Beijing, Jan 21 (DPA) China and Vietnam achieved 'positive results' in their latest round of talks aimed at resolving long-standing border disputes, the Chinese foreign ministry said Sunday.
The two sides will speed up and complete before the end of 2008 the process of demarcation and erection of markers along their 1,400 km land border, the ministry said in a statement posted on its website.
Both sides also agreed to 'carefully investigate joint exploitation' of the South China Sea, after three days of talks that ended Saturday in the southern city of Nanning, close to China's border with Vietnam.
China and Vietnam will also push forward negotiations on the demarcation and joint use of the maritime area at the entrance to the Beibu (Tonkin) Gulf, the statement said.
China has become Vietnam's largest trading partner since relations were normalized in 1991.
Some of the land disputes date back to 1979, four years after North Vietnam defeated the US-backed South Vietnam. Then China and Vietnam clashed along Vietnam's northern border after Vietnamese troops marched into Cambodia to topple the Beijing-supported Khmer Rouge.
Tensions still flare occasionally over the Spratley and Paracel Islands, two archipelagos in the South China Sea that are thought to be rich in gas and oil deposits.
The two sides will speed up and complete before the end of 2008 the process of demarcation and erection of markers along their 1,400 km land border, the ministry said in a statement posted on its website.
Both sides also agreed to 'carefully investigate joint exploitation' of the South China Sea, after three days of talks that ended Saturday in the southern city of Nanning, close to China's border with Vietnam.
China and Vietnam will also push forward negotiations on the demarcation and joint use of the maritime area at the entrance to the Beibu (Tonkin) Gulf, the statement said.
China has become Vietnam's largest trading partner since relations were normalized in 1991.
Some of the land disputes date back to 1979, four years after North Vietnam defeated the US-backed South Vietnam. Then China and Vietnam clashed along Vietnam's northern border after Vietnamese troops marched into Cambodia to topple the Beijing-supported Khmer Rouge.
Tensions still flare occasionally over the Spratley and Paracel Islands, two archipelagos in the South China Sea that are thought to be rich in gas and oil deposits.
Thank you China for setting a
good example for all of us, and
we will followed you on that one.
thanks to thief who who stole my jacket. If it were not from the jacket been stole I'd have not been
became careful or alert.
That is it: lesson learned. If we
dwell here, we will lose more
jackets. If we move on, we can buy
new jackets and more.
So what is a good example of China who took all the land from Tibet, then took the land from Vietnam?
So 10:28 PM, Can you be more specific what is so good about China? I am so ignorant about this China stuff.
China don't take the land from
Tibet; Tibet is a province of
As for sino-vietnam border, it is
no difference from Cambo-Vietnam
border issues. And FYI, almost all
countries have border issue,
unless you are in the middle of an
ocean like New Zealand, Australia,
or cuba ... amd Japan. Even that
is not quite true because there
are dispute of little islands ...
almost everywhere.
And with the leadership of SomDach
Hun Sen, we decided to MARK our
border PERMANENTLY to stop all
future accusations and disputes
for the sake of peace, security,
and prosperities between the two
We are lucky that our country
is small and the problem can be
fixed relatively easy. China, on
the other hand, have lost lands
over ten times the size of Cambodia
to the Soviet also, and they did
not cry about it. Currently, they
are a very close allied who work
together on Space Program and
Defences ... And that is the model
that we should followed.
Hi 7:16 AM,
Tibet was taken by China by Force and China claimed it was part of her province. Tibet existed Before Christ. Some record shows Tibet was never part of China, like Kampuchea Krom was never belonged to Yue Nam (or Yuan or Vietnam).
Thanks for the reply.
Well, if you are talking about
about Christ's time. there were
only Phnong (aboriginal) lived in
IndoChina at that time. Therefore
wouldn't you think KK stole lands
from them too, in the early 10th's
And America stole land from the Red
Okay, I tell you what: If you can
get American to pack up their shits
and move back to the UK and give
back the land to to the Red Indian,
I will tell yuon to do the same,
What is a double-standard?
7:16AM Be reasonable with your words.
With the ignorant and puppet hun sen we have more troubles. WE MUST PROTECT OUR LAND AS IT IS BEFORE.
I don't get it. Tibet was taken by force by China and someone said Tibet was China's province.
The history said NO.
If China claimed Tibet was her, then Kampuchea Krom is Khmer land.
Based on history said so.
Hey, stop bob and weave in the
bush, will you? Do you want KK
land back or not? We can dwell
here forever. There are many
questions to address such as what
to do with Yuon with khmer blood
who lived in South Vietnam ....
How do you want them excecuted,
lethal injection, firing squad,
hang, headed , abused, prison.
I don't see any different because Viet came from China anyway!ahahah
True, and Khmer came from India.
LOL, actually Viet also came from
India, but they when to China
first, before they make their way
down. And the same goes for Loa
and Siem.
Therefore, we are all family, and
we are not going to allow any myth
to tell us otherwise.
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