IPU wants to see SRP and Kem Sokha united in a democratic force [-Kem Sokha claimed]
25 October 2007
Rasmei Kampuchea
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Kem Sokha, HRP President, said on 24 October 2007, that the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) wants to see a union between his HRP party and the SRP.
While Kem Sokha is showing his interest on this issue, he is also imposing a number a conditions. On his part, Sam Rainsy is not paying much attention to this alliance, saying that his party is too busy with urgent matters to be taken care of.
After his meeting with Mrs. Ann Clwyd, UK MP and IPU President, on 24 October, Kem Sokha said that the IPU wants to push the HRP and the SRP to unite as a single party under the banner of democrats.
Kem Sokha indicated that the HRP has a firm standing in wanting to form an alliance to be able to seek victory (at the upcoming general election), however, this union cannot see the daylight unless it is based on clear goals, and the HRP demands that there is a term limitat on the mandate of the party president, and that it cannot last forever. HRP also demands for a power sharing, and the declaration of wealth (from party leaders). He added that: “We tried with Mr. Sam Rainsy to unite with each other for several years already, however, Mr. Sam Rainsy has no intention to unite with each other, he wants to hold the power by himself only.”
Kem Sokha asked the IPU to talk with Sam Rainsy and others about this union, and the HRP will welcome this union, as well as the experiment of a union. Kem Sokha also discussed with Sam Rainsy about this union. He went in to meet the IPU delegation, but Sam Rainsy did not show up, and the latter action deceived the IPU delegation. (Therefore,) Sam Rainsy has no interest in this union, Kem Sokha claimed. However, the HRP still wants to have this union, and that this should not be construed that the HRP wants to be the leader of the group, the HRP only demands a term limit for the party president mandate, and one person should not hold power forever.
On his part, Sam Rainsy said that, during his meeting with Ann Clwyd, she did not raise the issue of an alliance between the SRP and the HRP. He said that we (SRP) participated in several IPU meetings, and they never raised this issue to discuss. He added that: “This issue is not on our agenda, we do not pay attention to it.”
Sam Rainsy said that his party is very busy with a lot of work that required attention, such as the resolution of many land disputes for the people.
While Kem Sokha is showing his interest on this issue, he is also imposing a number a conditions. On his part, Sam Rainsy is not paying much attention to this alliance, saying that his party is too busy with urgent matters to be taken care of.
After his meeting with Mrs. Ann Clwyd, UK MP and IPU President, on 24 October, Kem Sokha said that the IPU wants to push the HRP and the SRP to unite as a single party under the banner of democrats.
Kem Sokha indicated that the HRP has a firm standing in wanting to form an alliance to be able to seek victory (at the upcoming general election), however, this union cannot see the daylight unless it is based on clear goals, and the HRP demands that there is a term limitat on the mandate of the party president, and that it cannot last forever. HRP also demands for a power sharing, and the declaration of wealth (from party leaders). He added that: “We tried with Mr. Sam Rainsy to unite with each other for several years already, however, Mr. Sam Rainsy has no intention to unite with each other, he wants to hold the power by himself only.”
Kem Sokha asked the IPU to talk with Sam Rainsy and others about this union, and the HRP will welcome this union, as well as the experiment of a union. Kem Sokha also discussed with Sam Rainsy about this union. He went in to meet the IPU delegation, but Sam Rainsy did not show up, and the latter action deceived the IPU delegation. (Therefore,) Sam Rainsy has no interest in this union, Kem Sokha claimed. However, the HRP still wants to have this union, and that this should not be construed that the HRP wants to be the leader of the group, the HRP only demands a term limit for the party president mandate, and one person should not hold power forever.
On his part, Sam Rainsy said that, during his meeting with Ann Clwyd, she did not raise the issue of an alliance between the SRP and the HRP. He said that we (SRP) participated in several IPU meetings, and they never raised this issue to discuss. He added that: “This issue is not on our agenda, we do not pay attention to it.”
Sam Rainsy said that his party is very busy with a lot of work that required attention, such as the resolution of many land disputes for the people.
Isn't anyone going to rally them to united?
Do not believe Kem Sokha, he is a big lier.
