1. The constitution never allow co-prime ministers and co-ministers in 1993, but after losing the election, Hun Sen refused to step down and forced the constituent assembly to write a constitution stipulating about the co-prime ministers.
2. The constitution never allows a coup d'etat but in 1997 Hun Sen mounted a coup d'eta against the election winner to become the sole prime minister, with a puppet prime minister chosen by him. After the 1998 election, which he cheated to win, he changed the constitution abolishing the co-ministers and "co-prime ministers" to make himself the sole prime minister.
3. The constitution stipulates that Cambodia is a democracy with a pluralistic/multi-party system, but Hun Sen forced the king to inaugurate a single-party parliament after the July 28, 2013 election.
Hun Sen's actions above were/are illegal and unconstitutional, so, this time, dissolving the parliament or stepping down from power won't be illegal or unconstitutional because Hun Sen lost the election and came to power illegally and also the people/voters demanded that he step down.
Hun Sen's last sentence of "beware of a third hand" is a threat that he could hire thugs or organise his hit squads to cause trouble at the protests or assassinate protesters and CNRP leaders, like Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, and blame it on a "third hand", a third party, but was organised and hired by him or his men.

Post by ខែ្មរ សុវណ្ណភូមិ.
If ah Kwach want to know who can dissolve this yuon puppet parlitment.
Million Cambodian both home and abroad can dissolve this yuon puppet parliment.
ហ៊ុន សែន អួតថា ខ្លួនឡើងកាន់អំណាចត្រឹមត្រូវ.
Hun Sen or CPP created by yuon Hanoi as a political tool to serve yuon benefit , to annex on Cambodia and to exterminate Khmer ethnics so Hun Sen installed into power by yuon Hanoi not by Cambodian stop lying Hun Sen , Cambodian people already trial Hun Sen as the present slogan Hun Sen must go.
Hun sen lost the election, committed election fraud and cue d'état; he asks 'you want me to step down, what did I do wrong? ', is he that stupid ? Or he thinks he can stay in that position forever? I think Khmer will have to rise and kick the idiot down!
His whole speech is basically saying ' noway, I'm not going anywhere' .
Something drastic has to happen to bring that bastard kbot jeat down!
Yes, please, please show me some blood, no blood no glory..
Does the Cambodian constitution allow for coup d'etat or constitutional coup d'etat?
I think Hun Sen has chosen the way of Gadafi till the end.
No death yet, boring..
Hun sen threaten to hire third hand to kill crnp's leader is in case crnp's leader stop taking side or stop listen to him and he will do for sure.
Crnp's leader if you are nationist, should tell people the truth, instead of hiding. Khmer people are hungry for justice. Please save the nation and don't hide anymore.
Don't be paranoia too much, if Hen Sen want to eliminate Rainsy, he done long time ago. But you got to watch out may be some body else who want Rainsy and Sokha place you never know..
Hun told us not to block roads or else, will face third hands....what is that suppose to mean. Is it mean another KR regime??? but do we care? the truth is we have nothing to lose. Hun/CPP made of VC and Chinese crooks have everthing to lose. Cambodia belongs to all of Cambodians, not your mafia group and we are not afraid to fight for what is rightfully ours. What a dick head!
He also said no law is allowed to eliminate his corruped gov't nor him out of his seat. But there is no law in cambodia, e.g owners of the land landed in jail and the perpetrators got it all, again, what a dick heard. Again VC is using Hun Sen to say according to the law blalalalalala but there is no law. Everything is being controlled by the VC. In Hun Sen is scared of them like a shaky baby bird.
Once Hun Sen said 'without the VC, I would still be a leader' guess what? the VC pull his head out to bow down and say sorry to their flag and those souls who gotten killed because of helping him to be where he is right now (but they were/are only using him to continue to steal and kill our country and nation lives from our existence for them known as 'manipulation;).
Again, Hun is being used by them crooks over and over again and again. Hun Sen should wake up by now before it is too late. He said that he a VC's puppet but he can choose to join with CNRP just like Chaing Kai Shak and Maos Setong and in the end they won the war between them and Japan.
