KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
so, perfect! well scription of poelty, so beautiful and so right!
1) April 7th 1979, the so-called 'liberation day' but only to be conlonised by the VC.
2) They (VC) fooled the international community that, they came to rescue but really, they knew what they were doing, that was to impose on us (khmers)
3) They placed their well trained men to be in the lead and oppressed those who dared to speak
4) Right now, every body knows, how our leaders are just for the show
5) Everyone of them work for their own national interest and pretend to help us at its best
6 )We are not what it seems to be, because we being controlled by such monkeys
7) So, wake up everyone or else we will be traped
7) A new party is already here, the sign of the 'sun', the 'CNRP', to shine through us and claim what once ours.
8) As Leaders of srok (CPP) is just a fake, all they do is, take and take, while leaving us with nothing to bake. Now everything is at stake.
9) Their gifts of Sagrong and GMC, only to pribe you, of who you should be but in reality, they are being robbed, the right to vote of, who should be at the top.
10) They used khmers hands to kill khmers, despite the law of 'right and reality' 'they shall not kill and steal' but the VC, Chinese and CPP crooks continuing to do so.
11) This is right for all of us to know, because CPP is just a show
12) Therefore, the right time is now, so stop being proud of the crooks, let them see, what they took and let them look like a 'thief'.
13) They took Loas, Mongart, Champa, Prey Nokhor (saigon), Khmer khrom, Kosh Tral Island (Phuc Qouc) and now the whole srok khmer
14) So, wake everyone, If we don't care, it will be gone.
I urge the international community members like Viets, Chinese and all with good moral to help us to change our government and our way of life, because we (Khmers) being controlled by a 'mafia group' of people and is not legitimate and must be eliminated or else, 'if the good do nothing, the evil will win', e.g today Cambodia's downfall and tomorrow, it could be yours too. I mean who in the right mind would want to support criminals? only the devil ones would do that really...
so, perfect! well scription of poelty, so beautiful and so right!
1) April 7th 1979, the so-called 'liberation day' but only to be conlonised by the VC.
2) They (VC) fooled the international community that, they came to rescue me but really, they knew what they were doing, that was to impose on you (khmers)
3) They placed their well trained men to be in the lead and oppressed those who dared to speak
4) Right now, every body knows, how our leaders are just for the show
5) Everyone of them works for their own national interest and pretend to help us at their best
6 )We are not what it seems to be, because we being controlled by such monkeys
7) So, wake up everybody or else we will be traped
7) A new party is already here, the sign of the 'sun', the 'CNRP', to shine through us and claim what these...
8) As Leaders of srok khmer (CPP) is just a fake, all they do is, take and take, while leaving us with nothing to bake. Now everything is at stake.
9) Their gifts of Sagrong and GMC, only to pribe you, of who you should be but in reality, they are being robbed, the right to vote of, who should be at the top.
10) They used khmers hands to kill khmers, despite the law of 'right in reality' 'they shall not kill and steal' but the VC, Chinese and CPP crooks continuing to do so.
11) This is right for all of us to know, because CPP is just a show
12) Therefore, the right time is now, so stop being proud of the crooks, let them see, of what they had took and let them look as they are 'thieves'.
13) They took Loas, Mongart, Champa, Prey Nokhor (saigon), Khmer khrom, Kosh Tral Island (Phuc Qouc) and now the whole srok khmer
14) So, wake everybody, If you don't see, it will be gone.
I urge the international community members like Viets, Chinese and all with good moral to help us to change our government and our way of life, because we (Khmers) being controlled by a 'mafia group' of people and is not legitimate and must be eliminated or else, 'if the good do nothing, the evil will win', e.g today Cambodia's downfall and tomorrow, it could be yours too. I mean who in the right mind would want to support criminals, anyway? only the devil ones would do that so...
3million souls (we will be watching you in every breath you take, members of VC)
cont.. look up, look down, no different from those of 'KR'*,they live in the mansion and drive brand new cars and then, they said that they are the best ong ka (dictator)
this so-called 'best ong ka' robbed people's home, leaving nothing for them to live on.
