Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Second Letter From Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy to King Norodom Sihamoni


[Translation from French]

Paris, 21 November 2005


In addition to my letter dated 4 November 2005, I am taking the liberty to respectfully write to You again to renew the plea I made to my King not to put His signature on the “supplemental border treaty” as it is currently submitted to Him.

As His Majesty the revered King-Father never ceased to underscore – in particular during the historical meeting of the Supreme National Council on Border Affairs held under His chairmanship in Beijing on 11-12 May 2005 – all the “technical” arguments put forward by some political leaders in an attempt to justify border agreements they had concluded with a powerful neighboring country in a recent past, are merely paper justifications and “theoretical” assurances. That is why His Majesty the King-Father stresses with insistence that nothing is worth more than a thorough inspection on the spot to learn about the fate actually sustained by our lands. In spite of His old age, Samdech Euv wanted to go by Himself along the border in order to verify the effective delineation of the latter “kilometer by kilometer,” and even, if necessary in certain areas, “meter by meter.”

Nevertheless, no independent and objective verification process on the spot, as His Majesty the King-Father wanted, has been authorized up to date in preparation for the signing and the promulgation of the “supplemental border treaty.” In fact, the latter only serves to impose a treacherous recognition of the original 1985 treaty that His Majesty the King-Father considered as part of a group of “illegal” (because they were concluded by authorities not entitled to represent Cambodia) and “unequal” (because they were concluded to the detriment of Cambodia to which they cause serious damage) treaties. His Majesty the King-Father also made it clear that such a treaty was “contrary to the [1991] Paris Agreements” because it violates the territorial integrity of Cambodia.

Since territorial integrity is an issue of life and death for Cambodia, and since no consideration was given to warnings provided by His Majesty the King-Father on this issue, Your loyal subjects would not understand the merit of a promulgation by their beloved Sovereign of the above “supplemental border treaty.” Currently submitted to intimidation and threat, Your subjects humbly, but ardently, hope for a postponement of the treaty’s promulgation until the legitimate wishes of His Majesty the King-Father are respected and until the citizens are better informed of what is happening in the border zones.

His Majesty the King-Father, Preah Karuna Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, embodies the purest patriotism, and the most complete selflessness when serving the homeland. It is in this spirit that Samdech Euv had obtained national Independence for our country and laid the foundations of modern Cambodia. This is the reason why the Khmer people devote Him the deepest respect and the most unswerving love, and confer to Him the title of Father of the Nation.

All His life, revered Samdech Euv never ceased to defend the supreme interest of the Nation. In particular, He firmly and constantly defended the territorial integrity of Cambodia which was continuously threatened. To ignore His advice and to endorse the “supplemental border treaty” would be tantamount to rejecting an important part of His legacy and to killing somewhat morally the Father of the Nation, which could lead to serious consequences for the future of Cambodia.

Please accept, Majesty, the expression of my respectful loyalty.


Sam Rainsy
[Original Letter in French]

Palais Royal
Phnom Penh

Paris, le 21 novembre 2005


En complément à ma lettre du 4 novembre 2005 je me permets de Vous écrire très respectueusement à nouveau pour renouveler la supplique que je fais à mon Souverain de ne pas cautionner par Sa signature le « traité frontalier additionnel » tel qu’il Lui est actuellement soumis.

Comme ne cesse de le souligner Sa Majesté le Roi-Père vénéré – notamment lors de la réunion historique du Conseil National Suprême chargé des Questions Frontalières qui s’est tenue sous Sa présidence à Pékin les 11 et 12 mai 2005 – tous les arguments « techniques » qu’avancent certains dirigeants politiques pour tenter de justifier des accords frontaliers qu’ils avaient conclus avec un puissant pays voisin dans un passé récent, ne sont que des justifications et des assurances « théoriques » sur le papier. C’est pourquoi Sa Majesté le Roi-Père souligne d’une façon insistante que rien ne vaut une inspection minutieuse sur le terrain pour connaître le sort qui est fait réellement à nos terres. Malgré Son grand âge, Samdech Euv a voulu aller Lui-même le long de la frontière afin de vérifier la délimitation effective de celle-ci « kilomètre par kilomètre » ou même, s’il le faut en certains endroits, « mètre par mètre ».