Hun Sen already addmitted that he is a Viets' puppet, and so, we have do what we have to. If our people gotten killed, it is not from Khmers, it is from the VC and the CH controlling freaks whose aim is to continue to steal, rob and kill us all for their own national interests. That is why he said, 'or else you will face with the third hands'.....hahah as if we are scared, if we don't die now, we will die later on anyway, but if we die for a good caurse, we will be in heaven and for you, of course will be burnt in hell forever and ever screaming hot hot and hot,,,,,hahaha
God hates liars, decievers, manipulators, theives and murderers, you, your cpp/vc and chinese controlling freaks are one of them, but I am sure 'justice will be done on earth and in heaven and that, no one in this world can get away from any injustice that they have committed' because 'crime is a crime'. Hun Sen your attutude will never change, you like to use your threat and intimidation like always but guess what? we around the world know who you are what you are capable of and you deserve to be ah 'traitor' how about that? You have no moral, no shame and no feeling whatsoever. You are not only disgracing yourself but also, for the poor khmer nation. You have never been elected by our people, the fk up foreigners of the VC and CH have installed you to be their puppet for their national interests and you said so yourself. Your skin is as thick as an elephant, so shame on YOU!!!
Oh please, try something new Hun sen, Mr Kem Sokha and Mr Sam Rainsy lives had been threaten too many times and this time is nothing new to them.... same old same old.
hun sen wanted to know how crnp supporter react to him.
we can tell that Hun sen has been really stressed out by the look on his face, it's swollen, dark and his eyes are droopy/puffy. You can tell he has taken a lot of sleeping pills to help him sleep, but, they did not work! Lveang mok!
Hun sen jos janh tov
Hun sen chub ngub tov!
Keep terrorizing him till he step down or dragged down.
Ok, Hun sen talking about third hand which he hinted an assisination of Sam Rainey and Kem sotha, don't you think someone will retaliate against you. Imagine if one of those cnrp leader kill how much turbulence would it create in the street. I am almost certainly someone will create an immediate response to take out Hun sen or anyone within his family. So, many people sacrify their life to them the democracy, the leaders of the cnrp and they are not afraid of dying otherwise the would not be in the street today.
Hun Sen won't be stronger than Gadafi.
Hun Sen dares to kill any protesters, Hun Sen will face the same faith as Gadafi.
American government won't stand and see evil man like Hun Sen to continue killing innocent Khmer people anymore.
Look at Gadafi case and Khmer people don't need to worry about Hun Sen blackmail anymore. If evil Hun Sen start to kill any protesters that will be the end of Hun Sen dianasty era.
Hun Sen has no where to hide as all forest have been destroyed by Hun Sen regime. US air force can strike any Hun Sen tanks or compound easily. After that all Hun Sen families, relatives and friends will be sentence by the Khmer people on the street and Hun Sen won't risk his 500 relatives because he known Gadafi case very well.
Khmer people are keep fighting and Khmer people will win at the end. Khmer people must understand that international communities and USA hate HUn Sen to death and they are waiting to find ant reason to intervene with full military force agaist Hun Sen.
So don't you worry if Hun Sen dares to kill, Hun Sen dares to lose in this war. Only afew apaches will destroy all Hun Sen tanks and his compound.
Base on real survey at least 90% of Cambodian army won't die to protect traitor Hun Sen. They are suffering enough and see enough on how Hun Sen convert Cambodia to Nambodia.
Criminal Hun Sen won't win at any cost because Khmer people and Cambodian army understand very well that Hun Sen is a real traitor and who want to die to protect a worthless traitor evil man like Hun Sen?
Believe it or not? American government and American people won't do nothing to see evil Hun Sen kill another human being again.
Khmer people are keep fighting until evil Hun Sen = Evil Gadafi.
Cambodian army won't die protecting traitor Hun Sen. They are smart enough to understand clearly that Hun Sen is the only primary reason for their suffering.