He said “We tried with Mr. Sam Rainsy to unite with each other for several years already, however, Mr. Sam Rainsy has no intention to unite with each other, he wants to hold the power by himself only.” - Rubbish! you just started to form your HRP recently, how would you say you have tried several years. You are getting pay from Hun Sen to form your party, so non-communist Khmer can be divided and also to get away from jail term like Narrariddh because former staff of your NGO were sueing you of corruption. Kem Sokha, you have nothing to put pre-condition with SRP.
My advise to SRP is dealing with HRP is wasting time.
Yeah, but Sokha want term limit and power sharing in the united party. Why does Sam Rainsy having problem digesting that proposal?
Why Khem Sokha thinks term limit is so important for this union? This is beecause he wants to be a leader.
Just a waste of time dealing with Khem Sokha...SRP should continue work hard helping Khmer in needs and it is too late now for Khem Sokha to set any pre-condition.
My advice to Khem Sokha stops going around dividing other party or woo other party's member (inside and outside of Cambodia). And don't worry too much, Hun Sen will give HRP one or two seats and then take back - like your former party (Sen San Party in the 90s).
Kem Sokha claims a democratic and patriotic
Sam Raingsy claims Sihanoukist and autocratic
Rannridh claims Sihanoukist and autocratic
Hun Sen claims Sihanoukist and communist
There is only one Cambodia that needs one government.
Two priem minsters
Two NAT ASS Presidents
Two Senate Presidents
Problem solved without election,Cambodia remains a cmmunist monarchy
Claiming a share in the power that does not exist? This is part of the tragedy afflicting our nation: power, power, even it does not exist!
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
My advice to Kem Sokha party is to concentrate on a few seats instead of trying to win from the whole Nation. If Kem Sokha is really wanting to join Sam Rainsy party, he must try to win in electrorate which Sam Ransy party is weak. He then concentrate to win, say 3 to 5 seats first for this coming election. To do this, this party can save a lot of monies from their campaign in every where. And in area, that Kem Sokha campaigning, Sam Rainsy won't put any candidate there. Each party can save some monies and then can make an effective campaign. As a junior partner, KEm Sokha shouldn't ask too much. Offcourse each party has their differentiation of policies and internal discipline. Each party must find their own bullet points to campaign like rural development. THe rural development of CPP is to dig a few water draignages in every village and to join from one village to another one with a dusty road. Kem Sokha must Campaign about School in every village. Hospital with good doctors in every town of Cambodia, sport facilities, clean drinking water in every village, school teacher salary, soldier salary and police salary will be increase to a liveable level. Zero tolerance for corruption. Harmony community in every village, town and every province. Good luck. AReak Prey
Please stop thinking about the power.
First of all, save Cambodia from Youn's domination.
Don't let the cpp destroying our country.
All leaders should learn more about Cambodia history: it was a great and powerfull country but some people (or traitors) wanted the power for themselves by asking our enemies ( Vietnam and Thai) to help them.
Dr.LAO Mong Hay should be our leader because he is a clever and good man .
And why not joining? Dr. Loa Mong Hay and Mr.Kim Sokha are two great men for true cause of Democracy in Cambodia. To form an independent party alone, would not be as good as merging with Mr. Sam Rainsey. Here, we have a champion ( Mr. Sam Rainsey ) and his best advisor and supporter. Any more? The more people joining the better! and how about 51% of the people in the country are now with The Sam Rainsey party? The one that really stand out and accept as the best leader for the country in 2008?. Good bye Mr. Hun Sen! 30+ years that we gave Cambodia to you is more than enough. We want someone new and we need someone new to really turn this country around. So long!!! Please enjoy your retirement in Hanoi or Beijin and you can come to Cambodia to stay & visit as well, but do not cause any harm. You're done. Your term is up! You're good to go anywhere to want to go or form your future political party to compete later, but not now. We want you out & want change! We want change! We want change! Beside you're not help King Sihamoni doing anything better or greater than just a star or a host to foreign dude. King Sihamoni has to flex his muscle a little bit and with the new Party, we hope they can do a better job helping this innocent King doing better and definitely bring brighter Cambodia. Bye!
