២៧ វិច្ឆិកា ២០១៣ | 27 Nov. 2013 13:00
Sam Rainsy in Brussels, Paris, Munich, Linz and Zurich.
កម្មវិធី សំណេះសំណាល ជាមួយ លោកប្រធាន សម រង្ស៊ី នៅ ទ្វីបអឺរ៉ុប៖
១ - ថ្ងៃអង្គារ ទី២៦ វិច្ឆិកា ២០១៣ នៅទីក្រុង ប្រុចសែល ប្រទេសប៊ែលស៊ីក
( រួចហេីយ ម្សិលមិញ )
២ - ថ្ងៃសុក្រ ទី២៩ វិច្ឆិកា ២០១៣ នៅវត្តធម្មរង្សី - បាញើ (ទីក្រុងប៉ារីស ប្រទេសបារាំង)។ ទំនាក់ទំនងបន្ថែម ៖ លោក សុខ សុផាត +៣៣ ៦ ៣៥ ១៨ ៥៥ ៤២, លោក អ៊ុង សំឱក + ៣៣ ៦ ២៧ ០២ ២៥ ៧៤
៣ - ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បតិ៍ ទី៥ ធ្នូ ២០១៣ នៅទីក្រុងមុយនីក (ប្រទេសអាល្លឺម៉ង់)
ទំនាក់ទំនងបន្ថែម ៖ លោក នេត្រ សត្យា +៤៩ ៨៩ ៣២ ៧៣ ១៦ ៣៦, លោក កឹម សារាវុធ +៤៩ ៨១ ២២ ២២ ៧៤ ៧០៣
៤ - ថ្ងៃសុក្រ ទី៦ ធ្នូ ២០១៣ នៅទីក្រុងលីន្ស ប្រទេសអូទ្រីស
ទំនាក់ទំនងបន្ថែម៖ លោក កេសរ វឌ្ឍនា +៤៣ ៦៦ ៤២ ៤៣ ៤៩ ៣៩, លោក សុំ សិទ្ធិ +៤៣ ៦៦ ០៦ ៥៦ ៦៨ ៤៨
៥ - ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ទី៧ ធ្នូ ២០១៣ នៅទីក្រុងស៊ូរិច (ប្រទេសស្វីស)
ទំនាក់ទំនងបន្ថែម ៖ លោក ទ្រុយ ទ្រឿង +៤១ ៧ ៦៥ ៤៦ ៨៤ ៥៥, លោក ម៉ែន សាន់ +៤១ ៧ ៩៧ ៤៣ ៣៨ ១៤
I think Mr Prime Minister-elect without country Samramm Sy hold french citizenship, must go back to his adopted france, if you ask khmer people. Mike.
12:58 AM
Doggy, Doggy,
Bark all you want !!!
There have been severe clash of opinions on how to prosecute the thief CPP who stole Khmer people’s votes.
Some people have sharply criticized the CNRPs leaders for being too soft for mounting too peaceful demonstration.
First, we knew that the evil Vietnam has controlled Cambodia over 30 years. Therefore, making a wild demonstration trying to seize the power by a forceful demonstration would be a self destruction. The evil Vietnam will use the CPP’s mask to crush the demonstrators.
In effect, we won the election by a landslide victory. We have to proceed cautiously to avoid the evil Vietnam’s traps. We need to build up support from Khmer people and the international support by mounting a consistent demonstration – making the international community aware that the winner of the election was really the CNRP.
So far, the important elements of the international community have not recognized the CPP’s illegal government yet.
The tactic is to hit the opponent without getting hit. In this particular moment, time is on the CNRP’s side. The CPP cannot go on without the international aid, and if the international community boycotted Khmer products, there will be social unrest from the unemployed workers.
So long as the CNRP refuses to join the National Assembly, Khmer people should support the CNRP’s strategy to claim the election’s victory.
So, please be patient !! We need to sacrifice more than one dog to claim the election’s victory.
( Some people said that they sold their dog in order to get the money to join the demonstration ).
Bun Thoeun
PS; Some people brought up the creation of a Transitional Democratic Council CRAB, which would benefit only the evil Vietnam. Please abandon the dumb idea: 10 Khmers, 10 political parties. This crazy idea has hurt Khmer people terribly.
Two solutions :
1. Conduct a campaign of educating and soliciting support from the international community.
2. Mobelize mass protests in the country nationwide simultaneously.
Should Yuon-created CPP crush our protesters, the " well informed " international community WILL rescue our Khmer rescuers.
A Khmer Patriot
Hello Mik, I think u should go back into ur mom's asshole than come out from ur mom's original hole,than u can criticize to Sam Ransy.you are just pieces of shit .
It is hard to find a common ground for a fragile and stubborn Cambodian society. We need to know what is righteousness and peace. Peace comes from justice and righteousness. If still claim that we have justice but no righteousness application, we have no peace. Talking about the election, any vote counts. If we know that we are suspected of irregularity,why don't we check and abate the problem. Should we live without law and order. Let live up to law and responsibility. If we don't do that, we all will become ....l. Think about it.
I think Mr Prime Minister-elect without country Samramm Sy hold french citizenship, must go back to his adopted france, if you ask khmer people. Mike.
Ah 2:48 AM
I am just pieces of shit and you are a hole shit...FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOM TOO. Mike.
Are Pi Anh, Ms Soap, and Mike the same person ?
ហ៊ុន សែន
6:37 AM
The answer is NO.
Mike cannot be Ms. Soap.He is too dumb.
Pi Ahn may be or may be not Ms. Soap.
However, Ms. Soap seems to be smarter than these two individuals.
Ms. Soap has been missing in action for sometime now, or at least she / he has gone under cover.
Yours truly has been looking for Ms. Soap.
Ms. Water
Any one out thete kick the trouble maker k and samsam cy.
2:09 AM
We can kick your butt, if that's what you want !!!
sam rainsy + kem sokha,
ils sont des meilleurs traiteurs.
Here come childrens with [PTSD] fighting each other for things that they can't control or things beyond their ability to comprehensions,they all just little grasshopper compare to politicians like Rainsy.Rainsy was on world stage,they were just little grasshopper that still has "archko on the top of their head" wants to talk politics!...Wasted their time fighting,arguing for absolutely nothing!...These kids above were the offspring of K.R has (PTSD) from killingfield era,needs help with medication or counselling,otherwise,they won't be productive citizens,they will kill each other for useless shit....
Ah mike, koun sampheung youn.
12:29 AM
TU es le meilleur traiteur !
YOU are the worst traitor !
sam rainsy + kem sokha,
ils sont des meilleurs Mé Bauk $$$$$$.
5:44 AM
Stupid is Stupid talks !!!
Ah 7:43 PM
Stupid is Stupid talks, you too ah mé bauk continue to barking.
ហ៊ុន សែន
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