Saturday, May 09, 2009

Celebration of Cambodian Red Cross ... or is it "Red-Cambodian" Cross?

A beaming Hun Sen and Bun Rany, his red-clad wife, receive a $10,000 red check from Red Communist China ambassador to Cambodia on 08 May 2009 (Photo: dap-news)


500reil toilet said...

Bun Rany wear any more make up, cambodian will start to think she's becoming white like Mike.

Anonymous said...

no it is red cross cambodia

Anonymous said...

The most fearsome couple of the planet of Cambodia.By the way,the first lady is so cute,she look more like Chinese doll.

Anonymous said...

hey, hey, who cares about the look; it's the beauty both inside and outside that counts. don't hate just because she and her family is beautiful. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:49AM!
Did you say ;" only the inside that count".Well,did you include the bad breath?.

Anonymous said...

hey, you have bad breath too (your shit stinks, too that is!) anyway, that's why toothbrush and toothpaste were invented for; use them, please! same with after eating, always brush your teeth. common, be smart, all common sense' you know. smart alec!

Anonymous said...

wowe are the Hun play HI too?

Chine HI!!!!! chong Chang chong chang.

Anonymous said...

ok bro/sis or whatever.Where are you ?.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian Town
Long Beach,Ca

Only Samdech Deycho can receive larger amount of monies from foreign friends donation.
Can SRP brain lobsters leader receive donation monies to help people?

New Phally

Anonymous said...

What a dumb ass, 2:32am!!! Is he really that stupid to even pose that dumb question???

Anonymous said...

i know, it help to have influential and recognizable gov't representative to get such large funds from foreign donor, hello. wake up people. you got to be legitimate gov't to get funds like this. go figure. i told you, some people are just political activists, and they are not recognized by the many world countries like the present gov't. i'm telling you; you got to be legitimate. so stop whining already. the entire world had already recognized gov't. think about it. a renegade or maverick are not legitimate gov't, ok. thank you. stop making trouble for a change. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

remember the khmer saying: "ches aeng kraeng kae!" mutual respect helps, you know. thank you.

Anonymous said...

To all the dumb asses: the Chinese, the Americans, the Viets, the donors (investors), do not give a fuck about legitimacy. They know they can benefit from this "strong man" (neak maen) at this point in time, so they will prop him up until such time when he or his country is no longer useful to them, then shit will happen. Stop being fuckin' naive!!!

Anonymous said...

to 2:41 AM,

God bless cambodia and her people, and damn the crook and the ass-kissers!

Anonymous said...

When you make bad and negatif immage of China, you will have difficult time to be the governmment of Cambodia. People must learn how to write and how to say in good diplomatic manner with foreign countries. China and Viet has been ennemy for many centuries, but they trie to speak to each with good diplomatic manner. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

3:23 AM,

It is not about China, US, or Viet; they are regional or global powers that Cambodia has to work with to survive. And, I don't have any doubt that current Cambodian leaders/government do know what they have to do to receive reciprocal advantages from these powers. So far, Hun Sen has done a better job than that of any recent leaders Cambodia has had. He still has a lot to do to smooth the rough edges, and he could actually work smartly to tap the energy from the opposition rather than being at "war" all the times.

But, when one sees a dumb and nonsense question like the one that was posed above by that New Phally person,one feels the need to respond in kind.

Anonymous said...

The one who has shrimp brains is you, and no one else. You are worse than dandruffed dog. I value Hun Sen as the dog, the dog of Vietnam, and you are Hun Sen's dog, being hired at the cost of one dried bone per day. If you want to bark in America or Long Beach for Hun Sen, you should learn to write English better. Your comments will become more effective if they are easily understood by most readers; otherwise, they are useless and pus they clearly prove that you are just a dumb fool trying to show off . . . I sometimes do not understand what you want to say. Living in America, why don't you learn to be more decent and educated, but I don't mind you much as once in a while I realize that you've been brainwshed by Hun Sen. Hun Sen implanted dog's brains in your brain sockets, that's why you open you mouth to bark the stupidity, showing your characteristic as dandruffed dog!.

Anonymous said...

The couple consists of one wild bitch and one blind mad dog. They are both criminals, committing a lot of crimes in their lives. They will be brought to justice in the future, just like those KR leaders. It won't be long.

Anonymous said...

Ah! What a beautiful pic of Neak Minh Hierk and Lauk Pou Hierk Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

Mi Chumteav hen'horch klorch chom'ross!
Mi Chumteav mΓ© Red Cross min dael Chuoy reast Khmer!
Mi Chumteav pdei chea chhkae bam'roeu Yuon!
Mi Chumteav Thom tae kluon = ach nhok!
Mi Chumteav luork Srok oy Yuon Srokei!

Anonymous said...

