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Ah Ta Yim Guechsè. Mit seinem unbrauchbaren PhD in der Literatur, sind dieser alte Mann und seine radikale Gruppe nichts aber radikale Gangster.
Stumme Leute studieren Literatur und Soziologie, aber intelligente Leute studieren, um Astronaut zu sein Ingenieure oder zu sein. Guechse und seine radikale Gruppe sind nicht zu uns neues Erzeugung wichtig.
If we look for Khmer role models definitely not these old people like Ta Yim Guechse, Ta Hin Sithan and their faillure team. In time like this did we see these old fart help us to get ahead in education? These old fart stood have been standing on the same bitch route and telling us to fight to remember everything.
We youngs are on our own and don't expect to see these old afrts have a bright idea to encourage us to that knowledge is power, not knowledge like them can do no good.
Did you ever see these old fart teach us "kids go and learn to make airplanes so we can fly or go learn to make submarine so we can float?" Hell NO.
All they can do is hate poem, making us to hate our own people.
Can't look up to them for a hope. And Ta Guechse's degree can't even mop the floor.
If we look for Khmer role models definitely not these old people like Ta Yim Guechse, Ta Hin Sithan and their faillure team. In time like this did we see these old fart help us to get ahead in education? These old fart have been standing on the same bitch route and telling us to fight to remember everything.
We youngs are on our own and don't expect to see these old farts have a bright idea to encourage us that knowledge is power, not knowledge like them can do no good.
Did you ever see these old fart teach us "kids go and learn to make airplanes so we can fly or go learn to make submarine so we can float?" Hell NO.
All they can do is hate poem, making us to hate our own people.
Can't look up to them for a hope. And Ta Guechse's degree can't even mop the floor.
These old school like Yim Guechse and his idiot little team failed themselves not only Cambodia, but they blamed others.
Are you kidding these barward people will advise and encourage us to learn how to make Navy Ship or air Jets so we can invade Thailand and Vietnam or Loas at least?
They cannot because they are the dumbest. Look at Ta Yim Guechse. His PhD of Literature is nothing but garbage -corrupt degree just the same as Ta Keng Vansak.
check out the people of our Varaman Kings.
38% of doctors in USA are Indians. 12% scientists in USA are Indians. 36% of NASA scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians. 28% of IBM employees are Indians. 17% of INTEL scientists are Indians. 13% of XEROX employees are Indians.
Where are we Khmers? Following the shit poems of Ta Yim Guechse and his blockheads?
Youn have a mighty army preparing to receive China new invasion from the Sea. We cannot beat them since they made themselves Khmers and live among us. Buddhist monks in Cambodia many are also Youn sleeping army. I hope to be someday a Khmer Kamikaze to visit Hanoi.
These old fart are dumb and how can they know what does FREE mean? To free ourselves we have to make our enemy suffer. They have a mighty army yes Kamikaze is not a bad idea.
It was their metaphors 12:21PM. They said the old school knew only how to write a poetry and blaming others, but they are not wise to lead the young generation to be competitive people to survive in this real high develop world. The problems about these old school that they are close minded arrogant people and they cannot understand how they can pass beyond what they used to be. Someone posted about the people of Varaman Kings can be a clue to these old school to understand that these young generation already knew that Khmers cannot go far besides poems. Knowledge is power that's what the new generation understand.
check out the people of our Varaman Kings.
38% of doctors in USA are Indians. 12% scientists in USA are Indians. 36% of NASA scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians. 28% of IBM employees are Indians. 17% of INTEL scientists are Indians. 13% of XEROX employees are Indians.
These old school like Yim Guechse, Hin Sithan and his radical group are the living proof of Khmer failure. They told us they knew everythings. They saw somethings but they did not know the source of the things they saw. These bastard old school want to kill our King a friend of China for ah Youn? The more you know about the foreign invaders and foreign politicians playing roles upon Cambodia, I just want to become a Kamikaze.
Guechse radical group are stupid and hypocrite. Khmers inside are stupid under Youn control, Khmers outside like Guechse radical group listen to ah Youn spy Ly Ngoc Dinh.Diep.Yiep. They called Ly Yiep Bong.Lok.Om Ly Diep. little that they know, Ly Yiep is not Khmer Krom but a Youn.
