27 October 2007
By Ouk Sav Borey
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy declared that he rejects the preliminary 2007 results of the voting list verification, as well as the voting registration. Sam Rainsy called on the National Election Committee (NEC) to preserve the names listed on Form 1025 and not to erase them from the voting list.
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy said at a press conference held on 27 October that the NEC erases the names of people who should not be erased, and it preserves the names of those who should be erased instead, and this action is not acceptable to the SRP.
Sam Rainsy added that the number of newly registered voters in 2007 has unbelievably increased, and the SRP cannot accept the results announced by the NEC.
Sam Rainsy said: “What that SRP demands from the NEC is for them not to remove names from the voting list if there is no proof to that effect, and we know that hundreds of thousands of people have their names removed (from the voting list) without proof, we demand the inclusion of these people’s names in the voting list, this is the first issue. The second issue: we demand that the NEC removes the names of foreigners (from the voting list), more specifically, the names of Vietnamese (nationals). We condemn the NEC because the NEC removes names that should not be removed, and those are Khmer names, but for the names that should be removed, the NEC preserves it, these are Vietnamese names.”
Regarding the issues raised by the SRP, Tep Nytha, NEC secretary-general, said that the increase in the number of voters was because: “The population reaching the age of 18 on the election day, and the number of the people moving into a new communes can also register, in spite of the fact that they are still registered at their old place already, however, the law in Cambodia does not allow the transfer of the names of these people who moved to their new communes.”
Tep Nytha added that regarding the request to preserve the names shown on Form 1025, the NEC will re-examine again: “We will review the documents used by the commune councils to make the decision (to erase someone’s name from the voting list) after we received sufficient documents from the communes. We will review them and make a decision on these cases. Furthermore, any decision is based on actual proofs from the local levels.”
Regarding the preliminary results of the voting list verifications and the vote registrations, Hang Puthea, Nicfec organization director, aid that civil society observed that the results announced by the NEC regarding those who registered to vote saw an increase from 100% to 130.87%, this number is unclear, therefore the outcome of the election will also be unclear.
Hang Puthea said: “Normally, when something starts with an unclear situation, the outcome will also be unclear as well.”
Tep Nytha indicated that the preliminary voting lists will be posted almost all over the country for 5-day, starting from 27 October.
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy said at a press conference held on 27 October that the NEC erases the names of people who should not be erased, and it preserves the names of those who should be erased instead, and this action is not acceptable to the SRP.
Sam Rainsy added that the number of newly registered voters in 2007 has unbelievably increased, and the SRP cannot accept the results announced by the NEC.
Sam Rainsy said: “What that SRP demands from the NEC is for them not to remove names from the voting list if there is no proof to that effect, and we know that hundreds of thousands of people have their names removed (from the voting list) without proof, we demand the inclusion of these people’s names in the voting list, this is the first issue. The second issue: we demand that the NEC removes the names of foreigners (from the voting list), more specifically, the names of Vietnamese (nationals). We condemn the NEC because the NEC removes names that should not be removed, and those are Khmer names, but for the names that should be removed, the NEC preserves it, these are Vietnamese names.”
Regarding the issues raised by the SRP, Tep Nytha, NEC secretary-general, said that the increase in the number of voters was because: “The population reaching the age of 18 on the election day, and the number of the people moving into a new communes can also register, in spite of the fact that they are still registered at their old place already, however, the law in Cambodia does not allow the transfer of the names of these people who moved to their new communes.”
Tep Nytha added that regarding the request to preserve the names shown on Form 1025, the NEC will re-examine again: “We will review the documents used by the commune councils to make the decision (to erase someone’s name from the voting list) after we received sufficient documents from the communes. We will review them and make a decision on these cases. Furthermore, any decision is based on actual proofs from the local levels.”
Regarding the preliminary results of the voting list verifications and the vote registrations, Hang Puthea, Nicfec organization director, aid that civil society observed that the results announced by the NEC regarding those who registered to vote saw an increase from 100% to 130.87%, this number is unclear, therefore the outcome of the election will also be unclear.
