KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
WHOA! to the Illegal NatAss!! WHOA! to the Illegal Gvomit!!
CPP have tanks and gun. What does CNRP have? Please don't let the poor khmer die because of your long for fame and and power. If to think that the world will sorry for the death khmer? You have to open your eyes and see. There are death every where in Egym, Syria, Iraq, Liyba, CAR etc.. Did the world give a dam about it? Khmer can work together if khmer love khmer or else blood will spill in phnom Phen streets. Justic will never came soon enough.
We khmer around the world want peace and stability but the fkin Hun/CPP made up of VC and Chinese controlling freaks won't let us as Hun said "I am a viet's puppet". You may have all of your guns and bullets but you won't have our heart souls and minds. We rather die standing than kneeling down or be as their slaves in our homeland. Cambodia belongs to Cambodians, not a bunch of mafia group. We have tried to talk to them CPP but they were/are too arrogant and talking to them means death, just look at Funcipic group, all gone, dead one by one fed to crocodiles by them crooks. So, we people of Cambodia have enough experienced about talking/negotiation shit. The only way, is to keep going with our demonstration to demand for a a new election to take place. Other than that, nothing else can be done. These crooked kind of people are full of shit, they have lied, deceived and manipulated to be where they are today. But god is right and just, therefore, only time will tell because everything comes with time. Just like Gaddhafi and Sadam Hunsien, they thought they were untouchable but in the end, they were wrong. Nevertheless, I hope those Viets and Chinese with good moral can see this true fact and turn around and let us go, that is to free all of us from being oppressed by such a mafia group of the Hun/CPP and evil those VC and CH gangster type or otherwise, our conflicts will never end.
To the monks and the people who upset the monks and others such as Bee Hive, opportunistic people:
"Don't take it as your personal, must put Khmer nation first before you."
Is this another Youn Trick CPP Evil Hun Sen to break the Khmer spirits of mass demonstration to demand Hun Sen must step down?
Think about Khmer Nation before yourself because the aim is only to wipe out dictatorship and Youn slave regime out of Cambodia and free Khmer people and manufacture real democracy in Cambodia.
Think about the big picture rather than personal.
International communities are behind this peaceful mass demonstration.
In case, Hun Sen start using force than international communities have all the evidences use against Hun Sen and make decision to intervene with US military air force. This is a process to gain President Obama approve military rescue Khmer people from Hun Sen but President Obama can't tell you what to do that is the reason why Khmer people must stand up with this mass demonstration to show that Khmer people don't want Hun Sen and the more Khmer people show up in mass demonstration the more gain support from international communities such America, Nato, UN.
Don't worry if Hun Sen start using force than President Obama will has strong evidences to ask the congress for air strike and full military intervene because American people don't want Cambodian people live under dictator but everything need step and the way its process.
To the monks and the people who upset the monks and others such as Bee Hive, opportunistic people:
"Don't take it as your personal, must put Khmer nation first before you."
Is this another Youn Trick CPP Evil Hun Sen to break the Khmer spirits of mass demonstration to demand Hun Sen must step down?
Think about Khmer Nation before yourself because the aim is only to wipe out dictatorship and Youn slave regime out of Cambodia and free Khmer people and manufacture real democracy in Cambodia.
Think about the big picture rather than personal.
International communities are behind this peaceful mass demonstration.
In case, Hun Sen start using force than international communities have all the evidences use against Hun Sen and make decision to intervene with US military air force. This is a process to gain President Obama approve military rescue Khmer people from Hun Sen but President Obama can't tell you what to do that is the reason why Khmer people must stand up with this mass demonstration to show that Khmer people don't want Hun Sen and the more Khmer people show up in mass demonstration the more gain support from international communities such America, Nato, UN.
Don't worry if Hun Sen start using force than President Obama will has strong evidences to ask the congress for air strike and full military intervene because American people don't want Cambodian people live under dictator but everything need step and the way its process.
