Wednesday, July 18, 2007

European Parliament Calls for Halt Human Rights Violations Vietnam


The European Parliament has adopted two resolutions; one on human rights in Vietnam and one on human rights in Iraq. In doing so, it has uttered support for the marginalized minorities in these countries.

Below are extracts from resolutions adopted and published by the European Parliament:

European Parliament resolution of 12 July 2007 on human rights in Vietnam

The European Parliament,


G. whereas, in February 2007, a demonstration by 200 Khmer Krom Buddhist leaders in support of religious freedom was suppressed by force in the province of Soc Trang; whereas five of these leaders were sentenced on 10 May 2007 to between two and four years' imprisonment for 'public order offences' and the religious persecution suffered by the Khmer Krom is accompanied by forced assimilation,

H. whereas the ethnic minorities of the Northern and Central Highlands are still subjected to discrimination, confiscation of their land and violation of their religious freedom, and only 38 religious groups have been recognised in the north-east; whereas neither independent NGOs nor journalists have free access to the Highlands in order to assess the real situation of the Montagnards repatriated from Cambodia,


3. Calls on the Vietnamese Government to put an end to all forms of repression of people exercising their right to freedom of expression, freedom of thought and freedom of assembly, in line with international law on human rights; repeats its call to the authorities to reform, as a matter of urgency, national security provisions, either by revoking them or by bringing them into line with international law;

4. Calls on Vietnam to carry out political and institutional reforms in order to establish democracy and the genuine rule of law, beginning with the introduction of a multi-party system, a free press and free trade unions;

5. Calls on the Vietnamese Government to respect religious freedom and to restore the legal status of all religious communities, including the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam;

6. Asks the Vietnamese Government to put an end to discrimination against the Montagnard community;


Full text of 'European Parliament resolution of 12 July 2007 on human rights in Vietnam' available by clicking here.

Source: European Parliament


Anonymous said...

While the European Union is not happy with Vietnam about Human right, Khmer krom must present to all countries around the world their grieves and their plight to that their problem will be discussed amount all UN members. They have to work hard to have their concerns to be put in the world agenda. No pain is no gain. I wish Khmer Krom will win. THe history in each country will have their date on. If in this decade, Khmer Krom cannot recover their country from Vietnam, the history will point out people of this generation is very weak and powerless in liberating their country. Bravo Khmer Krom!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes this a chance to let all embassies around the world knows. Please present all our matters to the UN, no matter what. Thanks, to this modern technologies because of internet, cellphone, fax, TV, news, magazine etc.. We can reveal our suffering from the Viet Commie to our poor people (KHMER KROM). Please speak up more. You doing good job. Take this matters to EU, UN and UNPO that living under YOUN is very inhuman. Go Khmer KRom go!!!!!!!!!!!We all Khmer will support you.

Anonymous said...

It true that we are all Khmer. Now, Khmer-Krom is working hard to raise their voices to let the world know their human rights have been violated daily by the Vietnamese Commie government. They have done a great work to let the world know about it, that is why the European Parliament now brought their issues to debate at the meeting. The result of it is that they agreed to adopt this resolution.
Even we are Khmer Kandal, Khmer Krom is also Khmer, so we must help them. I found this website: when I visit I think the Khmer Krom Youth is raising their voices now, we all Khmer should help them too. Khmer Krom issues are also Khmer issues. So, let stand together to help them.

Anonymous said...

I am one of Cambodian from KHMER KROM land currently living in MA,USA. I am support at all costs to see KHMER KROM control themself. Please keep up the good work Bongpaown Khmer Krom. All oppressed Khmer living in KHMER KROM really depend on you. That day will come soon. KHMER KROM currently living our ancestors land calling for all the helps from the distance. We are proud to be KHMER. BRAVO! JAYO!