ដើរទាត់ខ្យល់ នៅអាមេរិកមែន តែក្លាយទៅជា អ្នកមានពុករលួយម្នាក់នៅក្នុងរដ្ធាភិបាល ស៊ីភីភី!
Thanks to Annoymous for the comment below:
Anonymous said...
I was not surprised about this suspension. Many of the Cambodians who were educated and lived in the West and now work for Hun Sen usually they could not get a job in the States or had troubles with law here.
To the varnishing Cambodia and poor Khmers, it is time now, not next election, to demand changes to the government by having the people elected by the national elections to protect and serve Cambodia and Khmers.
Khmers do not need the current government to continue oppressing Khmers.
The elected representatives have the duties to reform the civil services that hire civil servants based on merits and job qualifications, pay the civil servants the living wages at minimum and provide medical care to them and their family.
At the time being, CNRP needs to send a unifying message as a single nationalist movement, not CNRP movement,for all Khmers.
First step is to call Khmers demanding changes as "The Nationalists". Why do you accept the negative words "The Opposition" given to you by Hun Sen and his associates?
Second step is to lead by examples. Each day, A different "newly elected member" of the National Assembly announce a simple step or action he or she takes that would contribute to the just, independent Cambodia and prospering Khmers like talking to Khmers to buy local products to create local jobs. And ask Khmers to do the same for their motherland and fellows Khmers.
For the next 123 days, please show Khmers 123 steps or actions that you as "members" of the National Assembly will take. Let the ones who were not elected yet tell Khmers the step and action they will take, too.
Khmers are waiting for your leadership at this critical moment in Khmer history.
Together we will have a just, independent Cambodia and prosper for all Khmers.