Wednesday, December 04, 2013

ខ្មែរអាមេរីកកាំងធ្វើបាតុកម្មប្រឆាំងនិងវត្តមានសម្តេចព្រះសង្ឃរាជ ទេព វង្ស ក្នុងពិធីបុណ្យបញ្ចុះខណ្ឌសីមា

29,30, November,1 December

2013,ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋសហគមន៍ខ្មែរអាមេរីកកាំងរាប់រយនាក់មិនសប្បាយចិត្ត មិនពេញចិត្ត មិនស្វាគមន៍ ចំពោះវត្តមានសម្តេចព្រះអគ្គមហាសង្ឃរាជាធិបតី ទេព វង្ស ដែលមានវត្តមាន ជាអធិបតីក្នុងពិធីបុណ្យបញ្ចុះខណ្ឌសីព្រះវិហារនៅវត្ត ខន្តីយារាម ទីក្រុង ជែកសិនវិល រដ្ឋ ហ្ល័ររីដា សហរដ្ឋអាមេរីក ។ ក្នុងពិធិបុណ្យបញ្ចុះសីមានេះកើតមាននូវអធិករណ៍ សីមាវិបត្តិ បាតុកម្មប្រឆាំង និងការរិះគន់ផ្សេងៗដោយសារតែមានវត្តមានសម្តេចព្រះសង្ឃរាជ ទេព វង្ស ដែលប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ខ្មែរជាទូទៅភាគច្រើនបានចោទប្រកាន់ព្រះអង្គថា ជាសម្តេចសង្ឃមេបក្ស៧មករា ឆាន់បាយខេមរា ទេសនាបំរើយួនជាដើម ។ ម្យ៉ាងវិញទៀតដោយសារតែលោកគ្រូចៅអធិការ អាចារ្យគណកម្មការ វត្តមាននិន្នាការនយោបាយទៅរកគណបក្សប្រជាជន ធ្វើការដោយអត្តនោមតិ មិនពិភក្សាការងារ សម្រេចជាមតិរួម ធ្វើបុណ្យចង់បានមុខបានមាត់ ចង់បានអំនាចបុណ្យស័ក្តិ បក្សពួក បានមេដាយ ព្រោះក្នុងពេលនោះឯកអគ្គរដ្ឋទូតកម្ពុជានិងសម្តេចព្រះសង្ឃរាជបាននាំមេដាយ១៥០មេដាយនិងដំឡើង តំណែងតួនាទីលោកគ្រូចៅអធិការជាមន្ត្រីសង្ឃរាជាគណះផងដែរ ។
ការចោទប្រកាន់នេះ ត្រូវបាន សម្តេចព្រះសង្ឃរាជ លោកគ្រូចៅអធិការ អាចារ្យគណកម្មការ បដិសេធន៍ ថាបុណ្យបញ្ចុះសីមានេះ មិនមែនធ្វើដើម្បីនយោបាយនិងមាននិន្នាការទៅរក បក្សណាបក្សណីអីទេទេ គឺធ្វើដើម្បីខ្មែរទាំង អស់គ្នាឲមានការសាមគ្គីកសាងការពារជាតិ សាសនាឲបានរីកចំរើនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។

បើទោះណាជាមានអធិករណ៍ សីមាវិបត្តិ បាតុកម្មប្រឆាំងវត្តមានសម្តេចសង្ឃ៧ មករាកើតឡើង យ៉ាង ណាក៏ដោយ ក៏កម្មវិធីបុណ្យបានប្រព្រឹត្តិទៅជាធម្មតារហូតដល់ចប់ដោយ មិនមានអំពើរ ហឹង្សាការរំខានកើតឡើទេ ប៉ុន្តែគ្រាន់តែ មានការបែកបាក់សាមគ្កីគ្នារវាងខ្មែរ និងខ្មែរដោយ មិនទាន់មានឯកភាពជាតិ ឯកភាពសាសនានៅឡើយ​ទេហើយសម្តេចព្រះសង្ឃរាជ លោកគ្រូចៅ អធិការ គណកម្មការវត្ត បានទទួលរងការរិះគន់ ស្តីបន្ទោស ពីព្រះសង្ឃនិងប្រជា ពលរដ្ឋជាច្រើន ដោយសារតែការដឹកនាំគ្រប់គ្រងមិនប្រកបដោយ ប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ សង្ឃាធិបតេយ្យ ធម្មាធិបតេយ្យ មិនឯករាជ្យ អព្យាក្រិត្យយុត្តិធម៌ជាដើម ។


Anonymous said...