Or, aucune procédure de vérification indépendante et objective sur le terrain, telle que voulue par Sa Majesté le Roi-Père, n’a été autorisée à ce jour, en préparation à la signature du « traité frontalier additionnel ». Celui-ci ne sert en fait qu’à faire reconnaître traîtreusement le traité originel de 1985 que Sa Majesté le Roi- Père considère comme faisant partie d’un groupe de traités « illégaux » (car signés par des autorités qui n’étaient pas habilitées à représenter le Cambodge) et « inégaux » (car conclus au détriment du Cambodge auquel ils portent gravement préjudice). Sa Majesté le Roi- Père a aussi précisé qu’un tel traité était « contraire aux Accords de Paris » de 1991 car il viole l’intégrité territoriale du Cambodge.

Etant donné que l’intégrité territoriale est une question de vie ou de mort pour le Cambodge, et que l’on n’a pas tenu compte des mises en garde éclairées de Sa Majesté le Roi-Père sur cette question, Vos loyaux sujets ne comprendraient pas le bien-fondé d’une promulgation par leur Souverain bien-aimé du « traité frontalier additionnel » ci-dessus. Soumis actuellement à l’intimidation et à la menace, Vos sujets espèrent humblement mais ardemment un report de cette promulgation jusqu’à ce que les souhaits légitimes de Sa Majesté le Roi-Père soient respectés et les citoyens mieux informés de ce qui se passe réellement dans les zones frontalières.

Sa Majesté le Roi-Père, Preah Karuna Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, incarne le patriotisme le plus pur et l’abnégation la plus totale au service de la patrie. C’est dans cet esprit que notre Samdech Euv a obtenu l’Indépendance nationale pour notre pays et jeté les bases du Cambodge moderne. C’est la raison pour laquelle le peuple khmer Lui voue le respect le plus profond et l’amour le plus indéfectible, et Lui a conféré le titre de Père de la Nation.

Toute Sa vie durant, Samdech Euv vénéré n’a eu de cesse de défendre l’intérêt supérieur de la Nation. En particulier, Il a défendu avec fermeté et constance l’intégrité territoriale du Cambodge sans cesse menacée. Négliger Son avis et avaliser maintenant le « traité frontalier additionnel » serait renier une partie importante de Son oeuvre et tuer un peu moralement le Père de la Nation, avec les conséquences les plus graves pour l’avenir du Cambodge.

Daignez agréer, Majesté, l’expression de mon déférent dévouement.

Sam Rainsy


Anonymous said...

It's a waste of time to ask the Cambodian king(s)father and son alike to reject any request or demand from the current Communist government in Phnom Penh. First, the king(s) are afraid of the Communist and secondly, they afraid of losing their monarchy (throne).

Anonymous said...

សូមអរគុណ និងសូមសំដែងនូវសេចក្តីកោតសរសើរចំពោះលោកសម រង្សី ដែលមានសេចក្តីក្លាហាន
ហ៊ានលើកយកបញ្ហា ៉សន្ធិសញ្ញាបំពេញបន្ថែមឆ្នាំ២០០៥៉ នេះឡើង ។ ខ្ញុំយល់ថា បញ្ហាឯករាជ្យ
អធិបតេយ្យ និងបូរណភាពទឹកដីខ្មែរ ត្រូវចាប់ផ្តើមពីការលុបសន្ធិសញ្ញាបំពេញបន្ថែមក្បត់ជាតិនេះចេញ
ជាមុនសិន មុនអាចឈានទៅដល់ការទាមទារសុំអោយមានការសើរើ និងការពិនិត្យឡើងវិញនូវការ
អនុវត្តន៍នែកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងទីក្រុងប៉ារីសឆ្នាំ១៩៩១ ។
លី ឌៀប

Anonymous said...

I don’t why Sihamoni still want to be king for?
He should resign and take his mom to live in France so that the Viet and Hun Sen can no longer use him.

Anonymous said...

That seihakmoni faggot will not dare do or say anything to jeopardize his kingship. He is so blind and deaf to hear, see or read anything about the injustice inflicted on the poor Khmers by hun sen's regime. He is a coward and good for nothing shit head!

Anonymous said...