My dear fellow Cambodians,
You must NOT forget that WE'RE NOT STRUGGLING AGAINST OURSELVES, BUT VIETNAMESE. Our core issue is mainly on Vietnamese intrusion to our homeland. All issues are squarely on Vietnamese, representing by Hun Sen and his clique.
Let's not fight among ourselves, and direct our attentions to the real issue of Vietnamese present on our land.
I don't disagree with any of you here, but we tend to foresee things that ways when it comes to power.
Kem Sokha knows that he won't get nowhere for this election. He thinks he has popularity after Hun Sen jailed him. He wants to jump SRP boat and wants to be prime minister in the easy way. Therefore, he places the term limit. Of course Democracy needs term limit, but Kem Sokha wants the easier way. Don't waste your time to create your own stupid party with your stupid followers who support you.
Sam Rainsy works very hard for his image and popularity. We need to support SRP in the next election. Let Kem Sokha float by himself in the ocean.
Cambodian living in the USA support Sam Rainsy, not Sihanouk, not Hun Sen, not Ranarith, not Kem Sokha, etc... Only Sam Rainsy who is the best Khmer leader.
I have heard many SRP supporters keep on accusing HRP to join hands with SRP. We all now that to win the elections, all parties that believe in DEMOCRACY have to work together. Stop pointing fingers?
Do all Khmer Leaders need foreigners to make deals for us? Don't we all speak Khmer? Do we have to use FRENCH or English or VIETNAMESE language to discuss Khmer Future? Haven't we all learned? Or we are too proud to give up power, just a little, for Khmer Future?
SRP supporters, if you really want to see the real domocracy takes place, talk to your leader to work cooperatively with all parties, and don't be afraid of losing power. If the people believe in you, why is he afraid to put his ego aside and woork together to bring victory for our people. Stop thinking that "only his ideas is better than others". If no party leaders who claim to believe in democracy and would want to work with others, the only concusion I have is s/he is using the word "DEMOCRACY" just to hold on to "POWER" No more noless than the Hun Sen's regime.
The Time is Now, Work together for the sake of our Country before She falls down deeper into the greety neibors. They love to see us fighting among ourselves. The Vietnamese is getting more aggressive than ever to take over Cambodia. The leaders in this current regime keep gettinmg more pressure from the Vietnamese Boss to do what they Vietnamese want to do "Vietnamize all Cambodian leaders."
A political party should be about political platform and party agenda to win the election. It shouldn’t be a personal contest for the leadership. Unfortunately, Mr. Kem Sokha is always talking about term limit for the leader and about sharing power that is not here yet. How about Vietnamese colonization of the country, the abject living conditions of the waste majority of our people, and the dictatorship of current Vietnamese-Hun Sen regime today in Phnom Penh?
By creating another political party you are serving the interests of the CPP by dividing the democratic voices in Cambodia. Please not be so selfish. You have been in jail because of Hun Sen-Youn dictatorial regime and Hun Sen can put you back in jail again for your corruption activities within the Human Rights NGO you were leading. It wasn’t a problem caused by the leadership in SR Party. Please wake up Mr. Sokha.
Leader of a party for life is worse than Hun Sen actual's government. At least, we can bla bla bla. And try to find an alternative solutions. And kick Hun Sen and their cronies out.
But when We chose leader for life, it's a DEAD END IN THE HORIZON!
So you like Kem Sokha or not, it's the DEAD END...
It seems that 10:18 PM prefers Youn-HunSen for life! Amazing indeed!!! And prison for life too?
10:26 PM Jesus, did you read all the phrases ?
What value does HRP has to demand things be change in SRP in order to form the alliance?
Khem Sokha is the piggybacker. He always wants a free ride if possible and at the same time act like he got a lot to offer. Yes it is necessary that we are working together to fight the evil government of CPP. But we need to watchout what this HRP is going to do the SRP and will SRP gain by forming an illiance with HRP? We must balance the risk and bennefits if SRP were to form it.
Or would it be better to have both parties grow a little? Last but not least, what is his intent?
It's time for Sam Rainsy to step down and nominate Sokha as PM for the alliance party instead. Sam Rainsy does not have a chance now with such a dictator image of unwilling to accept term limit and power sharing that he have been bragging about constantly in the past. This is definitely a serious issue for Sam Rainsy to reckon with before the election because he called for a formation of alliance party and not honoring it. It is risky to have such a bad bad bad image in the election. I doubt anyone will vote of an obvious and clear dictator.
