Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Interview of Hun Xen by Soy Sopheap - A satire

Translation from Khmer

Soy Sopheap interviews Dek-cho

Soy Sopheap: Why Samd-ach does not help resolve the Boeung Kak lake problem?
Dek-cho: I have a hard time with these stubborn head people. They were given up to $8,000 and they did not accept it, and for me, I only got $92 million, how can I help? So there is only one thing left: pumping [sand] to drown them like that.
Soy Sopheap: The KI[-Media] group accuses Samd-ach of selling lands to the Yuon and of being traitors of the nation, is that true?
Dek-cho: I did not sell anything. I owe a debt of gratitude to them [Vietnamese] . If they [Vietnamese] take some [of our land], let them. Even if they take more than that, I still cannot talk about it, because the Yuons are my dearest friends. I can’t believe they call me traitors, we live like brothers [with the Yuons], but I must do whatever they tell me. But these small lices [KI-Media], they just say what they want.
Soy Sopheap: It looks like you are scared of KI[-Media]?
Dek-Cho: I, Dek-cho, have no reason to be scared, I have to be nasty, nasty. Even if they are small like lices, I will smash them, even if it costs me [$]10 or 20 million, it doesn’t matter. You’ll see. I am not scared, I am Deck-cho Hun Xen.


Anonymous said...

go to hell, Hun Xen - a satellite of Yuon-Hanoi

Anonymous said...


before: Hun Sen
currently: Hưỷṇh Śâch

Anonymous said...

A SEN is welling to spend $20.000.000 to get ride of Ki Media ???? Well let's make him spend every cent he can to get rid of us??? So Ki Media is the new power then he well go bankrupt fighting us.....more people support Ki the more A Sen scared.......Khmer Canada

Anonymous said...

crazy Interview
i just see, Kmer stupide, so that they do the ware forever.
why you dont cooperat to develope you country like my coutry( Frence)
frome Michel, tour in Cambodia

Anonymous said...

When you make a mock interview like this, KI media bring a new low to itself.
first I thought it was real but after seeing few contents. it is a joke.

Next time which one is a real McCoy. KI Media should be aware of some readers curiosity to believe in your news or to become a web blog of joke/drama entertainment.

Anonymous said...

9:00 AM;

please come by again, because without you KI would go bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Soy Sopheap interviews Sam rainsy
-soy sopheap: te louk tver yang mech tov terb klay tov chea nak snea ha cheat?
-sam rainsy: dombey oy klay tov chea nak snea ha cheat yerng trov che hun sen oy ban chrern, prab borotes oy phdach choum nouy, dork bongkol proden... heuy yerng tov rot tov borotes dombey oy brocheachon ah-nit...neny heuy chea yutsas dombey klay chea nak snea ha cheat.
-soy sopheap: ter pel tov dol borotes louk tver ah-vey teat?
-sam rainsy: nov pel dol borotes yerng trov bdeng hun sen, che hun sen teat... bdeng hun sen tov krob brotes...
-soy sopheap: ter heat vey ban louk nov borotes heuy nov che hun sen teat?
-sam rainsy: klach ey, khnhom mean sorncheat barang, ber mean kar ey barang neng chouy khnhom...
-soy sopheap: pel louk der tov krob brotes jeng vea chorm nay louy chrern nas, ter no na ke chea nak rab rorng?
-sam rainsy: tov phey ey, pel nov borotes yerng som louy pouk khmer nov borotes tov, te ber nov min krob ki yerng tver bonn pkar samaki mouy tov, dombey youk louy.

Anonymous said...

I prefer Mr prime minister to collect these money for Cambodian, He will passed away, when he passed away we take all his money at once for Cambodian rather than let different regimes to collect (corrupted) the money for Cambodian, you can see our leaders full of cholesterol and they will die soon and they can not take money with them, we will take it back like Macos of Philipine as an example

Anonymous said...

10:02AM: Ches aeng oy kreng Ches ke!!!

Anonymous said...

Soy Sopheap dare not to interview this shit Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

2 among ten commentators support Hun, 2 are neutral and 6 oppose Hun in this article. Thus, I can say 20-40% of Cambodian support Hun.

Anonymous said...

u said: 2 among ten commentators support Hun, 2 are neutral and 6 oppose Hun in this article. Thus, I can say 20-40% of Cambodian support Hun.

noooot sure, becoz alot of Hun Sen's Suportors can not use computer ha ha ha crazy analyse...

Anonymous said...