The border issue has always been the hot topic between Cambodia and her neighbors. Vietnam and Thailand, both countries ought to respect Cambodian Sovereignty which both, Vietnam and Thailand are a Compulsory States among United Nation. To keep the spirit of brotherhoods among men of same origin, Southeast Asia and Thailand must retreat and go back to the round table at the United Nation and once and for all, to sit and debate about the border issue and made it final. With technology today available for proper citing of the borderline, all nations among Southeast Asia and Thailand can begin to lay the border markers and respect each other sphere of power between these nations; after all, we came from the same origin and to never once forget that the white Europeans and the West power will never accept us equally in their eyes. So, the unity among people of Asia is a must. You cannot promote peace by building more weapons and likewise, you cannot continue building more weapons and hoping to get peace out of it. Human behaviors have never fail, that mankind will continue to use force for the purpose to compel those who they think it a threat to them. Vietnam and Thailand must respect Cambodia Border Agreement at the time when Cambodia received her Independence from France in 1953. Although King Sihanouk failed horribly as a politician within his Kingdom, but King Sihanouk has never failed to challenge those nations that have violated Cambodian sovereignty. For this commitment toward the Kingdom, King Sihanouk has earned my respect as King of Cambodia. I shall not speak of the internal affairs to which King Sihanouk has ruled over his nation. At the very moment, France needs to open their mouth and make proclamation to the world that France has made mistake without consulting Cambodia before awarding Corchin China to Bao Dai and the United States, under the leadership of President Roosevelt agreed by indirectly supporting France on this matter, because France is a white European nations and not Asian by descend. This alone ought to put United States, France and England to shame. French Vichy, Churchill and Roosevelt, but one thing I have to credit to US President was the idea behind the International Trusteeship of French Indochina agenda. President Roosevelt has tried very hard to convince France, but France with their arrogant attitude, wanted to control the entire Asia.

Phnom Penh Post

Anonymous said...

Seng Theary,
What do you think about Khmer border with Vietnam ?
We do not need to see it through god. You can see it by yourself. Do you ever have any word about the border?
You look like shut your mouth up!


Anonymous said...

It is insolent for SR to lecture the King. SR has crossed the line. The King knows what to do, he listens to no one except himself alone. He does what is best in the current situation that is not the same as before at the time of the King Father. All you big mouths can't stand being King a single day, you don't know how hard it is living under the strongman Hun Sen. The monarchy is the last hope for Cambodia. SR is dirt compared to our King Sihamoni. In the old days, you should have been beheaded SR.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are so many traps that the neocolonialist Vietnam has laid in Cambodia:

1- Convince Khmer people not to vote. Then its puppet Hun Sen does not have to work hard to resume his power. Vietnam will give a few seats to the Fun cipek party for "democratic fee".

2- Try indirectly (refusing to reform the NEC) dissuading the CNRP from registering, but fortunately the CNRP did not go into that trap by registering in this upcoming election.
In effect, had the CNRP not been registered on time, it would have lost the focus of its campaign and spent most of the time asking some favor from Vietnam (Hun Sen) to let it (CNRP) in the election process.

3- Vietnam will spread the words that without the CPP in power, there will be war in Cambodia.


After Cambodia got its independence from France in 1953, Vietminh did not leave Cambodia, creating some kind of war with the Cambodian government.

After the Geneva conference in 1954, Vietnam was forced to leave Cambodia, but while leaving Cambodia, Vietnam abducted a few thousand of Khmer children and brainwashed them for future use.

After March 18 1970, Vietnam again launched a massive attack on Lon Nol’s government, claiming that it fought for Sihanouk to regain his power. At this point, Khmer people must know that with or without Sihanouk’s request, Vietnam would have invaded Cambodia anyway because leaving Cambodia to have peace has never been in Vietnam’s dictionary.

In January 1979, Vietnam invaded Cambodia to dislodge the Khmer rouge.

In 1993, after the CPP lost the election, Vietnam used some Khmer traitors trying to break Cambodia in half.

One way or another, it seemed like Vietnam has always had reasons to invade Cambodia. It is so creepy, hypocrite, and ridiculous.

Consequently, if the CNRP wins this upcoming election, Vietnam will stage a fake civil war and create trouble for the newly formed CNRP’s government and at the same time launch a psychological warfare by spreading the words that “ you see without Hun Sen and CPP, there is war in Cambodia”. Now, we must know who will be created any war in Cambodia: Vietnam.

A fake civil war is war generated by Vietnam, using the Vietnamese who have been living in Cambodia to fight the CNRP’s government (when the CNRP wins the election).
So, that fake civil war is not between Khmer and Khmer.

What I want clarify is that Vietnam is the root of all wars in Cambodia aiming at making the Ho Chi Minh’s ideas materialized. And all sufferings that Khmer people have been heavily absorbing stemming from those wars .