Parents and children asking ong ka what happened, they pretend no to know and so, their home filled with sand.
Oh, dear khmers, we are being led by the crooket heads, who have no moral, nor religion and pretended that they are doing good.
Hun Sen said that, if he loses the election, he will stop believing in doing good, no more temple, no more develop and will stop all machines from recieving water to the field, he thinks, he is the best but really, he just another useless.
sorry this man's peom is too good and all I am trying to put it all together in the right order of what he is trying to say.
មេដឹកនាំ អវិជ្ជា ក្បត់ជាតិ កំពូជព្រៃ នៃ កម្ពុជា
សំដាចម៍ បណ្ឌិតអត់សាលា អវិជ្ជា កំពូជព្រៃ តេជោកុយ (តេជចុយគោ) ក្បត់ជាតិ កញ្ជះយួន ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន សែន ជា ជនក្បត់ជាតិ ដែល បានចុះហត្ថលេខា 5 លើក (ពី ឆ្នាំ 1980 រហូត ឆ្នាំ 2005) លើ សន្ធិសញ្ញា កាត់ ដី ខ្មែរ, ភូមិ ខ្មែរ, វត្ត ខ្មែរ, កោះ ខ្មែរ (កោះ ត្រល់ និង ប្រជុំកោះ ក្រចកសេះ) អោយ ទៅ ប្រទេសយួន។
សំដាចម៍ ហ៊ុន សែន បណ្ឌិត អត់សាលា ជា មនុស្ស អវិជ្ជា កំពូជព្រៃ ជា ប្រេត ចាប់ជាតិ ចេញពី ថាននរក ឡើងមក បំផ្លាញ ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា និង ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា អោយ ប្រែ ជា ប្រទេសយួន អោយ បាន មុន ប្រេត ហ៊ុន សែន ងាប់។
ប្រេតចាប់ជាតិ ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន សែន ប្រមែប្រមូល យួន ពី ស្រុកយួន អោយ មក នៅ បានពេញ ប្រទេសខ្មែរ អោយបានឆាប់ប្រែ ជា ប្រទេសយួន ផងដែរ!!!
ពីអញ ជីតា អាតេជោកុយ (អាតេជចុយគោ)
ហ្ការី អ៊ឹង
សមាគមខ្មែរឡុងប៉ិច រដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រញ៉ា
Wow! This poet should win a prize. It's amazing. I respect him very much.
so, perfect! well scription of poelty, so beautiful and so right!
1) April 7th 1979, the so-called 'liberation day' but only to be conlonised by the VC.
2) They (VC) fooled the international community that, they came to rescue but really, they knew what they were doing, that was to impose on us (khmers)
3) They placed their well trained men to be in the lead and oppressed those who dared to speak
4) Right now, every body knows, how our leaders are just for the show
5) Everyone of them work for their own national interest and pretend to help us at its best
6 )We are not what it seems to be, because we being controlled by such monkeys
7) So, wake up everyone or else we will be traped
7) A new party is already here, the sign of the 'sun', the 'CNRP', to shine through us and claim what once ours.
8) As Leaders of srok (CPP) is just a fake, all they do is, take and take, while leaving us with nothing to bake. Now everything is at stake.
9) Their gifts of Sagrong and GMC, only to pribe you, of who you should be but in reality, they are being robbed, the right to vote of, who should be at the top.
10) They used khmers hands to kill khmers, despite the law of 'right and reality' 'they shall not kill and steal' but the VC, Chinese and CPP crooks continuing to do so.
11) This is right for all of us to know, because CPP is just a show
12) Therefore, the right time is now, so stop being proud of the crooks, let them see, what they took and let them look like a 'thief'.
13) They took Loas, Mongart, Champa, Prey Nokhor (saigon), Khmer khrom, Kosh Tral Island (Phuc Qouc) and now the whole srok khmer
14) So, wake everyone, If we don't care, it will be gone.
