Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cambodian court sentences Michigan man to 13 years on charges of sexually abusing girl

Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Seattle Times (Washington, USA)

A Michigan man was sentenced Thursday to 13 years in prison on charges of sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl, a Cambodian court official said.

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — A Michigan man was sentenced Thursday to 13 years in prison on charges of sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl, a Cambodian court official said.

Jason Todd Bambauch, 40, also was ordered to pay 20 million riel ($5,000) as compensation to the girl's family, Judge Chan Madina said.

Bambauch, a designer whose hometown was not immediately known, was arrested last September. Police charged he had sexual relations with the girl for more than a year, paying her $100 a month for her school fees as well as other money.

Bambauch's lawyer, Chap Keo, said his client never had sex with the girl and that her parents promised that he could marry her when she turned 18. The lawyer said Bambauch would appeal the verdict.

Lax law enforcement and poverty have made Cambodia a prime destination for foreigners seeking sex with minors. But police recently have stepped up efforts to fight the crime, and several foreigners are serving lengthy prison terms.


Anonymous said...

Please vote for Ah Scam Rainxy if you like your children raped by his westerner friends.

Anonymous said...

Hmm ... 20,000 usd is not a fair price for a little shack in the slum, but 5,000 usd is a fair price for raping children.

Sounds like it paid to vote for Ah Scam Rainxy.

Anonymous said...

good, if this is happen in the USA, cambodia ought to have the same law to punish bad people for rape children, or abuse their spouse and so on. maybe we can adopt some good law from america to cambodia so cambodia can learn as it seem to be so lack of new ideas or new concept at the present, or is there? good point to post it here!

Anonymous said...

I say chop of his dick and let him become her for good!

Anonymous said...

In the US, the perpetrator will be released to rape more children. Lot of pedophile is roaming all over the US right now, and children is not very safe.

Anonymous said...

I finally discover why 1:05 and 1:09 always blame and write Ah Scam Rainsy: it is he is confused about the guy in the power: he thinks that Hun Sen is Sam Rainsy: no no dear 1:05 the prime minister name is Hun Sen and not Scam Rainsy. Stop fucking your dog ass and your brain will work better! Believe me!

Anonymous said...

FUCK OFF you white bread chicken shit! How the fuck does a 40 year-old shit want to marry an 18 year-old girl? You sick fuck!

Anonymous said...

He used to hang around in a bar called the Pickled Parrot on Street 104. Expats say that they thought this dude was a fruit cos he was NEVER seen taking hos. His best buddy was a reporter from the Phnom Penh Post called Tracey Shelton. Those guys from the Pocket Guide (Dean Lennox etc) were also on his Facebook Site as friends.

Anonymous said...

LoL. The Pickled Pedo.