First Youn generation spies kept their real names, but new generation Youn spies have Khmer names and speak fluently Khmers like the Youn Ambassador in Phnom Penh before they enter Cambodia to become Khmers. How can Khmer deny them if all the records of Khmers were burned since day ONE by Youn angka Leu.
Yep we can become Kamakazes and let the WWIII of the third anti_Christ be fulfilled.
"Tears, cries and laments, howls, terror. Inhuman heart, cruel, black and making one shudder with fear. Blood to be shed, hunger for bread and cheese, to none mercey." Qutrain 6-81
I knew Om Guechse. He has a PhD in Literature and how can we expect him to preach us youngs how to survive in this real world? If he has a PhD in technology discipline he may know how. Like somebody said, his degree cannot mop the floor in any country.
Om Yim Guechse and Lok Ta Keng Vansak are the same.
Sein Grad wird ein unbrauchbarer Grad benannt. Alles, das er tun kann, schreibt ein dummes Gedicht.
The people of our Varaman Kings are genius Indians. How about the people of Varaman Kinsg ruled over that caled Khmers? 1-Ta Yim Guechse a poem writer degree in Literature. 2- Ta Keng Vansak, a philosopher stole the model of typewriter from the west. 3-Ta Hin Sithan, earns big bug (he bragged) from playing computer keyboard without going to computer engineering school. A disciple of Ong Ya Ly Ngoc Dinh. His mission is to kill King Sihanouk cutting off the road to China.
-Heng Samrae, Hun Scum and Chea Sin are all having PhD from Hanoi. They are Youn's disciples.
Some people just happen to have a problem when seeing other people happy. They cann't stand it.
They can't handle the truth.
(So bitter!)
what uuuu have done for cambodia....just bo shit...
Ah Ta Yim Guechsè. Mit seinem unbrauchbaren PhD in der Literatur, sind dieser alte Mann und seine radikale Gruppe nichts aber radikale Gangster.
Stumme Leute studieren Literatur und Soziologie, aber intelligente Leute studieren, um Astronaut zu sein Ingenieure oder zu sein. Guechse und seine radikale Gruppe sind nicht zu uns neues Erzeugung wichtig.
What the hell is this language?
Och chamkeang protip
Prolut changkeang mainsong
Pochentong 7 Kilo
Chih siclo ott luy.
Chih kantumruy ott slap
tver bat ban bun
tirk chumnun psar tmey
Born srey boeng snoh. (tor)
This white Asian Yim Guechse had his own dream.
Heeheehee 210pm
here we go...
Dak Yihoh Hun Sen
Tea samnaen Sok An
Ke Kim Yan leung Bunn
Chheu tngon Chea Sim.
This is very truly in the end
of his consequence .
But like his song sound like
a frog .
If we look for Khmer role models definitely not these old people like Ta Yim Guechse, Ta Hin Sithan and their faillure team.
In time like this did we see these old fart help us to get ahead in education? These old fart stood have been standing on the same bitch route and telling us to fight to remember everything.
We youngs are on our own and don't expect to see these old afrts have a bright idea to encourage us to that knowledge is power, not knowledge like them can do no good.
Did you ever see these old fart teach us "kids go and learn to make airplanes so we can fly or go learn to make submarine so we can float?" Hell NO.
All they can do is hate poem, making us to hate our own people.
Can't look up to them for a hope. And Ta Guechse's degree can't even mop the floor.
Hope these old farts go soon to Nursing homes.
If we look for Khmer role models definitely not these old people like Ta Yim Guechse, Ta Hin Sithan and their faillure team.
In time like this did we see these old fart help us to get ahead in education? These old fart have been standing on the same bitch route and telling us to fight to remember everything.
We youngs are on our own and don't expect to see these old farts have a bright idea to encourage us that knowledge is power, not knowledge like them can do no good.
Did you ever see these old fart teach us "kids go and learn to make airplanes so we can fly or go learn to make submarine so we can float?" Hell NO.
All they can do is hate poem, making us to hate our own people.
Can't look up to them for a hope. And Ta Guechse's degree can't even mop the floor.
Hope these old farts go soon to Nursing homes.
These old school like Yim Guechse and his idiot little team failed themselves not only Cambodia, but they blamed others.
Are you kidding these barward people will advise and encourage us to learn how to make Navy Ship or air Jets so we can invade Thailand and Vietnam or Loas at least?
