Thursday, March 26, 2009

Khmer Intelligence News - 25 March 2009

25 March 2009

King Sihamoni discreetly left Cambodia (2)

King Norodom Sihamoni very discreetly left Cambodia earlier this week for China and/or France.

Retired King Sihanouk not to testify before Khmer Rouge Tribunal (2)

A compelling reason for Retired King Norodom Sihanouk not to return from China to Cambodia is related to the fact that the Cambodian government doesn't want him to testify before the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh. Many people want to see this embarrassing tribunal disbanded as soon as possible by creating as many (political, procedural, judicial, administrative, financial) problems as possible.

Reasons for looming instability (2)

Among the reasons for the London-based Economist Intelligence Unit to include Cambodia among the world's most politically risky countries in the face of the global economic crisis are: systemic land grabbing possibly leading to a land revolution in this predominantly agricultural country, unparalleled social injustices as reflected by the increasing gap between the privileged few and the vast majority of the population who live in dire poverty, unprecedented corruption destroying the nation's social fabric (Cambodia is also ranked among the world's most corrupt countries), government's unwillingness or inability to tackle the economic and financial crisis without undermining the very foundations of the regime.

Ke Kim Yan was rehabilitated thanks to Vietnam (2)

Leaders of the Vietnamese Communist Party have recently intervened in favor of disgraced former army chief Ke Kim Yan, who finally avoided prosecution for alleged involvement in illegal land deals and was appointed as Hun Sen's 10th deputy prime minister. Vietnam wants to secure political stability in Cambodia by preventing dangerous power struggle within the CPP leadership.

Foreign currency reserves evaporating (2)

The National Bank of Cambodia has seen its foreign currency reserves evaporate. NBC Governor Chea Chanto indicated at a recent Council of Ministers meeting that the country is seriously suffering from a rapidly deteriorating current account balance (sharp drop in exports and tourism) and capital outflows (reversal of foreign investment inflows). Taking also into account fiscal revenue shortfalls and subsequent budgetary problems, the government will be unable to meet its obligations in the next few months. See “Sharp drop in customs revenue” and “State budget for 2009 in jeopardy” (KI News, 11 March 2009).
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11 March 2009

Sharp drop in customs revenue (2)

In the 2008 state budget, the Customs Department accounted for over 60 percent of all tax revenue, which is a relatively high figure in the region. For 2009, it should collect US$585 million, a figure that now looks impossible to achieve given the ongoing economic slowdown.

For the first two months of 2009, customs revenue reached only US$64 million compared to US$86 million for the same period last year, which represents a 25 percent drop [adjusted for the collection of a US$7 million duty pertaining to 2008].

State budget for 2009 in jeopardy (2)

The government will soon be obliged to revise downward the state budget for 2009 that was adopted last December because it is unable to collect the projected revenue. See above news “Sharp drop in customs revenue” while knowing that the fall in revenue also holds for other sources of income. The projected 2009 budget amounts to US$1.75 billion compared to US$1.37 billion for the 2008 budget, representing a 28 percent increase. This 28 percent increase will likely evaporate and be replaced by a decrease instead. Cambodia is facing the world economic crisis with a collapsing budget, let alone a strong budget with an appropriate economic stimulus package.


Anonymous said...

Who care about AH SDACH ACH TING MONG! He's A DUMMY anyway! What else he can do besides RUN TO PAPA AND MAMA! Never grow Up! They are all Hun sen's Toys!

Anonymous said...

Who care about AH SDACH ACH TING MONG! He's A DUMMY anyway! What else he can do besides RUN TO PAPA AND MAMA! Never grow Up! They are all Hun sen's Toys!

Anonymous said...

ECCC must bring the Khmer murderer's leader, N.Sihanouk, to testify for his involvement in the Crime Against Humanity, otherwise no JUSTICE will be made for the KHmers, victime of the Crime committed by him and Viet Invaders of Cambodia, the K-5 massacre of about half million khmers for their Bamboo Walls.

Anonymous said...

No money to pay people? what ta hell does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Sihamoni and Sihanouk---like father like son--come and go as they're pleased. They're all Hun Sen's puppets. They can't do anything. Sihanouk can only blame the Republican regime under Mr. Lon Nol because he lost his job, or didn't he?

What's s waste of tax money to have a disabled monarchy under the current Cryptocracy of Hun Sen.