I urge the international community members like Viets, Chinese and all with good moral to help us to change our government and our way of life, because we (Khmers) being controlled by a 'mafia group' of people and is not legitimate and must be eliminated or else, 'if the good do nothing, the evil will win', e.g today Cambodia's downfall and tomorrow, it could be yours too. I mean who in the right mind would want to support criminals? only the devil ones would do that really...
so, perfect! well scription of poelty, so beautiful and so right!
1) April 7th 1979, the so-called 'liberation day' but only to be conlonised by the VC.
2) They (VC) fooled the international community that, they came to rescue me but really, they knew what they were doing, that was to impose on you (khmers)
3) They placed their well trained men to be in the lead and oppressed those who dared to speak
4) Right now, every body knows, how our leaders are just for the show
5) Everyone of them works for their own national interest and pretend to help us at their best
6 )We are not what it seems to be, because we being controlled by such monkeys
7) So, wake up everybody or else we will be traped
7) A new party is already here, the sign of the 'sun', the 'CNRP', to shine through us and claim what these...
8) As Leaders of srok khmer (CPP) is just a fake, all they do is, take and take, while leaving us with nothing to bake. Now everything is at stake.
9) Their gifts of Sagrong and GMC, only to pribe you, of who you should be but in reality, they are being robbed, the right to vote of, who should be at the top.
10) They used khmers hands to kill khmers, despite the law of 'right in reality' 'they shall not kill and steal' but the VC, Chinese and CPP crooks continuing to do so.
11) This is right for all of us to know, because CPP is just a show
12) Therefore, the right time is now, so stop being proud of the crooks, let them see, of what they had took and let them look as they are 'thieves'.
13) They took Loas, Mongart, Champa, Prey Nokhor (saigon), Khmer khrom, Kosh Tral Island (Phuc Qouc) and now the whole srok khmer
14) So, wake everybody, If you don't see, it will be gone.
I urge the international community members like Viets, Chinese and all with good moral to help us to change our government and our way of life, because we (Khmers) being controlled by a 'mafia group' of people and is not legitimate and must be eliminated or else, 'if the good do nothing, the evil will win', e.g today Cambodia's downfall and tomorrow, it could be yours too. I mean who in the right mind would want to support criminals, anyway? only the devil ones would do that so...
3million souls (we will be watching you in every breath you take, members of VC)
3million souls (we will be watching you in every breath you take, to* members of VC)
8b) they lied, they decieved and they cheated. Making sure khmers have nothing to eat.
9a) they live in the mansion and drive new brand new cars and said that, 'they are the best Ong Ka' (dictator)
Wow, I love this man. Tears felt from my eyes while his poem spilled out from his heart.
This should be broadcast in every media within our means.
Well done sir.
It's awesome! I love every verse he said. It's so true and relevant to what has happing in Cambodia, past and present. Woe and wow! I solute you sir!
My brother,
You said all the right things.
This is an inspirational poem.
Wake up Khmer Euy!!
Please use this Khmer patriot words (showing this tape) to Khmer people around the country.
Khmer people will understand this ordinary person's poem easily.
His words stemmed from his true feeling toward Cambodia.
Bun Thoeun
look up, look down, no different from those of 'KR'*,they live in the mansion and drive brand new cars and then, they said that they are the best ong ka (dictator)
this so-called 'best ong ka' robbed people's home, leaving nothing for them to live on.
Parents and children asking ong ka what happened, they pretend no to know and so, their home filled with sand.
Oh, dear khmers, we are being led by the crooket heads, who have no moral, nor religion and pretended that they are doing good.
Hun Sen said that, if he loses the election, he will stop believing in doing good, no more temple, no more develop and will stop all machines from recieving water to the field, he thinks, he is the best but really, he just another useless.
sorry this man's peom is too good and all I am trying to put it all together in the right order of what he is trying to say.
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