They understand very well that die in the name of protecting traitor evil Hun Sen will be themselves becoming another Khmer traitor serving Uncle Ho master plans in swallow Cambodia and destroy Khmer identity from the world.
Hen Sen is Gadafi
Gadafi is Hun Sen
Gadafi needs Hun Sen in hell.
Hun Sen blackmail, Hun Sen strategies is done. No one believe him anymore.
Hun Sen dares to kill any protesters, Hun Sen dares to risk his 500 families, relatives, friends lives on the street as othet dictators in the world.
Hun Sen can't be stronger than Gadafi and look at where is Gadafi now?
លោកហ៊ុន សែនមានប្រសាសន៍ឲ្យប្រយត្ន័បាត ដៃទី៣។ សំដីដែលមិនបានបញ្ចេញឲ្យចំឈ្មោះ
បែបនេះ វារិតតែបញ្ជាក់បានថា លោកគឺជាជនគំ
មនុស្ស។ នេះជាទំលាប់បក្សពួកគំមនុស្សដែល
កាំង ហ្គិចអៀវ ហៅឌុច បានថ្លែងនៅក្នុងសាវនា
ការតាមទំលាប់។ បើនិយាយពីទំលាប់វិញនោះ
ពិបាកកែណាស់ ព្រោះថា ទំលាប់អាចក្លាយជាប្រ
ពៃណីយ៍។ ខ្ញុំសុំនិយាយត្រឹមនេះសិន
I hate that asshole's face behind hun sen.
Une système de Mr ghandi ça ne marche pas avec un dictateur comme hun sen, car avec ce minable là si vous avez peur d aller jusqu'au bout c est hun sen qu il va jusqu'au bout, et après il va vous éliminer un par un jusqu'à la fin de cnrp.
Lorsque vous aurez la regrette de ne pas d aller jusqu'au de cette revendication, c est déjà été fini pour le peuple khmer et c est une de qui? C est les dirigeants qu ils n ont pas assez d une vraie courage pour cette revendication.
Une systeme de la revendication du syndicat n est pas la même qu avec un dictateur comme hun sen.
The law is the mouth of Hun Sen.Hun Sen he learn from Hanoi only how to kill and destroy Khmer. Hun Sen ,he is old Khmer rouge leader,he used to kill Khmer in Khmer rouge regime, 1979 until now,he never changed. In Khmer rouge regime we wonder,why Khmer rouge killed their own Khmer? Now we understand ,who is Khmer rouge now? It's Hun Sen,he used to kill Khmer in Khmer rouge regime and continue to kill Khmer until now. He killed Khmer for who? For Hanoi. Hun Sen killed Khmer for Hanoi,Hun Sen give Khmer land to Hanoi,Hun Sen accept Illegal vietnamese get in Khmer country. One day we will be KAMPUCHEAKROM. So all Khmer people, we want to be minority in our own country or not? In the past 30 years,we suffering enough. We lost the land,we are workers ( teachers,polices,soldiers,and others workers...),we are poor almost can't survive,because the low salary,but Hun Sen and his high rank became millionaire and billionaire from corruption. So now it's enough Hun Sen,even we die,we die for saving,freedom,justice,protecting our Khmer country for our self,for next Khmer generation. We sacrifice for our country,we are not afraid the words of Hun Sen,because we already knew that Hun Sen is a murder.He like to kill Khmer for Hanoi a long time.
I am not afraid the word of Hun Sen. My father, he is police,he told me that he want Hun Sen get out too,many police don't like Hun Sen ,because his salary is very low.He said,we are poor,we almost can't survive with my family.If we let Hun Sen continue in power,we are not only just poor,but we will lost a whole country.
