Thursday, May 02, 2013

តាកែវ សម័យ«តែអុង» (by Pheng Visothara Mony)


Anonymous said...

If you ask Vietnamese the word 'Dahm Taing Ong', most of them would reconize this term and know what it meant. In Vietnamese, they called Dahm Taing Ong. They killed and burned three Khmer heads, burned them alive.

Anonymous said...

Sorry miss spelled, it should be Dahm Tai Ong

Khmer, please remember 'Dahm Tai Ong' in Vietnamese language. If you ask Vietnamese, they should know that word mean, but they may said they dont' know.

Anonymous said...

In 1970 ,Hanoi,vietcong bring the war to Cambodia ,they killed many khmer people (civil,professors,students,polices,soldiers)and destroyed many Khmer constructions ,and at the end of 1975,after Pol Pot ,Eang Sary evacuated the people from the city to the field,Hanoi prime minister came to phnom penh to see Pol Pot ,Eang Sary and congratulate them ,Hanoi prime minister said Pol Pot ,Eang Sary did well they can evacuate the people from the city to the field ,it's easy to kill ,so Hanoi had relation with killing in khmer rouge ,Hanoi has to responsible about killing in khmer rouge with khmer rouge leaders .Why let Hanoi sit out of the law and laugh behind khmer victim ?.

Anonymous said...

VC, Chen and khmer traitors like Kingta have blood in their hands. Mainly because kingta trusted them. They said to kingta 'we are brothers and we will watch your back for you' and then, they let kingta walked on the red carpet and kingta got a big head and believed in them.

They said to kingta 'if you want to be king forever, kill all of your educated ones, so that, they can be weak and they can't fight against you' and so, kingta followed their ideology e.g during the 'Four Leap Years' of Moas Zetong. And so, Moas sold mines, guns and tanks (in exchange for khmers' hard earned crops (rice and fish) to Kingta and Pol Pot (created by VC) ] to fight against Lon Nol (Pro-US), using khmers kill khmers until these present days and now, they are using Hun Sen's hands to continue their dirty works on khmer nations.

Kingta had been betrayed by these two nations above and is yet to be judged by God in heaven above because 'no one in this world can get away from any injustice that they have committed,', simple as that!

3million souls (lest we forget)

Anonymous said...

VC, Chen and khmer traitors like Kingta have blood in their hands. Mainly because kingta trusted them. They said to kingta 'we are brothers and we will watch your back for you' and then, they let kingta walked on the red carpet and kingta got a big head and believed in them.

They said to kingta 'if you want to be king forever, kill all of your educated ones, so that, they can be weak and they can't fight against you' and so, kingta followed their ideology e.g during the 'Four Leap Years' of Moas Zetong. And so, Moas sold mines, guns and tanks (in exchange for khmers' hard earned crops like, rice and fish), to Kingta and Pol Pot (created by VC) to fight against Lon Nol (Pro-US), they use the tactic of 'khmers kill khmers' or 'killing two birds with one stone' (e,g if you don't kill them I will kill you and then, they domentrated the case). Today they still use the same tactic, that is borrowing Hun Sen's hands to continue to do their dirty works like always.

Kingta had been betrayed by these two nations above and is yet to be judged by God in heaven above because 'no one in this world can get away from any injustice that they have committed,', simple as that!

3million souls (lest we forget)

Anonymous said...

មេដឹកនាំ អវិជ្ជា ក្បត់ជាតិ កំពូជព្រៃ នៃ កម្ពុជា

សំដាចម៍ បណ្ឌិតអត់សាលា អវិជ្ជា កំពូជព្រៃ តេជោកុយ (តេជចុយគោ) ក្បត់ជាតិ កញ្ជះយួន ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន សែន ជា ជនក្បត់ជាតិ ដែល បានចុះហត្ថលេខា 5 លើក (ពី ឆ្នាំ 1980 រហូត ឆ្នាំ 2005) លើ សន្ធិសញ្ញា កាត់ ដី ខ្មែរ, ភូមិ ខ្មែរ, វត្ត ខ្មែរ, កោះ ខ្មែរ (កោះ ត្រល់ និង ប្រជុំកោះ ក្រចកសេះ) អោយ ទៅ ប្រទេសយួន។

សំដាចម៍ ហ៊ុន សែន បណ្ឌិត អត់សាលា ជា មនុស្ស អវិជ្ជា កំពូជព្រៃ ជា ប្រេត ចាប់ជាតិ ចេញពី ថាននរក ឡើងមក បំផ្លាញ ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា និង ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា អោយ ប្រែ ជា ប្រទេសយួន អោយ បាន មុន ប្រេត ហ៊ុន សែន ងាប់។
ប្រេតចាប់ជាតិ ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន សែន ប្រមែប្រមូល យួន ពី ស្រុកយួន អោយ មក នៅ បានពេញ ប្រទេសខ្មែរ អោយបានឆាប់ប្រែ ជា ប្រទេសយួន ផងដែរ!!!

ពីអញ ជីតា អាតេជោកុយ (អាតេជចុយគោ)
ហ្ការី អ៊ឹង
សមាគមខ្មែរឡុងប៉ិច រដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រញ៉ា