODIA TO ONCE MORE BECOMING A PROSPERED NATION AND SHINE FOR ALL TO SEE.

Khmer has great civilization as we have Angkor which stands in the test of time. It is a great signature for all Khmers and people all over the world that in human spirits we can all build shrines and temples to please the Gods in this great enormous universe. One message to Kings and Queens...if your majesties wish to see Cambodia change into the right direction, IT MUST BEGIN WITH YOU KINGS AND QUEENS.

Phnom Penh Post

Anonymous said...

He talk too much most are nonsense, Thomico stay away from polititc, he is not add any value to anythings but make it worst,, he is seem a good guy but he make problem because of he cant control his mouth . Mike

Anonymous said...

First of all Prince Thomico should change the Cambodian constitution, before he come out with this new idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up you stupid idiot saboteur of KI-Media @12:42AM!!! You ain't worth a damn red cent yourself you fucker!!!

Can't help it

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people have always respected the the Royal families but this Royal must server for Khmer motherland, not foreigners like other party. Just today, I have heard one of Khmer Royal stated that, so we thank you much Prince Thomico.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Tell that to your king Sihanmoni....!..If the king didn't seeks justice and fairness for his "SUBJECTS" the king is useless and heartless,self-center,he is not worst a damn to be anyone's king! King of the jungle [Lions] will protect its prides and cups with its lives.How come the king of Scamofia/Nambodia didn't do anything while his SUBJECTS were robbed and killed infont of his very own eyes? Which is most important to the king of Scamofia/Nambodia his throne or his SUBJECTS?

We have seen so far his throne is more important than his SUBJECTS and his health/wel-being is more important than his SUBJECTS as well.I am not your subject nor I have no king like you,my father worship the ground your father once walked till his death,as for me your father(Sihanuk) nor you(Sihanmoni) not my king nor ever will be...Thank you Prince Thomico for your inputs/express your views on this subject.


Anonymous said...

Mike is Ah Youn Kon Torp -> down or go back to Viet land OK.

Anonymous said...

ពិតជាមានអត្ថន័យទូលំទូលាយ និង ឡូហ្ស៊ិកទៀត
ផង បើមហាក្សត្រគង់ឱបព្រះហស្ថ បន្តមើលប្រជា

តើអ្នកណាជាអ្នកធ្វើច្បាប់ រដ្ឋធមនុញ្ញ ដែលចែងថា
ព្រះមហាក្សត្រគ្មានអំណាចអ្វីទាំងអស់ មុនចូលឈ្លាន
ពានលេបទឹកដីខ្មែរ ហូជីមិញ បានគិតគូរជាស្រេច
រួចដែរ ទាក់ទងទៅនឹងច្បាប់រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញនៅកម្ពុជា
ម្លោះហើយទើបយើងឃើញ មហាក្សត្រខ្មែរគ្មាន
អំណាចអ្វីទាំងអស់ បើគេបង្ខំឱ្យចុះព្រះហស្ថលេខា
ក៏ចេះតែធ្វើតាមគេ បើមិនធ្វើខ្លាចអស់អំណាច។
ឥឡូវ វាដល់ដំណាក់ការ ទៅមុខក៏មិនរួចទៅក្រោយ
ក៏មិនរួច បានន័យថាផុងខ្លួនកណ្ដាលផ្លូវ៕

Anonymous said...

Its about time the Prince Thomico wakes up smell the coffee! Was this justice publicity stun or he really concerns from his heart? However,he is right on the topic that he concerns.If king or queen didn't cares about his people,why having king or queen??????

Anonymous said...

To our compatriot Khmer,
Anyone could tell me about our king or queen why they always stayed in china? We have country and I have never seen or heard Thai king stayed out of her country like our at all.

Anonymous said...

Prince Thomico must not have Norodom blood in him because he make too much sense.

Anonymous said...

ទេព វ៉ាន់នី និងលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ ជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង
របស់អាមេគ្រោះCPPសម រង្ស៊ី (អាស៊ីសំរាម),

បើបងប្អូនខ្មែរបោះឆ្នោតឱ្យ CNRP,

Anonymous said...

Simple:They sold Cambodia to China long ago! They trust no cambidians not even their own blood-relatives,remember Princes Soma complained about the monarchies's families didn't get along during the death of Sdach Sinoorook in the king hall in Phnom penh's palace? This X-king states their cash in China and N.Korea for their families ti enjoy.
Their bodies guard no other than Chineses or Koreans his doctors all Chinese,his chef also Chineses,he was a king of Chinese not khmer's king.Its time to abolish monarchy like yuon and chen has done period.....

