Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy |
15 Nov 2011
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the article in Khmer
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy announced that the 26 SRP MPs will boycott the NatAss (National Assembly) meeting until the government guarantees that it will end forced evictions of people from their lands and houses, and that it will reform the members of the National Election Committee (NEC).
Sam Rainsy claimed that if there is no quorum of 120 MPs at its meetings, the NatAss cannot approve the 2012 national budget draft law.
The SRP’s statement which was issued on 14 November indicated that Mr. Sam Rainsy stated that the opposition does not want to see the Cambodian government borrowing large amount of funds from overseas because of its potential economic danger, and that these funds serve as a good opportunity for the ruling CPP party to preserve and expand its powerbase instead.
Sam Rainsy accused the CPP of using the foreign loans for their own corrupt gains and for buying votes.
Click below to listen to Yun Samean’s interview:
This move will hopefully get international countries and committees to see that the CPP members are transparent and put an end to using the national budget to own massive hectares of land!
this is the right thing that opposition party should do !!!
I am encourage SRP to be more active and involvements on recruiting new members. I am disappointed SRP members for not responding to my email.
I have a bad feeling that hun sen will use this move to slap a lawsuit or jail time for some of the key players of sam rainsy part.
hopefully sam rainsy party will still have enough representatives to run for the coming national election.
Risky moves for sam ransy party to confront hun sen directly like will only produce even more obstacles for sam rainsy party.
In any case, best of wishes to all the oppositions and khmer in cambodia.
Sam Rainsy looks like an albino rat?
7:16 AM Agreed Risky moves. I hope that International communities can see the situation.
the international communities don't really care much about cambodia. The oppositions put their lives on the line in cambodia on a daily basis and often have to confront even more pressure and threats from the ruling party. Most us know that the vietnamese will do what ever it takes to support and keep the ruling party in control of cambodia. Most us know that the viet will not be hesitant to kill anyone opposing the ruling party.
This assumption is not a blame game. Viet is controlling cambodia and I'm certain the so called international communities are aware of that but are not doing anything.
The national assembly meeting will going on no matter what SRP boycott or not. Fugitive Sam Rainsy, please don't try to lie that "if there is no quorum of 120 MPs at its meetings, the National Assembly cannot approve the 2012 national budget draft law". Parliament is required only quorum 62 MPs to have the meeting.
What Sam Rainsy proposes is a coup against the constitution and parliamentary democracy.
It is a political act completely
irresponsible, unnecessary and inefficient.
It is a sabotage of his own political party.
Go to sleep.
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