Thursday, February 22, 2007

Commission will decide on increasing the number of MPs

Tuesday, February 21, 2007

Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

King Sihamoni signed on January 26 a kret [decree] forming a commission which will be in charge of determining whether the number of MP seats should be increased at the National Assembly. Sam Rainsy, opposition leader, defended this idea based on the fact that the country should have more MPs to reflect the population growth, and to lend a voice for Cambodians living overseas. Sam Rainsy proposed to create 10 additional seats, a position which the SRP still maintains now. “We continue to demand for an increase of number of seats at the National Assembly,” Mu Sochua, SRP Secretary-general, confirmed yesterday. Prime Minister Hun Sen said that he categorically opposes such initiative, and that he wants to maintain the current number of 123 seats.

Khieu Kanharith, CPP spokesman, said yesterday that he does not want to provide any comment on this issue until the new commission starts its work. The kret, which was made public yesterday, indicated that the commission will consist of 6 members from the 3 political parties elected (CPP, SRP, and Funcinpec), and that it will be led by CPP MP Ek Sam Ol.

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