Hun Sen is being used by the VC to kill all of his opponents e,g members of Chea Sim, Hang Sarin, Rayol and CNRP, why? because they knew too much about VC and CH intention, like, their aim of annexing Srok KHmer to be under Chinese Federation. At the sametime, sharing our natural resources including robbing our land and sea. Right now, the whole Hang Sarin Town is taken by VC/YOUN. Hun Sen said, if anyone dare to challenge them, bring your coffin along because we are under their controlled. Hun Sen admitted that he is a VC's puppet and he has no choice but to follow their order or else, he will be gone just like Pen Savon first PM of 1979 because Pen savoun was a nationalist, whereas Hun Sen is a traitor and would do anything to gain such power, even it means to kill of his country and nation.
Secondly, Hun Sen may not be a khmer national by birth, so of course he has no feeling for the poor khmers whatsoever. Right now, the VC is controlling everything from top gov't levels to small businesses including health and banking department by using Hun Sen as their puppet e.g if they want someone to die or be put in jail, it can be done just like that without a fear trial whatsoever, like lots of owners of the land have been shot or put in jail whereas them crooks gotten away, just like that.
I want them to know, that the whole world knows their true colour, eg who they are and what they are capable of. Hun Sen said some 5 years ago that roughly about 100 000 VC armed forces working for the Cambodian gov't but if we times it by 5 years later, it would have been easily reaching half million.
So, it is time for international community to wake up to acknowledge that they too have been fooled by the VC and CH crooks about not to interfere in Cambodia internal affair while they do, why? So that they could have it all to themselves in the end. So far, they have take tones of gold and lots of diamond, Iron Aor, and other national resources as well as taken our national heritages like Angkhor Wat to generate income for their national interests.
At the same time they have created a nation full of corruption to be against the gang of three. Stripping of everything in its path. Hun Sen is so scared of them like a baby bird and can't do nothing but to watch them rainshake it all up. Hun Sen is not a bad person but rather he is being trap. e,g once you join the gangster, their is only one way ticked, that is, the road to death.
Therefore, Hun Sen is at a death road and he knows that, why? because they will kill him to shut him up, just like they did before to all of our predecessors before us. They used them and abused them and then, they killed them to shut them up. In the end, they will blame on victims who killed victims. Their evil tactics and tricks are plentiful. It is time for international community to wake up and try to eliminate them of the world map now before it is too late.
Today, they own the world bank, enslaves almost every nation on earth. They will not stop, unless we stop them, really.
Hun Sen just appear on Youtube that he won't step down and told us not to block roads or else, will face third hands....what is that suppose to mean. Is it mean another KR regime??? but do we care? the truth is we have nothing to lose. Hun/CPP made of VC and Chinese crooks have everthing to lose. Cambodia belongs to all of Cambodians but now it is in your mafia group and we are not afraid to fight for what is rightfully ours. What a dick head!
He also said no law is allowed eliminate his corruped gov't nor him out of his seat. But there is no law in cambodia, e.g owners of the land landed in jail and the perpetrators got it all, again, what a dick heard. Again VC is using Hun Sen to say according to the law blalalalalala but there is no law. Everything is being controlled by the VC. In Hun Sen is scared of them like a shaky baby bird.
Once Hun Sen said 'without the VC, I would still be a leader' guess what? the VC pull his head out to bow down and say sorry to their flag and those souls who gotten killed because of helping him to be where he is right now (but they were/are only using him to continue to steal and kill our country and nation lives from our existence for them known as 'manipulation;).
Again, Hun is being used by them crooks over and over again and again. Hun Sen should wake up by now before it is too late. He said that he a VC's puppet but he can choose to join with CNRP just like Chaing Kai Shak and Maos Setong and in the end they won the war between them and Japan.
Hun Sen already addmitted that he is a Viets' puppet, and so, we have what we have to. If our people gotten killed, it is not from Khmers, it is from the VC and the CH controlling freaks whose aim is to continue to steal, rob and kill us all for their own national interests. That is why he said, 'or else you will face with the third hands'.....hahah as if we are scared, if we don't die now, we will die later on anyway, but when we die for a good caurse, we will be in heaven and for you hahahahh of course will be burnt in hell forever and ever screaming hot hot and hot,,,,,hahaha
10:57 AM, Is it necessary for such an opinion? Life goes on, we all must move on...Sometimes things are best when left unsaid, if you are really an EDUCATED Khmer? Take care!
