Friday, July 24, 2009

Scenes outside the Phnom Penh municipal court on Friday 24 July 2009


Anonymous said...

Be more Brave to be success ! Mrs Mou Sokhou
We are all support your activities!!
Bad behavior will go down in one day!!
Be stronger!
Be stronger!

Anonymous said...

Against the backdrop of a criminal trial on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, throngs of criminal's supporters are gathering in preparation for a funeral cavalcade making their way in cavalcade to the cemetery.


Anonymous said...

Bravo Mrs.Sochua!

Bravo Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

Who Ah Chkout PPU anyway? Is he one those deportees? Well, make yourself at home body that where you belong. It doesn't matter how you bark, Obama won,t bring you back to the State.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំបាទសូមប្រីទ្ធិពរជ័យ ចំពោះអ្នកស្រី មួរ សុខ ហួរ ឲ្យបានរួចផុតពីការជិះជាន់អំពីរបបផ្តាច់ការពួកកម្មុនីស្ត ហ៊ុន សែន នឹងសូមឲ្យតុលាការក្រោមបញ្ជាយួនទទួលបរាជ័យគួរឲ្យអាមាស់ចំពោះមហាជនទូទៅ និងឆាកអន្តរជាតិ។

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for all people loving justice and supporting
Mu sokhua.
All people in the world are focussing to the khmer Government
Hun Sen what they are doing bad, may be they'll receive bad as soon as possible.

From: khmervoraman

Anonymous said...

1 ,,,i'd like to say DOWN TO PPU SON OF THE BITCH,2,,, DOWN TO AH COWARD HSS?????????????????????????
my pray are with you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PPU mother is VIetnamese prostitute,she has no heart no feeling and no conscious as long as money come she doesn't care about the sizes or contagious disease .It doesn't matter Mu did all the hell of right thing PPU only see the dry bone from the blind boss(also the brain)Hun Sen
PPU's mother boy friend

Anonymous said...

thank your for your bravvery, God will be with you, keep doing what you have to do i am support very things you do in srok khmer,i pray for you to win this court and may ah hun kwak out of his power.

Anonymous said...

Look at the picture, the municipal court of Cambodia look like a mony case !! I wonder if these leaders Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin ever felt shame for all they call development? Justice system is an important part of the country dignity and pride. They find a good ground and rebuild a good building to suit this kind of Institution. They have sold the high court for money and had never rebuilt a New one. With a population of 2 millions, they need at least two District Courts with at least 200 court rooms for one District court ranging from room to fit 5 people to 100 people. They must separate small business disputes, big claim disputes, family court,and crminal court with jury. Another high court should be built with good design to lift up National pride and dignity. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

The bitch will ineluctable end up behind bars for her criminal behavior. Prey Sar prison is the place where she can have her behavior modified.


Anonymous said...

Correction and verification:

The bitch will ineluctablly end up behind bars for her criminal behavior. Prey Sar prison is the place where she can have her behavior modified.

Now, get the fuck out of my face, asshole.


Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Assassinate Journalists
Assassinate Political Opponents
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

PPU was born by hobgoblin

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mu Sochua, you're brave but you can never win against the government which owns by Hanoi. I suggest that you need to find your way out of Cambodia now back to USA or you will face jail term by homeless judges who once roamed the street of Hanoi looking for prostitutes.

Anonymous said...

Article 63 has been modified after releasing Kem Sokha and other activists from prison a few years ago. According to this new article, the defamation is no longer a criminal case. But the court sometime uses the old one to imprison government critics. We have seen Dam Sith was one week in Prey Sar, Hang Chakra is being held there, and Moeurng Son got two years imprisoned if he dares to enter Cambodia. But it is acceptable for people like PPU, because they only want to see the opposition figures being jailed.

Anonymous said...

the day will come and Mi Sompoeung Doss Koy will definitely enjoy my long john!

Anonymous said...

I hope disgrace Mu Sochua honours her word and going to jail with smile on her face if on 04 August 2009, the Court found her guilty of the charge.

Anonymous said...

and i hope to honor you with my long john in your mouth!

Anonymous said...

12:56 PM,
In Cambodia everyone including you is guilty except Hun Sen.

Hun Sen killed Hok Lundy and then he blamed the weather. A bomb placed under Hok Lundy seat and the plane belongs to his son.

He killed Hok Lundy after he saw CIA and Hok Lundy became closed and closed. Hun Sen was nervous when Hok Lundy was invited to the US. I didn't say it I read some American posts some Blogs.

Anonymous said...

I meant closer and closer (1:31PM)

Anonymous said...

You are so dumb , defamation is not a criminal case. A criminal case is when Hun Sen ordered his bodyguard to kill peacefull demonstrators ... that's what you call a criminal case.

Anonymous said...

PPU and all,
Dafamation is not a crime. But it can be a crime if Hun Sen or Mu Sochua make accusation of one another to the police (Under criminal code).

The laws can only protect the person's reputation against defamation, but the laws cannot protect everyone including King or leaders from a personal insult. It only protects the reputation but not protect the feelings of the person.

Since the laws in Cambodia can only apply to the poor people and the Hun Sen's opponents, Hun Sen is the law and court.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Bun Heang the cartoonist,
Please you draw Mrs.Mu Picture status in fron of Chan Chhaya river bank with black cloth cover on her head and one hand Mrs. Mu carry the scale ,this is the symbol of justice,it doesn't matter and what happen to her may be she gonna be NEANG DEAP VANNARA the heroine in the LON NOL TIME ,you know what I meant? And Mrs Mu will be that symbol for khmer people dare stand up in front of dictator Hun Sen.
Californian resident

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ms Mu SocHua
Do not seek justice from men (human) for in their heart there is no justice. But seek justice from God. Your God. If your gods are money, fame, pride, approvals from men, honour, praise, your gods cannot give you justice or anything else for you or to save you except to bring you down even further. But if your God is God the Creator of heaven and Earth, God of Love, God of justice, merciful God, forgiving God, God Almighty, God the Savior, God that sent his only Son to come to save us, He will save you and He will lift you up from the trial and persecution, if you go to him and humbly ask Him.
Plead for His help and Justice, And He will prevail over men injustice.For He will be with you and guide you and protect you.
To the judges, the prosecutors, to the persecutors... your heart is troubled, your way is wicked, you toil, you judge to please men but not for justice. You fear men but not God. Your deeds will not go unpunished. In due time you will be judged and punished and pay back the price of your injustice. Look at Duch. your due time is near, very near, and the price you will pay back will be hundred folds. Your family will continue to pay for you also.No one will escape.
If you cannot judge to give justice to your fellow people, you should at least know how to judge for yourself and for your own justice.

Anonymous said...

7:09 PM !
Your comment makes no sense to this case . I have no idea what you are tryong to show off .

Anonymous said...

It looks like cambodian judges become skillful in defamation cases, particularly to the very own citizens.

Nothing said by the team whether cambodia is defamed by twisting accusation by Thai government.

When our kingdom's justice collapsed, poor cambodians are so hurtful.

Neang SA