Democracy, Monarchy and Cryptocracy have nothing alike.

Anonymous said...

In his lifetime, Sihanouk reportedly has had several wives and concubines, producing at least fourteen children in a period of eleven years. According to Time (30 June 1956), however, his only legal wives have been Princess Samdech Norleak (married 1955) and Paule Monique Izzi (married 1955), who is a granddaughter of HRH Prince Norodom Duongchak of Cambodia and the younger daughter of Pomme Peang and her second husband, Jean-François Izzi, a banker. A profile of Sihanouk in The New York Times (4 June 1993, page A8) stated that the King met Monique Izzi in 1951, when he awarded her a prize in a beauty pageant.

According to Royal Ark's genealogy of the Cambodian royal family, however, Sihanouk has been married seven times, his consorts being:[1]

(1) Neak Moneang Phat Kanhol (1920-1969, a member of the Royal Cambodian Ballet; married 1942, later divorced)

HRH Samdech Preah Ream Bopha Devi (1943-)
HRH Samdech Preah Krom Norodom Ranariddh (1944-)
(2) HRH Princess Sisowath Pongsanmoni (1929-1974; married 1942, divorced 1951)

HRH Samdech Borom Reamea Norodom Yuvaneath (1943-)
HRH Samdech Norodom Racvivong Sihanouk (1944-1973)
Samdech Preah Mohesarra Norodom Chakrapong (1945-)
HRH Samdech Princess Norodom Sorya Roeungsay (1947-1976)
HRH Princess Norodom Kantha Bopha (1948-1952)
HRH Samdech Norodom Khemanourak Sihanouk (1949-1975)
HRH Samdech Princess Norodom Botum Bopha (1951-1976)
(3) Anak Munang Thach (married 1943)

(4) HRH Princess Sisowath Monikessan (née HRH Princess Sisowath Naralaksha Munikesara, 1929-1946; married 1944)

HRH Samdech Norodom Naradipo (1946-1976)
(5) HRH Princess Samdech Preah Reach Kanitha Norodom Norleak (née Princess Devisa Naralakshmi, born 1927; married 1946 and "more formally" on 4 March 1955)

(6) Mam Manivan Phanivong (née Mam Munivarni Barni Varman, 1934-1975; married 1949)

HRH Princess Norodom Socheatha Sujata (1953-1975)
HRH Samdech Preah Anoch Norodom Arunrasmy (1955-)
(7) HM Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk (née Paule Monique Izzi, born 18 June 1936; married 12 April 1952 and "more formally" on 5 March 1955)

HM King Norodom Sihamoni (1953-)
HRH Samdech Norodom Narindrapong (1954-2003)

His alimony for child support paid by Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

We pay him ( them ) to have the stability and respectability of Cambodia in the place of the world.

Anonymous said...

Only one poster 9:36AM is civilized person the rest are barbaric Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Concerning Ke Kim Yan, maybe it's true that Vietnam had interviened to save his face, because in the year 1980's It was the Vietnameses who trained KKY and promoted him as a high ranking Military officer, more higher than others former KR officers close to Hun Sen such as Pol Saroeun and Kun Kim......

Anonymous said...

King Sihanouk did not call for
K-5. That's a fake voice created by the Vietnamese.
I am too tired with this fucking fake trial cost hundred million of US dollars while economic is in recession and about to go to depression.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of our Khmer Kings. The poorest monarchy and the most humble ones. God bless the Khmer Monarchy.

Anonymous said...

Beyond Sihanouk and Hun sen, what would Cambodia be liked?

Another King or Queen from Sisowath's side? or having Cambodia under President Sam Rainsey? For example: Both King ( S&S ) are to be removed by the court thru KR's trail and how can Cambodia get thru this mess? Ms. Chea Leang had mentioned many times that Cambodia will risk the civil war by removing the current system? Is she bulls......? Will the UN jump in to help, if it does? and who is she refering to? war with whom? This is a UN's tribunal Madam. Khmer needs to know all these and beyond. Please ask yourself when you go to sleep tonight.

Anonymous said...

8: 15 Please stop using such untasful language to the King. You gain nothing by doing that.

Anonymous said...

KI News, are you sure you use the right term "discretely"? Perhaps you mean "discreetly".

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Discretely is grammatically correct word.

Anonymous said...

