Tuesday, May 20, 2008

David Meas, An Unscrupulous Lawyer?

17 May 2008
Opinion by Vanak Thom
On the web at http://blogbykhmer.blogspot.com

I thought I could get away without commenting news that was happening this week. ខ្ញុំទ្រាំមិនបាន​ -- I couldn’t help it. So here, seeking dry shelter from the gathering storm, I am near our ផ្សារចាស់ Psa Chas (Old Market) at an internet Café. I’m glad to be back on the PC keyboard again.

As the news occurred there’s a French-Cambodian attorney by the name David Meas who emailed letters to at least two Khmer bloggers threatened to sue them for defamation of the current foreign minister Hor Nam Hong. The letters and comments can be read at:
Sacravatoon , CAAI News Media , and KI Media.

What my thought about David Meas threatening emails ?
There’s no basis for the lawsuit. Political (satire) cartoons are as old as the founding of democracy of the great civilised nations. It’s nothing new. People are making fun of top leaders. For example, France PM François Fillon, President Nicolas Sarkozy, US President George Bush, UK PM Gordon Brown, Australia PM Kevin Rudd…and etc. I am sure these top leaders haven’t escaped from not being portrayed in the political cartoons at all. Now do you think Hor Nam Hong or even PM Hun Sen is holier than the mentioned top world leaders? Insanity! I am tired of thinking that our Khmer leaders cannot be criticised. It seems like if anything we say or express (do caricature drawings) to their dislike, we will be slapped with a “defamation” lawsuit. We’re too childish. Cambodia , grow out from this infancy. កុំធ្វើដូចក្មេង បៀមដៃទៀត!. Don’t act like a child sucking thumb anymore. Freedom of expression as I wrote in my earlier post is very fundamental for us. So, please suppress us no more.

What's my thought about foreign minister Hor Nam Hong ?
I never like him for he has a shady past linking to his former position as Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge chief of Boeng Trawbek prison . He should resign from the foreign ministry post. Some other person could have been much better qualified to serve the foreign minister post than this old man.

What's my thought about David Meas ?
I have no respect for Mr. David Meas . It seems he truly is an unscrupulous type of attorney. The French law board of licensing should investigate David Meas . Perhaps, he shouldn’t be writing letters to harass and intimidate people all over the internet. If he’s to be found guilty of misconduct violating the ethic of a lawyer, abusing his attorney privilege, the board should strip away his license, barring David Meas to practice and penalize him to the fullest extent of the law.

ផ្សារចាស់ ក្រុង​ភ្នំពេញ
Psa Chas, Phnom Penh


Anonymous said...

don't worry old man! hell is waiting you.you 're one of the killer in kampuchia khmer rouge regime.wkdc

Anonymous said...

This guy Hor Nam Hong will go to jail soon.

Anonymous said...

This old man was in evry regime!!!
This murder must go to the Khmer rouge jail!!!!

We are khmer wish since long time that this guy Hor Nam Hong in Prey Sar prison!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah Xam Rainxy must not goes unpunished for accusing everyone of being Killers for his own political gain.

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up! motherfucker Ah kon mee som phoeurng thmill yuon Cpp 1:43am .u r low life ....i want to poke ur mama's pussy.

Anonymous said...

hello 1:43am fuck you tell your fucken boss to sue my fucken asshole

Anonymous said...

1:43AM, are you an idiot? SRP is making the point here. Hor NAm Hong is already guilty. He is former KR and continue to be who he is. There is enough proofs and evidences to put HNH in jail.

Anonymous said...

In the States if the lawyers are misconduct or malpractice like David Meas ,his licence may be revoke,David Mas see big chunk of the meat that his master Ho provided to him so,he try to use that communist's trick to shut the public openion for the gain of the killer Ho,I hope it works good for him,but that so bizarre ,and we are all Cambodian in and out not support the killer to be our foreign minister damn,must be stupid like all CPP leaders,so the CPP need to sacrify or keep this khmer killer in their site

Anonymous said...

In the States if the lawyers are misconduct or malpractice like David Meas ,his licence may be revoke,David Mas see big chunk of the meat that his master Ho provided to him so,he try to use that communist's trick to shut the public openion for the gain of the killer Ho,I hope it works good for him,but that so bizarre ,and we are all Cambodian in and out not support the killer to be our foreign minister damn,must be stupid like all CPP leaders,so the CPP need to sacrify or keep this khmer killer in their site

Anonymous said...

HUN SEN needs to give up on HNH and send him to stand trial. If HUN SEN continue to keep HNH, CPP will be in jeopadize. HUN SEN will give HNH to stand trial believe me. HUN SEN is very smart.

Anonymous said...

