Monday, April 22, 2013

Meet CNRP President Sam Rainsy in Auckland, New Zealand on 18 May 2013


Anonymous said...

The growth more supported to new party ( CNRP. Cambodian national rescue party) According to independent media and NGO, reported
the CPP: Member themselves may breaking away from their own party. They're willing to join with Khmer community around the world and other for change.

In the past 30 years The prime Minister Hun Sen. and their government continue to borrow from other foreign countries such as new economic superpower China.
Billions in dept. and hundred millions more for their own political interest keep piling up everyone is concerned.
We all must knew and responsibility fully agreed to pay back at the high costs NOT THE CPP. It's bad for our country the Ministry information said Cambodia.GDP. prediction will continue to growth but why the CPP. borrowing more and more ..?

It will be a political games changing after Cambodia national election.
Many poor citizen and meddle class they suffering by the current ruling party the CPP.
This can be the right time to change a Politics and economic reform in Cambodia.

Pi Ahn. said...

TIME may run out soon for the CPP,Khmer rouge leader killing field regimes Hun Sen dictatorship Game's OVER.

Anonymous said...

Round 'nround outside the country, election is tomorrow and he's still clown around out of the circle, while the real voter who makes the big difference is in Cambodia and they still vote for HS. Yes Sam Rainsi you are elected in oversea with no chair, bravo for achieving nothing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PI mike said,

sorry CPP I am not going to support you YOUN slave no more since I don't get the last pay-check. So, everyone let vote for CRNP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ដំណឹងពិសេស! ដំណឹងពិសេស!

យុទ្ធសាស្រ្តចចម្លែក! យុទ្ធសាស្រ្តចចម្លែក!

យុទ្ធសាស្រ្ត លោតពីភោជនីយដ្ឋានមូយ ទៅភោជនីយដ្ឋានមូយ មិនចេះចប់យ៉ាងនេះនៅតែបន្ត ទៅទៀត។
តាមអ្នកឯកទេស បក្ស សង្រ្គោះជាតិ មិនយូរមិនឆាប់ ក្លាយជា បក្ស សង្រ្គោះ រសជាតិ(saveur-relish)។
បើសង្រ្គោះ រសជាតិ បែបនេះ គួរតែ សង្រ្គោះ រសជាតិគុយទាវ ឫ រសជាតិទឹកត្នោត ល្អប្រសើរជាង ព្រោះជាម្ចាស់ឆ្នោត។
សង្រ្គោះ រសជាតិបែបនេះ គ្មានប្រយោជន៍ដល់ការអាចបានឈ្នេះ ឆ្នោតគឹបានត្រឹមតែ:
-បាន ទុនពីអ្នកបោះទុនម្នាក់ៗ៣០ដុល្លារ ដែលចង់មើល អ្នកមេដឹកនាំ ចលនាស្រឡាញ់ ឫ
ស្នេហារ រសជាតិ។
-បានភ្លក់រសជាតិ បានឆ្ងាញ់នៃម្ហូបភោជនីយដ្ឋាន ។
-ហើយបាន បំពេញ ពោះ ពោរពេញដោយខ្លាញ់ ដែលជាកត្តាឲ្យខូចបេះដូង ក៏ដូចខូចដួងចិត្តក្លាយជាមនុស្ស............។

មិនតែប៉ុណ្នោះ ទេវតាក៏ស្រឡាញ់ការប្រារព្ធ បុណ្យទានច្រើន គឹដោយសារចង់សង្រ្គោះ រសជាតិដូចគ្នា។