To all DUDEs and dude from Hong Kong too!
Kem Sokha alway talk about share "Power, Power, where there
is no Power"
Mr. Kem Sokha was educated in Communist world and he had been living in communist regime longer than most of the English writing Khmer here! so he may understand how the Communist are using the POWER better than us!
For example, see how we freedome lover, Demoncracy at hearth, Cambodian think about power and deal differently from Mr. Sokha?
1975 Lonol willing to give out POWER (surrender with no condition) see what happen to us durring Khmere Rouge?
in 1993 the Freedom Fighter compromise all the power see what happen in 1997 ( most of the MOLINAKA gone!)
The Khmere Rouge Never commpromise the power in 1993, see what happen to them now ( Eans Sary son is a deputy gorvernor of PAILIN) and the khmere Rouge have the germe town)
See How the CCP get the power now?
Better you to give them favor than hope to get favor from them!
Stupid me!
12:18, We all know that there is no power to be shared at this moment, but after the election, you will win some seats in the parliament and ministries, and you need to know who is going to oversee what ahead of time. No one is going to wait until the last minute and fight for different chairs.... That will be chaos for sure.
Do not step on the same shit, get it right from the start or our nextgeneration will be frustreted to be a nation!
Too fast to compromise and give away the May Become Power made the Paris agreemenr fail!!!!!!!
Please love Power more all Khmer! it may make Cambodian fight and work hard for the real Democracy!!!!
Respectful Khem Sokha,
I don't understand your firm standing and repeating again and again that:
1. Party's president must be 2 terms mandated...not heard that prime minister must limite 2 terms in power...?
2. Party's president must reveal his/her property....not prime minister..?
What is useful to have coalition in order to compete with CPP by valuing these two issues? I don't understand that they are important strategy to compete with CPP.
If you really have good intention to create coalition, you should look at yourself and your party first, how many parliament seats do you posses? non...
So your firm standing in this kind of negotiation is groundless for coalition. You are not having willingness at all to create coalition, but it seems like you are saving CPP.
Please, be more rational and patriotic on behalf of democratic leader.
Please, be realistic Khem Sokha...don't be so Yaso Ohang!
With Respectful
So Good luck !
Maybe year after year we will see the youn-hun sen cpp getting the power,destroying the country and all the people will speak vietnamese.
The only thing we have to do to cry in front of the screen by reading KI-media's articles.
Cambodian leaders are so stupid.
Without the UN, Cambodia is already disappeared from the map.
Oh, stop twisting the truth, 2:27. Kem Sokha is for term limit around the table since day1, and he's for transparency around the table also, and whatever else have you.
On the other hand, everyone knows Sam Rainsy have been Flip-flopping since day1. One day, he called for this, and another day, he'll called for that. The guy just totally lack of any firm principle. Thus, he's not good enough for Khmer people. Therefore, the SRP should form an alliance and nominate Kem Sokha for PM, if they are to have any chance to get any vote from the 2008's election. Isn't that logical and realistic?
2:46, Vietnamese has been with khmer for centuries now, if no one has speak Vietnamese by now, they aint gonna speak Vietnamese ever. Get it?
I think people of both camps SRP and HRP shouldn't throw dirts to each other from now till election day. If you want to work together to get ridge off evils in the country, you should work together positively and effectively and trid to earn respect and confidence from voters. I am not belonging to any of these parties but I want to see them successfully government Cambodia after 2008. Areak PREy
Kem Sokha should call on Hun Sen to have term limit in the government. Hun Sen has been in power for over 20 years and no one dear to say nothing to him. Why Kem Sokha worry to have term limit for Sam Rainsy when SR is not the ruling prime minister.
IF you fool want to be good for our nation, Go for the system not person!
Set up a good sample, 1000 time better than just win!
So if we do not know what right and wrong and absolute power is asolutly corrupt!
Hun sen statment was right there are 10000 of Hun Sen is on the line if you defeat Hun Sen with no moral principal of democracy?
Ky 2:37AM if your are Khmer go read more and if you are Youn drop death!
