Sunday, December 08, 2013

អ្នកជឿការដោសាររបស់ ផែង វណ្ណៈ ទេ ?

ផែង វណ្ណៈ នាយរងការិយាល័យនគរបាលព្រហ្មទណ្ឌកំរិតស្រាល នៃស្នងការដ្ឋាន នគរបាលរាជធានីភ្នំពេញបាននិយាយដោះ​សារថា ប្រហែល មានអ្នកលួចចូល ក្នុងគណនីហ្វេស​ប៊ុកខ្លួន​ហើយសរសេរ គំរាម​សម្លាប់លោក កឹម សុខា ។ តើអាចទៅរួចទេ ? បើមានអ្នក​លួចចូលក្នុងគណនីហ្វេសប៊ុក ផែង វណ្ណៈ មែន តើផែង វណ្ណៈ អាចចេញចូល​លុប​អត្ថបទ​បានស្រេចនឹងចិត្តទេ ។ ការពិត ការគំរាមរបស់ ផែង វណ្ណៈ មកលើអ្នកគាំទ្រ និងមេដឹកនាំ CNRP មិនមែនជាលើកទៅ១ ទេ ។ តែកន្លងមកមិនសូវមានអ្នកប្រតិកម្ម បានជា សុនខ មួយក្បាលនេះវាព្រុះម្តងហើយម្តងទៀត ៕
ឆាំ ឆានី ០៥ ធ្នូ ២០១៣


Anonymous said...

can any one translate the above article to english plsss :) thanks in advance i am a non-khmer :)

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Pheng Vannak for waht he said, not one bit. He is a criminal person. She should be prosecuted before he commits the assasination to Lok Kem Sokha or any other NCRP officials.

Pheng Vannak is real wild dog of CPP.
Some body needs to do some thing to this guy now. Don't wait until it is too late.

Anonymous said...

C est une dernière menace avant la grande révolution du peuple khmer.
L unité national est une principle que les youns et ses esclaves qu ils ont inquiétés, car cela est arme très efficace qu il peut les classé facilement.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of Pheng Vannak on Facebook. Which one belongs to him.

If Pheng Vannak is a good person, he should not delete his Facebook from the publics, should not hide any articles he had posted.

Some body will find you before you act any more criminals.

Anonymous said...

If pheng vanack is in the cpp party, all the photos of threats are belong of him, and is possible has hun sen is behind pheng vannack directly, because hun sen owes try to save his skin by all means.
Must to have his adresse, and eliminate this one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just advice, do not delete the evidence or you can call to facebook help desk to inform them what going on in your facebook. The help desk will fine out check the IP code address of the sender. The help desk will identify IP code address who is the sender, name, birth day. email adderss or phone number, and country location. Moreover, the facebook help desk will investigate the evidence prove to the court. This is very important to help the victim out of allegation matter.

Criminal justice system

Anonymous said...

Time to arrest. Any Vietnamese that live in Cambodia to show to the world. We must start to couch them now

Anonymous said...

As always the CPP officials are so stupid that they can’t even make a reasonable lie.

Anonymous said...

We can locate him if anyone could provide his phone nummer? Because this man is very dangerious for others.

Anonymous said...


There have been severe clash of opinions on how to claim the victory from the thief CPP who stole Khmer people’s votes.

Some people have sharply criticized the CNRPs leaders for being too soft for mounting too peaceful demonstration.

First, we knew that the evil Vietnam has controlled Cambodia over 30 years. Therefore, making a wild demonstration trying to seize the power by a forceful demonstration would be a self destruction. We need to execute a few meaningful steps to reach our ultimate goal.

In effect, we won the election by a landslide victory. We have to proceed cautiously to avoid the evil Vietnam’s traps. We need to build up support from Khmer people and the international support by mounting a consistent demonstration – making the international community aware that the winner of the election was really the CNRP.

If some people thought that they could grab the victory with a wild demonstration, which would imply that those people did not know anything about the evil Vietnam’s tricks.

So far, the important elements of the international community have not recognized the CPP’s illegal government yet.

In this particular moment, time is on the CNRP’s side. The CPP cannot go on without the international aid, and if the international community boycotted Khmer products, there will be social unrest from the unemployed workers.

So long as the CNRP refuses to join the National Assembly, Khmer people should support the CNRP’s strategy to claim the election’s victory.

So, please be patient !!

We need to sacrifice more than one dog to claim the election’s victory.
( Some people said that they sold their dog in order to get the money to join the demonstration ).

Bun Thoeun

Some people brought up the idea of the creation of a Transitional Democratic Council CRAB, which would benefit only the evil Vietnam. Please abandon the dumb idea: 10 Khmers, 10 political parties such as this crab Transitional Democratic Council. We must unite around a credible party, the CNRP, in order to survive this evil Vietnam’s ambition.

Anonymous said...

where Pheng Vannak picture?

I want to see his face. Is he khmer or Viet?

Anonymous said...

2:04 AM You're a fake Khmerologist from aka Mike!

Jerry the mouse

Anonymous said...

CNRP should take him to court before happen.

Anonymous said...

Investigation team should investigate to arrest the person immediately. It is a premediate crime. Very serious and not take it lightly. Everything is recorded on facebook. Any special agent can find who that person who wants to act upon the crime.

Anonymous said...