HoChiMonk Tep Vong is breeding communist ideology in Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

HoChiMonk Tep Vong is breeding communist ideology in America!

Anonymous said...

Sara Tou, you are dumber as your mother... open your kcuf eye. I always respected that Khmer living abroad are very smart, but it proved that I was wrong based on this Sara Tou guy. He sounds very dumb.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sara Nou you are preaching the Doctrine of communist Tep Vong he not a Preah Dharma Mong as he was appointed by Communist Vietming to destroy Buddhist practice.
You are a dictatorship like Hun Sen
prior you made decision you better listen to people voices and its members for tax exemption 501(c)3 you dam authoritarian you use a tax payer law enforcement police to protect your personal benefits.
You dam not said to honor Khmer for what ...
You help responsible to divide and controller by Vietminh.
You are not perform BUN your are performing Bad Karma to hell to do thing to divide khmer & Khmer
Keep and eye on him and its group and gathering people write report to State Florida for monthly tax violation and fraud to cheat not comply to be tax exempt......
Down with Vietminh Tep Vong
Down with Tep Vong Human right Abuser

Anonymous said...

Ven. Loun Sovath is recognized and honored by the international community. Khmer people love and support ven. Loun Savath.

Ven. Loun Savath was forced to leave the temple in Cambodia because of Tep Vong and blind supporter like Sara Tou.

How could Sara Tou be so blind by the widespread abuses of real Buddhist monks in Cambodia under the order of Tep Vong?!

SaraTou_Not_Representative of Khmer Community in America.

Anonymous said...

Request to Sara Nou:

Can you make the by-laws for the temple available for everyone to see?

We, khmer, don't support your communist ideology.


Anonymous said...

JENDHA post monk loun savath all the time, why nobody say something to her. when Theary seng post bible, why people angry!!! What is her relationship with this monk???

Anonymous said...

All Khmer around the world is united for ever than before to bring down Communist infiltration,spying to take fame and money rather than Honor and pure mind, good heart to divide Khmer now the use the word "BON" hidden with Monk betraying pure Buddhism....
Down with Vietminh Tep Vong
Down with Authoritarain Sara Tou
He is not fit for President Not profit organization, Non tax Exempt

Anonymous said...

What have this evil Tep Vong done for Cambodia and her people over the past 30 years? Nothing beside kiling other monks for his present post. Ah Tep Vong is the only monks who bow to the Vietnamese's women and don't tell me he is restoring buddhism. Go to hell Tep Vong, you are Khmer hater.

Anonymous said...

Sara said your brother was killed during the khmer rouge. We, khmer, know the pain!

If what you said is true, how come you don't learn from the past? It was devil monk like Tep Vong that tore the country apart caused countless suffering to the people.

Blind_supporter_Sara Nou

Anonymous said...

អាក្រុមអាសង្ឃភេវរករបួសលាក់ខ្លួនបំរើនយោបាយយួនកុម្មុយនិស្ត មាន
អាសង្ឃប្រទូសសីល៧ មករា ទេព វង្ស ,នួន ង៉ែត ,ណយ ច្រឹក ,សៅ ច័ន្ទថុល្ល, អ៊ំ លឹមហេង, ឡុងគឹមលាង។ល។គឺជាអាសង្ឃក្លែងក្លាយ បួសស៊ីបាយយប់ បួសលេងស្រី បួសលេងល្បែងស៊ីសង បួសផឹកស្រា មានកំភ្លើងខ្លីគ្រប់ដៃ មានអង្គរក្ស ឆ្វេងស្តាំ ក្បត់ជាតិ ក្បត់សាសនា ក្បត់ប្រពៃណីដូនតា ក្បត់ម៉ែឳខ្លួនងង សព្វថ្ងៃបួសធ្វើឆ្កែបំរើ ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ជាតិ លក់ទឹកដី អាសង្ឃ ៧ មករា អាសង្ឃឃាតករ អាសង្ឃភេរវករ អាសង្ឃឥតសីល អាសង្ឃស្លៀកលីអូ អាសង្ឃ រមិលគុណ ពួកអាឆ្កែសង្ឃឯងប៉ុន្មានក្បាលនេះ នឹងចុះនរកអវចីយ៍ ជាក់ជាមិនខានឡើយ។
ទេព វង្សជាក្មេងឃ្វាលគោ, ឃ្វាលក្របីទេ មិនមែនជាសង្ឃអាចម៍ស្អីទេ...

