Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen border security [- Will it prevent illegal Vietnamese immigration into Cambodia?]

VOV News (Hanoi)

A delegation from the south-western steering committee led by its deputy head Son Song Son has paid a week-long visit to Cambodia.

During its stay from August 11-18, the delegation worked with the Cambodian Council of Ministers and the General Department of Public Security to discuss security along the borderline between the two countries.

The two sides agreed that the planting of border markers between the two countries should be completed in early 2012 as scheduled to build the borderline into one of peace, security and friendship and create favourable conditions for cross-border trade activities. Cambodia was committed to closely working with Vietnam to control and deal with reactionary forces.

While meeting with Khmer people and bonzes in Phnom Penh, the Vietnamese delegation said that Vietnamese Party and State always attach much importance to ethnic minority people, including Khmer people. They also visited Kompong Chhnang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Battambang, and Kompong Speu provinces.


Anonymous said...

Son Song Son is uneducation person, talking good when he was drunk. He a mong of brain was by Youn comminist too.

Soon he will be a person like Hok Landy. You hurting yourown people, and you should remember it come around like cirle.

Kaun Khmer in Blood

Anonymous said...

I heard that even Son Song Son acted like he worked for Youn government, going around to propagate the Youn's brainwash strategies and tactics, but Son Song Son did do some good works for Khmer Krom.

When he was in the US and Cambodia, he secretly told some of Khmer Krom people that he would never betray his own people. He know how his people are oppressed by the Vietnamese government. But, if we were in his shoes, we would do the same.

He said the reason he keeps drinking because he is so stress and cannot control himself because the Vietnamese government keeps pushing to do what he doesn't want to do to oppress his own people.

Hopefully, there will be more Khmer Krom who are working for the Vietnamese government will have a patriotic heart like Son Song Son.

Even they work for the Youn, but they can secretly tell what the YOUN is trying to use their tactics to oppress Khmer Krom, so people around the world can know.

Anonymous said...

Don't trust xon xong xon. Also, he is a spy to destroy Khmer country.

Anonymous said...

You are right, Son Song Son not only spy and try to destroy khmer country, but the day it come Youn's will be eliminate hime like other.

Anonymous said...

How shame Cambodian Leader let the drunk uneducated person became their deligation. He could even wrinting Youn's or Khmer language properly.

How long Youn's can keep a person like him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, at this time, YOUN uses Son Song Son as their puppet to oppress Khmer Krom in Kampuchea Krom and now, they even sent him over to Cambodia and oversea to propagate the YOUN's policies.

Since Son Song Song is drunk all the time, so when he drunk he usually expresses his heart which is a real Khmer Krom's heart because he is 100% Khmer Krom. Thus, he usually tells all the secrets about what Vietnam tell him to do when he is drunk and he actually become a real Khmer Krom man. That is what I heard when he was in America.

After his Khmer Krom wife was dead, the YOUN government gave his a new Vietnamese wife so he can work like a dog for Vietnam. But, a dog will bite his boss if the dog one day knows that his boss is going to eat him one day...... He will run to seek for political asylum soon...

Anonymous said...

Fucken Army, Viet-SS is all over in cambodia! they were here since 1979 invasions, most of them not going back to veitnam, alot of them working as Moto-repair, Machine shop, auto-reapir etc...

Cambodia must created Khmer-SS to tracking down these people!!

Anonymous said...

correction = Viet amry and viet-ss

Anonymous said...

VN immigrants will keep flowing usless H S is willing to stop. But he is not because he is a VN stooge and recently he said Viets in Khmer motherland are nothing new. He seemed to justify that Viets in Khmer land are the fruit of the previous leaders, but there are a lot more new VN immigrants without passports during HIS REIGN today. VN is everywhere in Khmer land. KhOpen