Friday, November 09, 2012

Showdown over release of political prisoners

A shouts at riot police during a protest at Freedom Park Nov. 8, 2012 in Phnom Penh. The protesters carried photographs of the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk. Photograph: Hong Menea/Phnom Penh Post

Friday, 09 November 2012
May Titthara
The Phnom Penh Post

A 200-strong combined police force faced off with about 100 members of the opposition Sam Rainsy Party’s youth movement at Freedom Park yesterday, bellowing accusations through megaphones at one another as authorities sought to stop the demonstrators from marching to the Royal Palace.

As the demonstrators yelled demands that they be allowed to take their cries for the release of political prisoners to the gates of the palace at security forces that refused to budge, both sides derided one another’s actions as an affront to the memory of the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk.

“In the name of Cambodian citizens, I would like to insist the [present] King [Norodom Sihamoni] offer a royal pardon for the political prisoners and land activists,” said Soung Sophorn, executive director of SRP’s youth movement.

He accused Prime Minister Hun Sen of “showing no respect” to the late King Father by blocking their path.

A megaphone mounted to the roof of a vehicle blurted back that the demonstration was illegal, as an orator inside read from a letter drafted by Phnom Penh Municipal Hall.

“The activities of SRP’s youth movement is considered to be political exploitation and serves the interests of the opposition party and even shows no respect to the body of the former king,” piped the megaphone.

Only three representatives of the group could present their petition, the voice continued.

Sok Peahvuth, Daun Penh deputy district governor, said the SRP youth had violated the terms of an accord that allowed them to protest only at Freedom Park. “I will take administrative measures if Soung Sophorn doesn’t stop doing this action,” he said.

Among those caught in the crush were members of the Association of Democrats, who had come out in support of their movement’s jailed president, Mam Sonando.

Better known for his radio station Beehive, which invited listeners to air their grievances with the government, Sonando was given 20 years in October for his role in a so-called “secessionist” movement on charges widely decried by rights groups as trumped up.


Anonymous said...

យុវជនសម័យសង្គមរាស្ត្រនិយម & សម័យសាធារណរដ្ឋ ស្រុះគ្នាណាស់ បើធ្វើបាតុកម្មទាមទារ
រដ្ឋាភបាលម្តងៗ យុវជនរាប់ពាន់នាក់បានចូលរួម មិនមែនពីររយដូចឥឡូវនេះទេ ។  នេះបញ្ជាក់ថា
យុវជនបច្ចុប្បន្នត្រូវបានសង្គម បង្វក់មិនសូវខ្វល់ខ្វាយពីបញ្ហាសង្គមទេ តែបើមានកម្មវិធីកំសាន្ត
ផ្សេងៗវិញ ច្បាស់ជាទៅជាន់កគ្នា មិនគិតស្លាប់ ( ដូចជានៅកោះពេជ្រ ជាដើម ) ។

Anonymous said...

This is exactly true.This is how the Vietnamese wear down Khmer nationalism mentality. It takes years to accomplish their goal.
Ho Chiminch's slogan says:
it take only 5 years to grow a tree
but it takes 100 years to grow a
person. Now this Ho has accomplished his goal. Khmer Brain like that of Hun Sen and more become the Viet's
brain. The nationalist become the traitors and the traitors become nationlists and we curse and kill each other continuously. This is
Vietnamese politic success.
My relatives, my close friends support the Viet's pupput, What can I say or do.

Anonymous said...

What I see here is that the Vietnamese want to see Cambodia has more stability more than the Cambodian themselves! Cambodia exist a country under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government is to benefit Vietnam only and for Vietnam only! Any stupid fool can understand that because the Vietnamese have succeeded in all fields to take advantage of Cambodia without total resistance from AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government! For more than 30 years since AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave installed by the Vietcong government and AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government find more problems with the Cambodian people than with the Vietcong government!

Cambodia is a country where Cambodian (Khmer) can come from all over the world to find peace, stability, and protection. But this is not possible because Cambodia doesn't belong to Cambodian people and everyday Cambodian people are being fool into believing that Cambodia is their beloved country!

The cycle of violent will never stop as long as the Vietnamese continue to meddle in Cambodian politic!

Anonymous said...

អាមេចោរហ៊ុន សែនគណបក្សប្រជាជន(CPPយួនយៀកកុង)កុម្មុយនីស្ត,គឺវា
ច្រណែ​ននិងព្រះសពព្រះមហាក្សត្រ នរោត្តម សីហនុ... វាកំពុងមានប្រតិកម្ម ដុតកំដៅឧ្យខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ(ទាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ-ទាំងពូជពង្សស្ដេចខ្មែរ-ដែលកំពុងជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំងក្នុងប្រទេស របស់គណបក្សប្រជាជន)

ប្រយោជន៍ដើម្បី,យួនវាងាយ លេបយកស្រុកខ្មែរ

-ខ្មែរត្រូវងាកមើល(សត្រូវពិត ចំពោះមុខ)ដែលបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរវាល់លាននាក់..
គឺអាយួនយៀកកុងនិងអាឆ្កែពាល-អាខ្វាក់ អាក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន-អាមេឃាតករ!!!!

Anonymous said...


it take only 5 years to grow a tree
but it takes 100 years to grow a tree.

It takes only 5 years to grow a PERSON but it took 100 years to grow a TREE.


Anonymous said...

My family and I were born in Cambodia and grew up there until I was an adult.

I can't understand why my "dumb" Cambodian people were happy to see the killer King TA. He was the most idiot King that ever walked on the planet.

Why worship this idiot? I guess my Cambodian people are "stupid and ignorant" just like Sihanouk who had killed million of their families.

Anonymous said...

ថ្ងៃអវសានរបស់បនក្បត់ភ្នំពេញ ចាប់ផ្ដើមហើយ!

Anonymous said...

It is because you too idiot to see what he did for the country in a very critical and tough time. Idiot like you do not deserve to be called Khmer. Idiot!

Anonymous said...

គួរឱ្យស្ដាយណាស់យុវជនខ្មែរមួយចំនួននាបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ ពុំសូវបានយកចិត្តទុកក្នុងផ្នែកនយោបាយច្រើនទេ ហើយក៏ពុំសូវឈឺឆ្អាលការបាត់
បង់អ្វីជាសម្បត្តិជាតិដែរ គឺគេកំពុងតែសប្បាយពេញនិយមនឹងភ្លើងពណ៍ ។ ដូចយើងបានឃើញរួចមកហើយ ក្រុមបាតុកម្មយុវជនខ្មែរដែល
បានធ្វើកន្លងមកនេះមានតិចណាស់ ក្នុងចំណោមយុវជនខ្មែររាប់សែននាក់ កត្តាទាំងនេះវានឹងចោទជាបញ្ហារដល់យើងជាពលរដ្ឋគ្រប់រូបមិន
ប្រកាន់និនាការនយោបាយណា ជួយរកដំណោះរួមគ្នា តើត្រូវរកមធ្យោបាយណា អាចផ្ដល់ឱ្យយុវជនទាំងនេះ កើតជាកម្លាំងរួមតែមួយ