I believe that all Khmer polices and all Khmer soldiers understand the purpose of CNRP and Khmer people manifestation right now. We manifest to find the justice,the freedom and to protect our Khmer country,we need to change.We want to protect Khmer land for all of us and for our next Khmer generation.We want to change, because we want all Khmer workers have good salary,they can survive with happiness and honest. We want all Khmer students even poor family can get good education.we want all Khmer people get support from new government ( CNRP )about health..... and can survive with happiness. Only Hun Sen and his group don't want to change, because they became millionaire and billionaire from corruption,so they are not enough and they don't know how Khmer people hurt now. Stand up together united together,love each other,help each other to change the dictator for our self and for our next generation. We die for justice,for freedom,for protect our country,it's better than survive under the slave of Hanoi.Now the whole Khmer country almost lost.We have a difficult just one short moment,but our future will be bright.We can't get every from dictator without sacrifice.
The world leader must take him out from Cambodia before start to kill innocence Cambodian like during Pol Pot regime, this guy was the former thug in the Pol Pot regime. If not the UN was gilty for supporting this thug, anyway King Sihamony is also the henchman for this thug.
Jendhamuni must leave KI the way it is because KI is so popular. Now you posted something and the readers cannot post comment. Your new face KI blog is not attractive and made people mad with you because you did something to waste people's time.
Hun Sen will try to use the old method who is collected since Pol Pot regime till now. The wrld must know that and please take Hun Sen Out from Cambodia, this guy is real murder on Earth.
អា ហ៊ុនសែនជាមេឃាតករដ៏ព្រៃផ្សៃតាំងពីសម័យ
ខ្មែរក្រហមមកម្ល៉េះ នរណាក៍ដឹង ទាំងជាតិ និង
អន្តរៈជាតិ ។ តែចេះតែនាំគ្នានៅស្ងៀម ព្រោះ
ចង់ឲប្រទេសមានសុខសន្តិភាព គោរពតាមមា
គារស្តេច សីុហនុ ។ ម្យ៉ាងវិញទៀត តាំងពីឆ្នាំ១៩៩១ មក ដើម្បីបោកមតិជាតិ និង អន្តរៈ
ជាតិ ពួកវានាំគ្នាលាក់ធាតុពិតរបស់ពួកវាដើម្បី
ទទួលជំនួយអន្តរៈជាតិ ។ តែជួនកាលពួកវាក៍
បានបញ្ចេញធាតុពិតរបស់ពួកវាម្តង ៗ ដែរ ដូចជានៅឆ្នាំ ៩៣ ៩៧ ៩៨ ។ល។ ជាដើម ។ ពេលនេះ ជាពេលដែលពួកវាត្រូវបញ្ចញទៀត
ហើយ ដូច្នេះ សូម ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ក៍ដូច អន្តរៈជាតិមួយចំនួនដែលមិនទាន់ច្បាស់ក្នុងចិត្តពេលនេះឃើញច្បាស់និងភ្នែកហើយ ៕ សូមកុំ
អ្នកដឹកនាំប្រទេសកម្ពុជានេះតទៅទៀត ។ សូម
នាំគ្នាផ្តន្ទាទោសពួកមេឃាតករ មេក្បត់ជាតិនេះ
ឲបានជាដាច់ខាតកុំបណ្តោយទុកឲពួកវាធ្វើអ្វីស្រេចតែចិត្តតទៅទៀត ។
Cowboys asian start in Cambodia look at the gun show?Khmer rouge soldiers smile think of they can kill the people again |I'M a boy watch this cartoon after school evry days . Mom what contry are they? the scene not thruogh they still play in action?
We Cambodia should accuse him as a killer. Who is the 3rd person want to kill the. 2 opposition is him. No other
Because he the one hire some to do the bad job for him
Hanoi execution style:
1st hand orders 2nd hand to kill -->
2nd hand tells 3rd hand to kill -->
3rd hand kills the man then-->
4th hand kills 3rd hand to cover evidence•
Which one is the cruelest man?
Ah na sahaov cheang ke?
We are Khmer people we have to stand up together and stop the regime dictator of Hun Sen,stop the murder Hun sen,stop regime destroyer Khmer of Hun Sen.
Hun Sen is a brave leader,brave to kill his own Khmer.