Hang Puthea said: “Normally, when something starts with an unclear situation, the outcome will also be unclear as well.”
Tep Nytha indicated that the preliminary voting lists will be posted almost all over the country for 5-day, starting from 27 October.
J'y vais avec vous.Je n'ai plus confiance avec Sihanouk & ONU!
Find out who killed our innocent people first!
((Cambodia belong to KHMERS))
Où sont les membres de Funcinpec?
Funcinpec doit lancer l'Opération de Doublement des Unités.Afin d'avaler SPR, et unité centrale hors des affaires.
Allant de pas avec l'augmentation de la force dans les trois services de Funcinpec, ils doivent appeare la pratique de la promotion rapide des officiers et non commissionné officiers, actives et inactifs au point le plus élevé de provoquer des sentiments de plus en plus plus profonds de jalousie dans les forces armées; et ceci n'indique rien de l'inévitable et de plus en plus drain sérieux sur leur budget de campagne.
Nous sommes Funcinpec devons combattre en arrière SRP. Tombé en bas de SRP et al.
Hey, we don't add or remove voters based on their ethnic background but their qualification to vote or not.
Pack up you belonging and move back west, you evil infidel (Sam Rainsy). We don't have not room for racism here. You got that, motherfuckers?
what is west or what is east here, you racist freak?
we are all khmer. and khmer are united! understand?
Vietcong racist mother fucker need to stop promoting their dog eating culture in Cambodia!
It is God will to free all the Khmer Krom people from Vietcong domination!
Nope Khmer and Westerner trained Khmer-evil don't mix. That is why we were destroyed. So, stay out of Khmer's holly land. You got that?
1:06, God already saved most of Ah Khmer-Yuon in Vietnam from ah toothless Khmer-Yuon KKF evil. Therefore, God needn't do anything more.
To 1:19AM!
Fool! Not all Khmer Krom people are saved by God yet because Monk Tim Sakhorn is still in the Vietcong jail!
God will curse all the Vietcong mother fucker!
Nope, God has saved a Ah Khmer Yuon from Ah evil Khmer Yuon Sakhorn KKF agent as well.
eastern trained or western trained? what da f*ck!! khmer land, khmer-youns and yourself whoever you are, all belong to khmer. all must be under khmer rule.
the United Khmers of Asia.
Nope, we (khmer) don't want to unite with no westerner trained losers who can only cause destruction and suffering. We (Khmer) easterner trained are doing well enough so far; thus, don't call us, let us call you instead, okay?
Support Kem Sokha for khmer civilization, don't support SRP or FUNCINPEC or RNP. they all fake and selling seats for their memmbers.
Yep! it's time to let a new leader (Sokha) to try to defeat the mighty CPP, and Sam Rainsy should step down to avoid effecting the new HRP party chance of winning the 2008's election.
shut the ...f up Ah kon mee chor kondui...Cpp...kamaer rouge.
Its ok for those who believe in equality and are against racism. But fuck you because the Vietnamese must get out of Cambodia!
Bullshit, if the Viet pull out, our economy will crumble.
oh Craps!! ah your no economy in Cambodia to begin with. when ah yourn get out, all problems are out too. khmer is clean and eco is boom.
The Vietcong government refused to accept the reality that no Khmer people want to be Viet people and by harboring the ignorance regarding the issue of Khmer and the Khmer Krom people will is only promoting the cycle of violent and it will never going to stop unless the Vietcong government must accept the truth and nothing but the truth to set themselves free of all the violent, the racist, the hatred, the oppression, the enslavement, the injustice, revengefulness,...
Cambodian smell and use dollars,watching colors TV
and ah koun youn tell us to stay with viet cong? Give us a break it doesn't matter we don't speak up but between dog eaters and Pizza and Hamburgers eaters we know which one to choose Viet go home!
when will this clown look alike SAM SEERAIN stop showing his boring face on the screen, this motherfucker cannot and will not be able to kick hun sen ass, period we all stop believing in him... his candle light logo is to show all this idiot can do is to attend his member's funeral who killed by CPP. Fact the matter is his father was longtime killed by sihanouk's agent and even now he doesn't know and still call his father's assassin HERO I laugh my Ass Off!