It is not surprised that the traitor Hun Sen refused to step down from his illegal power.
I would like to sincerely admire again to our people, especially to Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha for showing their exceptional courage against the brainless Yuon’s slave illegal government of Hun Sen.
1- The CNRP needs to remind people that Vietnam has controlled Cambodia since 1979. Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia without a big fight. The CNRP needs to inform the people about the approximate number of the people who need to make ultimate sacrifice before we can get the victory. We should have at least 100,000 people who are willing to sacrifice to save Cambodia. By knowing in advance about our loss, we will not be panic when the actual events happened. We can compare 100,000 to a 10 solid defense lines – at 10,000 each line. We will not back down after we lost 2 or 3 defense lines (20 or 30,000 people).
Realistically, by the time we lost about 30,000 people, the international community will intervene and punish the real Khmer killers -Vietnam - and its puppet Hun Sen. That‘s why I called 100,000 is the psychological winning number. It makes our people mentally stronger, readily to protest and absorb pain.
2- Do not think that 100,000 are too many for people to sacrifice to save Cambodia. We should think this way: how many MILLIONS Khmer people have died in vain since 1970 ? and now Cambodia is under Vietnam’s control ?
We should ask ourselves this question: Are 100,000 sacrifice people enough to save Cambodia at this time? I say yes FOR THIS TIME, because the international community is eagerly waiting to help us, but we must help ourselves first.
Decades later, maybe 30 to 50 years from now, even if we sacrifice a few millions more, we would not be able to save Cambodia because this evil Vietnam’s grip is getting tighter and tighter as time goes by. Whenever the Vietnamese became the majority in Cambodia, we will be finished.
Therefore, making sacrifice AT THE RIGHT TIME is critical for our survival. And this is the RIGHT TIME. The CNRP cannot pass this fight (demonstration) to the next generation, it will not work for them.
3- The CNRP must let people know about their top 50 rankings. Now we know Sam Rainsy is first, Kem Sokha is second. Who is the 3rd, who is the 10th, etc…. In case that the evil Vietnam and Hun Sen kill Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, the next ones in the top ranking will carry this task automatically. There is no time to lose. Try envisioning this upcoming events and prepare to have the solution in place, and stay away from Preah Reach Damress Sdach Ting Moung Sihamoni.
4- To counter Hun Sen’s fake love of the King or Kingdom, just bring back Hun Sen’s voice in 2005 to the people when he was threatening the King. Hun Sen said if the King did not sign the supplemental treaty, he will change the regime. Hun Sen’s voice clearly showed that the King is a tool for him to use. Hun Sen’s love toward the King is totally sarcastic.
CPP have tanks and gun. What does CNRP have? Please don't let the poor khmer die because of your long for fame and and power. If to think that the world will sorry for the death khmer? You have to open your eyes and see. There are death every where in Egym, Syria, Iraq, Liyba, CAR etc.. Did the world give a dam about it? Khmer can work together if khmer love khmer or else blood will spill in phnom Phen streets. Justic will never came soon enough.
We khmer around the world want peace and stability but the fkin Hun/CPP made up of VC and Chinese controlling freaks won't let us as Hun said "I am a viet's puppet". You may have all of your guns and bullets but you won't have our heart souls and minds. We rather die standing than kneeling down or be as their slaves in our homeland. Cambodia belongs to Cambodians, not a bunch of mafia group. We have tried to talk to them CPP but they were/are too arrogant and talking to them means death, just look at Funcipic group, all gone, dead one by one fed to crocodiles by them crooks. So, we people of Cambodia have enough experienced about talking/negotiation shit. The only way, is to keep going with our demonstration to demand for a a new election to take place. Other than that, nothing else can be done. These crooked kind of people are full of shit, they have lied, deceived and manipulated to be where they are today. But god is right and just, therefore, only time will tell because everything comes with time. Just like Gaddhafi and Sadam Hunsien, they thought they were untouchable but in the end, they were wrong. Nevertheless, I hope those Viets and Chinese with good moral can see this true fact and turn around and let us go, that is to free all of us from being oppressed by such a mafia group of the Hun/CPP and evil those VC and CH gangster type or otherwise, our conflicts will never end.
it's time for Khmer around the world to rise up against Hun Sen and his illegal government .