2014 number 4 the finist
2014= 7
2014 number 4 the last number if finish number if die away
ទង្វើយដែលហ៊ុន សែននិយាយមក គឺក្រុមប័ក្សប្រជាជនបានរៀបចំចងក្រងនៅច្បាប់ការពារ
អំណាចរបស់ពួកវារួចជាមុនស្រេច ហើយច្បាប់ទាំងនេះក៏មានតែក្នុងប្រទេសខ្មែរទេដែលអនុវត្តតាម
ទ្រឹស្តីយយួនក្រហម រឿងអ្វីៗយួនជាអ្នកចាត់ចែងបន្ថែម ឲ្យអនុវត្តន៏តាមមាគា៏ អាហូ ជីម៉ីញហើយសំដី
វាបាននិយាយ បើរាស្រ្តបិទផ្លូវជាការបិទឈាមខ្លួនឯង បានន័យថាវានិងរៀបក្រុមឆ្កែចចកវាឲ្យចាំខាំ មានប៉ូលីស អហ.មកបាញ់ប្រហារ វាយលើប្រជាជនបាតុករ តើវាជាខ្មែរប្រភេទអ្វី? ជាខ្មែរយៀក មីញ ខ្មែរក្រហមសម័យថ្មី ខ្មែរសម្លាប់ខ្មែរដើម្បីការពារផលប្រយោជន៏យួន៏ និងប័ក្សពួក ដូច្នោះវាជាជននៃក្រុមក្បត់ជាតិ ដូច្នេះវានឹងប្រើអំណាចផ្តាច់ការសំម្លាប់ប្រជាជនខ្មែរមែនទេ!! ហ៊ុនសែនសួរថាតើខ្ញុំបានធ្វើ
កំហុសអ្វី? ម្តេចមិនដឹងថាខ្លួនឯងធ្វើអ្វីខុស? ចំជាអាមនុស្សភ្លើពិតប្រាកដបើច្បាប់ឲ្យអាពលរដ្ឋយួនចូល
មករស់នៅពេញប្រទេសខ្មែរបង្កើតឲ្យពពួកអាមន្ត្រីពុករលួយមានពួកអាឩញ៉ាកាប់បំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើពេញទំហឹងបើដៃឲ្យចិនយួនសៀមយករ៉ែគ្រប់ទីកន្លែងក្នុងប្រទេសខ្មែរ បង្កើតកាស៊ីណូតាមព្រំប្រទល់ បង្កើតរាស្ត្រ
ខ្មែរចាក់ចេញពីប្រទេសទៅធ្វើនៅបរទេសក្រៅ យកយួនចូលស្រុក វិញ ប្លន់ប្រមូលយកដីរាស្ត្រគ្រប់ទីកន្លែ
ងដីណាដែលត្រូវថ្លៃ ប្រគល់ដីសម្បទានឲ្យយួន ចិន កូរ៉េ ។ល។ ទាំងនេះវាមិនទាន់គ្រប់គ្រាន់ទេនៅកំហុស
ក្បត់ជាតិរបស់អាឯង ល្មមដឹងខ្លួនឯងដែលធ្វើខុសផង មានឈ្មោះជាបណ្ឌិតភ្លើ ៕
After 30 long years of dictatorship by Hun and CPP suppported by the VC and CH to help to continue to steal, rob and kill us all is more than enough. Because everything comes with time and their time of helping to kill is up. Now everyone in this world knows who they are and what they are capable of. You may have killed 3 millions of our educated during the KR regime but billions more have rise to expose the truth about them crooks. In life, when you got caught red handed, you worth nothing, nothing but a scumbag. Not just Hun Sen who gets a bad name or face but the whole team who supported him as well.
In this case both VIets and Chinese are also party of the criminals e.g Kingta said, I have helped them in everyway I could but still they critised me none stop, they are expansionists and they are like crocodiles' and Hun added 'the truth I am a Viets'puppet, no body wants to lose their land or sea but because we are under their controlled'. So far. we have seen VC did the killing and Chinese provided the weapons. While poor Cambodians were/are paying for the costs. How nice!