Anonymous said...

To 3:14
Please do not attack Jendha to divide Khmer against one goal is to free Cambodia from Indochinese Federation.
As a reader in KI since day one the bible was posted by Theary since day 1 non stop, we respect that.....
Now with Ven. Loun Sovath he's the icon human right defender risking his life in Cambodia to help the helpless. KI posted Theary Seng her face in KI too many times, I like Theary her cause to help khmer also against Hun Sen
Mrs. Tep Vanny also appearing often in KI we have seen her stuggle against land grapped , I did not think Jendha took side to anyone....
Please fairly give her a bit credit to organize KI since the passing of KI icon Heng Soy and the absence of Socheata...
Thank You,

Anonymous said...

Sara Nou should received medal from Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

Request#2 to Sara Nou:

Can you make the by-laws for the temple available for everyone to see?

We, khmer, don't support your communist ideology.


Anonymous said...

Sara Nou said isn't a politic but it look fishy. and I see a lot of people is against your Idea but you said they all wrong because you want to show only you that recognize by Hun sen Ha ha big Medal only you have in US

Anonymous said...

Fuck ah Sara NOU, whoever the fuck he is, and whatever the fuck he is!!!

Anonymous said...

VC's ideology, creating one party after another to attack each another none stop period. Out of all the monks why Tep Vong. We all know that this monks created alot of problems in Cambodia and Khmer Krom. This monks is being installed by the VC and Chinese federation. It is so sad, for this monks to come into the picture to cause more problems for our people who are living oversea. It is time to wake up for this person who organised it. He is another traitor for the VC, just like Hun/NEC and CPP, all are VC in control.

Anonymous said...

And then??? Useless barking... Mike.

Anonymous said...

Mike has confirmed that Sara Nou and HoChing Monk Tep Vong promote communist ideology!

Anonymous said...

Nou Sara should know better about Tep Vong action against khmer monks.
He should inform/tell all Khmer who contribute money and Khmer communities the invitation of this monk if he wanted to avoid conflict.

He did it because he supported Hoon Xen's regime.

Avery words he said was a lie. He was intending to create conflict with many Khmer.

He is serving CPP's interest.

Stop BS Nou Sara!

Kmeng Watt Botum,

Anonymous said...

3:14 AM,


Anonymous said...

Sara Nou shows that no matter where they are, once they serve CPP, they all sound stupid!

Ter bon jea moy neak mean barb min barn Bon te!

Thank you to Lok Loun Sovarth for this post, I wanted to know the truth about the Jacksonville temple, Khmer Americans and this communist fake monk-Tep Vong!

And excellent work to all the wonderful Khmer Americans that stood up to this communist fake monk (Tep Vong) and CPP dog -Sara Nou!

It's obvious ah yuon communist still trying to use our religion to break us all up, even in America! But we all can see clearly who or what are the evil ones!

Anonymous said...

Why he keeps addressing this stupid monk Samdech Sorng. He should address him Ah traitor monk or Ho Chi Monk and why some stupid Khmer go to join and celebrate the opening of the temple. If you're patriot and you know these Ho chi monks are coming to town, don't step in the temple ground and stay outside to protest against the thugs. From now on we should not go to that temple and don't donate the money.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we throw the eggs and shout at that stupid monks while they're there.

Hey this is not your temple and we have the right to protest in the US.

Ah Sara Nou is so shit and you're so dumb. You're the communist and support the CPP.

Anonymous said...

3:14 AM because Luon Savath is her EX...