I would like to solemnly exhort to all the powerful countries in the world and the UN to comprehend the real situation in Cambodia and immediately force the puppet government of Hun Sen to overhaul the NEC and let Sam Rainsy return to Cambodia and find ways to revive the 1991 Paris peace accord, then Cambodia might have a true and lasting peace..

And if anybody kept wondering why Cambodia’s problem is so complex, they should know that the root of the problem is Vietnam.

Noting that Vietnam did not comply with the 1973 peace treaty with the US,, nor did it comply with the 1991 Paris peace agreement.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...


The way you use your language sounds like, the barbaric kind of people, well, that is why, srok khmer the way it is today because of your barbaric behaviour alike ,e,g how many nationalists been killed by kingta, Pol Pot and Hun Sen because of having the ability to speak 'truth' or 'positive constructive opinion', in the name of 'community building'?

Sadly, to some, it is all about power rather than focusing on what else needs to be done for their own country and nation as a whole. 9:49am who do you think you are, speaking of 'SR is a dirt compared to our king Sihamoni'? and what did King Sihamoni do when his people are introuble? that is right! NOTHING! ok, so, why do people still call him "king" when he is useless like this? because people have been brainwashed to believe that king is 'god or son of god" haha, sic!

No, being king is not that easy but it is his responsibility to react if things are't going according to plan...eg making sure people have adequate living standard and being protected from being used or abused. But in this case, people are being used and abused .eg land grabbing, land concession and being robbed from their hard earned produce such as rice and fish etc. their income is no where near enough to feed their family on a daily basis, sic!

In the west, income of a one day work could get you up to 10 whole chicken for dinner, whereas in Cambodia, you can even get 1 whole chicken, so, how can people survive in this sense!. Oh dear, talking to the CPP gov't is like pouring water on the duck's head because it won't soak.

As a matter of fact, King Sihamouni is nothing more than a puppet of Hun Sen and Hun Sen is nothing more than a puppet of VC and so on. None of them has quality of a true leader of srok khmer really. But in order for all of us to move on, we have to learn to respect one another regardless of our background or otherwise, war will never end, really.

So, the best way we can say is, let us unite and say 'everyone is doing the best we can for our country and nation' before it is too late. Before we became khmer krom the second.

So long

Anonymous said...

Hey Khmers, do you think that this gay king will care anything about all of you, the land, Hell no.

Anonymous said...

to Phnom Penh Post

So true! westerners would never want what is best for us 'Asian Nations', but rather the opposite because of fear of retaliation e,g during wwii they said 'bring war but don't let them bring war to us, and it is also called 'proxy war', they were so paranoided to see Asian Nations grew bigger and better, while Asia on the other hands, their only concerned were, economic growth, to expand their franchises and merchant and how to develop their sense of security and sustainablitiy for their living standard and so on. Today, they still continue to have that fair e,g concerning 'China rise', saying, what would China do to us as they become bigger and better? For the chinese, they have alot to worry in term 1.3 billion mouths to feed, nothing to do with War or wanting to attack anybody really.

Anyway, coming back to the 'Southeast Asian Nations', yes, I agree with you in term of, conformity and respect each other cultures, boundary, state sovereignty etc. Only then, we can all live in peace.

Be blessed everyone!

Anonymous said...

If the king cannot help, please don't hurt our chance of losing more land to Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

9:49 AM said:

“The King knows what to do, he listens to no one except himself alone.”

Why are you damn dumb and blind?
Hun Sen has been ordering Sihamoni to do as he pleases.

Anonymous said...

The gay King is a bad image for Cambodia. He is a puppet, and he is surrounded by whispers telling him hes a godly man.

But in fact, this gay King is nothing ore then a 5 years old kid crying for his lollipop. The big bully kid is Hun Sen. This bully, brings the lollipop to the yard, but make other kids fight.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:26 AM,

Are you against gay and lesbian people around the world?

Are you homophobic?

Are you Vietnamese/Yuon hiding in Cambodia?

You'd rather watch yourself with your mouthpiece, bitch?

Anonymous said...

Some of the posters who are against the king must be Yuon/Vietnamese face hidden in Cambodia and who are very biased against gay people around the world.

CNRP members NEVER mentioned like that posters who are AGAINST gay and lesbian people.

CNRP members and leaders are very open-minded people.

Anonymous said...

why waste your time with a useless King Sam Rainsy ? The king that doesn't know anything about his people's welfare . He is there to do what Hun Sen tells him to do

Anonymous said...