Ah Runteas Banh OU VIREAK,
Listen to that man's comment. He said 100% right.
You must make a public apology to Khmer people.
I will throw shit at your face if you failed to make such apology.
93 years old woman
Gay title
ជូនចំពោះ លោកសមរង្ស៊ី ក្នុងនាមជាអ្នកការពារ
ទឹកដី ជាតិ សាសនា ចាប់តាំងពីពេលនេះទៅ
បើមានគេចាប់អ្នកបាត្តុកម្មណាម្នាក់ចូលគុគ យើងត្រូវ
តែនាំគ្នាចូលគុគទាំងអស់គ្នា ព្រោះយើងមិនអាចឲ្យ
ជន់ក្បត់ជាតិណាម្នាក់ ជិះជាន់អ្នកស្នេហាជាតិបាន
ពីខ្ញុំស្រមោចភ្លើង Fired Ant.
CNRP supporters must stand up together fighting for justice and people right!
Don't CPP Crooks threaten us treat us as animals!
Ah Hoon Xen and his CPP Crooks must go!
Ah PHEY C PHOM, Ah CHIEN Vun, Ah CHHEAM Kop Yap, Ah Ou YOURN Crook Vireak, Ag Khiev KEO SRA Kanhatirh must go hell!
To the monks and the people who upset the monks and others such as Bee Hive, opportunistic people:
"Don't take it as your personal, must put Khmer nation first before you."
Is this another Youn Trick CPP Evil Hun Sen to break the Khmer spirits of mass demonstration to demand Hun Sen must step down?
Think about Khmer Nation before yourself because the aim is only to wipe out dictatorship and Youn slave regime out of Cambodia and free Khmer people and manufacture real democracy in Cambodia.
Think about the big picture rather than personal.
International communities are behind this peaceful mass demonstration.
In case, Hun Sen start using force than international communities have all the evidences use against Hun Sen and make decision to intervene with US military air force. This is a process to gain President Obama approve military rescue Khmer people from Hun Sen but President Obama can't tell you what to do that is the reason why Khmer people must stand up with this mass demonstration to show that Khmer people don't want Hun Sen and the more Khmer people show up in mass demonstration the more gain support from international communities such America, Nato, UN.
Don't worry if Hun Sen start using force than President Obama will has strong evidences to ask the congress for air strike and full military intervene because American people don't want Cambodian people live under dictator but everything need step and the way its process.
To the monks and the people who upset the monks and others such as Bee Hive, opportunistic people:
"Don't take it as your personal, must put Khmer nation first before you."
Is this another Youn Trick CPP Evil Hun Sen to break the Khmer spirits of mass demonstration to demand Hun Sen must step down?
Think about Khmer Nation before yourself because the aim is only to wipe out dictatorship and Youn slave regime out of Cambodia and free Khmer people and manufacture real democracy in Cambodia.
Think about the big picture rather than personal.
International communities are behind this peaceful mass demonstration.
In case, Hun Sen start using force than international communities have all the evidences use against Hun Sen and make decision to intervene with US military air force. This is a process to gain President Obama approve military rescue Khmer people from Hun Sen but President Obama can't tell you what to do that is the reason why Khmer people must stand up with this mass demonstration to show that Khmer people don't want Hun Sen and the more Khmer people show up in mass demonstration the more gain support from international communities such America, Nato, UN.
Don't worry if Hun Sen start using force than President Obama will has strong evidences to ask the congress for air strike and full military intervene because American people don't want Cambodian people live under dictator but everything need step and the way its process.
Evil Hun Sen uses strategies such steal Buddha's Relics to destruct Khmer people attention from mass demonstration process.
Evil Hun Sen uses opportunistic people such as Bee Hive, Ou Virak and more to destruct Khmer people attention in mass demonstration.
