Friday, June 19, 2009

Actor You Disco shot by unknown assailant in a restaurant

You Disco (R)
You Disco was brought to the Calmette Hospital by his friends (Photo: DAP news)

Friday, June 19, 2009
DAP news
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

You Disco, an actor and presenter, was shot by an unknown assailant while he was eating in a restaurant located inside Le President Hotel, Phsar Depot 2 commune, Tuol Kok disctrict, Phnom Penh. Currently, the actor is sent for medical care the Calmette Hospital.

There’s no source about the true motive of this shooting. According to the restaurant patrons who were present during the incident in the evening of 18 June, You Disco and his friends came to eat and drink in the restaurant until 2AM, however, it was not known if a dispute took place or not, but about the sound 5-6 shots rang, and You Disco was found shot on his foot. His friends sent him for medical care to the Calmette Hospital.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Nokor oat chbab under the leadership of Ah kwak moat sa oy unfinished middle school!

Anonymous said...

This type shit happens all the time in the United States, particularly in the ghetto Long Beach neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

This is what will and would happen to the innocent Cambodians when Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok Scum Rainsy try to westernize our Cambodian people.


Anonymous said...

This is the so-called dara/Stars
male or female
In the past we just saw femal Dara like Pelika, Touch Sun Nich.. Tat Marina ec.. now male Dar..
Please do not care about Dara male nor female they are mostly trouble maker in our society..
Some female Dara want very quick Money they do not work hard like other Cambodian women they just want direct cash from selling their mother's heritage(sex) ..

Anonymous said...

Only Phalla Raanarith who is still Lucky.....
Tat Marina Pelika ... Sun Nich are unlucky..
When will Phalla turn ???
and Soeur Sothera..???

Anonymous said...

1:13 PM
Don't think Mr. Sam Raingsy wanted to westernize our Khmer people. They are maybe more Khmer than some of you.
Remembered from your last comment:
PPU, you hate to hear about "Angkor," You mean Angkor Wat. That was a big mistake. As you know "Angkor Wat" is a very important symbol of all Khmer born.

Anonymous said...

4:36 PM

Should I or shouldn't I laugh, because I don't know if this is a joke?

What's the bottom line? I think I'm missing something here.


Anonymous said...

this happen exclusively in Cambodia where the country has been ruled by the thief Ah Xen who stole all khmer people money for his own family! his billionaire status with 4000 dollars a month told everybody rule no laws it's tarzan or king kong laws!

Anonymous said...

5:24 PM

Hey, fucked head!

Where the fuck did you obtain that figure?

Did Ah Scum Rainsy help you with this?

All of you Ah fucked up.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

A PPU you are Youn slavery the way you express yourself is you are not human being.

Behavior yourself A Kuan Youn or A Hun Sen body, you should know no matter we all Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

5:02 PM
My response related to your comment about the "Secrets of Angkor" from July 14.2009 12:55 AM
"But I hate Angkor becuse I am a Viet.
Signed under PPU

Anonymous said...

6:06 PM

Hey, idiot! I don't give a fuck whether you like it or not, it's not a matter of your fucking choice.

Fuck you!

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Well, Don't blame me for I am of course the son of a slut, adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, and loose woman Viet...I have a mission here and that is to
destroy KI-Media for the benefit and welfare of the CPP new Viet-khmer people under the leadership of Hun Sen, got that?


Anonymous said...

All ah Hun Kwak supporters never learned the lesson. Nonething will last forever, dude. One day change will come to Cambodia and Hun Sen children including Hanoi children watch out and run fast out of Cambodia. We will go after all of low class and rubbers like all of you. Ah Kwak still ah Kwak. he never changed because he is shit and scump of the earth.

Anonymous said...

A PPU come down to Canada we well come you! if you are man come to see me here.

You not Kaun Khmer at all the way you talk, and behavior every body watching you specialy you get that A Kaun Youn.

Anonymous said...

arguing in this chat site is useless.

some of us need to step out and meet fist to fist like real men.


Anonymous said...


You sound terribly ignorant. The Khmer Rouge should have murdered and exterminated the likes of you instead of the productive and intellectuals. It's people with your mentality that allows Cambodia to slide further into a hell hole.

Anonymous said...

1:12pm you are right Phom Penh under ah Hun Xen is a ghetto of the world!

Anonymous said...

This stupid punkass deserve to be shot at! this guy making fun of khmer people living abroad, this guy called khmer ovesea...pouk slave! it would be nice if they shot him right on his fore-head!!

Anonymous said...

Yep! PPU come down and pay us a visit, we all welcome you and your viet-whore stinky mother bitch!

Anonymous said...

Pee Pee Ewww,
Where should I start? To call you a pathetic ignorant is an under statement. You and your father Huynh Sen both shared a common bond..... foul mouth. It's true when they say, like father like son. You're nothing but ah Youn, pretend to be Khmer. Now, go and find your kind of forum and discuss how to embezzle/rob for your next meal.

Ine Khmer Ahmeric

Anonymous said...

Alright guys, can we all get along. Otherwise we cambodian/khmer will get smaller and smaller. Let get along and show our neighbors that we are one strong khmers.

Anonymous said...

These son-of-bitches' stupidity and ignorance still amuse me and my colleagues immensely.

Again, as soon as you still trashing my PM, I will do anything in my power to fucking trash all of you useless cockroaches.

Do you know about cockroaches, particularly in the ghetto neighborhood? No matter how many time we flushed them down the toilet, it's amazing, however, still managed to crawl back up.

Yes, you people are nothing but a bunch of fucking cockroaches. All of you are ALL fucked heads.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Get a brain, morans!


Anonymous said...

That's call PERSERVERANCE.........Beeeyotch!
Your father (loP toP) tried to dissentegrate us, but we kept on multiplying.