Friday, May 16, 2008

“Rooted in the stone” by Sam Rainsy

14 May 2008
Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Le texte original en français se trouve en bas de la page

Paris (AP) – Born to a well-to-do Cambodian family close to King Norodom Sihanouk, the author lived in opulence before the fall of his father, a high ranking politician and a minister of the King, who was brutally dismissed and had to hide underground before he ended being assassinated.

Taking refuge in Paris, the Sams – in Khmer, the first name follows the family name – had to resign to a life of poor but dignified immigrants. Rainsy, a gifted student, completed brilliant studies which allowed him to become a highly qualified financier.

However, like Saumura, his wife, he could not be happy leading this lifestyle when his country, as we all know, is torn apart in the hands of a regime practicing mass murders. He set up a newspaper to help the victims of the Khmer Rouge, and at the fall of the communist dictatorship, he and his wife returned back to Phnom Penh.

Becoming the minister of Economy in the Hun Sen government, Sam Rainsy undertook the fight against all forms of trafficking, and he kept on lending moral support to all aspects of public life which earned him the popular support and a lot of hostilities as well. He later joined the opposition rank by forming a democrat and liberal political party: the SRP.

Becoming the target of his enemies, he escaped several attempts which saw the killing of many of his followers, but, being the opposition leader, he maintained his course with great courage, while preparing for the upcoming July 2008 election where he, once again, will face Prime Minister Hun Sen who maintains a tight iron grip on the country for the past 22 years.

This is a superb testimonial from an exceptional personality.

Publisher: Calmann-lévy (with the collaboration of Patrice Trapier, 300 pages, cost: euros 20)

«Des racines dans la pierre» Par Sam Rainsy

14 Mai 2008

PARIS (AP) -- Né dans une famille patricienne cambodgienne proche du roi Norodom Sihanouk, l'auteur a connu l'opulence, puis la déchéance lorsque son père, un homme politique de premier plan, ministre du roi, fut brutalement limogé et forcé de passer dans la clandestinité avant de finir assassiné.

Réfugié à Paris, les Sam -dans la langue khmère, les prénoms se placent après les noms de famille-, vont se résigner à une vie d'immigrés pauvres, mais dignes. Rainsy, élève surdoué, fait de brillantes études qui lui permettent de devenir un financier hautement qualifié. Mais, tout comme sa femme Saumura, il ne peut se satisfaire de cette vie alors que son pays, aux mains d'un régime qui pratique le meurtre de masse, connaît les déchirements que l'on sait. Ils créent un journal pour aider les victimes des Khmers rouges, et quand la dictature communiste s¹effondre, ils repartent pour Phnom Penh. Devenu ministre de l'Economie du premier gouvernement Hun Sen, Sam Rainsy entreprend de lutter contre toutes les formes de trafics et de moraliser la vie publique, ce qui lui vaut un soutien populaire, mais aussi de solides inimitiés. Il passe alors dans l'opposition et crée un parti démocrate et libéral : le PSR. Devenu la cible de ses adversaires, il échappe à plusieurs attentats qui tuent nombre de ses partisans, mais, chef de file de l'opposition, il garde courageusement le cap, se préparant pour les élections législatives de juillet 2008 qui l¹opposeront une nouvelle fois au Premier ministre Hun Sen qui tient le pays d'une main de fer depuis 22 ans. Superbe témoignage d'une personnalité d'exception.

Calmann-lévy ( avec la collaboration de Patrice Trapier. 300 pages ; 20 euros)


Anonymous said...

OMG, Ah Xcammer Xam Rainxy is now trying to rip off people with toilet paper!

Anonymous said...

Bravo S.Rainsy. Your book will inspire young Cambodian generation to learn, write and to express their own views.
In our Country thaere many CPP corrupt officials having million of dollars, villas, luxurious cars, land and also their "zero value Phd degree"(Excellence Oknha Bandit...)... who have never read books nor write ..

Anonymous said...

It does not come often, a rare quality leader like Sam Rainsy. Qualities which command even the most respect from a bloody man like Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

It would be a good read. It would be a good sell. Hun Sen's biography sold a mere 13 copies from one book shop in Phnom Penh, while Khieu Samphan's first book was a sell-out in the same bookstore. I will get hold of the English version soon when it is released.

Anonymous said...

Ce type est un opportuniste, enfant de la gauche caviar française qui dit vouloir aider le peuple alors qu'il cherche à tout prix le pouvoir et s'enrichir. Il passe son temps à démolir l'image de son pays auprès de l'opinion internationale au lieu d'aider son économie à se développer. S'il est aussi irréprochable, peut-il nous dire quel est son patrimoine immobilier "en France" ? Il veut transformer le Cambodge en un régime d'assistés comme sa chère patrie la France.
Non Monsieur Rainsy nous ne vous laisserons pas faire !

Anonymous said...

Accusé levez vous qu'avez vous à réponse est ce exact que vous faites parti << de BOBO>>. Bardé de displome ne veut pas dire , honnêteté intellectuel , je vous admire (j'ai à peu pres le même que vous) mais pensez vous vraiement faire kelkechose pour ces peuples << KAM KROR CHEA?>> De toute façon vous savez bien que samdach AKACG SENA c'est l'un des enfants et parmi tant d'autre , enfanté par ce SDF (nourri logé se faire soigné par les chinois) et c'est lui qui a fait chuté votre père (neak sné ha cheat comme Mr Sirimatak) qui a donné l'ordre de massacré les 2 millions de khmers (l'homme qui a 1 coeur ténébreux en plein midi!!!!!) vous savez n'est pas ? Ne vous occupez plus de ce Surcouf , mais ce surcouf la et son maitre a le main Que faire de ce mauvais surcouf aui a commencé à pointé le nez sur le plan international lui aussi est mélé aux génocide + ou -ROUM RITH

Anonymous said...

Scam, scam, scam, Ah Sam Rainsy wanted to suck the last drop of blood from Khmer people. He must be STOPPED.

Anonymous said...

Political situations in the world maybe follow each other. Look at Zimbawe. The situation in Cambodia maybe alike. HUN SEN could win 100%
or he could lost 100%. People already get sick and tired of this one guy. Even the people that work for HUN SEN also said go with the flow. If the situation goes reverse they will be flexible. Bravo! Samrainsy! You are the true Khmer's leader.

Anonymous said...

A Real and Genuine Leader should produce others leaders ( many many of them)while he is alive and delegate and train them to successfiully lead the country after him.
Doing otherwise, he is only an imposter, a power hunger, an oppressor, an dictator-to-be.

Anonymous said...

Vote "YES" for SRP. How do you know that he is a dictator to be? You know who is dictator now? The answer is HUN SEN.

Anonymous said...

8:24 PM, I agree with you. A lot of people see that too.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

No fucking best leader man! Gice democracy a change! any one just server to the nation and do the job right!

More like fucking set up by Shihanouk is'nt it?

Do not lie the lightning would srike your next 7 generation!

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy was a gifted student and completed brilliant studies (what are brilliant studies?). He became a highly qualified financier.
Well, he is not a gifted politician, nor a brilliant leader, nor qualified to run the government. He would do it single-handed, as he doesn't have any qualified SRP members either. So better go back to financing. 300 pages for an autobiography doesn't appear to have to tell much about his life.

Anonymous said...

I wish H.E Sam rainsy will be elected for the next PM of Cambodia,I really admire him,his wife and his party members for their sacrifices and their dedications for their nation amid and under the iron claws of cpp(secret vietcong)government.
God bless you work and to make Cambodia a better place for all Khmers nation.