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

It is time to make a clear and concise decision. Cambodia can either pick and choose to go either Agriculture or Industrialization. To get there Cambodia must ratify and amend Cambodian Constitutiion and bring faces into Cambodian Parliament. Following the same path for 20 years and it does not go nowhere, this I say...it is time for Kings and Queens to stand up and defend Cambodian once and for all. If Monarchy insists that the regime of Kings and Queens must exist in Cambodia, Kings and Queens must also learn how to proceed with the right ideas and concepts. Look at Thailand's Monarchy and their existence for all Thai subjects. Cambodia was once a Kingdom and now it is no more than a track of land where it is being violated by Vietnam, China and Mafia. It takes great men with great visions to lead a country. It is not too late for Cambodia, but only if we insist that the current Administration must abandond its post and leave them to the new comers. There are many great men whom graduated from foreign lands and from great institutions throughout the world. With many Economists, Financiers, Scholars, Scientists, Physicists, Doctors, Psychologists, Teachers, Architectures, Artists and other professionals, we certainly can rebuild Cambodia into a nation of wonder where visitors from all over the world can enjoy the many monumentals, temples and Angkors left by our great ancestors, Kings of Kings and great Khmer Warriors.

I propose one solution...Kings and Queens of Cambodia must all UNITE and STANDING UP TO DEFEND OUR NATION ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Phnom Penh Post

Anonymous said...

This is an ideal concept stemming from Sisowath Thomico.

Wishing he will find a way to make this concept materialized.
Furthermore, this is the most crucial time that the royal family must do something to save Cambodia.
Bun Thoeun

. said...

Is this the "fight or flight response" on the part of Thomico and maybe that of some of the other royalists? Only time will tell. I assume that the majority of Khmer would welcome the positive outcome, myself included...

Anonymous said...

Bad choice to choose a king whom has no loves for his people to be a father of a nation while sons&daughters crying for help he look the other way.Those sons and daughters were victims of eviction and land concession by Cpp's thugs,many little gals plus old ladies cried for help infront of his place he ignored them,he has no heart as a creature with six senses.Why we need a King that has no feeling for his own people he is a king suppose to protect his subjects but not this sorry's gay king.

Its time to abolish monarchy for good,this is simple as Chinese and yuon had done pave the way for us to follow,its okay to be a nation without a king,he is useless's king anyway!

In my opinion this guy(king Sihanmoni) didn't know what his obligation/duties as a father of a nation nor he understand what love is,because he has never been a father to no one,he is a selfish individual thatwise he chooses his lifestyle as a selfish gayman choose to live alone don't wants any responsibility to be a father to someone...You live your life a gay man that abomination to God of the universe.

Therefore,you're not qualify to be a father of a nation(king) or anyone's father, no wonder you've feeling for those EVICTEES that begged for your help infront of your palace your subjects!...


Anonymous said...

Everyone in this world knows that we are not independent. We are being controlled by the outsiders for hundreds of years, making this worst, when we have a monarchy that has no good moral judgment for its society. The monarchy's way of life was based on wonders and day dreams, plus having the ability to crash those who have the ability to challenge its core. A number of scholars and great nationalist men and women had murdered by this very monarchy who supposed to be there for them. Such incident is very common to all other monarchies that is why Viets and Chen disaproved of its existence.

Prince Thomico is right, it is time to abolish such useless mornarchy for the benefit of our nation e.g KR once said, 'keep them no benefit and kill them no lost'- which can be apllied to toward such a monarchy, since they did so much damages to our society, instead defending them. Nevertheless, thanks to the French colonist who nominated such a king and only to destroy its own nation. Maybe this is what the outsiders wanted us to be anyway.

But the past is the past, it is no use to go back and hit the dead cow. We need to find way to conform our nation away from all kinds of intruders. This time make no mistake that, no nation would want us to grow but to die. Therefore, we have to learn to fight for our survivel. In the west, we called it 'kill them before they kill us', but in this case, we don't kill them but we just ask them to leave us alone. The word helping has always been manipulated by the outsiders, in this sense, we have learnt not to truth no one no more.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in this world knows that we are not independent. We are being controlled by the outsiders for hundreds of years, making this worst, when we have a monarchy that has no good moral judgment for its society. The monarchy's way of life was based on wonders and day dreams, plus having the ability to crash those who have the ability to challenge its core. A number of scholars and great nationalist men and women had murdered by this very monarchy who supposed to be there for them. Such incident is very common to all other monarchies that is why Viets and Chen disaproved of its existence.

Prince Thomico is right, it is time to abolish such useless mornarchy for the benefit of our nation e.g KR once said, 'keep them no benefit and kill them no lost'- which can be apllied to toward such a monarchy, since they did so much damages to our society, instead defending them. Nevertheless, thanks to the French colonist who nominated such a king and only to destroy its own nation. Maybe this is what the outsiders wanted us to be anyway.

