Saturday, April 26, 2008

KR Tribunal lost several hundreds thousands of dollars

Friday, April 25, 2008
By Pov Ponlok
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Stemming from the accusation by Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), the KR Tribunal lost several hundreds of thousands of dollars of its funds.

Reach Sambath, the KRT spokesman, said today that the reason the money was lost was because the KRT had to spend for auditing purpose stemming from the ECCC corruption accusation leveled by OSJI.

Reach Sambath declared during a press conference held today, following the presentation of the more than one year long investigation where several hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent and the investigation showed that there was no corruption as accused.


Anonymous said...

Yep, it cost us money every time people jump the conclusion.

Anonymous said...

When seeking help from America to fight Hitler's Germany, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: "Give us the tools and we will finish the job."

Our nation has been given the tools, but it has not proven capable of doing, let alone finishing, the job because of corruption. In 1999/2000, there was a big corruption scandal at the internationally funded Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC, the government landmine clearance organisation. In 2004 corruption again hit a World Food Programme project and the government had to repay WFP out of the national budget. In 2006 several World Bank-funded projects were also hit be a big corruption scandal. In 2007 the Khmer Rouge Tribunal was hit by corruption, which led to investigation and subsequent imrovement in its management.

It's really a shame!

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

when the truth 's about to pull up from the deeply darkness of the killing field .we seems accuser of KR',that the main obstucal .they are richest but they do not want to reveal the truth of killing in KR regime.
they dare to kill khmer but they don't dare to confront with the judge.
they scare what people fealing when the truth coming up .
we all seen brihgting side on KR 's killer .but another side that darkness and about to pull up .
we all need the truth ,do not let it cover up in something ela.


Anonymous said...

the best way is just let foreigners
donors themselves come to khmerland
and work there by their own hands.
i don't believe that khmer in any case can do anything without corruptions.see the way they build the roads.the roads can't last more
than 2 years or 3 years.they are the BAD QUALITIES ROADS.

Anonymous said...

Dr Lao, what is a big deal? So we had 3 corruption busts in 6 years (2000-2006) according to you. I don't see one corruption every other year is that bad, Dr Lao. I think that is really really good for poor country like Cambodia.