But in the end the truth will always be the truth and the truth has to be revealed like so. So, blessed are those who have eyes to see, ears to hear and mouth to speak truth, for the truth will set us free.
All Khmers,
The current 70 high rank Hanoi's army officers replacing 70 Khmers officers already made plan by using their Dac Cong to assassinate the opposition leaders.
Dear compatriots,
It is not surprised that the traitor Hun Sen refused to step down from his illegal power.
I would like to sincerely admire again to our people, especially to Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha for showing their exceptional courage against the brainless Yuon’s slave illegal government of Hun Sen.
1- The CNRP needs to remind people that Vietnam has controlled Cambodia since 1979. Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia without a big fight.
The CNRP needs to inform the people about the approximate number of the people who need to make ultimate sacrifice before we can get the victory.
We should have at least 100,000 people who are willing to sacrifice to save Cambodia. By knowing in advance about our loss, we will not be panic when the actual events happened. We can compare 100,000 to a 10 solid defense lines – at 10,000 each line. We will not back down after we lost 2 or 3 defense lines (20 or 30,000 people).
Realistically, by the time we lost about 30,000 people, the international community will intervene and punish the real Khmer killers -Vietnam - and its puppet Hun Sen. That‘s why I called 100,000 is the psychological winning number. It makes our people mentally stronger, readily to protest and absorb pain.
2- Do not think that 100,000 are too many for people to sacrifice to save Cambodia.
We should think this way: how many MILLIONS Khmer people have died in vain since 1970 ? and now Cambodia is under Vietnam’s control ?
We should ask ourselves this question: Are 100,000 sacrifice people enough to save Cambodia at this time? I say yes FOR THIS TIME, because the international community is eagerly waiting to help us, but we must help ourselves first.
Decades later, maybe 30 to 50 years from now, even if we sacrifice a few millions more, we would not be able to save Cambodia because this evil Vietnam’s grip is getting tighter and tighter as time goes by. Whenever the Vietnamese became the majority in Cambodia, we will be finished.
Therefore, making sacrifice AT THE RIGHT TIME is critical for our survival. And this is the RIGHT TIME. The CNRP cannot pass this fight (demonstration) to the next generation, it will not work for them.
3- The CNRP must let people know about their top 50 rankings. Now we know Sam Rainsy is first, Kem Sokha is second. Who is the 3rd, who is the 10th, etc…. In case that the evil Vietnam and Hun Sen kill Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, the next ones in the top ranking will carry this task automatically. There is no time to lose.
Try envisioning this upcoming events and prepare to have the solution in place, and stay away from Preah Reach Damress Sdach Ting Moung Sihamoni.
4- To counter Hun Sen’s fake love of the King or Kingdom, just bring back Hun Sen’s voice in 2005 to the people when he was threatening the King. Hun Sen said if the King did not sign the supplemental treaty, he will change the regime.
Hun Sen’s voice clearly showed that the King is a tool for him to use. Hun Sen’s love toward the King is totally sarcastic.
Bun Thoeun
Good point Bun Thoeun Poster 5:47 AM.
When CNRP forms government, CNRP should create a Camp similar to Song Be (in Vietnam) so that all illigal migrants of all nationalities can be sent to, for repatriation to their home countries if possible, if not, UNHCR should find a third country for them to go to. That camp should be managed by UNHCR.
But first CNRP government should request all illigal migrants to leave Cambodia by due date.
HUN SEN has committed a lot of crimes killing Cambodian people, HUN SEN has signed illigal documents with Vietnam allowing Vietnam taking more Cambodian land and sea and natural resouces, HUN SEN also allow Vietnamese refugees 4 million living in Cambodia, HUN SEN kids do not like living in Vietnam, from those points of reasons, HUN SEN will not step down, if HUN SEN steps downs, HUN SEN must face International Court of Justice, or Capital Punishment or facing People Power. HUN SEN might use force to crack down the demonstrators, if HUN SEN will do so, HUN SEN is getting closed to his political long stand career.
