Sunday, January 13, 2013

Straddling Two Worlds - A short documentary about Cartoonist Sacrava


Anonymous said...

my my tear came out along with them. As i am one of the khmer people, i would to send all my respect to them...What ever, they are the real khmer from the inside.
hopefully, one khmer nation will be free from vietnamo occupation.

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Dear uncle Sacrava,

Some of us may be doing better than others here in the third world country, but as a Khmer, I can safely assume that we all continue to straddle our two worlds, one on which is our motherland, Cambodia. I learned an old Khmer saying that goes something to this effect: "Can't cut the water, can't disown our own flesh and blood (កាត់ទឹកមិនដាច់
កាត់សាច់មិនបាន?)". Unlike Hun Sen and those CPP-Viet's slaves, how can Khmer like you and I ever forget our Khmer land and blood? - Never!

On my way back from work last night, I got pulled over and fined with a $50 ticket because I straddled the lanes, explained the cops... I was just glanced at my Iphone a couple of times (and got distracted) while on the road there uncle Sacrava...That's all.

Over a cup of coffee here on the East Coast, nothing but the best to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Why can this iddiot 'Khmer' speak Khmer? Is he Khmer?

Anonymous said...

Why are they so concern only one this particular family? They are not the only have survived.

Anonymous said...

10:36 and 10:41pm are voted the jughead du jour, lols!

Anonymous said...

I always love your cartoon. Past its best!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy looking at your cartoons! Thanks for your share of talent and thoughts to entertain us about what goes on in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sacrava and Family;

I am young Cambodian and your cartoon platform describes thousand words to me.

Of course, you are right "the land of Cambodia is pure and happy place to live". But Cambodia land has been spoiled by the evil politicians and the greedy neighbors.

I appreciate your effort a lot.

RacerX said...

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Great work and meant the world to all of us.Thank you for all of your effort and time in sharing your talent.Long live!!!!!!!!!!!Uncle Sacrava

Anonymous said...

Thanks a million Mr. Sacrava. You are the spot light that shine on the suffering of the Khmer people so that the whole world can see. May you have good health and long givity to continue your irreplaceable cartoon.

Anonymous said...

Mr.SACRAVA you are the best of the best for khmer ppls .ah kwak cppp youn's thugs is the worst of the worst in cambodia history.

long live ! to your family!!!!

Anonymous said...

Really appreciate your work. Please keep your good work for the Khmer people. Love

Anonymous said...

Nothing can be hurtful like a stroke of Mr. Sacra va s brush for Samdach Ekar Netr,but sorry maasear kwakkkk ,sometimes the blind hyena must live live with the pain that he can do anything
To the hero like Bun Heang
Keep up good work I support your acts