Saturday, September 07, 2013

'Mass demonstration' a restrained affair

Sam Rainsy addresses thousands of supporters at Phnom Penh's Freedom Park on Saturday. PHA LINA

Cheang Sokha, Shane Worrell and May Titthara The Phnom Penh Post Sat, 7 September 2013

AFTER weeks of heightened tensions caused by an increase of troops and armored vehicles on the streets, the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party’s highly anticipated mass demonstration remained a peaceful affair today, though leaders cautioned there may be more to come.

The thousands of opposition supporters who poured into the capital’s Freedom Park in the early morning spent most of the demonstration sitting down – at times, in prayer – as police watched on.

In an event that resembled the CNRP’s previous rallies at Freedom Park, opposition leader Sam Rainy called for the government to recount votes in disputed provinces or stage a re-vote if this is not possible.

“We need to see in black and white that the people of Cambodia want justice and freedom,” he said. “We need freedom and change. This gathering is giving everyone a chance to express this.”

Underscoring how little the CPP has responded to the opposition’s demands, Rainsy continued calling for a joint committee to be formed to investigate irregularities, an idea proposed the morning after the election.

“We hold this non-violent protest to find justice for voters and demand the creation of an independent committee, consisting of national and international organisations – including the UN – to resolve election irregularities.”

Rainsy also reiterated his desire for King Norodom Sihamoni – who will arrive back from China next week – to intervene if the CNRP’s claims of election victory are not recognised.

The National Election Committee will announce official results tomorrow and is expected to uphold the CPP’s claims of victory, 68 seats to the opposition’s 55.

But Kem Sokha, vice president of the CNRP, called for the NEC to delay its announcement until a committee is formed to solve irregularities.

In an accompanying statement, the CNRP said resolving the issue was beyond the NEC’s mandate, because it had “caused all of these irregularities”.

“The committee should comprise a member of the two main political parties, civil society, international organisations and the UN to probe these irregularities and the NEC’s mistakes,” the statement says. “If there is no such committee formed . . . the CNRP will continue to hold mass, non-violent demonstrations until a solution is found and justice is given to the voters.

Before the opposition toned down its rhetoric last Monday, the words “mass demonstration” had led many to think today’s event could get heated.

But Rainsy’s claim that the gathering would be as much a group prayer session as anything else turned out to be prophetic.

Despite their superiors banning their involvement in mass demonstrations, scores of monks showed up in support of the opposition. At times, they sat in prayer. They also chanted and cheered along with everyone else.

Protesters, including youths, the elderly and civil servants, spent much of the demonstration sitting on the ground, clutching lotus flowers and signs.

Two groups acknowledged as providing crucial support to the opposition at the ballot in July – garment workers and land evictees – were also in strong attendance.

They were represented on stage by Cambodian Confederation of Unions president Rong Chhun and Boeung Kak lake activist Tep Vanny, respectively.

Som Virak, 23, a university student who lives in Phnom Penh, said he had learned through listening to independent radio that the election had been filled with irregularities.

“I’ve just come today to find out where my vote is. What happened to it?” he said, adding that if so many had not gone “missing”, the CNRP would have won.

Although military and police presence in the crowd was moderate, hundreds of troops and police were deployed on streets leading into the capital.

Yon Sineath, a human rights observer at the event, said police had set up roadblocks at various points around the city and made it difficult for many to make it to Freedom Park.

“Some police have tried to block people – and monks, too,” she said.

While Rainsy praised the number of supporters who had come from outer provinces, he said demonstrations had also been held in other parts of the country.

“Today, we join together to meditate for peace, freedom and justice,” he said.

Kheng Tito, national military police spokesman, praised protesters for remaining calm and said police had carried out their tasks of providing security and controlling traffic.

Tito said officers were prepared for further demonstrations, but he did not expect many would be held.

“I suspect if there’s no effort at good faith negotiation”, little will change, he said. “It’s not like these workers have gone to this length for nothing.”

SL management will enter back into talks with C.CAWDU, said Ken Loo, secretary-general of the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia, which advised SL to recant the letter.

“There will be further negotiations, further meetings, and we’ll see if this round can lead to some kind of solution,” Loo said.


Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy and kem sokha are playing a game with innocent khmer people. There are many khmer people wake up but they got trick by sam rainsy and kem sokha. I feel so sorry for them.

Anonymous said...


Praying will never work with the evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen. I knew the result of the praying already: fruitless.

However, it would show the CNRP's weakness, no realistic plan to achieve its goal.

Khmer people have empowered you (CNRP) to win the election already. Your job is to take the necessary steps to claim that win.