Pheng Vannak or not ,we have to find the real murder and who stay behind murder? We can't let the murder stay free.All Khmer nationalist people,we have to love each other,help each other and united together around nationalist leaders protect our Khmer interest and our Khmer country for our self and for our next Khmer generation. We die but our country live for ever for our Khmer next generation.

Anonymous said...

ពូជអាខ្មែរក្រហមអត់សាសនាចូលចិត្តតែសម្លាប់មនុស្សគ្មានអាវុធ តែបើសាសន៍គេវិញរាគអាចន៍ដាក់ខោ។

Anonymous said...

That is how terrorist group and mafia have been conducting their daily business.
Now terrorist group within CPP in Cambodia are starting to show up their faces to terrorize and threaten the CNRP leaders and supporters.
I'm pleading to the EU and U.S. (especially U.S foreign relations committee), NATO and NGO to pay close attention to this act of terrorism, so please don't let this one happen like the terrorist grenade attack on Sam Rainsy at about 8:30 am on March 30, 1997. Remember that threat with all the weapons and ammunition rounds is a crime evidence for the investigators of the ICC and CNRP legal team to collect, closely examine or take action.
Honestly, I don't know what is this arrogant guy thinking.

Teuk Phnek Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Heh Ah Pheng Vannak, act like a man, do not deny, do not chicken out, stand up as you believe, be the leader of your gangs. You think you can deny this; in fact with the new tech right now, they can find out who did the tweeting. If you did the tweeting, just say yes and your hate group aka a group of khmers with youn's brains will be proud of you. Remember you are on the winner side with all power in your hand, so you can decide who you allows to live and who you decide to kill. You can shoot and kill some one or send some one to jail without question to ask. Be like your leader, ah Sdach Kwang, who has been so proud of his crimes because he thinks nobody in Cambodia dares to challenge his jungle rule. Why don't you follow the leader.

Anonymous said...

ប្រិយមិត្ត​ប្រហែល​ជា​ធ្លាប់​ឃើញ​​រឿង RAMBOក្នុងខ្សែភាពយន្ត សហរដ្ធអាមេរិក ដែលមានបុរសខ្លាំង ពោរពេញដោយ សាច់ដុំ ទាំងផ្ទាំងៗយ៉ាងអស្ចារ្យ ។

គួរឱ្យរន្ធត់ញាប់ញ័រ ប្រដាប់ដោយកាំភ្លើងយន្ដ។

ឯ ផែង វណ្ណៈRAMBOខ្មែរ មានតែ ខ្លាញ់ ឥត សាច់ដុំ ក្បាលពោះ មួលដូចបាល់ មានត្រឹមតែ កាំភ្លើងពីរបីដើម

RAMBOខ្មែរ ផែង វណ្ណៈអាចបំភាន់រាស្រ្ដខ្មែរប៉ុណ្ណោះ ដោយយកខ្លាញ់នឹងក្បាលពោះ ផ្វើជា សាច់ដុំ ។

RAMBOខ្មែរ ផែង វណ្ណៈក៏បំភាន់លោកហ៊ុន សែនដែរថា ជាអ្នកអាចការពារលោកហ៊ុន សែនអាស្រ័យលើ សាច់ដុំ ខ្លួននឹង កាំភ្លើងពីរបីដើម។

RAMBOខ្មែរ ផែង វណ្ណៈពិតជាខ្លាំងឫ ?


RAMBOខ្មែរ ផែង វណ្ណៈនិយាយដោះ​សារថា ប្រហែល មានអ្នកលួចចូល ក្នុងគណនីហ្វេស​ប៊ុកខ្លួនធ្វើRAMBO។

ខ្លួនគេផែង វណ្ណៈមិនមែនRAMBOទៅវិញ។

ផែង វណ្ណៈជា RAMBOឫពុំមែនRAMBOគួររដ្ឋាភិបាល ស្វែងរក ការពិតផង ព្រោះRAMBOបែប នេះ
រាស្រ្ដខ្មែររន្ធត់ញាប់ញ័រមិនតិចទេ ស៊ីមិនចូល ញាំមិនឆ្ងាញ់ ដេកមិនលក់។


Anonymous said...

CNRP + CPP ....បោកបន្លំ ធ្វើជាមាន
( RAMBOខ្មែរ ក្លែងក្លាយផែង វណ្ណៈ គ្នាវា )
ចង់បាញ់សម្លាប់ នាយរន្ទះផ្ទប់កឹម សុខា

អាបុកគល់កឹម សុខាវាពិតជាមេប្រឆាំង
អាយួនហ៊ុន សែនខ្លាំងខ្លានិងសង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរមែនទែន!

*ទៅភស្វាវត្តភ្នំ ក៏វាមិនជឿដែរ

Anonymous said...

ឈុតឆាកតាក់ទិករបស់ពួកយួន រាប់មិនអស់
CNRP + CPP ....បោកបន្លំ ធ្វើជាមាន
( RAMBOខ្មែរ ក្លែងក្លាយផែង វណ្ណៈ គ្នាវា )
ចង់បាញ់សម្លាប់ នាយរន្ទះផ្ទប់កឹម សុខា

អាបុកគល់កឹម សុខា វាពិតជាមេប្រឆាំង
អាយួនហ៊ុន សែន

*ទៅភស្វាវត្តភ្នំ ក៏វាមិនជឿដែរ!

Anonymous said...

be careful, nobody supports terrorist activity!