Monday, January 19, 2009

Hanoi's marching order for Heng Xamrin: Teach Khmer youths to worship suffocating Vietnamese friendship and worthless one-way cooperation

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong (right) welcomes Cambodian National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin. — VNA/VNS Photo Tri Dung

‘Cambodia’s friendship priceless,’ NA leader


VNS (Hanoi)

HA NOI — National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong said that it had always been Viet Nam’s policy to develop friendship and multi-faceted co-operation with Cambodia at a meeting yesterday with Cambodian National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin.

Viet Nam had always considered its traditional friendship with Cambodia as priceless for both nations, he said.

Trong said the two sides should educate people, especially the young, to continue preserving this traditional friendship and co-operation.

He said that Vietnamese people, being a close friend and neighbour of Cambodia, were happy to see the great achievements of Cambodian people in recent years.

"Viet Nam has always supported the Cambodian Government’s policies for the country’s development, the happiness of the Cambodian people, and peace and stability in the region," he said.

He said the two legislative bodies should take more practical measures to boost relations with each other.

Trong praised the two National Assemblies for ratifying an additional pact for the Border Demarcation Agreement between Viet Nam and Cambodia.

Trong also expressed thanks for the support that Cambodian people had given to Viet Nam in recent times. He thanked the Cambodian National Assembly and Government for creating favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community living in Cambodia, and for helping Viet Nam to find the remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers who died in Cambodia.

Cambodian NA Chairman Heng Samrin expressed his appreciation for strong co-operation between the two NAs, and said he believed that the two would continue to boost relations between the two countries.

Heng Samrin said he was happy to see co-operation between the two nations expanding in so many aspects.

He affirmed that the Cambodian National Assembly and people supported the development of co-operation with Viet Nam.

He said Cambodia was determined to complete border demarcation with Viet Nam by early 2012.

On behalf of the Cambodian National Assembly and the people of Cambodia, Heng Samrin expressed his gratitude for the great support that the Party, Government and people of Viet Nam gave to Cambodia, especially in helping the Cambodian people to escape the Pol Pot genocidal regime.

He gave special thanks to the Vietnamese volunteer soldiers who died for international duties in Cambodia, and their families.

Warm welcome

Later yesterday, Heng Samrin was received by Viet Nam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

He briefed Dung about the results of his meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Phu Trong, saying it would boost bilateral ties.

Dung also spoke of the significance of Heng Samrin’s visit and congratulated Cambodians on achievements in socio-economic development, especially evident in the higher living standard of Cambodian people, the strengthened partnership that Cambodia had built with neighbouring countries and Cambodia’s stronger stance in the international arena. Dung said the legislative co-operation between the two National Assemblies had created a firm foundation for potential bonds in many areas. He said this would benefit both countries.

The PM took the opportunity to send his best wishes to Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and other Cambodian leaders.


Anonymous said...

Ah S'va Heng Samrin,

Ah Erng Lourk srok oy Ah Chor yuon Hoeuy, Ah Chh'kaer Kanh cheas Hue!!!

All khmer youths have been sent to Hanoi to be brain washed , and endoctrinated to cooperate in forming the Viet Indochina Federation in the near future.

Who will benefit from this process of Vietnamisation of Cambodia, Khmer people or Viet invaders ???

Continue to sleep and enjoy the fake Viet Development in Cambodia, and more and more Viet illegal immigrants are flocking everyday to resettling freely in Cambodia.

And Ah S'dec Trasak Pha'our is doing ??? to save khmer as Nation and Country ?? Instead the royal family is reigning in the perimeter of Royal Palace, dancing, singing, enjoying the Vietnamisation.

Khmer oberseas.

Anonymous said...

IF youns truely is friend to cambodia. They would have returned the southern part of cambodia " khmer krom " to the original owner.

The thief youns say they are friend to us.

Anonymous said...

Our Khmer Patriotics:

No matter what had happened to the nation and its’ people in the past and in the present, it’s exclusively our Khmer’s to blame or responsible. We have to learn, not to point finger at the outsider or involvements of the foreigners when we sit back and think about it.

We need to learn how to come around and live up to the 21st century and pledge to save the people and the country from further degradation.

God bless Cambodia and its’ people.

Anonymous said...

Maybe next year, 2010, Hun Xen government will introduce a very new and surprising language to Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Vietnamese Language!!
It's easy and important for Exchange Student Program.

Damn!! That's fucking good, isn't it?
Nis kerchea komnit do laor roboss Ah choy ma'ray Hun Xen.

Anonymous said...

The mind of the Vietnamese hasn't changed for the past 2000 years. They have been, and will be, our traditional enemy.

Expansionism is in their blood. "All" Khmers know this.

But in such a difficult circumstance the Khmers are walking carefully.

Be patient and we'll be there. And meanwhile we shall remain united, and be cautious with our criticism.


Anonymous said...

Heng Samrin say only one word: YES

Anonymous said...

No one should mention Heng Samrin, Hun Sen, or any other alike and mention Kampuchea Krom or Khmer Krom in the same sentence. They don't even know Khmer exist in Vietnam, that's how far up their head is in Uncle Ho's ass!

Anonymous said...

Ah Monkey Heng Xamrin can say:Yes and No!!!!!Hanoi's Pupet!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing to discribe about ah Hunsen Khmer body but Yuan brain.He has only one eye.One left eye he uses to look after his bribe property and Hanoi's pupet power.When his power is gone.We all Khmer will together shit on him.Ah choy ma'ray Hun Xen give up to the ghost soon!!!!