5:35 PM,

Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eater, you need to think properly. Why are you here to bark for nonsense. You are just useless evil animal.

Anonymous said...

Notre Roi est petit petit petit !
Nous devrons compter sur nous même !
Gardez Le comme symbole de l'unité et de l'identité KHMER !
Merci !!!

Anonymous said...

To 11:03 A.M

White Europeans and Westerners, these people are mostly practioners and they also intellectually understood human psychology. Most of them believe in Christianity. Just imagine, during the epoch of the Crusaders, if they can force their own people to believe in Christianity and if anyone object to the idea of Christianity, they will be persecuted or killed. These people mean business when it comes to control. If they have the mentality of controlling people, certainly, they will not allow Asia to control them. This has led them to realization, that to win the East, they must do what is necessary of them to do what must be done in terms of divide and conquor. The same when Mongols gave the last ultimatum to Europeans before his invasion into Europe. The only way European nations and Western can overcome Asia is to focus on technology sectors where it will do more harm once relinquished. I have read one particular article about the new strategy utilized by Western power, and that is to lure India into their sphere of power and to united India with European Nations, US and India as their allied. If EU, US and India are able to join hands, China would have a terrible time in controlling of all Asia. This idea has been shared througout the EU, US and its allies. This is why England and US must do their best to maintain its power within Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Thailand and now Myanmar which was in the past known as Burma. These are nations that under Western sphere of influence. If Cambodia wants to exist and continue to exist as a nation, Cambodia must becarefully choosing the right allies or face extinction. China will not be able to help Cambodia in anyway, shape or form. Vietnam has betrayed China, Russia and certain US will not trust Vietnam one bit. Cambodia must turn to the West. IT IS THE ONLY BEST STRATEGIC MOVE CAMBODIA HAS LEFT.

Phnom Penh Post

Anonymous said...

ហេតុអ្វី លោក លីឌៀប ថ្លែងទៅកាន់ លោក
សមរាង្ស៊ី ដោយប្រើពាក្យ មានសេចក្តីក្លាហាន
ហ៊ានលើកយកបញ្ហា សន្ធិសញ្ញាបំពេញបន្ថែម
ឆ្នាំ២០០៥ នេះឡើង! បានន័យថាគ្មាននរណា
ម្នាក់ហ៊ាន​ក្អកទេ ចំពោះបញ្ហានេះ ព្រោះខ្លាច

Anonymous said...

សួស្តីលោក 11:54 PM,
ខ្ញុំកោតសរសើរលោកសម រង្សី ពីព្រោះលោកនិងភរិយាជាមនុស្សដែលខ្ញុំយល់ថា មានភាពជិតស្និទ្ធជាមួយ
អ្នកម្នាងម៉ូនិកនិងហ្លួងកូនខ្លាំងណាស់ ។ ទង្វើរបស់លោកបានបង្ហាញអោយខ្ញុំឃើញអំពីឧត្តមគតិជាតិនិយម
ដ៏ជ្រាលជ្រៅរបស់លោក លើសពីប្រយោជន៍ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន ។ ទង្វើបែបនេះខ្ញុំពុំទាន់ឃើញមេៗខ្មែរផ្សេងៗទៀត
ហ៊ានធ្វើនៅឡើយ ។ ពួកអ្នកទាំងនោះហ៊ានត្រឹមតែបន្ទោសហ៊ុន សែនប៉ុណ្ណោះ ! ។ ជេរហ៊ុន សែនពុំអាចកែ
ប្រែអ្វីបានឡើយ ។ គឺមានតែហ្លួងសីហមុនីទេ ដែលអាចចេញប្រកាសលុបសន្ធិសញ្ញាបំពេញបន្ថែមឆ្នាំ២០០៥
ចោលបាន ។ ការប្រកាសលុបចោលនេះ ជាការពិតណាស់នឹងធ្វើអោយ កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងទីក្រុងប៉ារីសឆ្នាំ១៩៩១
មានជីវិតឡើងវិញ !!
ជាមួយគ្នានេះដែរ ខ្ញុំក៏សូមឆ្លើយចំពោះលោក 9:49 AM នៅខាងលើផងដែរ ៖
ខ្ញុំពិតជាយល់អំពីស្ថានភាពរបស់ស្តេចដែលត្រូវស្ថិតនៅក្រោមម្លប់របស់គេ ។ ទាំងរូបខ្ញុំនិងលោក មិនដែលបានធ្វើ
ស្តេចបាន១ថ្ងៃណាទេ ។ ក៏ប៉ុន្តែយើងត្រូវធ្វើសំនួរថា ៖ តើយើងចង់ធ្វើជាស្តេចកញ្ជះគេ ស្តេចត្រាកៅស៊ូ ស្តេចអាយ៉ង
ឫមួយក៏យើងចង់ធ្វើជាស្តេចរបស់រាស្ត្រ ស្តេចដែលមានមនសិការជាតិ និងជាស្តេចចេះថែរក្សាការពារទឹកដីនិង
ប្រទេសជាតិ ? សំដីរបស់លោកកំពុងសារភាពថា ៖ ស្តេចសីហមុនីជាស្តេចអាយ៉ងរបស់គេ និងជាស្តេចដែល
កំពុងជាប់ក្នុងទ្រុងគេ ។ សុំសួរថា ៖ តើសេចក្តីសង្ឃឹមចុងក្រោយរបស់លោកនៅត្រង់ណាទៅ បើស្តេចនេះជ្រើស
រើសយកការដេកលក់ ការយកសុខខ្លួនឯង មិនព្រមរើបំរះខ្លួនចេញពីជាអាយ៉ង និងចេញពីទ្រុងរបស់គេយ៉ាង
នេះរួចទៅហើយនោះ ?? ។ តើយើងជារាស្ត្រត្រូវនាំគ្នាទៅស្លាប់ ឈាមស្រោចផែនដី ដើម្បីរំដោះស្តេចចោល
ម្សៀតមួយអង្គនេះឫ ?? ។
លី ឌៀប