The best and quick way to overthrow HUN SEN from the power is using a massive Chemical or Biological explosion sending to HUN SEN compounds Tang Krasang,
6:16 AM
Using Massive Chemical or Biological weapon won't gain any support from International Communities.
You are creating another Youn Trick again. CPP
I do hope what Hun Sen said was intercepted already. Thank God
Hun Sen and his cronies included Tep Vong stole Buddha relics and grind Buddha bones with holy water and drink to enhance his immortal power.
He is not going to resign from PM, He use Buddha power to cling on power but Buddha bones cannot save him from people tsunami.
In order to get rid of his power we must burn him alive (sacrifice).
Tep Vong and Hun Sen will see hell Yumareach at 120 steps when their judgement day have come.
hun sen is a coward!
Can anyone set up a pool of money for 1 million USD to get rid off Hun Sen?
រូបភាពដែលបានឃើញនេះ តើ!អាណាគេបាញ់បោះកន្លែលក្រុង វាជាមេគំរូសំរាប់ ជនទី ២ ឬបី...នេះបាន
អ្នកដឹកនាំអាក្រក់លេខ១ក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ ៕៕៕
that's you can make HUN SEN headache everyday.
តាមពិតទៅ ហ៊ុន សែន ពិបាកនឹងធ្វើបាបហ្វូងបាតុករណាស់ ឈឺក្បាលរាល់ថ្ងៃនុង ហាហាហា អា សែន អរគុណលោក ប្រធានទាំងពីរនូវការលះបង់ដខ្ពស់។
មេចពួកអ្នកនៅស្រុកក្រៅគ្មានវិធីអីកំចាត់ អាឆ្កែហ៊ុន សែន ទេអី? ធុញវាណាស់ បើអ្នកណាអាចសម្លាប់វាបាន មិនដឹងជាបានបុណ្យមេចទេ បើមនុស្សស្អប់វាយ៉ាងនេះ។
HUN SEN has no where to escape and live, HUN SEN's kids do not want to go to live in HANOI, so if HUN SEN step downs, HUN SEN will be killed by Vietnamese agents because Vietnam needs HUN SEN to finish Vietnam plan to swallow Cambodian land and country. So the best way to get HUN SEN out of the power is sending A massive Chemical or Biological Weapons to HUN SEN house or HUN SEN car this is the best way, otherwise HUN SEN will not step down and Cambodian people will suffer for the rest of our life
I appeal to all Cambodian polices or Cambodian solders who has got a massive bombs why don't you try to blow up who betray Cambodian people who works and serves Vietnamese interest instead of Cambodian people ? if you can kill one of them, all Cambodian people will name you as Cambodian Hero for 21 first century and all Cambodian will remember your name and your family forever,,,,
this moron is pure commie, he is all fuck up.
Let millions of Cambodian to remove him. Make him to step down. The people of Cambodia will not stupid like him. Please keep fight for human rights and democracy. Hun Sen is the looser.
HUN SEN, what time is it now? I think it's TIME for dictator HUN SEN to go.
wold criminal R,Hun sen will dad in tree month if not i will boom his house and kill all his family even his dog ,
hun sen must make no mistake with
tsunami of people. cambodian still
give you enough of time to step down .don't waste time to think at this moment, just few example of leaders
who are the same dictator, even more
money than you , but people still eliminated them. your formula of close the door fight the dog is not work because the dogs united and bite you. also gadaffi crush the rat does not work either. kkh.
Hun Sen get used to be called Sam Dach Decho etc...for too long, and now even kids call him Hun Sen, that make him sick already.
Hun Sen for us, we are good dogs and for you, you are mad dog. 14 millions of dogs vs 1 mad dog.
This lobster-brained primester talking shit outta his ass. he don't know what he's babbling about, what a dumbass.
He is too late with his threat, Khmer is no longer afraid of dying. Soon or later we are all going to die, at least we die with dignity- to save Cambodia from communist regime.
Khmer inquirer
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