Yea and all you internet trotters are so powerful with your keyboard pressing power lol. What a bunch of fucking tools. Talk all big on the internet but in real life, probably be a chicken shit in front of all those people that you insult. Be a fucking man, not a fucking online pussy thug.

Anonymous said...

Anyway is still better than ah Hun Sen and his bich who have robbed the Khmer nation. Speaking on behalf of the majority is appropriate voice on this blog. And why the hell you use your fucking keyboard to express you big words, too? What's your purpose? Defeding a dictator, you obsequious clown drinking Bun Rany's pee?

500reil toilet said...

Your bashing internet trotter only shows that the keystrokes of one has caught the attention of a millions.

The "cause" for the people start with one voice. The "effect" a nation is the the result of a million.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the "Digital World"!

Anonymous said...

Your talk stinks like toilet, get lost!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Do you guys have no life? I mean don't you have life in a real world to spend this much time talking bullshit online? It's sad that some people have no life and spend all their time preaching their ideas to nobody on the internet.

Get a fucking life. Go get drunk and get some pussy. That's what I'm doing. Ciao

Anonymous said...

and same to you, Mr. lively 7:48 AM!

Anonymous said...

respon to New Phally
yes, if SRP lobster having title as PM he might get more than that. just to take a look right now MRS, Mu does not need her Dick title to support her court again Bunranny dick; any ways she still get a lot of people who wrote to support her how about your ignorant brain boss how many people do support him?
i see not so many including the foreighner and kon khmer out side.

they donate it because she use her dick title to bagging other country money. to me seem like the bagga in seam reap Angkor temple, these couple PM the donator they view them as those baggar in seam reap,they pitty and sorry about pm that have no brain how to create job for their own people, just bage other people money to get rich for their own familly and not for the poor. they use poor people for their benefit. have you ever shame at all?
just think about it.

Anonymous said...

to 2:38 AM,

of course before you boss get recognize by the out sider, he first also just like SRP, see pol pot support by US and other country too of cause SiHanouk too dude now what happen? your one day will came don't bark to loud.

pluse your death brain boss no body recognize when he run to viet for help and jus only viet, now he get recognize, so SRP will do the same things to recognize.eventhough right now he still recognize by money country than your boss when he first ran to viet. yea we still win

Anonymous said...

New Phally becomes "Old Phally" now!
I mean "Old Shit".
New Phally is Richer San.

Anonymous said...

to 3:23 AM,
why you kiss ass only those poor country like chiness and vietnames they do not have any money to donate for any way for veit they just only taking from us why you scare chiness probably the samething, we have a lot of rich ass to kiss so we could get more money, such as Japaness, US, CAnada mostly all east europe, i don't care about those damp poor county. they bagg of rich country to help them too why you care.

most of all i just talk to areak srok. i do not talk to chinese and i don't care about viet. if you scare of chinese why don't you go and live their country? because ignorant brain like you that why all fucking chinese live in cambodia look down to kon khmer. if we live in their country probably they torture us if we do the samething they live in cambodia.

of couse chinese and viet they speak with th manner becaue they gain the benefit from cambodia and we do not get anything from them. you know what we do not get the fair trade because our ignorant PM Hun sen of cause including Sihanauk too both are ignorant kiss ass only poor, poor can not give you anything beside they take everything from us. you ass hold.

Anonymous said...

to 8:42 AM,

what are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

to 7:48 AM,
yes, i went to fuck pussy already, i do not need any suggest from you.

if you thinks we talk to the intranet or what ever your call it , why the hell you read for, who are you? an animall and gosh read all these common.

if you are read this common you are not better than what you had said dude.

Anonymous said...

Meul mouk Kaheang
Mouk kra-peang peang
Chea mΓ© Red Cross
Mean luy ponman
Promaul york oss
Reas khmer kream kross
Vea mouk Kra-heu......

Anonymous said...

to 1:25 AM
you mean mikki mouth? what ever it is.

Anonymous said...

1:47 AM

to me look like the baggar in seam reap, feel so hungry when the donation give them the money they happy because to day they have some money to buy to feed their children. no brain

Anonymous said...

to 3:44 AM

no because they are ignorant party, can't listen all the kind word, if you respond in kind word they think, they listen in music.

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM, you are so quick, dude. Now, be nice to your wife...

Anonymous said...

8:42AM, You are wrong, dude!
Look at New Phally's English style. Richer San uses US English, while New Phally uses Cambodia one.

Anonymous said...

ឲ្αž™αž„ើαž”αžšួαž…αž‘ើαž™។ដួαž…្αž“េះខ្មែαžšαž‘ាំαž„αž“ោះαž‚ឺធាαž…αž ៅ

Anonymous said...