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំសូមគាំទ្រនូវទស្សនរបស់លោកពូ លីឌៀប ទាំងស្រុង។

Anonymous said...

Phnom Penh Post?

Does the post know about you using its name to make a fool out of yourself here on KI-Media? Think about all of the legal implications...before it's too late!

Anonymous said...

For some reason, that one @3:40AM doesn't seem to sound sincere at all!!!

Anonymous said...

5:15 A.M

I care not what Phnom Penh Post think of any legal implications or retaliations. I am in Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and England. I do not make nor do I sale anything to anyone. This is the age of Internet and anyone can have any username as he or she please. I might be an Alien from outer space for that matter. The point has been made. Expression has been said. Now, if I am in a business of advertising myself on KI for personal benefit or I have accept payments from anyone, then under the Intellectual Property laws, I might be in trouble, but I am simply using it as a Username and for NOT Profit, thus it makes no different as to what these legal implications are. Thanks for advising me though, but I know my position.

Phnom Penh Post

Anonymous said...

nor do I sell***
as he or she pleases***
I have accepted payments from ***
thus it makes no difference as***

Anonymous said...

5:53 AM. You do not have to explain yourself to us. You make reasonable and logical explanation. Although, i disagree with your perspective. I can say that you are an educated and intelligent human being.

Anonymous said...

6:08 A.M

I do appreciate what you are trying to do by correcting my sentences.

Anonymous said...

6:08 AM

Phnom Pench Post is right, unless you're the owner of PP Post, if not, you shouldn't worry about people's legal implication. And now you should never got offended either for being so concern about people's name.

Anonymous said...

Phnom Penh Post
You have made some good points. War is not new, it has been circlated since the beginning of time e.g since Adam and Eve, where Carn Killed Abell and so on. From the golden aged (stone aged) to the mordern ages (new machines and technologies) etc. Yeah, I agree with you in term of which way of life should we be moving toward for the better. I agree mainly because, of the experienced in which we had from both Viets and Chinese. Mainly because of trusting them to much, that is why srok khmer is the way it is today like, up to 3 million of our educated ones are gone, dead!.

The truth is, none of which is perfect. However, if we can join with the West is the best, because their social democracy way of life, is far more humane than the Asian way of life. They have great respect for one another, they have proper guideline and principle of 'social right and social justice', where perpetraitors had to pay the price etc.

Yes, it is true that they have killed many christians, however, they have also been enlightened by that ordeal and turned around to focus on the law to break those barrier between people and their beliefs, that is why, they came up with this policy called the 'multicultural policy', by giving 'zero tolerant for descrimination against their background or differences', etc.