Damn, 6:12AM, you've got that right on his head, yes i remembered the song about his dad, Ah Sari Chhkae Khnhom vea chess cham phleass vea chess sompeass vea chess duer chueng pee.....hahaha, away his clown party not going any where, look at his member like Keo Ramy run from him to join Kem Sokha and other will run from him without notice!
I do not lost my consents as long ah Hun sen and ah youn master still alive I gonna be his obstacles.
No more Viet's slavery regime in Cambodia.
Vote NO to Ah Hun Sen
VOTE YES for HRP of Kem Sokha and Keo Ramy. and VOTE NO to all other.
You're wrong, 3:35. Currently, Cambodia imported over 600 millions USD worth of Vietnamese's good. If you cut that out, we will suffered some serious inflation, and many people will died starving, dude.
You're wrong, 3:35. Currently, Cambodia imported over 600 millions USD worth of Vietnamese's good. If you cut that out, we will suffered some serious inflation, and many people will died starving, dude.
You mean over 600 millions worth of Cambodian goods was shipped to Vietnam and ordinary Khmers are left to starve and die this instance.
we can always inport from Thai and China. better quality
Dont include the rice, rubber, timber, rubies, and gold shipped to Vietnam. Yes, our economy depend a lot on Vietnam because with out them nobody will be sucking Cambodia dry of her natural resources. Its no lie when you enter Tonle Sap and Svay Rieng. All the fishing boats are Yuon taking whats rightfully Khmer. When Khmers fish on their land they are killed by Yuons. Its time we fight for what is ours. IF you believe this is racism then dont believe in slavery and oppression as well.
Its too expensive to import from Thai and China, 9:24. Plus, without Vietnam in the competition, we'll certainly to get rip off.
Vote NO to AH Hun Sen and the rest is Yes
What? you don't expect to get goods from Vietnam for free, do ya (9:26)?
Most of the products imported from Vietname to Cambodia is either from China or produced locally by dirt cheap Vietnamese labors and most of these Vietnamese imported products are substandard can harm Cambodian people health because there is no inspection, no regulation, no recall system, no quality control, and no testing for dangerous chemical such as in food, cosmetic, and toy, medicine,... and Cambodian people are blindly continue to use these dangerous Vietnamese products! When is the last time you heard a product recall on substandard Vietnamese products? None!
There is a lot of things that dirt poor Cambodian people don't know about all the products on the market! The lack of knowledge and the misinformation on the part of illiterate Cambodian population will only make the Vietnamese substandard and dangerous products more acceptable and more profitable! Ahahhaha
Simply put! The whole Cambodian economy is built on Cambodian people stupidity and that is the reality! It is kind of sad knowing that big Companies make their profit on stupid Cambodian people!
One example is the Cambodian People Party Incorporate that is doing just that by destroying Cambodian educational system by making teacher salary as low as possible and suppress the free flow of information to promote illiterate dirt poor Cambodian population who are more incline to absorb all the CPP propaganda which will help the CPP stay in power longer!
To me stupidity can be painful but to the CPP Inc. can be very beneficial!
Well, so far no one is being killed, and if you want the product to through all the bureaucracies, that will cost extra, alright.
12:18PM sound so ignorant,and to you ,you see Cambodian People die to benefit Vietnam rite ah lob.
Uncle SAM issued product recall made in China worth in the million and million of dollars every year!
Hey! When Cambodian people found out that their children can't perform well in school due to lead poisoning which cause brain damage from the toys they play with or a dangerous antifreeze chemical used in automobile found in the toothpaste or food coloring to make the food look good which can cause cancer or ...
