Monday, March 03, 2008

Sam Rainsy: Ruling CPP already pre-determined the upcoming election results

Monday, March 03, 2008
Samner Thmei Newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Among the more than 8 million registered voters, 65% are CPP members, this will allow the ruling party to continue to lead in the upcoming election" - Khieu Kanharith, CPP spokesman
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy declared that for the upcoming general election, the results are already known. This is so because the current ruling party has pre-determined the election results, and it said that it will obtain 80 seats. The election results will be as predicted by the ruling party if the National Election Committee (NEC) is in charge of organizing the election in the current manner. Sam Rainsy made this declaration following his meeting with the EU delegation at the SRP party headquarters in Phnom Penh, at the end of last week.

Sam Rainsy indicated that: “During the 2003 general election, the CPP announced before the election day that it will receive 73 seats. After the election, the ruling party (CPP) indeed obtained 73 seats. Now, it is predicting again that the CPP will receive 80 seats. If we allow the NEC to organize the election as it is doing currently, it will cheat the election for the CPP so that the latter obtain 80 seats as predicted.”

Sam Rainsy explained that: “The NEC was set up so the CPP win the election on 27 July 2008, by re-arranging the voters’ lists. Cambodian people who have the right to vote were removed from the voters’ lists, the NEC erased the names of actual persons, and it preserved the ghost names, and the names of foreigners who have no right to vote. The NEC is taking the contrary action so that the results of the upcoming election are biased, and so that they will not reflect the will of the people, but only reflect the CPP’s will.”

Sam Rainsy added: “During the meeting with the EU delegation, I pushed the EU to open its eyes to see the cheating actions undertaken by the CPP through the NEC. The international community, and the EU in particular, indicated that they understand this issue clearly and they will not be cheated by the CPP again like they did in 1998 and 2003 anymore. The international community told me that they will not certify the results of any election tainted by cheating, like what the NEC is currently doing.” Sam Rainsy called on the international community, and the EU in particular, to follow up on the election, and not to certify the election results if the request for free and fair election is not upheld, and if the election is organized based on the current plan.

Regarding the issue above, Khorn Kevmono, the deputy director of the NEC information department, declined to comment, but he said: “The registration of voters have already been completed. The progress of the election is much better than before because the voters can check their names very easily from now on, through the NEC website.”

Han Puthea, Nicfec director, agreed with the irregularities in the preparation of the voters’ lists, including the registration and the removal of voters’ names as well. Hang Puthea say that the CPP is still at the forefront during the July election. He said that “nevertheless, the international community, and the EU in particular, should pay attention when they provide additional aid for organizing the election, because Cambodia will always need foreign aid, both in terms of funds and materials.”

Regarding the lack of independence of the NEC, Khieu Kanharith, spokesman for the CPP, considers this as “spitting on oneself.” Khieu Kanharith explained that there is a joint participation from three parties, including the SRP, and there will be observers and experts from donor countries also.” Nevertheless, Khieu Kanharith indicated that: “Among the more than 8 million registered voters, 65% are CPP members, this will allow the ruling party to continue to lead in the upcoming election. However, the CPP already announced that even though it is leading, a joint government would be better than leading the government by itself.”


Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up, Xammy.

We know how to predict thing accurately because we used ancient technology instead of gorilla HiTech.

Anonymous said...

We have a very high confidence of our assertion that the ruling party will undoubtedly win the upcoming general election by landslide victory. Yes, you heard me right: we will win!

Now, it is time for the gorillas to put their pugnacious dissension and rivalry behind and concede the ignominious defeat to our presumptive Prime Minister (Samdach) Hun Sen.

Opposition parties out! Gorillas out!

Congratulations, Samdach! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Good on you, Mr Sam Rainsy. Cambodia and Cambodian people need people like you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, to lead you back to Planet of the Ape. I don't think you can find your way back because you are lost (big time).

Anonymous said...

This retarded gorilla, Sam Rainsy, is like a pilot without a compass, if you will, while our Samdach Hun Sen is a professional pilot with a GPS (global positioning system); however, as the general election looms, our Samdach is equipped with AGPS, or assisted global positioning system (new technology), which enable him to navigate Cambodia into yet another propitious economy.

