Sun, 09 Nov 2008
Phnom Penh-Cambodia's national police chief Hok Lundy, who is a close friend of Prime Minister Hun Sen, was killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday night while traveling to his home province of Svay Rieng near the Vietnamese border, officials said. A military general and two pilots were also killed in the crash, which occurred in Romduol district, 80 kilometres south east of Phnom Penh.
Officials said the cause of the crash was unknown.
One of Hok Lundy's daughters is married to one of Hun Sen's sons. In 2006 the police chief was denied a visa to enter America amid allegations of involvement in human trafficking.
Officials said the cause of the crash was unknown.
One of Hok Lundy's daughters is married to one of Hun Sen's sons. In 2006 the police chief was denied a visa to enter America amid allegations of involvement in human trafficking.
"Sincere" condolenses?
KI Media team needs to have their heads examined.
Kuoy Pichet
..This guy may have bloods in his hands but I may have served our country aslo. I have sincere condolence for his family.
He executed a lot of people during his lifetime(directly or indirectly)
One less Viet's ally
hamona hamoot
did he ever fall out of favor with any powerful CPP figure before this accident?
The good news for the khmers people!!!
The next is dictator Hun Xen!!!!!
The only bad thing is that I got nothing to do with this!!!
Buble Gum, Buble Gum...
I mean Bab-kamm, Bab-kam,
Samma Samputho!
Ak-nicha vathasankhara uppa vaya thomino...
Kosala Thormea, Akosala Thormea,...
Who's next?
To Kuoy Pichet (2:31 AM),
My friend, you're not right, man, for saying "KI Media team needs to have their heads examined".
I think you either misunderstand the English title or don't get it. Just for your clarification, the use of the word "henchmen" already implies a group/clique/gang/party of bad guys, and thus the title does imply that Hun Sen is also one of gang. Get it?
Hope next time you must read and get it right first before you may want to actually proceed to post your comments.
From KI Reader
Khmer Student Educated in PP & USA
I don’t mean to disrespect the dead, but once again, the Buddha is right. So, don’t just go to temple and pay respect to the monks, but must also listen to what are taught.
If you do good, you will receive good. Also, respect the human life.
I was told, Lundy wasn’t a good person, but that’s just rumors. Hun Sen, now is your chance... Respect the human life.
Yes, yoy're right 2:57 AM. some people are so quick as to jump to conclusions after reading bits and pieces of information in foreign languages. Bur most of the time they don't understand the title, or the content, of the news fully and correctly. And what is sad is that they don't know their posted comments make then look silly and immature because they can't see the whole picture/meaning.
Like this guy by the name Kuoy Pichet, he doesn't know what sarcasm is about since he can't understand the sarcastic title written by KI-Media team.
Hun Sen, a suspect? Mr. Ho Sok can close his eyes now.
Lon Di Hoc made Hun Sen look bad especially after the assassination of Khmer journalist and his son.
Khieu Kannharith is volunteering to be a spokeperson for Lon Di Hoc new office.
Lesson was that nothing in this world is permanent.
So, how do you want to go out, as a hated man, or as someone who made peace with himself knowing he has done all he humanly could for the goods of both himself and others around him?
Heng Pov must have felt a little vindictive now; not to say that he was himself a saint.
That's good..
One bastard is dead.
I think i should give my condolence
to the Hor Sok family.
Hor Sok was killed by this bastard Yuon
at the Ministry of Interior...
What and whom bastard is next ?????
Pay no respect for the BAD !!! get it ?????
Khmer Canadian
Hura,Bravoooo!!The murder died!!!
The next will ?The next will Dictator Hun Xen!!!!
A precaution to other "ong leuhng," better check your limo or helicopter when you ride on it. You might want to turn off that homing/GPS device since God can track your every move.
A lots of Cambodian people are very very happy... and specials for the people are working in minister interior they are very very happy too..... next will be Hun Sen...