This person 8:15 AM whoever it is, it is from a low class dysfunctional family.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is usually what happens to the third world countries which are ruled by dictators. Some followers are brainwashed by their leaders.So they would sacrifice everything for them. This can be good but most of the times dangerous.

In a democray, it's different. People learn to voice their opinions and seek justice for humanity.

In the Cambodian history, it's obvious enough to recognize that many people have been victimized by their leaders. For this reason, the Khmers have plenty of reasons to feel resentful of their leaders.

Anonymous said...


You are super right. I am supporting your idea. We should do something to educate Khmer leaders to change their attitude. It not that, Cambodian people and their elites will be harshly facing each other. And our nation will never experience true peace.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This person 8:15 AM whoever it is, it is from a low class dysfunctional family.

10:46 AM

I like to response to you, whoever you are---may it be a king or a pauper.

I'm not supposed to judge an opinion. However, your common is not an opinion, it's an insult unless you are Sihanouk, Sihamoni or a royal relative.

My comment was an opinion. Therefore, it's not suject to be judgemental.

OK, let get to the business.

First, you are right. I am a former country boy and I'm from the dysfunctional family because I don't have any family left.

Second, I don't think I'm a dysfunctional person, I'm just the survivor of Khmer Rouge and their related criminals before them.

Third, I hope you belong to a functional family where every all members are successful.

I hope to get a response from the royal family because my message was directed to them. However, I would welcome your feedback but not an insult because you are, I hope, not a royal family member.

P.S. I have every reason to dislike the monarchy beacuse of the past history that caused many Khmer lives.

Anonymous said...

The bigger threat is Vietnamese already bought those high ranking people.

I met some who work for Global witness report, they're born in Vietnam, and they speak fluently Khmers. They entered Cambodia with Khmer ID's and most of them married to some general daughters. Many of those generals like KKY were given big houses and servants in Vietnam. (Not a joke. I met some of them).
I have kept telling our people to stop listening the Vietnamese propaganda. In this long twilight struggle, we get to stop slashing each other throats.

Anonymous said...

I would like to recall 11:34 AM. I responded to the wrong poster. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

How smart our Khmer brothers. Did we all know the Cambodian Constitution. Are we all the real Khmer citizen ?

Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, I'm in the midst of spring cleaning, and I'd like the Cambodian government do the same.

--I am nobody

Anonymous said...

That's why you need your brother Khmen/Thai from Thailand to come in and liberate you out of YOUN's hand.

We already aiming our missile to Toul Krasaing or Tang Krasang.

We we want to see Khmer rule by themselves.

We Khmen/Thai will come in soon and liberate you.

We also suggested to change Phnom Pehn to Khao Penh.


Anonymous said...

King Sihanouk should bring to questioning! 2.2millions souls still wanted to hear what this king has to say! They wanted their justice too....

Anonymous said...

The King wants to testify but The Vietnamese Khmer Rouge in power won't allow him.

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Majesty Samdech Ta former King Norodom Sihanouk,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.
What we need is prevention methods, not to let this type of accident happen again in the future.

It also makes me very worried to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or be produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ and other types of DRUGS from Thailand and Vietnam?

Can His Majesty Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sorts of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not be related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now on to the future, in the names sake of true Khmer citizen.

Can Samdech Hun Sen kindly ask all 5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants to peacefully return to Vietnam, so Koh Pich will not be too crowded more and more every day, every month and every year to come.
All Vietnamese illegal immigrants can easily come in and settle inside Cambodia even though they already have their own country Vietnam.

When Cambodia is too crowded, definitely we Khmer people can not go to settle inside Vietnam, can we?
Please Vietnamese, you said you came to rescue us from Pol Pot, and you don’t want to return home, it is not right according to 23rd October 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, can all of you go back to your country now.

Vietnamese illegal immigrants, you see because 5 million of you are inside Cambodia, it makes us too crowded and we wasted our lives at Koh Pich without good reasons.

Your Vietnamese Communism expansionist mind in Cambodia, is to give an excuse to China mainland to occupy your Spratly Islands, Parcel Islands, the whole of your Eastern sea border and perhaps the Northern border sooner or later.

5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia, please go back home to defend your country from Chinese mighty economic invasion.

May I pray to God and the Lord Jesus Christ that those who have lost loved one will be comforted.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)