Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ranariddhic Diplomacy

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

“Ranariddhic Diplomacy”
“at the international level”

By N. Sihanouk

September 3, 2006

The Phnom Penh news media had dedicated several articles on SKP Ranariddh who, after an absence of several months from the country, returned back [home] to the surprise of everyone, next to leave again very quickly.

His dear Bôribo [see note below], an excellent saxophone player and actor in some of my recent short films, tries to save SKP’s face by affirming to whoever wants to hear it (in Phnom Penh) that the great Prince SKP had to rush to render great services once again to Cambodia by dedicating himself to international diplomacy, [through] visiting great Countries x, y, z.

In regards to the “great international diplomacy”, I strongly fear that SKP is not simply returning to be near his spellbinding and vital, so desirable “Evil Fox” alias “Wolf of the Devil”.

Mr. Bôribo, who is turning into a “Clark Gable” on my current films, should not take other Phnom Penh dwellers as idiots.

Mr. Bôribo is in fact providing ammunition to the terrible Lu Lay Sreng who, in order to realize his own greatness, is unfolding (without any constraint) verbal efforts destined to “sink” forever the ex-great SKP.

Signed: Norodom Sihanouk

Note: Chea Chan Boribo is the Funcinpec president’s spokesman.


Anonymous said...

Rannarith has shamed his ancesters by corruptions to bones and foul with women. He lost all his control when he was dollars and young girls. Sihanouk has shamed his ancestors by leading a killing regime to kill almost Cambodians people on the planet. He is now tried to foul around the young generations by blaming all these killings to Vietcongs and Pol Pot regime. They were father and son were born to shame their ancestors and their grand children who want to live in dignity. Cambodian history will not be replaced by a faked one promoted by Sihanouk and his secretaries.

Anonymous said...

Please stop blaming RRidh.He can't help it since his dog eats dog father sets example for his growing up years.
Jail father if son stole unless he is the bastard then send him to boarding camp in Marquis.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen once said to Sihanouk: "I joined the Khmer Rouge because of you, so if you accuse me of being a Khmer Rouge then you're the Khmer Rouge King". Of course, Sihanouk was outraged when someone dared to point out his misdeed.

The international community was tired of seeing the suffering of the Cambodian people when these ruling elites from different political persuasions attacked one another for a piece of Cambodia cake. This brought about a real democratic election in 1993, which Funcinpec won. Then, the good opportunity was lost again when Funcinpec was more concerned with making money than reforming the country. The father and son were at odd with each other resulting in a coalition government. The rest is history.

If you can't even bring about harmony in your family, how can you bring about peace in the country? Stop calling SKP the (or Ex-) Great Prince, because he has never been one, except for those who follow him blindly or just use him. The same goes for your other sons, except for those who died under the regime you had supported.

Your Majesty, your illustrous family and relatives are now just toys for the CPP to play with. Please wake up and do something right or great for Cambodia before you fall asleep forever. You are in a privileged position that no other ordinary Cambodians can be on the world stage. It's not too late to redeem your mistake.