Anonymous said...

Hmm ... are these hitech stuffs reliable, mate? I think we should stick to the old Khmer voodoo, hehehe!!! I know gorilla would never figured what hit them.

Anonymous said...

6:14 PM

My belief is that voodoo is too traditional for our Samdach Hun Sen, since he's more advanced in this day and age. Of course, Samdach Hun Sen can certainly use both advanced technology and voodoo.

Anonymous said...

Hun sen means DOG, Kieve Kagna Rith mean dog, Bun Rany means Sampheng...So what?

Anonymous said...

Well, at least HS will protect us from a fat hairy and obese gorilla like you, 6:33.

Anonymous said...

6:36 PM

You just hit the nail on the head!

Anonymous said...

The war in Cambodia winned by the communist, not capitalism, esp. Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy will lose because the only thing he can do is bashing Hun Sen and CPP, accusing them of fraud, cheating, vote rigging at every turn. This is not in line what he himself once called a more mature level of democracy. He perpetuates antagonism. This is why he is unfit to be a leader. There is no real alternative to Hun Sen, whether you like him or not.

Anonymous said...

Most of these comments are invaded by lot of Yuons comments.
Please,ki, get rid of them.

Anonymous said...

11:18 PM

Or, perhaps it's too much for you to handle!

You fucking retarded horny little toad!

Anonymous said...

11:14 PM

Hey, Ah Khmer-Yuon, retarded toad!

Khmer Young said...

It is good to read those opposite comments. Now KI has become popular not among those who are supporting SRP or democratic movement, but also to those who are considered themselves as servant to Hun Sen.

I am really appreciate this success of KI. SRP is idealistic party and future hope for Cambodia, we respect all comments and feedback. This will make our Cambodian nation become stronger and stronger as a one family.

Sam Rainsy himself respects the will of Cambodian peoples, to work for the sake of Cambodian peoples, to find alternative change for Cambodian peoples, and to develop Cambodia as a rule by laws nation-state.

Through Sam Rainsy's enduring effort, honesty, clean, honest, sacrifice, nationalistic and realistic politicians, we are proud of him and will work for him.


Anonymous said...

Well, strong country is made from strong party, never weak party.

And who's the strongest party of all?


Anonymous said...

27 July 2008 is not that too far off.

Time only will prevail who's who emerge as the winner of this up-coming election.

Cambodia people has shown in the past, since the NA in 1993, an urgent need for a change in leadership. Two elections down the track since the 1993 election, and that need of change in leadership has done little impact at all.

What is the cause and why the voters has changed theirs mind and vision, is remaining an open question for all minor political parties and SRP alike.

The low turn out in numbers of eligible and registered voters in 2007 Commune election may give a hint to what people have reversed their mind in the urgent need of change in leadership.

In this up-coming election, should once again the numbers of eligible and registered voters remain low as shown in 2007 election will not help any minor political party or SRP.

HRP may be a new starter but is not meant to be an unknown candidate to the people of Cambodia - surely has and is going to create impact in splitting the votes. FUNCIPEC may be in big trouble to convince their supporters of their new fresh look without the former leader but surely can also split the numbers of votes [anticipating to loose some of their current seats in NA] so does NRP.

Majority of populated and local economy growth areas [Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Kampongcham, Kampongthom Battambang, Banteameanchey, Kandal, Koh Kong, Kampot and Sihanoukville] will of course play a key role to each individual political party in winning or retaining their current seats in NA. Pailin will be add to the the above list and consider to be a one to watch for.

Anonymous said...

to the dog eaters here....bravo you guys are very loyal dogs....I can count on you....kum merg.
I'm your sdach Hun Xen. It's good that you make noises in support for me as your PM Hun Xen.

Anonymous said...

We want Hun Sen!
We want Hun Sen!
We want Hun Sen!
We want Hun Sen!
We want Hun Sen!

Xammy go home!
Xammy go home!
Xammy go home!
Xammy go home!
Xammy go home!

Anonymous said...

Why you're all try to eat always the same soup, don't you like to taste something else ?

Anonymous said...

How can we taste something new, if you didn't even tell us what's in it or fully testing it or proving it.

Do you want us to choke to dead or what?