Anonymous said...

Why you wast the money to pay airplane ticket for Tep Vong to come here? Why you honor and encourage murder?

Anonymous said...

That's you said not all khmers said. Mike.

Anonymous said...

Stop barking, go ahead kill him now if you're a man, if not you're all same dogs. Mike.

Anonymous said...

His is a stupid leader I don't know why the people over there pick him as the leader .
Did he ever think how
many people in US hate Tep vong .

Anonymous said...

Call Wat Kanteyaram @ (904) 389-1034 and ask for Nou Sara or any committee member

After a long try, I was able to talk to one of the temple committee members who seem to be on the defensive and not willing to answer questions i asked about the temple connection with politics. And their thoughts about Nou Sara's statements at the one point, the guy said "we don't care about khmer people not making donations anymore. We have enough money to run the temple...we are not breaking any US laws..."

He hung up...and I was in shock!

Anonymous said...

luon sovat wants to be famous, why he need to carry a camera, wear sunglasses, if he want to be an activist reporter just drop off his yellow dress and works as a normal civilian. it just a pretext he's a monk becuz he knew he can collect a lot money from country to country, before he quit monk life.

Anonymous said...

Monks have the right to work to serve his people and when gov't abuse their power, it is everyone's job to report about such condition. It doesn't mater who they are, what they do or where they came from, it is everyone job to watch out on those who are abusing their power. Society should be made up of team work, to be strong and to have the right to protect their own country and nation. So, it is eveyone's job to watch out like who did what and why? When you criticise monks who did a good job on reporting such evil work, you evil people turn agianst him, if you did not do anything wrong, why would you be afraid? there is nothing to be fear of if you do the right thing. Unless you are a crooked kind of people and would not want to be caught, than, of couse you would be annoised by them.

Anonymous said...

We call Luon Savath monk TRONGOL OTT SEL or same Hochimonk. Mike.

Anonymous said...

Nou Sara=Mike @ Wat Kanteyaram is a disgrace to Khmer people

Anonymous said...

I think many of you people are a bunch of idiots. If Mr. Sara Nou is helping to build a temple for people to come together, people should be glad. Other wise, they're wouldn't be more than 10,000 people coming together as a community. Bet you're just a bunch of jealous mother fuckers who don't know shit and think out of your ass! I went to the temple and it was nice, other than a few idiots who had so much free fucking time to stand around and look like idiots... It was nice of them to do something nice like build a beautiful temple in this community and bring that many monks to our city. You should have gone to jail, but its a free country. If you don't like what some people are doing, shut your ass up and get a life... Stay in your own corner and shut the fuck up if you have nothing nice to say.

Anonymous said...

Watch out people in JACKSONVILLE Florida, the Khmer communists pinko are infiltrating into your temple now.

Anonymous said...

I have personally met and spent time with Mr. Sara Nou and some of the people in Jacksonville. They are good people. Some of you Khmer folks don't understand how much time and money that some people have put into building the temple. Before it was nothing, now, it is one of the most beautiful temples in the US. If it wasn't for them, there would not have been 200 monks there for the celebration. You complain about one monk that was there, how about complaining to your own selves about your own petty lives where you're jealous of everyone else!

Anonymous said...

You people call him a CPP dog.. he lives in the UNITED STATES, like you mother fuckers.. We don't live in Cambodia and vote and deal with politicians there. We worked hard to build a beautiful temple for the Khmer community to to go to and pray and be a part of. If you don't like what some people are trying to do, shut your fuckken mouths and go die by yourselves.. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR FAMILY AND THE KHMER COMMUNITY, NOT THE PEOPLE WHO PUT THIS EVENT TOGETHER. Does this make all the people who went there communists, because I went there. I'm a UNITED STATES citizen. Born here, raised here, believe in Buddha.... if you call me a communist, fuck yourself and biem khadaw, and go shit on your hands and eat it!

Anonymous said...

Just because some people donated a lot of money to the temple, STOP hating. You look like a bunch of greedy idiots who have no class! Be grateful for life and hope that you stop being the shit fuck that you are now! Im grateful for those people because now I have a nice place to go to when I have time. Thank you. World peace!!