If democrats SRP and HRP are serious about parties unity, perhaps some issues are considered:
1-Definition of each party term of
DEMOCRACY for a common ground
2-Each party prioritied objectives
to be implemented if united party
was in power.
3-Written agreement states aims
and ojectives of the party.
4-Following rules and policies set
out to promote practice of
5-Continuation of education of
democracy required to its members
staffs, public awareness of
democratic process and pratices.
It is fair to say that aim of democrats is the implementation of democracy, namely RESPECTS individual rights and collective rights of cambodians for nation's progress.
Demcracy is to respect collective rights followed by its principles.
So it should not be any term's restriction imposed.When we focus too much of power then we are loosing our grounds.
Poor cambodians and cambodia rely on your practice, gentleman.
Neang SA
Thanks, for the nice theory, 4:07, but would you mind give us your opinion on what it means if the alliance failed to form?
Hello Neang Sa, I used to have a party which has ran a country for three term now. Our party is a small party and have worked as coalition with a big party to form a Government. We have a successfull Government for this past 10 years with economic surplus each year of more than 9 billions and with unemployment of less than 3.5% which is the lowest unemployment in the OECD countries. We talk about coalition agreement after election.
After election, if there is no single party who can win more 50% of the parlament seats, noone can claim to be the winner. The ex.ruling party has the first priority to form a government. If not, the king will call other party to form a government. At that stage, all coalition partners must sit together to draft coalition agreements.
In their agreements, they will agree to each other the location of Prime Minister, Ministers and their policies. If Kem Sokha require to have set up a two terms limited for Prime Ministers, he needs to write on the coalition agreement and set date to reamend the constitution if there is any from the past, and SRP must agree to support to vote for this limitation of two terms of the Prime Minister. Everything must put in the coalition agreement. During the 5 year term of the government, if any of coalition partner has breached their agreement and cause another partner to walk out from Government, this government should should be collapsed and a snap election should be called for another election. Areak Prey
Damn, I wonder what happened to 4:07. She's always lecturing us with tons of Phd corollaries and theories. And when we raise just one simple question, she's nowhere to be found. I wonder what type of high class teacher she is?
WTF? Hey, 6:06, this is the oppositions' affair only. Don't drag the CPP into this. We don't share any stupid belief with any fake democratic party here. We don't believed in term limit. As far we're concern, PM Hun Sen will ruled until he's 115 years old. As for term limit and power sharing, that is to be work out within the alliance parties only, not for the entire country. Get it?
Hello 6:18Am, You must be real. Hun Sen cannot live that long. I do not have any personal conflict with Hun sen at all. Indeed I may used to study at the same high School with him at Indradevy. I wish him to live may be even more than 150 years old so that we can claim him as the longest living man in the world. But you must be real with the real problem. If Hun Sen can run the country until he is 80, then Cambodian will even suffereven worst than any other Nation. I have resigned myself from politic even I am only 55 years old. I want more free times with my family than politic. many people have addicted with politic. They are foulish. They don't understand that their life was given by God to enjoy and they should enjoy while they are still alive. What I am writng in here is just to help some ideas for the coalition parties and the potential that CPP will not hold more 50% of the seats after 2008. At that time, the oppostion parties will be the Government, and then they can reamend the constitution to limit the term of the future Prime Minister. As a neutral person I just want to see Cambodia with harmony, longterm peace and prosperity. Areak Prey
Yeah, but that is because you live in the west for too long. In the west, Khmer people get dumber as they get older, so they are not good to run the country beyond 55, but that is not the case here.
Dear 6:08AM
My apology for delay of responding to your question.I only can express my view, as the parties fail to form a coalition then simply we all have to struggle longer for a democratic process adopted in our country.Most of comments made due to individual frustration in regarding on how our cambodian leaders learn to work together.
In fact, the international community is concerned about the raging corruption of current government and its cronies , and also its violation of human rights.
Majority wish to see a change of government.So national and international intention is the same.SO IT IS THE RIGHT TIME FOR CHANGE.
With international assistance and national demand for Paris Peace Agreements implementation and review of abuse of human rights
will lead to a change of governance, for better Cambodia.
