Monday, October 22, 2007

In Cambodia, PM Hun Sen is delighted to have elections so long as everyone understands he has to win or there will be civil war

Asia in Brief

Monday, October 22, 2007
Jonathan Manthorpe,
Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)


Not so long ago, Southeast Asia was held out as a prime example of the theory that democracy inevitably followed economic development and the growth of a middle-class. Well, the monk-bashing generals of Burma remain boneheadedly opposed to this theory. Vietnam finds the one-party state and a vibrant economy perfectly compatible, thank you. The Laotian Communist party likes to keep politics a private matter, except when internal rivalries occasionally become bomb attacks on the streets. In Cambodia, prime minister Hun Sen is delighted to have elections so long as everyone understands he has to win or there will be civil war. Malaysia's democracy is so highly organized the whole process is pre-programmed. In Singapore, citizens are essentially holders of non-voting shares in the Lee Kuan Yew family conglomerate. Thailand is going through one of its regular phases of rushing for the calming comfort of military rule when multi-party democracy becomes too exciting. In Brunei, oil money floods through the royal palace front door, and some is dispensed out the back. Indonesia, almost unbelievably, is the only country firmly on the path of political reform. And in the Philippines, there are rumours of an impending coup as the military becomes increasingly unhappy with the corruption of the regime of the attack-trained chickadee, President Gloria Arroyo. Troops fighting al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf separatists in the southern Philippines are said to be mightily miffed the acquisitive government will not give them an extra $3-a-day frontline pay.


Anonymous said...

Coupe du Monde de Pétanque 2007

Le championnat du monde de pétanque vient de se terminer le 14 octobre, en Thaïlande. L’équipe du Cambodge, pourtant performante, n’était pas présente.
Le royaume n’était pas présent lors des éliminatoires du championnat du monde, organisé à Pattaya, Thaïlande, du 18 au 23 septembre derniers. Quarante nations y ont pourtant participé. Le responsable technique, et entraîneur national de la Fédération de pétanque du Cambodge, Em Hieng, a expliqué que l’absence de compétiteurs à cette rencontre pourtant importante était due à un problème d’ordre financier.« Il nous fallait 5000 dollars pour envoyer les joueurs à Pattaya, mais l’Etat (le ministère de l’Education) n’a pas donné son accord pour le financement », a révélé Em Hieng. Il a poursuivi, « le Cambodge a perdu une bonne occasion de concourir. La dépense n’était pas excessive, parce qu’on pouvait s’y rendre en voiture ».Le Cambodge s’était classé troisième lors du championnat du monde tenu à Grenoble en 2004, après la France et la Belgique. En 2005, il s’était qualifié vingtième lors de la préparation au mondial organisé en Belgique. Malgré ces bons résultats, cette année, le Cambodge est absent de la scène mondiale.Em Hieng a tenu à préciser que « le Cambodge a par le passé annulé sa participation à plusieurs rencontres de pétanque, aux niveaux régionaux et internationaux, à cause de problèmes financiers ».
Nhim Sophal

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Anonymous said...

Anyone travel to Cambodia? Perhaps, one can get very expensive steaks load with Prions and offer it to HunSen. Will he develop the "mad cow disease" since some of you believe he was heavenly borned?

Anonymous said...

God, forgive me!I used to wish Hun Sen will die as soon as possible. It is a sin , I knowm,but I really dislike him.

From an innocent Cam-gal

Anonymous said...

That is because you read too much KKF propaganda and listen to too much false rumors and gossips, and to make think worse, you don't exercise you mind to clear the smoke that blocked you site from the truth.

Anonymous said...

Hi KI Media

Today AltMapCambodia ( has just put online a Khmer language map of Agricultural and Mineral Concessions in Cambodia.

AMC also leaked documents from Koh Pous Investment Group, including projected budgets for the Snake Island project.


Anonymous said...

KKF is true khmer's leader,better off than Cpp....youn's slave.

Unknown said...

There is no question that in the early stages of development a country can benefit from a benign dictator. The difficulty comes when that individual comes to believe that he or she is divine and that the country exists to support him or her.
Ultimately, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Anonymous said...

Well said, 11:01, however, too much historical fact does not make your theory necessary correct. People evolved with time. Now days, we understand what is good Human Rights, and what we need to sacrifice for the good of the people and the country and in order to preserved our heritage and culture. Thus, I will ride with your idea but optimistically, instead of pessimistically.

Anonymous said...

The outcome of the General Election in 2008 will dictate the Economic and political stability in Cambodia.

You decide: "Peace" or "War?" Again, the country is counting on your votes. Thus, the CHOICE is very clear!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and remember, CPP=Peace keepers, and SRP=Warmongers.