Evil Hun Sen uses monks against mass demonstration.
Are we fall into Hun Sen trick again people?
The answer is NO! NO! NO! we must keep fighting until Khmer people win and evil Hun Sen step down for real.
អ្នករៀបចំបាតុកម្មនិងអ្នកចូលរួមអំពាវនាវឲ្យ រដ្ឋាភិបាល គោរពរដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ ទើបស័ក្កសម ជាង បើតាមព្រិត្តិការណ៍ ដែលប្រព្រិត្ត ដោយកងប្រដាប់ឣាវុធ្ធកន្លងមក ។
No blood no glory.."Boring"
Hun Sen is being used by the VC to kill all of his opponents e,g members of Chea Sim, Hang Sarin, Rayol and CNRP, why? because they knew too much about VC and CH intention, like, their aim of annexing Srok KHmer to be under Chinese Federation. At the sametime, sharing our natural resources including robbing our land and sea. Right now, the whole Hang Sarin Town is taken by VC/YOUN. Hun Sen said, if anyone dare to challenge them, bring your coffin along because we are under their controlled. Hun Sen admitted that he is a VC's puppet and he has no choice but to follow their order or else, he will be gone just like Pen Savon first PM of 1979 because Pen savoun was a nationalist, whereas Hun Sen is a traitor and would do anything to gain such power, even it means to kill of his country and nation.
Secondly, Hun Sen may not be a khmer national by birth, so of course he has no feeling for the poor khmers whatsoever. Right now, the VC is controlling everything from top gov't levels to small businesses including health and banking department by using Hun Sen as their puppet e.g if they want someone to die or be put in jail, it can be done just like that without a fear trial whatsoever, like lots of owners of the land have been shot or put in jail whereas them crooks gotten away, just like that.
I want them to know, that the whole world knows their true colour, eg who they are and what they are capable of. Hun Sen said some 5 years ago that roughly about 100 000 VC armed forces working for the Cambodian gov't but if we times it by 5 years later, it would have been easily reaching half million.
So, it is time for international community to wake up to acknowledge that they too have been fooled by the VC and CH crooks about not to interfere in Cambodia internal affair while they do, why? So that they could have it all to themselves in the end. So far, they have take tones of gold and lots of diamond, Iron Aor, and other national resources as well as taken our national heritages like Angkhor Wat to generate income for their national interests.
At the same time they have created a nation full of corruption to be against the gang of three. Stripping of everything in its path. Hun Sen is so scared of them like a baby bird and can't do nothing but to watch them rainshake it all up. Hun Sen is not a bad person but rather he is being trap. e,g once you join the gangster, their is only one way ticked, that is, the road to death.
Therefore, Hun Sen is at a death road and he knows that, why? because they will kill him to shut him up, just like they did before to all of our predecessors before us. They used them and abused them and then, they killed them to shut them up. In the end, they will blame on victims who killed victims. Their evil tactics and tricks are plentiful. It is time for international community to wake up and try to eliminate them of the world map now before it is too late.
Today, they own the world bank, enslaves almost every nation on earth. They will not stop, unless we stop them, really.
Hun Sen just appear on Youtube that he won't step down and told us not to block roads or else, will face third hands....what is that suppose to mean. Is it mean another KR regime??? but do we care? the truth is we have nothing to lose. Hun/CPP made of VC and Chinese crooks have everthing to lose. Cambodia belongs to all of Cambodians but now it is in your mafia group and we are not afraid to fight for what is rightfully ours. What a dick head!
He also said no law is allowed eliminate his corruped gov't nor him out of his seat. But there is no law in cambodia, e.g owners of the land landed in jail and the perpetrators got it all, again, what a dick heard. Again VC is using Hun Sen to say according to the law blalalalalala but there is no law. Everything is being controlled by the VC. In Hun Sen is scared of them like a shaky baby bird.
Once Hun Sen said 'without the VC, I would still be a leader' guess what? the VC pull his head out to bow down and say sorry to their flag and those souls who gotten killed because of helping him to be where he is right now (but they were/are only using him to continue to steal and kill our country and nation lives from our existence for them known as 'manipulation;).