Anyway, coming back to Asians' way of life, well, all Asian Nations are slowly moving toward the West way of life influences too, e.g take China as an example, in 1978, a new reform emerged from communism to 'Chinese socialism characteristic', with open door, open market economy and now, China has become the fastest and most developed country in the world and believed to be by 2020, they will be on top of the world. But not without the down side of it though, because just like everything else e.g what goes up must come down, that is, 'the boom vs the bust' and so on and with 1.3 billion to feed hmm. many more questions would come into place.

Anyway, I could go on and on in debating on this topic but i am sure, it will never end as the world keeps moving and changing as it goes, I mean who knows? However, for having said that, the best we can do is to keep going and be open minded, that is, accepting to changes as we go. Most important of all, just look into the past and we will see the future outcome.

So, be blessed everyone!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you distractor @ 7:40 AM can blah blah blah people to death here on KI-Media with your moronic jiberish all you want...this is the place to do it...more power to you!!!

Anonymous said...


do you know,
more to Cambodia than you and I...
be open minded...

now...So, be blessed everyone!

he is a changed man to fool more Khmer...for the sake of the Viet's annexation of Cambodia!!!

Anonymous said...

We must not forget that we our Khmer Empire was the most advanced civilisation on earth, it was our kind hearted people and our kind hearted King that wanted to keep peace with our neighbours.

Our King wanted to make peace with the outside. When the Siam thieves came down from China, our King helped them with kindness. When the Youn murdered the Champa population, our Khmer King forgave them and gave them a second though.

Our Khmer people are kind hearted. This is why the Youn continued to abuse our people and our culture. Their hatred toward our people will never end.

Cambodia dissapeared from the world map for over 40 years and became a state to the Youn. If not for the French, the Youn would have 3 Khmer heads as house decoration.

The Youn are also the reason why the US bombed the hell out of Cambodia and used Cambodia as a buffer zone, knowing that a full Vietnamese invasion would be inevitable.

This is irrevesable, and the Vietnamization will not stop. What we must do now is remove Hun Sen and CPP, and make them pay for the crime against our people.

Anonymous said...

who say they like viets and chen? fk headed, you are a fk psycho, go read and make sure understand what he/she is talking about fk headed, maybe you should check your brain with the doctor or something..blalalalalalala sickheaded!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Phnom Penh Post @11:15 PM.


Anonymous said...

you know
so be blessed everyone
be open minded
who knows?
be blessed everyone!
There is more to Cambodia...
Thank you and I...

OK, that's enough shit!!!

Anonymous said...

7:40 AM. I agree with your point. But i dont agree that the Asians killed the Christians. It was the Christians themself that killed non-Christians.

If you read the bibles, you will see that hundreds of thousands of non believers were hanged and quartered alive, and then gutted, their limbs were spread across the cities.

The Christians were the most evil hypocratic people. Jesus was among one of thousands of men that were crusified among the road to Jerusalem to Bethlehem.

He was not the first nor the last. And the bibles were written not after Jesus's death, but after 200 years after Jesus's death.

When Jesus was alive, he was a street begger. He perform street tricks to earn income.

Search it up.

Anonymous said...


7:40am did not say that Asian killed Christians but rather from the Western society, as they were once led by the crusaders like the freemasion, the knight templers, zionisms and their gang of mafia etc, which led to the co-founders of 'social right and social justice' in term of equal rights and equal opportunity and so on. But at the same time, I do understand from Phnom Penh post perspective, where Christians would kill the none christians and making them to believe in Christian and if I am to respond to that would be, they all were 'fake Christians' because in reality, base on the ten commendments 'they shall not kill'. Nevertheless, you are right, because at that time, there were some radical viewpoints in term of, how to unite as 'one' e.g one nation and one dream and one hope, that is to be 'great' and powerful nation, where no one can hurt them etc.

Be blessed everyone!

Anonymous said...

Phnom Penh Post?

Is it freedom of speech or is it sabotage[to KI-Media]?

KI-Media could get tangled in lots of troubles because of Phnom Penh Post!

Can KI-Media afford to stay afloat then?

Anonymous said...

Did Phnom Penh Post buy exclusive right to use the words "phnom penh" and "post?" These words have existed long before the early 1990's.

. said...

Dear poster @7:01PM,

Regardless of what your intentions are, may I implore your understanding to not jeopardize the freedom of speech here on KI-Media please? KI-Media is the last frontier where we all can say or do just about anything except to disenfranchise ourselves from the rest of the world...

Thank you.