I know for a fact that Cambodia population go to Thailane and Vietname for most of their healthcare needs which cost in the thousand and thousand of dollar and these dirt poor Cambodian people were willing to pawn their farm, their land, and their personal properties in desperation to find a cure and I just hope that the Vietcong and the Thaicong don't charge them extra to cure them!
But you know, when these Cambodian people get really sick and it tends to pass the point of no return because they fail to show up early to diagnose the illness early when the illness is still in manageable state and too often most of these dirt poor Cambodian find themselves die in the hospitable which cost them in thousand of dollars anyway!
It is easy to make money off dirt poor sick Cambodian than a healthy Cambodian!
Well, so far Vietnam haven't been benefited from Khmer dying, only from Ah Toothless Khmer-Yuon, but no one care about those low-life anyway.
No, Khmer perform in School here just a well as Ah Khmer-US does in Long Beach if not better.
1:17PM I personally do not understand what kind of medicine that you master Viet had been drug you up,you sound so awful with the hate and divide,sound like a little jealous because the Cambodian in Long Beach better that your self? Yeah indeed over here there are international standard,it would be working around the world except your little frog in the small pool has never accept and appreciate some one better than you ,what I can see.
Thank you no hate Khmer in ,khmer out and khmer krom except ah khmer that sold their heads to Viet.
Nope, I am not jealous at Ah Khmer-US who is educated in the slum (Long Beach,) and all they can do is rob and rape people in alleys, living in cheap government housing and welfare check. What is there to be jealous about, are you nut, 2:11?
I am not living in Long Beach like you stated,but compare to your place I think you are the one who educate from that slums,that what I see because yours surround by the slums in your big capitol city ,to me for your people from there ,when they get to Long Beach the place that you called slum ,those people always through away their passports and search for the political asylum ,so to you try to reverse the good to bad you must be a low life stupid,trash talker a bout the others because of your jealousy go and get some life,we do not need dog eaters,vietcong troller here.
Hey, hey, hey, stop ruining my reputation, will ya? I would never study with the blinded and retarded because I am not a fool like most of you (Ah Khmer-US). My school didn't do much for me, but the materials were enough for me to work with on my own. Plus, I had our ancestor spirits to help me sort out what is true and what not, and that was all that I needed.
Most of the Ah Yuon servants come to visit U.S and elsewhere, they always through their passports aways and seeking for politcal asylum by saying Cambodian Government is very very bad, they shooting, robbing, Rapping, selling humans, sometimes the government members were used faking dollar and no one can say anything to them. Like Jum Teav Khieu Kanharith she always used fake us million and million of dollars. and like Hok langdy selling Passports for $5,000.00 each. That the attitudes from the people whose just got out from their horror Cambodia country told us. So, they can use us to help them to apply for new residance.
ha ha ha we knew your tricks now.....Busters...
Not quite, professor, not even a retard here is stupid enough to buy passport for $5,000 USD. They can't live like king here for a couple years with that type of money.
Vietcong eat dog! Dog eat Vietcong!
This is a doggy dog world promoted by the Vietcong!
8:26AM only stupid low live like you have never seen
the coffins is very dark but for intelligences people$5000.00 nothing to them because they will find it back in 15 days to a $1.oo per day like your self compare the coffin to night club,compare dogs and cat meat to the bacon, and beef so your world normal people like us can living with it except demons and devils like you enjoy to suck Cambodian poor dirt,please stop come out and bark with one dollar a day keep your stinking mouth testing left over food from the trash containers betters.
Bye dog cat eaters find people in your level to chat with ? comprendez bozo! pinchie perro!
9:36, are you talking about a lot of people who buy passport for $5,000 or just a few. You know fair well we don't have many people who got $5,000 to invest in such a risky business.
If I still have relative left behind,I will help them out, because I am sick and tied to let them live their live with the group for demons like you 9:59AM pinchi modres dogs cat eaters,so let bark with your low profiles,we do not have times to deal with devil.
Bye bye dogs cat eaters,
Okay, sayonara, 11:08!
Cant we all just try to get along. Life is short.
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