Again, Hun is being used by them crooks over and over again and again. Hun Sen should wake up by now before it is too late. He said that he a VC's puppet but he can choose to join with CNRP just like Chaing Kai Shak and Maos Setong and in the end they won the war between them and Japan.
Hun Sen already addmitted that he is a Viets' puppet, and so, we have what we have to. If our people gotten killed, it is not from Khmers, it is from the VC and the CH controlling freaks whose aim is to continue to steal, rob and kill us all for their own national interests. That is why he said, 'or else you will face with the third hands'.....hahah as if we are scared, if we don't die now, we will die later on anyway, but when we die for a good caurse, we will be in heaven and for you hahahahh of course will be burnt in hell forever and ever screaming hot hot and hot,,,,,hahaha
democrat Theary seng now KI belong to you and you can post bible as you want .be free be happy
10:57 AM,
Is it necessary for such an opinion?
Life goes on, we all must move on...Sometimes things are best when left unsaid, if you are really an EDUCATED Khmer? Take care!
Dear compatriots,
It is not surprised that the traitor Hun Sen refused to step down from his illegal power.
I would like to sincerely admire again to our people, especially to Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha for showing their exceptional courage against the brainless Yuon’s slave illegal government of Hun Sen.
1- The CNRP needs to remind people that Vietnam has controlled Cambodia since 1979. Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia without a big fight.
The CNRP needs to inform the people about the approximate number of the people who need to make ultimate sacrifice before we can get the victory.
We should have at least 100,000 people who are willing to sacrifice to save Cambodia. By knowing in advance about our loss, we will not be panic when the actual events happened. We can compare 100,000 to a 10 solid defense lines – at 10,000 each line. We will not back down after we lost 2 or 3 defense lines (20 or 30,000 people).
Realistically, by the time we lost about 30,000 people, the international community will intervene and punish the real Khmer killers -Vietnam - and its puppet Hun Sen. That‘s why I called 100,000 is the psychological winning number. It makes our people mentally stronger, readily to protest and absorb pain.
2- Do not think that 100,000 are too many for people to sacrifice to save Cambodia.
We should think this way: how many MILLIONS Khmer people have died in vain since 1970 ? and now Cambodia is under Vietnam’s control ?
We should ask ourselves this question: Are 100,000 sacrifice people enough to save Cambodia at this time? I say yes FOR THIS TIME, because the international community is eagerly waiting to help us, but we must help ourselves first.
Decades later, maybe 30 to 50 years from now, even if we sacrifice a few millions more, we would not be able to save Cambodia because this evil Vietnam’s grip is getting tighter and tighter as time goes by. Whenever the Vietnamese became the majority in Cambodia, we will be finished.
Therefore, making sacrifice AT THE RIGHT TIME is critical for our survival. And this is the RIGHT TIME. The CNRP cannot pass this fight (demonstration) to the next generation, it will not work for them.
3- The CNRP must let people know about their top 50 rankings. Now we know Sam Rainsy is first, Kem Sokha is second. Who is the 3rd, who is the 10th, etc…. In case that the evil Vietnam and Hun Sen kill Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, the next ones in the top ranking will carry this task automatically. There is no time to lose.
Try envisioning this upcoming events and prepare to have the solution in place, and stay away from Preah Reach Damress Sdach Ting Moung Sihamoni.
4- To counter Hun Sen’s fake love of the King or Kingdom, just bring back Hun Sen’s voice in 2005 to the people when he was threatening the King. Hun Sen said if the King did not sign the supplemental treaty, he will change the regime.
Hun Sen’s voice clearly showed that the King is a tool for him to use. Hun Sen’s love toward the King is totally sarcastic.
Bun Thoeun
Hun Sen and his cronies included Tep Vong stole Buddha relics and grind Buddha bones with holy water and drink to enhance his immortal power.
He is not going to resign from PM, He use Buddha power to cling on power but Buddha bones cannot save him from people tsunami.
In order to get rid of his power we must burn him alive (sacrifice).
Tep Vong and Hun Sen will see hell Yumareach at 120 steps when their judgement day have come.
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