Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sam Rainsy's message to President Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

“Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.” -William Penn (American hero of Liberty and religious freedom).

Anonymous said...

Don't be expected too much from USA.

Anonymous said...

A convicted criminal Sam Rainsy, after knowing that the opposition cannot stop the US President Obama visits to Cambodia, he pretends to send congratulation letter to Mr. Obama and suggested to Khmer government to forgive him as a gift for Mr. Obama.

Sam Rainsy, you are nothing to Mr. Obama.

Pi Anh.

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM,

Mr. Sam Rainsy was convicted by kangaroo courts, and is ruling by a bunch of monkeys.

Anonymous said...

ប្រៀបធៀបទៅល្បែងបៀកាតេ : CPP មានតែពីរគ្រាប់សោះ ប៉ុន្តែ បក្សប្រឆាំងហ្នឹងរកតែ បីគ្រាប់យកមកសុី បៀសំអុយ
ពីរគ្រាប់ ក៏គ្នានផង ។  មើលទៅ មួយក្តារហ្នឹងទៀត សម រង្សីនៅតែចាញ់ដដែល ។ នយោបាយដូចល្បែងអញ្ចឹង អ្នកចាញ់ល្បិច
នៅតែអួតខ្លួនថាគ្រាន់ មិនដែលអន់ ។

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM

Ah Pi Anh,

Keep licking Ah Ho Chi Minh's asshole. That is your full time job.
Nobody is going to listen to your dumb idea Ah kantorb.

Anonymous said...

Very well written. I like this letter !

Anonymous said...


sihanouk=khmer rouge chief.

Paris V.

Anonymous said...


UN=Khmer Rouge Supreme Organization?

Paris V.

Anonymous said...

សីហនុ = ព្រះមហាវិរក្សត្រខ្មែរ!

-Paris V. = យួនយៀកកុង

-រាំងស៊ី + ហ៊ុនសែន = អាចម៍យួន

Anonymous said...

Paris V = Paris 5

Anonymous said...

អង្គការលើខ្មែរក្រហម = យួន
យួន = អង្គការលើខ្មែរក្រហម

Anonymous said...

ពពួកឆ្កែកញ្ជះអាខ្វាក់ ហុន សែន គឺមានដូចជាអា សំ រង្សី-អា គឹម ទុក្ខា អាពីរនាក់នេះវាគឺជាកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់ CPP

Anonymous said...

Hey Kmenhwatt, go lick sam ranisy balls my friend!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kmenhwatt, go lick sam ranisy balls my friend!!!

Anonymous said...

Cher TROU de Cul Pi Anh,

Even a letter of congratulations to President Obama, it is still a fault Sam Rainsy.
Hun Sen and his clan have given the land and sea Khmer toViet. It is the fault of Rainsy! Millions immigration Viet entered Cambodia, it is the fault of Rainsy! In 1997, there had been a bloody coup in broad daylight in Phnom Penh is the fault Rainsy!
Hun Sen has signed treaties in 2005 to provide additional land and sea Khmer Viet: it is the fault of Rainsy! Hun Sen is a perfect man! It is unique and eternal in this world have betrayed his people, his race, his nation Khmer. Good luck to Hun Sen and his clan in particular Phay Siphan, Var KimHong etc...
Même pour une lettre de félicitations au Président Obama, c'est encore une faute à Sam Rainsy.
Hun Sen et son clan ont donné la terre et mer Khmer au Viet. C'est la faute de Rainsy!!! Des millions immigrations Viet sont entrés illégalement au Cambodge, C'est la faute de Rainsy!!! Le 7 janvier 1979, l'invasion des Youns au Cambodge,c'est la faute de Sam Rainsy!!En 1997, il y avait eu un coup d'état sanglant en plein jour à Phnom Penh: c'est la faute de Rainsy!!!
Hun Sen a signé des traités complémentaire en 2005 pour donner la terre et mer Khmer au Viet: c'est la faute de Rainsy!!! Rainsy défende la patrie en province de Svay Rieng contre l'invasion de Youns Hanoi, c'est la faute de Rainsy!!!
Hun Sen est un homme parfait!!! Il est content, unique,éternel dans ce monde d'avoir trahi son peuple, sa race, sa nation Khmère.Bon courage à Hun Sen et son clan en particulier Phay Siphan et bonne continuation de vendre la mere-patrie.

Anonymous said...

សីហនុ + អាចម៍យួន = 9:27 AM

Anonymous said...

សីហនុ = ព្រះមហាវិរក្សត្រខ្មែរ!


12:06 AM = អាចម៍យៀកកុង!

Anonymous said...

សីហនុ + អាចម៍យៀកកុង = 12:28 AM

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh is still a Yuon/Vietnamese dog eater and related to his Criminal Vietnam country - thief nation.

Anonymous said...

His name is Pi Anh .

Pi : in English is Pee or urinate
Anh : in Khmer is Me or I with profanity

Therefore the name Pi Anh now can sound like :

I pee on Ah Pi Anh !!!