They cannot because they are the dumbest. Look at Ta Yim Guechse. His PhD of Literature is nothing but garbage -corrupt degree just the same as Ta Keng Vansak.
check out the people of our Varaman Kings.
38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
12% scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are Indians.
Where are we Khmers? Following the shit poems of Ta Yim Guechse and his blockheads?
backward people. correction.
I have NO Respect for these old school like Hin Sithan, Yim Guechse and his idiot group.
These people are far behind the wheel of this develop world.
Wake up kids!
And open your eyes!
Yuons are in your homeland!
The future is yours!
(From one of old Khmers)
Yeah, wake up and open your eyes real big to find the truth.
You do not need to believe what Yim Guechse (or other people)says.
We already KNEW Youn are in Cambodia. We already KNEW Youn made themselves Khmers after Youn Killed Khmers and burned all the records.
We already KNEW Youn promoted so many High Ranking with many stars just to keep them from resisting.
You need new peoms how to encourage us to learn how to fly and flaot like the guys said, so we can do something more productive.
Well said Free Spy. They told us to wake up to open big eyes, but they didn't tell us go kids learn to build war plane or war ship to hijack the Youn.
Youn have a mighty army preparing to receive China new invasion from the Sea. We cannot beat them since they made themselves Khmers and live among us. Buddhist monks in Cambodia many are also Youn sleeping army. I hope to be someday a Khmer Kamikaze to visit Hanoi.
These old fart are dumb and how can they know what does FREE mean?
To free ourselves we have to make our enemy suffer.
They have a mighty army yes Kamikaze is not a bad idea.
You want to build Planes?!
Ask Buth Savong.
It was their metaphors 12:21PM. They said the old school knew only how to write a poetry and blaming others, but they are not wise to lead the young generation to be competitive people to survive in this real high develop world.
The problems about these old school that they are close minded arrogant people and they cannot understand how they can pass beyond what they used to be.
Someone posted about the people of Varaman Kings can be a clue to these old school to understand that these young generation already knew that Khmers cannot go far besides poems. Knowledge is power that's what the new generation understand.
check out the people of our Varaman Kings.
38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
12% scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are Indians.
These old school like Yim Guechse, Hin Sithan and his radical group are the living proof of Khmer failure. They told us they knew everythings. They saw somethings but they did not know the source of the things they saw.
These bastard old school want to kill our King a friend of China for ah Youn? The more you know about the foreign invaders and foreign politicians playing roles upon Cambodia, I just want to become a Kamikaze.
Guechse radical group are stupid and hypocrite. Khmers inside are stupid under Youn control, Khmers outside like Guechse radical group listen to ah Youn spy Ly Ngoc Dinh.Diep.Yiep. They called Ly Yiep Bong.Lok.Om Ly Diep. little that they know, Ly Yiep is not Khmer Krom but a Youn.
First Youn generation spies kept their real names, but new generation Youn spies have Khmer names and speak fluently Khmers like the Youn Ambassador in Phnom Penh before they enter Cambodia to become Khmers. How can Khmer deny them if all the records of Khmers were burned since day ONE by Youn angka Leu.
Yep we can become Kamakazes and let the WWIII of the third anti_Christ be fulfilled.
"Tears, cries and laments, howls, terror. Inhuman heart, cruel, black and making one shudder with fear. Blood to be shed, hunger for bread and cheese, to none mercey." Qutrain 6-81
I knew Om Guechse. He has a PhD in Literature and how can we expect him to preach us youngs how to survive in this real world?
If he has a PhD in technology discipline he may know how.
Like somebody said, his degree cannot mop the floor in any country.
Om Yim Guechse and Lok Ta Keng Vansak are the same.
Sein Grad wird ein unbrauchbarer Grad benannt. Alles, das er tun kann, schreibt ein dummes Gedicht.
Wow, interesting post, 10:14 PM.
The people of our Varaman Kings are genius Indians. How about the people of Varaman Kinsg ruled over that caled Khmers?
1-Ta Yim Guechse a poem writer degree in Literature.
2- Ta Keng Vansak, a philosopher stole the model of typewriter from the west.
3-Ta Hin Sithan, earns big bug (he bragged) from playing computer keyboard without going to computer engineering school. A disciple of Ong Ya Ly Ngoc Dinh. His mission is to kill King Sihanouk cutting off the road to China.
-Heng Samrae, Hun Scum and Chea Sin are all having PhD from Hanoi. They are Youn's disciples.
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