Political climate urges our leaders
to change attitude towards working
together,with same principle orientation.
we all can understand why SRP is reluctant to do so due to the past
in forming coalition with FUNCINPEC
By the way,I am only an ordinary citizen,expressing my view to share
our cambodian compatriats in a hope
that our country can adopt changes
for prosperity.
You can drop me a line by email,
Neang SA
The case in Cambodia is to fight to each other until no more khmer in the planet isn't? Or stealing all Cambodian monies, destroying Cambodian natural resourses and deposit in overseas. After their deaths, all the monies will go to their guardian trust ( Their Public monies). At home these leaders tried to eat Prahok, dried fishes and teuk trei, saved all the monies for foreign countries? Who is dummer? Areak Prey
Khem Sokha and Keo Ramy are zerro party, they both never workout with their old party.
Khem Sokha first party with Mr. Son Sann ran from Mr. Son Sann to join with Ranarot ran from Ranarot to NGO ran from NGO form as Khem Sokha?
Keo Ramy is a piece of GARBAGE ran around and talked back about their old party, by saying Ranarot fuck this Ranarot Fuck that...and Sam Rangsy Fuck this and Sam Rangsy Fuck that...Now he found his partner Khem Sokha they are the same BULLDOG.
More thinking about the union with Kem Sokha!!!All khmer are not stupid like the the foolish King Sihanuk.Hun Xen paid 100$ millons for Malaysia in oder to take Heng Pov back to Phnom Pen's Regime and dictator Hun Xen can pay a fews millions $ for Kem Sokha for HRP(Kem Sokha).All khmers in foreign Country have no money to give and help Kem Skha,in USA or Canada and in France,nobody donated the finance for Kem Sokha,Kem Sokha lie us,he is the big lier.
Dictator Hun Xen and Youn Hanoi stand behind Kem Sokha to destroy SRP.Kem Skha was in USA and Canada about 1 month 2007 and he said that Khmer people donated him 90.000$?
Every meeting with Kem Sokha in every state in USA,joined about 20-40 Khmer people and nobody donated him one $!!!!
The 90.000$ become from dictator Hun Xen to built the HRP!!!!The corrüption money from dictator Hun Xen.
9:09, if you want to replace the current khmer governments who have been hailed by World Bank, IMF, UN, and NGOs for outstanding economic growth and development and for raising the standard of living of millions of people, don't you think you should have in place a replacement that is ready to take over so that it will at least be likely to succeed instead of failing like in 1970?
Allow me to quote yourself below:
"I only can express my view, as the parties fail to form a coalition then simply we all have to struggle longer for a democratic process adopted in our country.Most of comments made due to individual frustration in regarding on how our cambodian leaders learn to work together."
Read what I have bolded, and tell me if that sounds like a party that is ready to go into action.
Anyhow, allow me to point out another flaw in the theory of democracy. Many of us think multiparties system is better than single party. The flaw here is that we assumed that all parties are competence in quality, but what happen if all parties are incompetence? Wouldn't it be better then to minimize the number of parties? In other words, wouldn't it be better to have 1 corruption instead of a dozen corruptions? Thus, it is not the quantity that count but the quality. Take the US for example, right now they have two parties. Now, if one party should ever drop dead, do you think that the US will crumble?
Thanks and true, 11:39, but also the other parties is too small to be of any value. Also it is not impossible for one of the two famous parties to lose popularity either. All it take is a few corruptions in their party, and they will be out for a long long time. In this case, one can view the US as a Virtual Autocracy, which is like Japan. They only have one dominating Party, but they are Democracy. However, I preferred to call that type of government Virtual Autocracy.
You stupid head 7:49p.m. You're talking nonsence. Go tell that to the bird. For your information, American accept zero Communist party. If you're communist, you're out! getta hell out of America! and get lost! There are millions still cherish defense love vote and protect their government. There isn't an autocracy shit in American country and no matter what party will win, They are American. They did it for the better of their country and their people. You moran. Go back to China!
It got to be: "Roka Koang Tov and
Lo-vear Te mor!"
So to join together, they have be softer.
Hey, quit fighting everyone, Samdach already decided to win the National Election with 110 seats for CPP
8 seats for Funcipec
4 seats for RNP
2 seats for SRP
Tha deal was done.
So ordered by the heaven.
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