Did the helicopter really crash?. or perhaps the CPP high range elite there has enough with their bad boy. You know all of them are very wealthy by now and they want to clean up their images to show to national and international communities. with the rumor I have read lately, this bad boy keeps go around and crew up their plan. Maybe the mechanic checked the helicopter engine really goo before it took off. that what I think.
Chét reuy!
Choy deuk euy, mah ong Hoc chet reuy, ong euy!!!
Tuk min chamnenh...
Dork chenh min khaat!
We need to find out who was (were) around the chopper, and who was (were) the mechanic (s) prior to the crash. We are also probing of the cause of the crash (human error in flight or weather).
Our sincere condolences to the late Gen. Lundy and Gen. Em.
God bless!
Nothing to be happy since he's simply a bad guy amongst thousands. One gone, new one come. It never ends. That's Cambodian curse.
Now Cambodians can RIP.
4:11 AM,
Mr. Hoc was not just "simply a bad guy" he used to control the whole Cambodian nation police force.
Many allegations implicated him with the responsibility of many unresolved crimes against unarmed or innocent people.
The 3-H Gang becomes "One-eye-H Gang".
One at a time!
Slowly, but surely!
One down! Several more to go!!!
God knows who is the next one in line....
Sathu! Sathu ! Sathu !
Ah Roleay Ah Preah Pakra mouk Ah Me Chor, Ah Kheatakor reas Khmers.
Kom Ph'liuch mok yok ah Kh'vang,ahn Keatokor kh'nea ahj Erng, noeung ah s'dec
Chh'ker Sihanouk tov Than Norok phang !!!
It's too bad that the late general will never had the chance to work with the new black leader in the White House.
No one in this world can escape from the God judgement .
Will this help clear the way for the results of the 1997 grenade attack and the recent journalist's murder investigations to come out?
To 4:32 AM.
You are a fucking racist.
It is not the subject but Obama is simply the best.
OMG! Is this real?
I've bet all Cambodian is happy now..
What comes around it will goes around!
Bye you damn killer!
Come on guys..........we have a big drinking session her in France for this bad news.
Just drink for Ah Hok Long Youn´s dead. Halllooooooooooooooooo. Next will be akvak hun sen.
Karma is a final consequence of violent people: what goes around comes around!
Do Cambodians feel a little better today?
How do Cambodians want to celebrate his funeral?
May God bless Cambodia and keep her safe from harm.
Are you sure he's death? The other day I saw Elvis Presly pumping gas at Sokemich's station.....
May he burn in hell, ធ្វើអាក្រក់បានអាក្រក់ ទេព្តាំិតជាមានភ្នែកមែន!
karma caught up with evil man.....now he can see those he killed face to face.....I think they all wait for him....you see he can't even he takes what he stole from the khmer people with him.....Mr. Hun Sen you better change course and step down let others have a go......
4:37 AM
Of course, the next six months, he'll get plenty of tests and challenges of his life, i.e., the Russian and other leaders will undoubtedly test the United States to find out if the black man can run the white man's country.
Do you recall the Cuban-missile crisis? Certainly, there will be a second Cuban-missile crisis, but this time the black man will have to handle the test (if he has the balls).
I admit that as a nation we have gone through a lot of suffering and humiliation in recent history. But I am very proud that Khmers in general have not given up. It is disappointed to see you surrendering your soul and give up the fight.
Sathu, sathu, sathu. One less criminal in Cambodia. Who is next, Hun Sen? I think that this helicopter crash is not an accident. Someone planted the bombs.
Yo, Yo, Yo! Let sing and dance!
The EVIL 4 golden star, the powerful, the cruel police official, the corrupt and the most HATRED man in Cambodia has gone...to the HELL!
It a pity he was not able to bring with him all his WEALTH. Many of his CLOSE FRIENDS wil join him!
With the right people around, he can make rational decisions and face the potential threats. This would happen even if the election results were the other way around. Yes, even a veteran fighter pilot and a hockey mom team would still have to gather the best brains to help them deal with what America has to deal with.