I hate Hun Sen and CPP much more than I hate Pol Pot but in this case , I don't like the way KI has been doing because I don't like liars and pretenders. This interview is a fake interview that has been made up by KI . I believe there are alot more real and interesting news out there that KI can post it here . News that Hun Sen and his government don't want people to hear .

Anonymous said...

i support this interwiews:

Soy Sopheap interviews Sam rainsy
-soy sopheap: te louk tver yang mech tov terb klay tov chea nak snea ha cheat?
-sam rainsy: dombey oy klay tov chea nak snea ha cheat yerng trov che hun sen oy ban chrern, prab borotes oy phdach choum nouy, dork bongkol proden... heuy yerng tov rot tov borotes dombey oy brocheachon ah-nit...neny heuy chea yutsas dombey klay chea nak snea ha cheat.
-soy sopheap: ter pel tov dol borotes louk tver ah-vey teat?
-sam rainsy: nov pel dol borotes yerng trov bdeng hun sen, che hun sen teat... bdeng hun sen tov krob brotes...
-soy sopheap: ter heat vey ban louk nov borotes heuy nov che hun sen teat?
-sam rainsy: klach ey, khnhom mean sorncheat barang, ber mean kar ey barang neng chouy khnhom...
-soy sopheap: pel louk der tov krob brotes jeng vea chorm nay louy chrern nas, ter no na ke chea nak rab rorng?
-sam rainsy: tov phey ey, pel nov borotes yerng som louy pouk khmer nov borotes tov, te ber nov min krob ki yerng tver bonn pkar samaki mouy tov, dombey youk louy.

Anonymous said...

nak snea ha cheat ey der aoy ke bdach chou nouy khmer hahaha Hero or ro aids?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:57AM: You said 20-40% support hun sen, so 60-80% support sam rainsy, but why sam rainsy lose election...
according to your idea it mean that "sam rainsy strong but weak..."

Anonymous said...

fool! that what KI some up from all CPP talk!

Hide the face but show the naked bud of ah Hun Xen!!

Anonymous said...

fool! that what KI some up from all CPP talk!

Hide the face but show the naked bud of ah Hun Xen!!

Anonymous said...

What you have done is not enough to show a respect to you damn friends. you should give a way your wife to you best friends too Mr. shit head Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

KI make this interwiew ==> KI lost face, becose KI give lie information, so KI : Lie
befor i hate hun sen , now i hate KI+Sam rinsy.
maybe i go to support CCP..

Anonymous said...

This kinda made up story only make KI look like a joke and lose the trust from valueble follower and make hun sen laught even more.The people that find it interresting is the clueless one.Think about it.

Anonymous said...

all my time i voted for CPP. now i get this info i will vote for Sam Rainsy

Anonymous said...

Krom KI-media tha kampuchea trov kar mae deuk norm thmey te min men CPP te, chos ber brocheachon ke boss chhnout oy CPP chhnas chhnout ter ki-media kit mech tov.

Anonymous said...

So funny, yet so real. However, I'm afraid you may lose your professionalism by posting such invented articles. Just a good will!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen = Mr. 99 years
If you don't believe KI, just go around in Cambodia and find out who own what and how many years? Beng Kok 99 years. Cambodia for Vietnam for 99 years..... Who are the rich people in Srok Khmer??? They are all family and of Hun Sen. Sok Anh, Ly Yunpat, Lao Meng Khin...ETC they all have hundred of thousand hectare of land and yet hundred of thousand of Cambodian have no land to live on. If this is not corruption what would you call this??? Every thing for sale in Cambodia ,but the money is not for the Cambodian trust account it for Hun Sen and his family and friend. Hun Sen = 99 years = youn is every where = Traitor

Chheam Khmer

Anonymous said...

9:44AM; thank oyu
I like KI media as drama entertainment but not as an good source of information.

Anonymous said...

The fucken KI is the place for Khmer to start a civil common read and reply and make the fucking KI happy!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what is the outcome of this interview and one thing is clear!

AH HUN SEN maybe a friend of the Vietcong but Cambodian people are no friend of the Vietcong!

AH HUN SEN doesn't need to force 15million dirt poor Cambodian people to compete for the very basic need of life against the 80 million Viet!

What AH HUN SEN need to do is to observe the rule of the road so that Cambodian people have a fair chance to make a decent living under Cambodian law!

The Vietcong must not be allowed to displace Cambodian people off their land whether it by military, economic, or by illegal Viet settlers!

Anonymous said...

KI-Media, Please be truthful and honest. It is not sounded like real words from Hun Sen. Please help to keep this website more reliable, not a joke.

CPP........ANTI-HUNSEN&HANOID....PP said...