Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Education cooperation with Vietnam or is it endoctrination cooperation?

Vietnam, Cambodia co-operate in education

VNS/VOV News (Hanoi)

Vietnam and Cambodia on August 31 inked a co-operative agreement in education under which Vietnam will provide 130 Cambodian students opportunities for undergraduate and graduate education and research in Vietnam, especially in science and technology and in the Vietnamese language.

The agreement, which was signed in Hanoi by representatives of the two countries’ ministries of education, will see 10 Vietnamese students sent to graduate study in Cambodia and 20 working people to study the Cambodian language over the next two years.

The programme will also encourage Cambodians to come to Vietnam to study with financial support from their own Government and other funds. The two sides will exchange delegations to share information and experiences in the field.


Anonymous said...

ah chkae xmer nis kampong reab chom aoy do khuor kbal konn khmer hoey, proyat khmer teang lay

Anonymous said...

I have many friends graduated from Vietnam, Vietnam has provided schoolarship for a long time, I think before 1997. I did not see any thing wrong with them. You always oppose, did you help any khmer to get high education? I know you point all fingures to Government. Come on....don't be so silly to oppose every thing.

Anonymous said...

No Cambodian should learn Vietnamese,
that is a stupidest idea in the world
because if you studied English instead of Vietnamese, you could communicate to everybody in the world including Yuon for the same effort.

Son of a farmer said...

I ain't literally an educator, but I think therefore I undoubtedly believe the Cambodian School must highly has immense potential for both today's students and those of the future.

Anonymous said...

don't forget to strengthen our khmer language too, ok!