Hun would do that if HNH will not reveal anything of Hun Sen past. So who know for sure what crimes Hun Sen has done during Pol Pot too other than the high ranking soldier

Anonymous said...

You are all crazy here.

Anonymous said...

អា ហោ ណាំហុងបាននិយាយថា ឈឺចាប់ណាស់ ដែលប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបថា អា ហោ ណាំហុង ជាមេគុកបឹងត្របែក ក្នុងសម័យខ្មែរក្រហម ប៉ុន្តែសូមជំរាប អាហោ ណាំហុងថា អ្នកដែលឈឺចាប់ជាង អា ហោ ណាំហុង ទៅទៀតនោះ គឺប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប ដែលមានបងប្អូន ត្រូវអា ហោ ណាំហុង បញ្ជាយកទៅសំលាប់ រាប់មិនអស់ នៅគុកបឹងត្របែក ។ អា ហោ ណាំហុង សមចូលគុក ដោយ តុលាការខ្មែរក្រហមហើយ។

ah Hor Nam Hong must be in jail with Noun Chea, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan in KR tribunal because ah Hor Nam Hong was the chief of Boeng Tra Baek prison during Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979).

Anonymous said...

Ah David Meas is ah psychopath person!

អា David Meas ជា អាខូចសសរសៃប្រសាទ ធ្លាប់ញែប្រពន្ធគេ កាល ៣ ឆ្នាំមុន, ត្រូវប្តីគេ វាយ ជាំភ្នែកខាងឆ្វេង។ បើនៅអាមេរិកវិញ បែប អា David Meas មិនបានរស់ ដល់សព្វថ្ងៃទេ។

Anonymous said...

ah David Meas est un avocat salaud

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In international law, we ste ahead MR. H. NAMHONG will be lose.

Anonymous said...

David Meas do a lot more damage for Hor Nam Hong by bullying the related press around the world. This inturn will force more witnesses to come forward. More evidents collectively will be found. Threatening the media is another nail to Hor Nam Hong's coffin. You can get away with it in Cambodia where the judicial branch is not independant and can be gaged by the sign of the $$$. To your part David Meas, your unproffessional conduct telling us alot about you and your capacity in law. Can't Hor Nam Hong afford a real lawyer? Shonky lawyers does not serve the interest of their clients. David Meas is bluffer looking to make a buck, which i can understand where he is comming from. For Hor Nam Hong, he will be surely losing the case if it were to be conducted outside Cambodia. This will seeing him in jail for both, the alleged crime and for theatening the medias. The more threatening letter he sent, the more charges will be laid against him if found guilty.

Anonymous said...

អោយអា ហោ ណាំហុង (អតីត មេគុកបឹងត្របែក) និង អាមេធាវី មិនគ្រប់ទឹក មាស ដាវីដ ប្តឹងទៅ ប៉ុន្តែ សូមជំរាបថា តាមច្បាប់បារាំង ឬ ច្បាប់អន្តរជាតិ គឺ បើដើមចោទ (អ្នកប្តឹង) ចាញ់ក្តី, ដើមចោទ ត្រូវតែសង ជំងឺចិត្ត ជាប្រាក់រាប់ម៉ឺន យើរ៉ូ និង ចំណាយផ្សេងៗ អោយចុងចោទ។

បើអាមិនគ្រប់ទឹក ដាវីដ ចិត្តសឿង លេងទៅ។ ខ្មែរទាំងអស់ នៅក្រៅប្រទេស នឹង មិននៅស្ងៀមទេ!

Anonymous said...

khmer rouges and khmer rouges will work together to find the way out from being jailed by past deeds in k.r. regime.

Anonymous said...

Hor Nam Hell or Hell Nam Hong well go to jail or go to hell.

Anonymous said...

David Meas claimed in ki-media previously that he got his degree from Colombia University, but in his website he listed his degree as from the University of Paris. Can someone check his claims please. Look like he is a shonky or unscrupulous lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Meas Toek 8 bought his fake degee from Wesley College for $100.

Anonymous said...

11 13am and 12 34 pm. You two Sounded almost like Khmer Kraham.
David Meas is a lawyer and he does his job. You two are jealous. Admit it.

Anonymous said...

If has a proper degree he would know how to go about doing his job instead of bluffing. he should go back to school.

Anonymous said...

2:37 you know a lawyer doch Ranaridh
soth tè cham-kuot and he too.

Anonymous said...

HALALUYAH!!!!!!! and to the writter of this article!!! Fantastic my firend! Remove both of the a..holes from our government asap!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your guys were Khmer Kraharm before that's why you don't like laws.

Yea go to remove. yea yea..
These losers love to talk.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to David Meas for fighting Spam and Slander in Cambodia.