Who give the fucking shit to the black Obama.
We are celebrating the death of Hok Lundy...
son of Hor Sok
This a lesson for the people who work for the YOUN CPP party. When you have no value, it is a time for you disappear from this planet.
If you follow the News recently, a foreign reporter wrote an article saying that Hok Lundy was a man behind killing the Father and Son of a Khmer reporter. Now, it may be the truth came out and the CPP cannot let the world know that the Chief police of Cambodia killed the innocent reporter because he reported that Hok Lundy was gambling and loosing $100,000 at a Casino in Say Rieng and when the regular Cambodian don't even have enough food to eat.
Under the YOUN control party, the new "Hok Lundy" will come to power with the appointed from Hanoi.
Urge all the Khmer who work for the CPP need to wake up and see this as a lesson. When you have no value for your YOUN boss, your life will end up like Heng Pou, Prince Ranarith, and the worse case is like Hok Lundy.
May Buddha bless Cambodia. Our country has been suffering too much because of the invader and colonizer. We need the real INDEPENDENCE for real Khmer to lead our country.
The murder died!!!
Ah me tkeatkar ngob ot kheunh saksob! Chayo, Chayo, Cheyo khmer!
Ngob oy oss tov ah yuon ning khnhom yuon. Khmer ouy yoeung si peuk 7 yub 7 day!
Khmer victims,
I wished him to die three times a day. Now my wish worked. I guess not only I had wished this. Let's do this together on anyone we want him to go like Hok Lundy. Who's next?
When khmer curs them every day, they will.........hahahah Sabay nas veuyyyyyyy ngob me krom ah kbot cheat moy yang oschar!!!.
This is a delightful new for Heng Peou at Prey Sar Prison!
Let swhare our joice! We are not bad people to enjoy the desappearance of this internationally notorious Criminal.
Go to the HELL, AH DOG HOK!
Hok family and friends deserve this event!
If the crash was caused by the weather, it must be the storm called Maysak (named after a khmer tree).
May the storms or lightnings kill more of those bad people in Cambodia.
Khmer USA from Svay Rieng
Him Dead Man!
To all corrupt officials: this thing will happen to you soon or later. You will not be able to bring with you all your weath you have plunded the Country. Only bad reputation which will stay for ever....
MEE Yeay PHOU, CHEY PHan Nom Chhess...Hok family...and friends..you deserve this fate.
I am not ashamed to shout YO.. YO... Yo.... Cambodia has a CRIMINAL less!
Yes, Yes..This is a strong message to criminals and corrupt people!
YO, Yo, Yo...
I pray for his soul to come and take more of his beloved friends and family to be with him, RIP.
What goes around , comes around !!!! ah kwack is NEXT .
Don't keep your hope up too high just yet. This is maybe just the Viet/Yuon's trick to have HOC lay low or dissappear for awhile or maybe operating behind the scene. The Viet's slave Hun Sen cannot survive without the killing machine of HOC.
កាដុមសែប.... តាប៉ុណ្ណេះ បងហ្វូនយួនអាន់អត់ទីពឹងទៀតទេ ចយអ៊ើយ!
Ah Hok Lundi ngob doch khmaoch chhkae, khmean khmer na ke anit aso ah khmaoch tai haong nis te.Som oy proleung ah chhkae aeng tov hav khnee khnea ahaeng ngob tov chea moy phong.
Anh si peuk sabay 7 yub 7 thnai banh choun ahaeng tov nov than norok 7 chorn (7 levels of hell).
Yum mabal rokar dek dak tos aheang kom oy ahaeng chab cheat teat.
Pii anh neak rong kruos.
I am not happy yet but I feel so release.
Ah Pol Pot cheated his death, now ah HOC cheats his too??? Damn...ah HOC may you be rotten in hell for the pains and suffesribgs you have caused the Khmer/Cambodian people!!!
Total satisfaction! A relief that finally justice had been done. I wish he'd died sloooowly in alot of pain though.
