Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Group of Cambodian MPs visiting Vietnam

Monday, November 12, 2007
By Kim Pov Sottan
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Committee No. 5 of the National Assembly (NA) which is in charge of foreign affairs, will start its visit to Vietnam on Tuesday in order to negotiate further for the release of former Monk Tim Sakhorn.

MP Son Chhay, Chairman of Committee No. 5, said that his group will persevere to meet with Monk Tim Sakhorn, and it will ask for the release of the former abbot in the name of the respect of the sovereignty between the two countries.

Son Chhay said: “… I want to take this opportunity during the visit to discuss and explain to each other, so that there is a new beginning in the recognition of important issues in the friendship that includes mutual respect starting from human rights respect. We will move quickly to Khleang province in order to visit Venerable Tim Sakhorn, whatever it will take, we need his release.”

This visit was agreed upon when the Vietnamese parliament delegation came to visit Cambodia at the beginning of September of this year.

The 8 MPs and 3 aids will spend 6 days in Hanoi and several other provinces located in Kampuchea Krom (South Vietnam).

The NA delegation plans to meet with top Vietnamese leaders to talk about the sovereignty of Cambodia, the rights issue of indigenous people, the construction of hydro-electrical dams in the Northern part of Vietnam which affects Cambodia. The delegation will visit Cambodia people living in Preah Trapaing and Kleang provinces, and it will also visit Monk Tim Sakhorn, the former abbot of Phnom Den pagoda who is currently jailed in Motr Chrouk province (An Giang in Vietnamese).

Elder Tim Thiem, the father of Monk Tim Sakhorn, who never had the chance to meet his son since his defrocking, is happy and hopeful about the NA delegation visit. Elder Tim Thiem said: “They should clearly review the state of health of my son, this would provide some feedback information for me also. Since my son was arrested, nobody talked much about this issue … I am asking (the NA delegation) to resolve this issue and provide justice (for my son), I only want his return back home, whatever happens to him, let him die here in Cambodia.”

The NA delegation visit is taking place after the former abbot of Phnom Den pagoda, Monk Tim Sakhorn, was sentenced by the Vietnamese authority to one year in jail, he was accused of undermining the solidarity between Cambodia and Vietnam.

All hopes will be pinned in one week time, after the NA delegation completes its visit to Vietnam.


Anonymous said...

Now this is call Khmer helps Khmer. Good job my friend!

Anonymous said...

Where is Sihaknuk?
Where is Sihakmony?
Where is ah Hun Sen?
Hahahahhahh that are call freaking leaders ?
This time ,they should standing up for Cambodian people but,when they get the thrown and power ,who care dirt poor Cambodian ? they need you like the sugar cane ,when they finish,your sugar cane no juice no sugar you have to be on the street or side walk as usual . Bad job khmer treat khmer bad.
Long live Samransy party!

Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath, 11:28. No one mess with the national security of the region will get away with it. Keep in mind that we are still living in the Civil War aftermath.

Anonymous said...

Eng niyeay tha mech achke 12:22?

Anonymous said...

Kgnom tah ah Son Chhay nih jear nonouh ah krok nass, 3:57. Yol teh?

Anonymous said...

Oh anh yol heuy pipruos ah nih vea juoy Khmer.
vea men tuc oy khmer ngorb.

Anonymous said...

Message 4:43pm Please don't be so stupid with your comment Ah Pler nis.

Anonymous said...

Ah CPP lit acht Yuons oul bann chreunn phon..kap-ke-ra-ya phonh eng douch cha-ke chakuouch.

Ah CPP tuol sei acht ah Ho Chi Minh oul bann loh-o phonn!!!Soumm thwer khnhum ah Yuons oul bann ch-reung, nung lok tuk dei Khmer oul ah Yuon oul bann ch-reung!!!Pouk eng thwer khnum ah Yuons og-muol jiwit!!!Ka pit..pouk eng ott menn chia Khmer te..pouk eng keu pouk ah Yuons kleng klai thwer Khmer..

Anonymous said...

This is a positive news we got from Mr. So Chay again. We hope our delegation will solve Abot Sakhorn's case with its Vietnamese counterpart in mutual understanding and respect of our soveriegnty. We want to see more our leaders consistently stick with this issue with Vietnamese leaders until we get a final release of our compatriot. We have to speak up, to protect our own citizen from the harful hands of foreigners. Mr. Son Chay, your mission is the model duty for all Cambodian parliament members to fallow and practice in the future. If all our leaders are coureous to speak up as if Mr. Son Chay, our sovereignty will be respected and our people will be safe.

Anonymous said...

What is a shit load of crock? Cambodia don't have any dispute with Vietnam. We are best Pal. So there is nothing to solve. Ah Chkout (Son Chhay) just pretend to be busy working for Cambodia as usual, but he never accomplished shit for decades now.

Anonymous said...

The fucken Vietcong always blame on the Khmer Krom people but the Vietcong also use Khmer Krom people as an inroad into Cambodian politic!

I don't deny that there are some sell out Khmer Krom people out there who are currently still spying for the Vietcong! The Khmer Krom people are weak and the Vietcong can force them to do anything they want! I mean even Cambodia is an independent nation and the Vietcong can still force AH HUN SEN dictator to hand over Monk Tim Sokhorn to be jail in Vietname! I am not surprised by the Vietcong thuggish behavior because Cambodia is still a weak country!

The only way to eliminate all the racial hatred and stop the Vietcong illegal clandestine activities and the Khmer Krom people must continue to fight for independent nation and this time the Vietcong will be on their own!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, LOL, hahaha, Khmer is weak, but Khmer got lands. Ah Khmer-Yuon is brave, but the fools got no land, hahaha, ROFLMAO, hahaha ....

Anonymous said...

To 7:23AM! Vietcong dog eater!

Khmer Kampuchea Krom was part of Cambodia until the French government officially handed over to the Vietcong government in 1949!

You think that is funny mother fucker! Yes...Khmer got land alright but it is less than before and now after all the illegal land grabbing by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave officials and Cambodian people don't even have anymore! Funny isn’t it?

Go home Vietcong and Cambodian people don't need you to speak for them!