I said before that it was fortunate for Cambodia that Sihanouk died last year. If Sihanouk were alive, he would have forced the CNRP to give in to whatever Hun Sen wanted.

So, please don't adopt Sihamoni’s suggestions. He is simply a tool for Hun Sen. Sihamoni said whatever Hun Sen has told him to. I felt terrible when I heard the words “ Preah Reach Damress Preah Maha Ksath”.
If the CNRP continued to adopt Sihamoni’s suggestions, the CNRP’s popularity will gradually diminished and the end of Cambodia will be imminent.

Please tell me just one action that this King has done for Cambodia.

Here is my suggestion:

Vietnam wanted to swallow Cambodia a very long time ago. Vietnam has been controlling Cambodia for 33 years.

Do you think Vietnam will relieve its grip on Cambodia after the CNRP's praying ?
No way.

It will require a powerful force from the international community to make this evil Vietnam leaves Cambodia for good. The international community needs a leverage to break Vietnam's grips.

Where is that leverage and who has it ?

The CNRP knows, Khmer people know, and I know that the only way to stop Vietnam is through a peaceful demonstration. We must invoke Mahatma Gandhi's concept by marching peacefully, demanding the CPP to accept its electoral loss or we offer the CPP a new election if this Vietnam's slave felt that its loss was a fluke.

We march peacefully, daring this evil Vietnam and its puppet to shoot us. Only when the killings were enormous that the international community would exercise its right or its morale obligation to intervene and help Cambodia. Otherwise, the evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen would deplore the international community as the interferer of Cambodia's internal affair.

The number of Khmer people who got killed in the demonstration is the LEVERAGE that the international community needs to intervene to help Cambodia. Khmer people are the creators of such leverage.

If the evil Vietnam lost its soldiers to conquer Cambodia, it would be logical that Khmer people lose some lives to save Cambodia. No other way around.

I have put the number at 100,000 people death to win over this evil Vietnam.

Khmer people cannot back down after some people got killed. Use those brave Khmer people death as a motive, a fuel, a morale force to go forward until the international community move in to help us. We cannot do one half way, one half measure.

Our protest has a solid foundation: we demand for justice, the loser must concede its defeat.

Are 100,000 people death too many to sacrifice to save Cambodia?

It is absolutely not, considering the fact that Khmer people will suffer heavily after Cambodia becomes a province of Vietnam or 3 million Khmer people who were largely killed by the evil Vietnam through its Khmer Vietminh during the Pol Pot era or hundreds of thousands of Khmer people who were perished by the K5 project deployed by Vietnam in the 80s.

I put the number at 100,000 because I don't want to see the people demoralize after some brave Khmer people die during the peaceful demonstration. The actual number should be much lower.

In brief, we help ourselves first by creating a leverage, give it to the international community to hit that evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen, then finally a lasting peace will come to Cambodia.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

I think the Evil dictatorship leader never give up from praying from innocent people, must train the young Cambodian know how to use Nuclear or Chemical weapon to deal with the dictatorship leader from now on, there are plenty Chemical Weapons we can buy one now on the world market,,,,

Anonymous said...


Dog barks NEVER bites...

Anonymous said...

“When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters-one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Comment: Focus on destroying opponent's strategy not tactics to access the opportunity to reach the goal

Anonymous said...

"Those who make peaceful revolutions impossible will make violent revolutions inevitable”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy(American 35th US President (1961-63), 1917-1963)

Anonymous said...

សម រង្ស៊ី ដឹកនាំមហាបាតុកម្មបង្គ្រប់កិច្ច....

និងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ុន សែន!
ផ្លាស់ប្តូរពិតប្រាកដទេ ក្រៅពីបង្គ្រប់កៅអី និងងារជាឯកឧត្ដមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy and kem sokha have betrayed our trust. they asked us to vote for them to get rid Hun Sen, and when we did so, they have the undisguised pleasure to play tricks on us., and asked the ass-licker king to resolve the problem.
I'm sure they will join the National Assembly session to comply with the Coward king demand.
I'm sure they are plotting against the Khmer people.
Wake-up Khmer! face facts. They must think we are idiots.
We will find out their tricks soon.

Anonymous said...

Now their jokes have dried, what are their next invention? Wait and see!

Anonymous said...

Next?...rainsy is waiting for his King to poop on his bald head

russell said...

Mr. Rainsy

do not pull back, have to go forward!!!

khmer people support you everywhere.

have to be strong, courage.
khmer people hope that you will help them from Hun Sen regime.

they don't like Hun Sen and yuon