China ambassador dressed so professional. She was a Senior advisor to POL POT? Was it true?

Anonymous said...

To New Phally

Sam Rainsy and members of Sam Rainsy Party are Member of Parliament, none of them hold any position within the current Cambodian government (Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime government).

New Phally, you are so fucking dumb mother fucker.

You don't have any brain cell at all.

You don't learn at all.

Don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make all Khmer peoples look bad.


AH Hun Sen is not a king.

AH Hun Sen is a murder.

AH Hun Sen is a criminal.

AH Hun Sen kills innocent Khmer peoples.

AH New Phally supported AH Hun Sen kills innocent Khmer peoples.

Anonymous said...

common a jakourt na nis write in khmer ធ្αž“αž€αž―αž„αžŸαžšαžŸេαžšαž“ៅαž€្αž“ុαž„(αž“េះαž…αž„់
ឲ្αž™αž„ើαž”αžšួαž…αž‘ើαž™។ដួαž…្αž“េះខ្មែαžšαž‘ាំαž„αž“ោះαž‚ឺធាαž…αž ៅ
αž“ៅαž€្αž“ុαž„αžŸαž˜័αž™αž“េះ។ my common is if we do not fuck each other how could we could produce a good sense of kids, in your common meaning that your are the follower not the leader, what ever you brain death boss lead you to you just follow it, no wonder why our country almost loss all our land because of brain dead hun sen. and your brain death. do not campare with other stupid country like us. and how maney country are dump like us, very few dump head swollow your dead brain common back. and take a look at the very develope country they argue each other to find the solution how to manage their country better than just follow each other. dump head like you swollow your death brain back.

10:56 AM

Anonymous said...

to new pally, or A joy maray kun,

Now i know you fucking work for in United State a damp slave Donute that is why you such an ignorant like that a dog brain donute slave, did you fucking wife bagging money from welfare to support you too, you dump familly currup united state working in do nut shop without paying tax, let your wife fucking bagging welfare, you are just the same you dump boss, no brain no good position for you to find a better job to do. that is why kiss your death brain boss. if i find out which do nut shop you work for i will call FBI to go there to check out have this store been paying tax? and will watch your store very close. you might sale cigarete to the minner without checking ID because you curruption like you boss.

Anonymous said...

Your languages show you are low class not difference from Hun Sen and his thugs in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

to 3:33 Am,

yes, i am low class because i live in other country not in my own country what do you want to be a donky hight class in other country? once you live in other country, other race hardly see who the hell are we? alway a dump shit.
so why i have to be stuc up thinking that i am a hight class a professional, dump you scar of your donut shop watch out you donut shop. and i do not want a shit possition in cambodia. but i do thankful to united state that give me a place to live a food to eat better than my fucking country. dump ass

Anonymous said...

4;49 am
You live in the US but you stll carry a batpsa character like the gangs inside of Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

The United States is not a perfect country but one of the best. People have freedom and opportunities and can be successful if they have a real commitment to try their best.

Anonymous said...

US is the best country, no one denies it. But a Khmer person who has lived and appreciated the US still carries Batpsa character like Hun thugs that's what I said.

Anonymous said...

to 5:38 AM,
yes, i carry that because i talk to that bustard hunsen. the reason Why::
first that Bustard do not speak Human language
second that Bustard do not understand any words better than their own kind if we do speak to them very nicely they think we think a song to them.
third, Budda Said " ignorant people do not uderstand any except their own kind" this you can wath Preaream movies or kaki movies call god movies.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... how can anyone understand
your kindergaten class 6;44am?

bastard not bustard
sing a song not think a song

and the last two lines I have no idea what the hell you are saying.

Anonymous said...

7:11 am

eh! i am khmer not an Ameican
don't try to correct my English,
at lease you understand it so you are not better than me.
and do not try you are smart than me because you are not

Anonymous said...



smarter than not smart than.

Nop I've never bragged about myself.

Anonymous said...

it's "Nope," not Nop, professor!

Anonymous said...

NOP is: Not Our Publication that was what I meant.

Anonymous said...

oh, you are so clever, that yellow stuff on the back of your pants some kind of crap?

Anonymous said...

Are you insane? That's my Hawaiian pants, and those yellow stuffs you saw are flowers. Look again.
Svelte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

to 7:38 AM,

why you try to defend yourselt svelt, see you not better than me

you just hell broken english just i am.

Anonymous said...

good job english professor,

keep correcting each other english.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck did you just do?
In case you didn't notice, you're doing the exactly same thing as everyone else on this site only with useless input.
Now, get a life and don't forget to pay the pimp.
Dumb fuck!!!!!
Just couldn't resist your stupidity. Lmfao

Anonymous said...

10:30 PM,

eh! do you swear to yourselt? no body is on 7:48am