Friday, June 08, 2007

Cambodia cuts garment factory wages [-Opposition boycott vote]

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Cambodia's parliament has approved a controversial wage cut for garment factory workers that will reduce nightshift pay by 70 per cent.

Labour minister, Vong Soth, has told lawmakers it is hoped the amendment to existing labour laws will encourage companies in the key textile sector to begin staffing their factories in the evening, with the aim of creating as many as 200,000 new jobs.

"The amendment ... of the labour law will help to create jobs for youths who are increasing in numbers every year," he said.

"It will be in the interest of society ... it will allow Cambodia to compete in the international market," he added.

Nightshift workers had previously received twice the daily rate, which in Cambodia averages around $US50 a month.

Cambodia's opposition lawmakers reacted angrily to the decision and boycotted the vote.

Cambodia's clothing sector employs 330,000 people, who are mostly young women from the impoverished countryside, working to support their families.

The country's garment exports, which account for 80 per cent of foreign exchange, jumped 17 per cent to $US2.5 billion in 2006.


Anonymous said...

"Garment workers are paid an average of $127 in China, $122 in Vietnam and $164 in Thailand."

The Cambodian people are paid $50 to get fuck up! Please don't blame the foreigners and it is AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave and his stupid advisors who brought this wage cut shit upon dirt poor Cambodian people!! The Cambodian people suffering will never end until all these fucken thugs fall from power!

Anonymous said...

Let's get rid of the stupid law
that hindered Cambodia from
growing. Government should not
tell company how much to pay people
at night.