But the past is the past, it is no use to go back and hit the dead cow. We need to find way to conform our nation away from all kinds of intruders. This time make no mistake that, no nation would want us to grow but to die. Therefore, we have to learn to fight for our survivel. In the west, we called it 'kill them before they kill us', but in this case, we don't kill them but we just ask them to leave us alone. The word helping has always been manipulated by the outsiders, in this sense, we have learnt not to truth no one no more.

Anonymous said...

Her comes the distractor/saboteur of KI-Media at 6:34AM...Damned, why can't he/she just die!

Anonymous said...

I think 6:34 AM made good comment.

However, this time we try to unite every good Khmer to fight this pest Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

-ព្រះអង្គរស់ក្រោមចុងកាំភ្លើងអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន!
-ព្រះអង្គគ្រាន់តែជាឧបករណ៍របស់ពួកអាចោរយួនកុម្មុយនិស្ត ព្រោះយួនវាដឹងថាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ
-ទាំងព្រះអង្គ-ទាំងប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរសុទ្ធតែជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង របស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនទាំងអស់ !
-អាចុយម្រាយ ហ៊ុន សែន!វាជាអ្នកគំរាមស្ដេចខ្មែរ ដោយចុងកាំភ្លើង!
ព្រោះអំណាចនៅ​លើដៃអាយួនហ៊ុន សែន។

សាកអស់លោកឯង ទៅធ្វើស្ដេចក្នុងរបបអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែនតែ១ថ្ងៃម្ដងមើល,

គឺតៃហោងមុ​​នអាយុ ណា!


Anonymous said...

In fact, where is Princess Norodom Somaly, we saw her photo with her dear Tomy last time. If she appears again with him and joins together as member of CNRP as Royals, I think we will see surely the snowball effect in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you die 6:42am!? I agree with you 6:34 am.You're a wiseman!...


Anonymous said...

What is a crazy King say to Mr. Thomico comments "I am too busy with my boss Hun Sen and no time serve Khmer people".

Anonymous said...

You've got my admired as a wiser man among the wiser man Madam/Sir,whoever you're! @6:34Am
Best regard from a distance...


Anonymous said...

King said: He has no time to serves khmers people but he has plenty of time to pardon Alexander the Russian child molester out of prison and plenty of time to serves Yiekcong's dogs=Cpp to save his throne,who's cares about khmers people!? Who's cares about EVICTEES,not my problem...


Anonymous said...

Just throw some comment (bait) and some people here are fighting for it like hungry fish.

Some Khmers are interesting! Fight, fight, and fight. No stop. Never get tired.

Anonymous said...

Keep them occupied. Let them fight, who cares. They may learn something in the end...

Let's hear the keyboard ringing...

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIETNAM and CPP... Tomico just another slave for our Master in Hanoi and CPP is oding a great work to take the money and put the royal family in a golden cage. ... They are useless and HUn SEN is good in use them to rubber stamp our way to your stupid land and country. Long LIVE Viet Nam and Hun SEN and CPP... soon Cambodia will be a province of Viet Nam your master and keep your KING dancing ballet in the CAGE....

HUN SEN and CPP doing a good in taking Chinese money and shares with our brothers and Sisters in Cambodia and we are in Cambodia 60% of your stupid and you dont even know.


LONG LIVE VIETNAM AND CPP AND HUN SEN and SOON our new Cambodia Province governor will be Hun MANET...

Anonymous said...

TOmico he can not get anywhere .. and he us one of the most useless royal family member .. and everyone kick him out so he said many stupid thing and he is lost and confuse just like the Monkey face Chakrapong and the playboy Sirivuddh and the useless and idiot Ranariddh who take his staffs wife ....

HUn SEN should put them all in a Golden Cage and let king do ballet dance for them to watch

And their childrens all marry foreigners .. so they dont even like their own kind so why should they be Royal Family in cambodia ....

Long Live Viet Nam ..

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is Finish all wil be control by VeitNam and soon Hun Sen will deliver Cambodia to Viet Nam and will be the new province of Viet Nam... Good work Hun Sen and CPP...

Long Live Viet Nam ... we control all your useless peoples and soon no more you and the land is belong to Viet Nam.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 'you can run but you can't hide' because if you do, you will have to face with our big brother first, that is, Chinese the 'super power nation'. Right now, both Chinese and Thai are preparing to attack your bloody VC regime the hell out of it. Let wait and see, who will win?. Most of our innocents (3miiions) are already in heaven but you up to 80+millions will suffer more than us up to 80million times, think about it dude!

Anonymous said...


and you all will land in hell forever and ever screaming hot hot and hot, because we were not thieves like you and because god is right and just, simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen will be the fry dog soon
for Vietcong eating. The Cambodian
People will sending this guy back
to the place where he came from.