Yes, Bab-kamm indeed. Whether he is murdered or a punishment from Buddha it is still a good cause. There's no benefit to the nation to keep nor a wast to loose. There is hope for a change. I encourage all younger generation to be involved keeping Cambodian clean and progress. Hoping to see more people to stand for the next prime ministers or any other ministers positions. Don't let those old time servers keeping the jobs for life.
Good to hear ah Hok Lundi dead in a plane crashed. All Cambodian whishes are like magic! Cambodian mouth are magic! We whished crash it crashed.... and more to come.
I am so glad!
We continue to whish, pray and curse until all the evils gone from Cambodia!
May God bless the Victims!
I prayed many times for him to die. Now my prayers have been answered. One less criminal and blood-sucker in Cambodia-cheyyo!
I pray for Hun Sen to suffer the same fate. I hope my prayer will be answered soon.
I have been parying all my life ah hun sen and gang die from crash, cancer, andso on. Now it seems to come raeal, one by one.
Sin Song
Sin Sen
Hok Long Dy
Hun Sen
Chea sim
Heng Samrin
Kun Kim
Phaen dai la-ar bae chea min chong ruos, Than norok ot phlov bae chea chong tov vinh. Bab kam, bab kam ah nis preah min bros te. Ah ngob tai haong, ah tai sak krom kruo sar ahaeng ning ngob tai haong douch khnae teing oss.
Anh si peuk sabbay penh ti krong Phnom Penh.
When Hok Lundy die, my will celebrate for one week. But when Ah Kvak Hun Sen die, he will celebrate for the rest of his life.
Khmer around the world should be celebrating this very special event.
For decades, millions of men, women and young in Cambodia have been trapped in oppression and
hopelessness. And these conditions left a generation disillusioned, and made Cambodia a breeding ground .
At the height of hypocrisy and irresponsibility, the Royal Government of Cambodia tolerates the presence of and protects the criminals who plan new actions against our people. While maneuvering to hidden the murderers responsible for monstrous crimes, such as the notorious Ah Hok Lundy.
Today the notorious Ah Hok Lundy dead in crashed and millions of Cambodian Celebrating the spite of these acts of aggression and the criminal Ah Hok Lundy Dead.
We whishing the notorious Ah Hok Lundy go to 7 levels of hell. May his sin of these evil acts of aggression and the criminal activities goes to hell with this notorious.
Khmer Victims by him.
My condolences to the families of the two pilots.
May you two live in peace.
God bless!
Oy khnhom sabay chet khlaing dael kheunh bong pa-on khmae mean sach kdey rik reay hoey dak tum neay thaem leu ah kheatakor yuon nis thaem teat. Sabay chet nas, sabay chet nas, sabay chet nas. Ning mean bantor bantoab teat bong pa-on cham meul. Sabay nas, sabay nas. Choun po bong pa-on khmae teang os som aoy ban sok kay sabay chet pi pel nis to tov, hoey som aoy vinhean khan neak dael ban slab daoy snaday ah yuon nis ban chuob sokatik phub.
Som aoy damlay tov leu pilot 2 neak dael ban boek yun hos aoy ah yuon slab tay haong, tuos bey chea mean chetana reu khmean chaetana kdey ko mean chhmuos chea vireak boros dael ban tveu aoy ah tay haong nus vineas bat pi dey khmae.
no huk lang di ,no people killed anymore.
friend of jia vijjia.
មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយ អា ហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង
ព្រោះអាហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!
Just a decoration to the 55th Independence Anniversay. I wish this to be on normal day, cuz there must be more of his cronies on the chopper to go to the casino, and if thing came out perfectly, Hun Xen would be included.
Anyway, Happy Great Independence day!!!
Ánh Hóc Lûng Ðí Cành Bác Tráng Cào Lóng Nhác Nhán Dành Víet Nâm
Let's be civilized, short and sweet about this - May you animal Hok Lundy (or whatever your real name is) be rotten in hell!
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