P. Pehn

Anonymous said...

ធំក្លិនកកូរ កំពុងរកវិធីតថ្លៃពីគណបក្សប្រជាជន
ពោលគឺដើម្បីលាភសក្ការៈផទាល់ខ្លួន គឺនិយាយ

Anonymous said...

ហ្នឹងហើយ ធមម៉ាកូ ឫ្ ធំមួយកន្ថោរ

Anonymous said...

welcome all khmer. All khmer for one and one khmer for all!

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

យើងមានសិទ្ធិគ្រប់យ៉ាងចំពោះការទិទៀន ប៉ុន្ដែ
យើងក៏អាចដឹងអំពីតម្លៃនៃការទិទៀន ទិទៀន
ជារបៀបយួន សៀម ចិន ខ្មែរ៕

Anonymous said...

Khmer has great civilization as we have Angkor which stands in the test of time that Sok Kong from Vietnam collecting millions of dollars every year don't you see what I saw? Wake the hell up everyone! . It is a great signature for all Khmers and people all over the world that in human spirits we can all build shrines and temples to please the Gods in this great enormous universe. One message to Kings and Queens...if your majesties wish to see Cambodia change into the right direction, IT MUST BEGIN WITH YOU KINGS AND QUEENS. We are the people not King and Queen! The name King and Queen can't can't even save themself, powerless, freedomless but only watch Vietnam incroch our lands, cut our forests, take and destroys our nature resources and allow Vietnamese come live freely in Cambodia, they come to control every government departments and continues to destroy us all. If we the people of Great Khmer don't come together as one do a revolution to remove Crime mister Hun Sen or most people called the Dude Commander in Thief and the Dick tator of Cambodia and the Chimpanzy Hun Xen, the Khmer blood sucker! a Khmer killer of the new 21th century. Got it?

Anonymous said...


តាំងពីអតីតកាលរហូតដល់ បច្ចុប្បន្ន កាល ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជួយសង្គ្រោះព្រះអង្គច្រើនណាស់ហើយ
ហើយស្លាប់រាប់លាននាក់ ដើម្បីព្រះអង្គ។ពេល សុខសាន្តពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជាល្អង ធូលីព្រះបាទពេល រងគ្រោះពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរគួរជួយ។ ព្រះអង្គគួរជួយសង្គ្រោះព្រះអង្គផ្ទាល់សិន។ ល្អង ធូលីព្រះបាទ អាចជួយសង្គ្រោះព្រះអង្គបែបណា?បើព្រះអង្គ ពុំអាចសង្គ្រោះព្រះអង្គផ្ទាល់
សារព្រះអង្គ។បើយ៉ាងដូច្នេះតទៅ របបសាធារណរដ្ដ កាន់តែខិតជិត គឺនៅពីមុខពុំខាន់ ៕

Anonymous said...

U all useless Khmer!!! you all should never be live.. thank to Hun Sen and CPP we control you all. Your destiny are under our control. No one will help not even the Chinese and the Fag Thailand. You stupid Khmer see it even you Angkor Wat which is on your flag is control by US the Viet Nam. We collect all the money. So stop dreaming and accept us as your master forever and your saviour.

Thomico is useless he will make problem for for himself and in the CNRP so many of our agents in there they can not win the election .. ONLY CPP and Hun Sen....

You all stupid and idot khmer will never unite to counter us the Vietnamese. You always fighting each other and kill each other because you are not human you are animal and should all be kill.


You see even the USA come to kiss our ass for help to counter China, because we are the only one that can really fight and win the war.

We will continues to take what is belong to you because all khmer are stupid.... until we take your life.... good work Hun Sen... and CPP

Anonymous said...

និយាយឲ្យចំពួកអាចេរគេគឺមានតែពួកងាយ៉ងយួនដូចជាអាស្អី?ចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ដខ្មែរអាថាកូនក្មែរទើបតែដុះចេញពីយួនហានូយ ធ្វើអេងស្អី?អ្នកនយោបោកដូរយកស្រីស្អាតស្អី?ជួយលុយអេង
នាំស្រីទៅស៊ីចាយធើគ្នាវាស្រួូលខ្មែរដែលគេមិនចាញ់បោកអេងមិនល្ងង់ខ្លៅយកលុយអូយអេងចាយទេអារែង ងេងស្គាល់ក្មាតតិចពេកហើយ។

Anonymous said...

រាប់ទាំងរាជវង្សខ្មែរ ដែលគ្មានអំណាចផង!


Anonymous said...

ww3 is coming and VC, you are going to down straight to hell ahahahahah

Anonymous said...

NCRP will bed divided in two again because of him... believe me!